This ruby on rails plugin enables you to utilize the unique geocode caching service, which provides a persistent api that caches your google-map/geocode lookups.
Tire is a Ruby client for the ElasticSearch search engine/database. It provides Ruby-like API for fluent communication with the ElasticSearch server and blends with ActiveModel class for convenient usage in Rails applications. It allows to delete and create indices, define mapping for them, supports the bulk API, and presents an easy-to-use DSL for constructing your queries. It has full ActiveRecord/ActiveModel compatibility, allowing you to index your models (incrementally upon saving, or in bulk), searching and paginating the results. Please check the documentation at <>.
Provides ruby wrappers around the Google Maps API Web Services.
Provides appropriately mapped model resources for the Verse API.
Uses USPS Web Tools and Google Maps APIs to validate and get suggestions for addresses
A simple ruby interface to Urban Mapping's free and premium neighborhood lookup API
Client for API of web based mind mapping app -- MindMeister
Map semantic inputs to expected API params.
Yahoo Maps Flash AS3 API
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
The Tripletex API is a **RESTful API**, which does not implement PATCH, but uses a PUT with optional fields. **Actions** or commands are represented in our RESTful path with a prefixed `:`. Example: `/v2/hours/123/:approve`. **Summaries** or aggregated results are represented in our RESTful path with a prefixed <code>></code>. Example: <code>/v2/hours/>thisWeeksBillables</code>. **"requestID"** is a key found in all validation and error responses. If additional log information is absolutely necessary, our support division can locate the key value. **Download** the [swagger.json](/v2/swagger.json) file [OpenAPI Specification]( to [generate code]( This document was generated from the Swagger JSON file. **version:** This is a versioning number found on all DB records. If included, it will prevent your PUT/POST from overriding any updates to the record since your GET. **Date & DateTime** follows the **ISO 8601** standard. Date: `YYYY-MM-DD`. DateTime: `YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ` **Sorting** is done by specifying a comma separated list, where a `-` prefix denotes descending. You can sort by sub object with the following format: `, -date`. **Searching:** is done by entering values in the optional fields for each API call. The values fall into the following categories: range, in, exact and like. **Missing fields or even no response data** can occur because result objects and fields are filtered on authorization. **See [FAQ]( for more additional information.** ## Authentication: - **Tokens:** The Tripletex API uses 3 different tokens - **consumerToken**, **employeeToken** and **sessionToken**. - **consumerToken** is a token provided to the consumer by Tripletex after the API 2.0 registration is completed. - **employeeToken** is a token created by an administrator in your Tripletex account via the user settings and the tab "API access". Each employee token must be given a set of entitlements. [Read more here.]( - **sessionToken** is the token from `/token/session/:create` which requires a consumerToken and an employeeToken created with the same consumer token, but not an authentication header. See how to create a sessionToken [here]( - The session token is used as the password in "Basic Authentication Header" for API calls. - Use blank or `0` as username for accessing the account with regular employee token, or if a company owned employee token accesses <code>/company/>withLoginAccess</code> or <code>/token/session/>whoAmI</code>. - For company owned employee tokens (accounting offices) the ID from <code>/company/>withLoginAccess</code> can be used as username for accessing client accounts. - If you need to create the header yourself use <code>Authorization: Basic <base64encode('0:sessionToken')></code>. ## Tags: - <div class="tag-icon-beta"></div> **[BETA]** This is a beta endpoint and can be subject to change. - <div class="tag-icon-deprecated"></div> **[DEPRECATED]** Deprecated means that we intend to remove/change this feature or capability in a future "major" API release. We therefore discourage all use of this feature/capability. ## Fields: Use the `fields` parameter to specify which fields should be returned. This also supports fields from sub elements. Example values: - `project,activity,hours` returns `{project:..., activity:...., hours:...}`. - just `project` returns `"project" : { "id": 12345, "url": "" }`. - `project(*)` returns `"project" : { "id": 12345 "name":"ProjectName" "number.....startDate": "2013-01-07" }`. - `project(name)` returns `"project" : { "name":"ProjectName" }`. - All elements and some subElements : `*,activity(name),employee(*)`. ## Changes: To get the changes for a resource, `changes` have to be explicitly specified as part of the `fields` parameter, e.g. `*,changes`. There are currently two types of change available: - `CREATE` for when the resource was created - `UPDATE` for when the resource was updated NOTE: For objects created prior to October 24th 2018 the list may be incomplete, but will always contain the CREATE and the last change (if the object has been changed after creation). ## Rate limiting in each response header: Rate limiting is performed on the API calls for an employee for each API consumer. Status regarding the rate limit is returned as headers: - `X-Rate-Limit-Limit` - The number of allowed requests in the current period. - `X-Rate-Limit-Remaining` - The number of remaining requests. - `X-Rate-Limit-Reset` - The number of seconds left in the current period. Once the rate limit is hit, all requests will return HTTP status code `429` for the remainder of the current period. ## Response envelope: ``` { "fullResultSize": ###, "from": ###, // Paging starting from "count": ###, // Paging count "versionDigest": "Hash of full result", "values": [...list of objects...] } { "value": {...single object...} } ``` ## WebHook envelope: ``` { "subscriptionId": ###, "event": "object.verb", // As listed from /v2/event/ "id": ###, // Object id "value": {... single object, null if object.deleted ...} } ``` ## Error/warning envelope: ``` { "status": ###, // HTTP status code "code": #####, // internal status code of event "message": "Basic feedback message in your language", "link": "Link to doc", "developerMessage": "More technical message", "validationMessages": [ // Will be null if Error { "field": "Name of field", "message": "Validation failure information" } ], "requestId": "UUID used in any logs" } ``` ## Status codes / Error codes: - **200 OK** - **201 Created** - From POSTs that create something new. - **204 No Content** - When there is no answer, ex: "/:anAction" or DELETE. - **400 Bad request** - - **4000** Bad Request Exception - **11000** Illegal Filter Exception - **12000** Path Param Exception - **24000** Cryptography Exception - **401 Unauthorized** - When authentication is required and has failed or has not yet been provided - **3000** Authentication Exception - **9000** Security Exception - **403 Forbidden** - When AuthorisationManager says no. - **404 Not Found** - For content/IDs that does not exist. - **6000** Not Found Exception - **409 Conflict** - Such as an edit conflict between multiple simultaneous updates - **7000** Object Exists Exception - **8000** Revision Exception - **10000** Locked Exception - **14000** Duplicate entry - **422 Bad Request** - For Required fields or things like malformed payload. - **15000** Value Validation Exception - **16000** Mapping Exception - **17000** Sorting Exception - **18000** Validation Exception - **21000** Param Exception - **22000** Invalid JSON Exception - **23000** Result Set Too Large Exception - **429 Too Many Requests** - Request rate limit hit - **500 Internal Error** - Unexpected condition was encountered and no more specific message is suitable - **1000** Exception
A library for geocoding postal codes via the Google Maps Geocoding API with a persisted cache through Tokyo Tyrant
A gem that provides Reverse Geocoding using the Google Maps API
Explore and maps fields from a dataset - I.E. Api response
Gem to use weather api in google maps.
This gem provides a Ruby wrapper around the (v2) API. The API responds with XML. This gem maps that into Ruby objects using Happymapper.
Calls and parses various maps APIs for accurate address validation and geocoding
This gem maps to the BB Payments API
Tire is a Ruby client for the ElasticSearch search engine/database. It provides Ruby-like API for fluent communication with the ElasticSearch server and blends with ActiveModel class for convenient usage in Rails applications. It allows to delete and create indices, define mapping for them, supports the bulk API, and presents an easy-to-use DSL for constructing your queries. It has full ActiveRecord/ActiveModel compatibility, allowing you to index your models (incrementally upon saving, or in bulk), searching and paginating the results. Please check the documentation at <>. It has been modified to use the load_balance_client gem instead of the rest-client to support multiple elasticsearch servers with failover.
Google Maps API for rails
ruby-libvirt is only a mapped api and unrubish. libvirt-ext extents functionality to be more rubish.
Converts addresses to geo coordinates using Google Maps JS Api
Simply gem that helps building maps and markers using 2GIS maps API
Tire is a Ruby client for the Elasticsearch search engine/database. It provides Ruby-like API for fluent communication with the Elasticsearch server and blends with ActiveModel class for convenient usage in Rails applications. It allows to delete and create indices, define mapping for them, supports the bulk API, and presents an easy-to-use DSL for constructing your queries. It has full ActiveRecord/ActiveModel compatibility, allowing you to index your models (incrementally upon saving, or in bulk), searching and paginating the results. Please check the documentation at <>.
Put Google Maps APIs in a spin-dryer and drink their juice: Geocoding, Time Zones, ...and more upcoming!
This gem is designed to provide a modular, complete, open-source, crowd-sourced mapping of the 650+ IANA/OLSON timezones of the world into Rails' 146 'important' timezones. A search for an existing solution showed that this has been an issue since the inception of ActiveSupport::Timezone as far back as 2012. Approaches which have been suggested included such ideas as: Making your own RTree in a spatially aware database and searching on boundaries, just don't use those timezones (yeah, that makes sense), rely on your users to set their own timezone (doesn't help if you do automated onboarding), find a better sourcing API for timezones based on GeoLookup (they almost all use OLSON/IANA). Rather than doing any of those things, it made more sense to simply complete the mapping that ActiveSupport::Timezone started on and then seemingly abandoned.
Uses USPS API to return State Abbrv and City for a Zip code. Then maps the state abbreviation to a full state name. Finally takes the state name and returns a list of counties and their population
A Google Address Autocomplete plugin, made possible by Google Maps API's Geocoding & Google Places Autocomplete, via the jQuery Geocomplete plugin.
Tenet restores HTML elements views to Array of Hash data. It provides a API for mapping to HTML scraping rules and data attributes.
Get Weather and Forecast for the city you want easily
Use the Google Maps API to geocode an address to a latitude and longitude
Nokia Here map REST api.
ANTFARM is a passive network mapping tool capable of parsing data files generated by common network administration tools, network equipment configuration files, etc. Designed for use when assessing critical infrastructure control systems. This library provides an API application developers can use when embedding ANTFARM functionality into an existing application or when creating a new user interface for ANTFARM.
The Tripletex API is a **RESTful API**, which does not implement PATCH, but uses a PUT with optional fields. **Actions** or commands are represented in our RESTful path with a prefixed `:`. Example: `/v2/hours/123/:approve`. **Summaries** or aggregated results are represented in our RESTful path with a prefixed <code>></code>. Example: <code>/v2/hours/>thisWeeksBillables</code>. **"requestID"** is a key found in all validation and error responses. If additional log information is absolutely necessary, our support division can locate the key value. **Download** the [swagger.json](/v2/swagger.json) file [OpenAPI Specification]( to [generate code]( This document was generated from the Swagger JSON file. **version:** This is a versioning number found on all DB records. If included, it will prevent your PUT/POST from overriding any updates to the record since your GET. **Date & DateTime** follows the **ISO 8601** standard. Date: `YYYY-MM-DD`. DateTime: `YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ` **Sorting** is done by specifying a comma separated list, where a `-` prefix denotes descending. You can sort by sub object with the following format: `, -date`. **Searching:** is done by entering values in the optional fields for each API call. The values fall into the following categories: range, in, exact and like. **Missing fields or even no response data** can occur because result objects and fields are filtered on authorization. **See [FAQ]( for more additional information.** ## Authentication: - **Tokens:** The Tripletex API uses 3 different tokens - **consumerToken**, **employeeToken** and **sessionToken**. - **consumerToken** is a token provided to the consumer by Tripletex after the API 2.0 registration is completed. - **employeeToken** is a token created by an administrator in your Tripletex account via the user settings and the tab "API access". Each employee token must be given a set of entitlements. [Read more here.]( - **sessionToken** is the token from `/token/session/:create` which requires a consumerToken and an employeeToken created with the same consumer token, but not an authentication header. See how to create a sessionToken [here]( - The session token is used as the password in "Basic Authentication Header" for API calls. - Use blank or `0` as username for accessing the account with regular employee token, or if a company owned employee token accesses <code>/company/>withLoginAccess</code> or <code>/token/session/>whoAmI</code>. - For company owned employee tokens (accounting offices) the ID from <code>/company/>withLoginAccess</code> can be used as username for accessing client accounts. - If you need to create the header yourself use <code>Authorization: Basic <base64encode('0:sessionToken')></code>. ## Tags: - <div class="tag-icon-beta"></div> **[BETA]** This is a beta endpoint and can be subject to change. - <div class="tag-icon-deprecated"></div> **[DEPRECATED]** Deprecated means that we intend to remove/change this feature or capability in a future "major" API release. We therefore discourage all use of this feature/capability. ## Fields: Use the `fields` parameter to specify which fields should be returned. This also supports fields from sub elements. Example values: - `project,activity,hours` returns `{project:..., activity:...., hours:...}`. - just `project` returns `"project" : { "id": 12345, "url": "" }`. - `project(*)` returns `"project" : { "id": 12345 "name":"ProjectName" "number.....startDate": "2013-01-07" }`. - `project(name)` returns `"project" : { "name":"ProjectName" }`. - All elements and some subElements : `*,activity(name),employee(*)`. ## Changes: To get the changes for a resource, `changes` have to be explicitly specified as part of the `fields` parameter, e.g. `*,changes`. There are currently two types of change available: - `CREATE` for when the resource was created - `UPDATE` for when the resource was updated NOTE: For objects created prior to October 24th 2018 the list may be incomplete, but will always contain the CREATE and the last change (if the object has been changed after creation). ## Rate limiting in each response header: Rate limiting is performed on the API calls for an employee for each API consumer. Status regarding the rate limit is returned as headers: - `X-Rate-Limit-Limit` - The number of allowed requests in the current period. - `X-Rate-Limit-Remaining` - The number of remaining requests. - `X-Rate-Limit-Reset` - The number of seconds left in the current period. Once the rate limit is hit, all requests will return HTTP status code `429` for the remainder of the current period. ## Response envelope: ``` { "fullResultSize": ###, "from": ###, // Paging starting from "count": ###, // Paging count "versionDigest": "Hash of full result", "values": [...list of objects...] } { "value": {...single object...} } ``` ## WebHook envelope: ``` { "subscriptionId": ###, "event": "object.verb", // As listed from /v2/event/ "id": ###, // Object id "value": {... single object, null if object.deleted ...} } ``` ## Error/warning envelope: ``` { "status": ###, // HTTP status code "code": #####, // internal status code of event "message": "Basic feedback message in your language", "link": "Link to doc", "developerMessage": "More technical message", "validationMessages": [ // Will be null if Error { "field": "Name of field", "message": "Validation failure information" } ], "requestId": "UUID used in any logs" } ``` ## Status codes / Error codes: - **200 OK** - **201 Created** - From POSTs that create something new. - **204 No Content** - When there is no answer, ex: "/:anAction" or DELETE. - **400 Bad request** - - **4000** Bad Request Exception - **11000** Illegal Filter Exception - **12000** Path Param Exception - **24000** Cryptography Exception - **401 Unauthorized** - When authentication is required and has failed or has not yet been provided - **3000** Authentication Exception - **9000** Security Exception - **403 Forbidden** - When AuthorisationManager says no. - **404 Not Found** - For content/IDs that does not exist. - **6000** Not Found Exception - **409 Conflict** - Such as an edit conflict between multiple simultaneous updates - **7000** Object Exists Exception - **8000** Revision Exception - **10000** Locked Exception - **14000** Duplicate entry - **422 Bad Request** - For Required fields or things like malformed payload. - **15000** Value Validation Exception - **16000** Mapping Exception - **17000** Sorting Exception - **18000** Validation Exception - **21000** Param Exception - **22000** Invalid JSON Exception - **23000** Result Set Too Large Exception - **429 Too Many Requests** - Request rate limit hit - **500 Internal Error** - Unexpected condition was encountered and no more specific message is suitable - **1000** Exception
A simple ruby language library for the OpenWeatherMap API.
Google Maps API Client, including the Directions API, Distance Matrix API, Geocoding API and Places API. google_maps_service_ruby is a fork of google_maps_service, which is a fork of google-maps-services-python.
When making an api that uses objects that belong to another object, it is possible to create objects that don't belong to any object. What this gem does is it checks to make sure the id and type map to an object before creation and if it does not it will create an error on the record. If an object is imageable, no worries it still works!
A small gem that make current and 5 days forecast requests to Open Weather Map API.
API wrapper for Google static maps. Will also fetch the image for you.
Light library to make requests to Google Maps's Geocoding API.
Lightweight gem to create weighted, directed graphs of streets in a given bounding box. The library builds graphs using Open Street Map data queried through the Overpass API.
A gem with a full mapping of CA Virtex API
Simple geocoding gem that queries Google Maps API for coordinates given an address. Knows about API limits, can sleep to get through too-many-requests-per-second errors, and will let you know when you've reached your daily query limit
["Static Google Maps v2 API"]
A set of [mustache] templates extending [tla-trace-filter] -tool to create a self extracting achieve for API traces generated, when model checking formal models created by [tla-Sbuilder] -tool. Also includes Ruby classes to extract test cases from archive extract. Use case: Formal models, built using [tla-sbuilder], and model checked using [TLA+tools]], can generate /API Traces/, which represent end-to-end scenarios executing across system services in the formal model. An API Trace is composed of steps, with each step giving 1) a (formal) system state before the API call, 2) the API call exercised together with (formal model) value bindings of request parameters, 3) API response returned, and 4) the (formal) system state after the API call. A API Trace can be mapped to /Unit Tests/ on implementation with each Unit Test corresponding a step in the API Trace. After executing each of the individual Unit Tests, the aggregate result can be interpreted as an execution of a "virtual" System Test - considerably easier than managing the execution a System Test as a single unit. The purpose of =tla-trace-arch= GEM is create a self extracting archive, which can be safely distributed to system service developers for extracting API Trace Steps to create unit tests for the service being developed by the developer. Ref: - - - -
Ruby gem for Google Maps Web Service APIs
An ORM (Object Relational Mapper) that maps Foursquare API venues to Ruby objects.
Gem to expand usage of google map static image api with rails
This gem maps to the DialMyCalls API
Ruby on Rails Wrapper for mind mapping website RESTful API.