Apique modules replace tons of API cotrollers code which makes trivial actions including searching and CRUD, and provides front-end with thought-out errors and explanations.
Sunspot is a library providing a powerful, all-ruby API for the Solr search engine. Sunspot manages the configuration of persistent Ruby classes for search and indexing and exposes Solr's most powerful features through a collection of DSLs. Complex search operations can be performed without hand-writing any boolean queries or building Solr parameters by hand.
Cleans all logs in AWS that contain a search term in the log group name. Also searches for api gateway instances that contain the search term and finds their corresponding logs.
Can search by using an api key. Search methods: SearchCompanies, SearchPersons, SearchOnePerson. GetPersonInformationPackage
Sogou Search API ruby client
Ruby wrapper that consume Bistip.com REST API, for searching trips and searching wanted post specified by some parameter
== ICU4R - ICU Unicode bindings for Ruby ICU4R is an attempt to provide better Unicode support for Ruby, where it lacks for a long time. Current code is mostly rewritten string.c from Ruby 1.8.3. ICU4R is Ruby C-extension binding for ICU library[1] and provides following classes and functionality: * UString: - String-like class with internal UTF16 storage; - UCA rules for UString comparisons (<=>, casecmp); - encoding(codepage) conversion; \ - Unicode normalization; - transliteration, also rule-based; Bunch of locale-sensitive functions: - upcase/downcase; - string collation; \ - string search; - iterators over text line/word/char/sentence breaks; \ - message formatting (number/currency/string/time); - date and number parsing. * URegexp - unicode regular expressions. * UResourceBundle - access to resource bundles, including ICU locale data. * UCalendar - date manipulation and timezone info. * UConverter - codepage conversions API * UCollator - locale-sensitive string comparison == Install and usage > ruby extconf.rb > make && make check > make install Now, in your scripts just require 'icu4r'. To create RDoc, run > sh tools/doc.sh == Requirements To build and use ICU4R you will need GCC and ICU v3.4 libraries[2]. == Differences from Ruby String and Regexp classes === UString vs String 1. UString substring/index methods use UTF16 codeunit indexes, not code points. 2. UString supports most methods from String class. Missing methods are: capitalize, capitalize!, swapcase, swapcase! %, center, ljust, rjust chomp, chomp!, chop, chop! \ count, delete, delete!, squeeze, squeeze!, tr, tr!, tr_s, tr_s! crypt, intern, sum, unpack dump, each_byte, each_line hex, oct, to_i, to_sym reverse, reverse! succ, succ!, next, next!, upto 3. Instead of String#% method, UString#format is provided. See FORMATTING for short reference. 4. UStrings can be created via String.to_u(encoding='utf8') or global u(str,[encoding='utf8']) calls. Note that +encoding+ parameter must be value of String class. 5. There's difference between character grapheme, codepoint and codeunit. See UNICODE reports for gory details, but in short: locale dependent notion of character can be presented using more than one codepoint - base letter and combining (accents) (also possible more than one!), and each codepoint can require more than one codeunit to store (for UTF8 codeunit size is 8bit, though \ some codepoints require up to 4bytes). So, UString has normalization and locale dependent break iterators. 6. Currently UString doesn't include Enumerable module. 7. UString index/[] methods which accept URegexp, throw exception if Regexp passed. 8. UString#<=>, UString#casecmp use UCA rules. === URegexp UString uses ICU regexp library. Pattern syntax is described in [./docs/UNICODE_REGEXPS] and ICU docs. There are some differences between processing in Ruby Regexp and URegexp: 1. When UString#sub, UString#gsub are called with block, special vars ($~, $&, $1, ...) aren't set, as their values are processed through deep ruby core code. Instead, block receives UMatch object, which is essentially immutable array of matching groups: "test".u.gsub(ure("(e)(.)")) do |match| \ puts match[0] # => 'es' <--> $& puts match[1] # => 'e' \ <--> $1 puts match[2] # => 's' <--> $2 end 2. In URegexp search pattern backreferences are in form \n (\1, \2, ...), in replacement string - in form $1, $2, ... NOTE: URegexp considers char to be a digit NOT ONLY ASCII (0x0030-0x0039), but any Unicode char, which has property Decimal digit number (Nd), e.g.: a = [?$, 0x1D7D9].pack("U*").u * 2 puts a.inspect_names <U000024>DOLLAR SIGN <U01D7D9>MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK DIGIT ONE <U000024>DOLLAR SIGN <U01D7D9>MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK DIGIT ONE puts "abracadabra".u.gsub(/(b)/.U, a) abbracadabbra \ 3. One can create URegexp using global Kernel#ure function, Regexp#U, Regexp#to_u, or from UString using URegexp.new, e.g: /pattern/.U =~ "string".u 4. There are differences about Regexp and URegexp multiline matching options: t = "text\ntest" # ^,$ handling : URegexp multiline <-> Ruby default t.u =~ ure('^\w+$', URegexp::MULTILINE) => #<UMatch:0xf6f7de04 @ranges=[0..3], @cg=[\u0074\u0065\u0078\u0074]> t =~ /^\w+$/ => 0 # . matches \n : URegexp DOTALL <-> /m t.u =~ ure('.+test', URegexp::DOTALL) \ => #<UMatch:0xf6fa4d88 ... t.u =~ /.+test/m 5. UMatch.range(idx) returns range for capturing group idx. This range is in codeunits. === References 1. ICU Official Homepage http://ibm.com/software/globalization/icu/ 2. ICU downloads \ http://ibm.com/software/globalization/icu/downloads.jsp 3. ICU Home Page http://icu.sf.net 4. Unicode Home Page http://www.unicode.org ==== BUGS, DOCS, TO DO The code is slow and inefficient yet, is still highly experimental, so can have many security and memory leaks, bugs, inconsistent documentation, incomplete test suite. Use it at your own risk. Bug reports and feature requests are welcome :) === Copying This extension module is copyrighted free software by Nikolai Lugovoi. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of MIT License. Nikolai Lugovoi <meadow.nnick@gmail.com>
search gems and gems version with using rubygems.org API
youtube-g is a pure Ruby client for the YouTube GData API. It provides an easy way to access the latest YouTube video search results from your own programs. In comparison with the earlier Youtube search interfaces, this new API and library offers much-improved flexibility around executing complex search queries to obtain well-targeted video search results. More detail on the underlying source Google-provided API is available at: http://code.google.com/apis/youtube/overview.html
Deprecated API client for accessing the Swiftype Enterprise Search API with no dependencies. Use elastic-enterprise-search instead.
Ruby wrapper for the Moodstocks image search API
Ruby interface to Careerjet's public search API
Use this gem to search the Echonest API for Artists and Songs
FileSet provides an API for accessing configuration and data files for your application, including the population of default values, and managing search paths. Written to encourage a cross-platform approach to maintaining configs for an application.
AutoTune is a library that automates the task of adding metadata to music with the help of the iTunes Affiliates Search API.
Search the records by attributes of the same table or associated tables. Search: Ex. User.search({search_params: {name: "Alex", city: "New"}, belongs_to: false, has_many: true}) will return the User active relation with conditioning name=Alex and city=new
Ruby wrapper for Kayak.com's API for searching flights and hotels
A simple gem that provides a client to Google Web Search API ( https://developers.google.com/web-search/docs/ )
Ruby wrapper for loklak.org API - distributed tweet search server
The Tripletex API is a **RESTful API**, which does not implement PATCH, but uses a PUT with optional fields. **Actions** or commands are represented in our RESTful path with a prefixed `:`. Example: `/v2/hours/123/:approve`. **Summaries** or aggregated results are represented in our RESTful path with a prefixed <code>></code>. Example: <code>/v2/hours/>thisWeeksBillables</code>. **"requestID"** is a key found in all validation and error responses. If additional log information is absolutely necessary, our support division can locate the key value. **Download** the [swagger.json](/v2/swagger.json) file [OpenAPI Specification](https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification) to [generate code](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen). This document was generated from the Swagger JSON file. **version:** This is a versioning number found on all DB records. If included, it will prevent your PUT/POST from overriding any updates to the record since your GET. **Date & DateTime** follows the **ISO 8601** standard. Date: `YYYY-MM-DD`. DateTime: `YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ` **Sorting** is done by specifying a comma separated list, where a `-` prefix denotes descending. You can sort by sub object with the following format: `project.name, -date`. **Searching:** is done by entering values in the optional fields for each API call. The values fall into the following categories: range, in, exact and like. **Missing fields or even no response data** can occur because result objects and fields are filtered on authorization. **See [FAQ](https://tripletex.no/execute/docViewer?articleId=906&language=0) for more additional information.** ## Authentication: - **Tokens:** The Tripletex API uses 3 different tokens - **consumerToken**, **employeeToken** and **sessionToken**. - **consumerToken** is a token provided to the consumer by Tripletex after the API 2.0 registration is completed. - **employeeToken** is a token created by an administrator in your Tripletex account via the user settings and the tab "API access". Each employee token must be given a set of entitlements. [Read more here.](https://tripletex.no/execute/docViewer?articleId=853&language=0) - **sessionToken** is the token from `/token/session/:create` which requires a consumerToken and an employeeToken created with the same consumer token, but not an authentication header. See how to create a sessionToken [here](https://tripletex.no/execute/docViewer?articleId=855&language=0). - The session token is used as the password in "Basic Authentication Header" for API calls. - Use blank or `0` as username for accessing the account with regular employee token, or if a company owned employee token accesses <code>/company/>withLoginAccess</code> or <code>/token/session/>whoAmI</code>. - For company owned employee tokens (accounting offices) the ID from <code>/company/>withLoginAccess</code> can be used as username for accessing client accounts. - If you need to create the header yourself use <code>Authorization: Basic <base64encode('0:sessionToken')></code>. ## Tags: - <div class="tag-icon-beta"></div> **[BETA]** This is a beta endpoint and can be subject to change. - <div class="tag-icon-deprecated"></div> **[DEPRECATED]** Deprecated means that we intend to remove/change this feature or capability in a future "major" API release. We therefore discourage all use of this feature/capability. ## Fields: Use the `fields` parameter to specify which fields should be returned. This also supports fields from sub elements. Example values: - `project,activity,hours` returns `{project:..., activity:...., hours:...}`. - just `project` returns `"project" : { "id": 12345, "url": "tripletex.no/v2/projects/12345" }`. - `project(*)` returns `"project" : { "id": 12345 "name":"ProjectName" "number.....startDate": "2013-01-07" }`. - `project(name)` returns `"project" : { "name":"ProjectName" }`. - All elements and some subElements : `*,activity(name),employee(*)`. ## Changes: To get the changes for a resource, `changes` have to be explicitly specified as part of the `fields` parameter, e.g. `*,changes`. There are currently two types of change available: - `CREATE` for when the resource was created - `UPDATE` for when the resource was updated NOTE: For objects created prior to October 24th 2018 the list may be incomplete, but will always contain the CREATE and the last change (if the object has been changed after creation). ## Rate limiting in each response header: Rate limiting is performed on the API calls for an employee for each API consumer. Status regarding the rate limit is returned as headers: - `X-Rate-Limit-Limit` - The number of allowed requests in the current period. - `X-Rate-Limit-Remaining` - The number of remaining requests. - `X-Rate-Limit-Reset` - The number of seconds left in the current period. Once the rate limit is hit, all requests will return HTTP status code `429` for the remainder of the current period. ## Response envelope: ``` { "fullResultSize": ###, "from": ###, // Paging starting from "count": ###, // Paging count "versionDigest": "Hash of full result", "values": [...list of objects...] } { "value": {...single object...} } ``` ## WebHook envelope: ``` { "subscriptionId": ###, "event": "object.verb", // As listed from /v2/event/ "id": ###, // Object id "value": {... single object, null if object.deleted ...} } ``` ## Error/warning envelope: ``` { "status": ###, // HTTP status code "code": #####, // internal status code of event "message": "Basic feedback message in your language", "link": "Link to doc", "developerMessage": "More technical message", "validationMessages": [ // Will be null if Error { "field": "Name of field", "message": "Validation failure information" } ], "requestId": "UUID used in any logs" } ``` ## Status codes / Error codes: - **200 OK** - **201 Created** - From POSTs that create something new. - **204 No Content** - When there is no answer, ex: "/:anAction" or DELETE. - **400 Bad request** - - **4000** Bad Request Exception - **11000** Illegal Filter Exception - **12000** Path Param Exception - **24000** Cryptography Exception - **401 Unauthorized** - When authentication is required and has failed or has not yet been provided - **3000** Authentication Exception - **9000** Security Exception - **403 Forbidden** - When AuthorisationManager says no. - **404 Not Found** - For content/IDs that does not exist. - **6000** Not Found Exception - **409 Conflict** - Such as an edit conflict between multiple simultaneous updates - **7000** Object Exists Exception - **8000** Revision Exception - **10000** Locked Exception - **14000** Duplicate entry - **422 Bad Request** - For Required fields or things like malformed payload. - **15000** Value Validation Exception - **16000** Mapping Exception - **17000** Sorting Exception - **18000** Validation Exception - **21000** Param Exception - **22000** Invalid JSON Exception - **23000** Result Set Too Large Exception - **429 Too Many Requests** - Request rate limit hit - **500 Internal Error** - Unexpected condition was encountered and no more specific message is suitable - **1000** Exception
**Search API** Provides access to the search features of Alfresco Content Services.
Tire is a Ruby client for the ElasticSearch search engine/database. It provides Ruby-like API for fluent communication with the ElasticSearch server and blends with ActiveModel class for convenient usage in Rails applications. It allows to delete and create indices, define mapping for them, supports the bulk API, and presents an easy-to-use DSL for constructing your queries. It has full ActiveRecord/ActiveModel compatibility, allowing you to index your models (incrementally upon saving, or in bulk), searching and paginating the results. Please check the documentation at <http://karmi.github.com/tire/>.
youtube-g is a pure Ruby client for the YouTube GData API. It provides an easy way to access the latest YouTube video search results from your own programs. In comparison with the earlier Youtube search interfaces, this new API and library offers much-improved flexibility around executing complex search queries to obtain well-targeted video search results. More detail on the underlying source Google-provided API is available at: http://code.google.com/apis/youtube/overview.html. This version is the latest from Git HEAD as of 2010-02-02 (c26bf0).
This gem will allow your rails app to interact with TeraPeak's api to access historical Ebay selling prices. It will also allow the developer to call Ebay's API in order to search for the correct products to find historical selling prices on as well as currently available products
A ruby wrapper for the blippex search engine API made bythe people, forthe people
Search book with title, author, isbn or keyword by Google Book API.
Searches remote log files via API
Ysm4r provides a high-level Ruby interface to Yahoo's Search Marketing API.Currently the following API versions are supported:* V1* V2
Spotify metadata API Wrapper.
Search thetvdb.com's database with this api ( requires thetvdb.com registration )
The NetProspex API provides search and lookup for detailed information on people and companies.
Lucene.Net is a source code, class-per-class, API-per-API and algorithmatic port of the Java Lucene search engine to the C# and .NET platform utilizing Microsoft .NET Framework. Lucene.Net sticks to the APIs and classes used in the original Java implementation of Lucene. The API names as well as class names are preserved with the intention of giving Lucene.Net the look and feel of the C# language and the .NET Framework. For example, the method Hits.length() in the Java implementation now reads Hits.Length() in the C# port. In addition to the APIs and classes port to C#, the algorithm of Java Lucene is ported to C# Lucene. This means an index created with Java Lucene is back-and-forth compatible with the C# Lucene; both at reading, writing and updating. In fact a Lucene index can be concurrently searched and updated using Java Lucene and C# Lucene processes.
Pricefinder API provides access to property, sale and listing searches as well as suburb statistics and SSO to the Pricefinder website capabilities.
IssueCentre allows you to record, manage and solve helpdesk issues. Features include intelligent search, advanced ticket and SLA management, email integration, and multi-branding. This gem provides a convenient interface for the API calls to an IssueCentre back-end.
The YouTube API provides an ActionScript 3.0 interface to search videos from YouTube.
The YouTube API provides an ActionScript 3.0 interface to search videos from YouTube.
Grackle is a lightweight library for the Twitter REST and Search API.
Ruby lib for Google's Custom Search Api.
A Ruby wrapper for the Instagram REST and Search APIs
AppStore Search API Helper
Search through groups of people and businesses with this API.
A Ruby wrapper for the NYTimes Article Search API
Search Pipl API, the simple way
A lightweight API wrapper for the Bing Search API
This is minimum size wrapper for Yahoo Shopping Search API.
Allows to search for books within Google Books. This is basically an adapter for the Google Books API for volume searches.
The apple-system-logger library provides an interface for the Apple System Library. You can both write to, and search, your mac's system logs using this library using an API that is very similar to the stdlib Logger interface.
Minimal, simple, DRY DSL for searching Elasticsearch. Takes one shallow hash argument and translates it to an elaborate one passed on to elasticsearch-api. The price: narrower options. The gain: succinctness. For example, a root <tt>:range</tt> is always a boolean filter and always includes the edges: tractor = Client.new opts = { range: { timestamp: ['now-5m', 'now'] } } tractor.search(opts) # => sends the following to Ealsticsearch: { "query": { "bool": { "filter": [ { "range": { "timestamp": { "gte":"now-5m", "lte":"now" } } } ], "must": [], } } }
A lightweight Ruby wrapper that queries VolunteerMatch's Public-Use API for searching information on nonprofit organizations and active volunteering opportunities.
A liquid tag for Jekyll to call out to GitHub Pages Search via GitHub's API