Will mirror tables / databases between mysql databases and across hosts
A series of packages to help using Vlad to manage "enterprise" environments, includes host OS discovery and test-based per host variable settings, targeting of environments and sub-environments, mysql and xen management tasks. Currently consists of the following: * Vlad the Translator * Vlad the Environmentalist * Vlad the DBA * Vlad the Xen Master == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Management of heterogenious enironments, dynamic discovery and flexible handling of remote host types. * Support of multiple environments and subenvironments, multiple projects withing an environemnt
Provides a class suitable to be used as a model, that includes connection management, variable interpolation, object coercion and helper methods to support using direct MySQL statements for database interaction.
Access mysql without blocking.
Simple incremental id's insert.
Ruby mysql backup script, the script uses mysqldump from the system
Use Mysql AUTO_INCREMENT to support key value cache, which should be combined by an integer and string. It means to reduce the database storage size, and improve query performance. All cache will store in process memory, and will never be expired, until the process dies, so the less kvs you use, the better performance you will get. BTW, 100,000 general strings use 10MB memory. Some relatived articles: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_database Usage ------------------------------------------ ## setup ```ruby create_table :kv_browser_names, :options => 'ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' do |t| t.string :name t.timestamps end class KvBrowserName < ActiveRecord::Base include IdNameCache end ``` or ```ruby create_table :common_tag, :options => 'ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' do |t| t.integer :tagid t.string :tagname end class CommonTag < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = :common_tag self.primary_key = :tagid include IdNameCache; set_key_value :tagid, :tagname # include IdNameCache; set_key_value_without_create :tagid, :tagname # if you dont want create it automately end ``` ### use cases ```text ruby-1.9.3-rc1 :001 > QuizTag[1] QuizTag Load (0.3ms) SELECT `common_tag`.* FROM `common_tag` WHERE `common_tag`.`tagid` = 1 LIMIT 1 => "Android" ruby-1.9.3-rc1 :002 > QuizTag[1] => "Android" ruby-1.9.3-rc1 :003 > QuizTag['Android'] QuizTag Load (0.5ms) SELECT `common_tag`.* FROM `common_tag` WHERE `common_tag`.`tagname` = 'Android' LIMIT 1 => 1 ruby-1.9.3-rc1 :004 > QuizTag['Android'] => 1 ``` == Copyright MIT, David Chen at eoe.cn
Simple mechanism to configure and execute backups of folders and MySQL DBs and store them in local folder or S3 bucket
A mongoid to mysql and vice versa association manager
active_record_uuid is a nice gem that add uuid supports to your activerecord models (MySQL). It allows you to store uuid in various formats: binary (16 bytes), base64 (24 bytes), hexdigest (32 bytes), or string (36 bytes), and query back with uuid string.
port of Test::mysqld (mysqld runner for tests)
Simple backup of your MySql database onto Amazon S3.
script for making lvm backups of mysql
Parser for result of EXPLAIN of MySQL see: https://github.com/ainame/explain_parser
Connects to MySQL through Aqueduct interface
Compatible with mysql, sqlite, and postgres
Adds support for MySQL triggers in ActiveRecord
wrapper classes around low level mysql gem to provide a better interface
MySQL row based replication binlog server based on open replication.
The plugin to define MySQL range partition for ridgepole
Add user defined ordering to ActiveRecord, supports MySQL and PostgreSQL.
fluent plugin mysql prepared statement
Easy to work with mysql from ruby and rails
MysqlSimpleFulltext lets you make simple MySQL fulltext searches a simple way without writing SQL queries in your ActiveRecord.
mysql-pause is a proxy server to pause a query to MySQL.
Allow setting mysql driver flags in database.yml for Rails apps.
Dump table's structure and data between mysql servers and databases.
Migr8.rb is a database schema version management tool. * Easy to install, easy to setup, and easy to start * No configuration file; instead, only two environment variables * Designed carefully to suit Git or Mercurial * Supports SQLite3, PostgreSQL, and MySQL * Written in Ruby (>= 1.8)
Fluentd plugin to concat MySQL slowquerylog.
oversip-mod-mysql provides an easy to use MySQL connector for OverSIP proxy.
Adds foreign key support for MySQL and PostgreSQL in Rails migrations
A script for backing up mysql databases using ZFS
Database Migration Service makes it easier for you to migrate your data to Google Cloud. Database Migration Service helps you lift and shift your MySQL and PostgreSQL workloads into Cloud SQL. Database Migration Service streamlines networking workflow, manages the initial snapshot and ongoing replication, and provides a status of the migration operation.
Dead simple feed persistance... because you shouldn't need a MySQL server just to include a few RSS items on a page
Non VIP based failover service for MySQL and others in the cloud. Nagios monitoring built in. Designed to let you add custom monitoring and failover plugins.
rake db:clone[manual] provides a CLI for selecting a specific source database to copy to a specific destination database. Supports postgreql and mysql.
Simple MySQL wrapper. Used in QA of ONLYOFFICE
Simple tool to backup MySQL databases and filesystem locally or to Amazon S3 (with optional encryption)
Loads mysql db data from the remote server to local postgres db
Load MySQL Remote DB for Mina/Capistrano
Kwatable is a pretty tool to generate SQL and DTO from database table definition. Kwatable reads table definition written in YAML, and generates 'create table' SQL script for MySQL and PostgreSQL, or generates DTO class file for Java and Ruby. You can add your own eRuby template.
Swiftly is a all-in-one tool designed to make project management, WordPress development, MySQL database backups and syncing MySQL databases between multi-environments a breeze.
Enjoy microsecond precision in your MySQL updated_at timestamp
Highlight problematic MySQL explain results.
Enhanced Ruby MySQL driver
Lets you load data from the command-line into data stores like * Elasticsearch * MongoDB * HBase * MySQL * Kafka and others.
mysql partition management ttools
Adds a :uuid column to ActiveRecord MySQL2 Adapter. Store UUIDs as 16 bytes binary column.
MySQL LOAD DATA INFILE support for ActiveRecord
Active Workbench gem generates ActiveRecord Model files from a MySQL Workbench .mwb file. ActiveRecord’s associations will be added to models by analyzing foreign keys in MySQL Workbench EER Model.