AWS Lambda integration plugin for Shrine File Attachment toolkit for Ruby applications. Used for invoking AWS Lambda functions for processing files already stored in some AWS S3 bucket.
For fetching citation list in paper, it is very exhausted process; open pdf file, scroll page harder, copy and paste google scholar. This gem library is specify to parse flat-citation list to strucutured format such as BiBTex to easy to refer to your paper, survey paper and so on.
This plugin simplifies and clarifies the multistage deploy process by reading settings from a simple YAML file that can be updated programatically. Even if the file is only managed by humans, there are still several benefits including centralizing stage/role configuration in one file, discouraging per-stage logic in deference to properly hooked before/after callbacks, and simplified configuration reuse.
A ruby-mp3info wrapper to make it convenient to update the album art and track titles of multiple MP3 files in a batch process.
RVideo allows you to inspect and process video files.
Take a list of JSON file names, and if they exist, load the contents into your process environment.
A gem for processing Localization/Translation .TMX files into frontend and backend friendly formats
Runs `npm run build` after the middleman build command finishes. You can configure your build process via your package.json file, or pass in a custom build process name.
Use this gem to convert Google+ JSON generated by Google Takeout to Markdown. Includes YAML front-matter for use with Jekyll. Includes a gplus2markdown commandline tool you can use to process one or more JSON files in a directory.
ffi-swig-generator is a ruby-ffi wrapper code generator based on SWIG interface files. ffi-swig-generator is able to traverse a XML parse tree file generated by the +swig+ command and to produce a ruby-ffi interface file from it. ffi-swig-generator is shipped with a command line tool (ffi-gen) and a rake task that automates the code generation process. ffi-swig-generator XML capabilities are provided by nokogiri.
This library supports file processing. It processes the specified directory recursively and provides file type and path information.
Trhead process that only executes if no other thread with the same lock file is running
ol_dump_parser parses the Open Library Dump into a simple json file for easy processing
File extensions and media types, grouped by application and type. Useful when you need to process or restrict processing to certain types of files.
ADMesh is a library for processing triangulated solid meshes. Currently, ADMesh only reads the STL file format that is used for rapid prototyping applications, although it can write STL, VRML, OFF, and DXF files. Those are bindings for Ruby. You'll need the ADMesh C library in version 0.98.x.
This program processes detailed schedule information from your school's Ellucian Banner information system to generate Google Calendar events and/or Google Sheets gradebook files for each of your scheduled classes.
Parse and process brevity files, used for music notation. Convert them to other formats.
A plugin for zenweb to process .textile files with RedCloth
Compiles (Processes) HTML files written with the Kit language
Fast processing of FASTA/FASTQ files - a ruby wrapper around seqtk
We need dicom files populated with the right tags to test and use it for DEMOs. Unfortunately the anonymize process delete all the main tags required to test. For this reason this gem is relevant to create a sample collection.
LocoStrings is a powerful and easy-to-use Ruby gem that simplifies the process of managing localization strings for iOS and Android apps. With LocoStrings, you can easily extract, organize, and update your app's localized strings in one place, making it easy to maintain consistency across all of your app's translations. LocoStrings supports multiple file formats, including XLIFF and CSV, and provides a simple and intuitive API for working with your app's strings in code. Whether you're a solo developer or part of a team, LocoStrings makes managing your app's localization a breeze.
RailsJsonSeeder provides an intuitive way to seed Rails applications using JSON formatted seed files. With support for defining model dependencies, this gem makes seeding complex applications a breeze. Perfect for projects that want to keep their seeding process clean and maintainable.
Device Magic users can upload .xlsx files to be referenced within their mobile forms. This project is aimed at automating the same process for Google Sheets to increase the flexibility of resources.
Takes the screenshots from devices which match the specified names and puts them in a new directory for frameit to process. The screenshot files can then be cleaned up after the device images are created.
Provides ruby calls to import, process, and export Gedcomx files
Custom formatter for xcpretty that saves on a JUNIT file that contains all the errors, warnings and test failures, so you can process them easily later.
Gaussian ( is one of the most popular general purpose computational chemistry software packages. The output genearated by it contains a lot of data which should be structured properly before evaluation. The purpose of the Gaussian Parser is to perform routine operations for better and faster log data processing. Currently it's able to parse the output file and process the data for - Distance matrix - Molecular Orbital Coefficients - Harmonic frequencies
The Nodeum API makes it easy to tap into the digital data mesh that runs across your organisation. Make requests to our API endpoints and we’ll give you everything you need to interconnect your business workflows with your storage. All production API requests are made to: http://nodeumhostname/api/ The current production version of the API is v1. **REST** The Nodeum API is a RESTful API. This means that the API is designed to allow you to get, create, update, & delete objects with the HTTP verbs GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, & DELETE. **JSON** The Nodeum API speaks exclusively in JSON. This means that you should always set the Content-Type header to application/json to ensure that your requests are properly accepted and processed by the API. **Authentication** All API calls require user-password authentication. **Cross-Origin Resource Sharing** The Nodeum API supports CORS for communicating from Javascript for these endpoints. You will need to specify an Origin URI when creating your application to allow for CORS to be whitelisted for your domain. **Pagination** Some endpoints such as File Listing return a potentially lengthy array of objects. In order to keep the response sizes manageable the API will take advantage of pagination. Pagination is a mechanism for returning a subset of the results for a request and allowing for subsequent requests to “page” through the rest of the results until the end is reached. Paginated endpoints follow a standard interface that accepts two query parameters, limit and offset, and return a payload that follows a standard form. These parameters names and their behavior are borrowed from SQL LIMIT and OFFSET keywords. **Versioning** The Nodeum API is constantly being worked on to add features, make improvements, and fix bugs. This means that you should expect changes to be introduced and documented. However, there are some changes or additions that are considered backwards-compatible and your applications should be flexible enough to handle them. These include: - Adding new endpoints to the API - Adding new attributes to the response of an existing endpoint - Changing the order of attributes of responses (JSON by definition is an object of unordered key/value pairs) **Filter parameters** When browsing a list of items, multiple filter parameters may be applied. Some operators can be added to the value as a prefix: - `=` value is equal. Default operator, may be omitted - `!=` value is different - `>` greater than - `>=` greater than or equal - `<` lower than - `>=` lower than or equal - `><` included in list, items should be separated by `|` - `!><` not included in list, items should be separated by `|` - `~` pattern matching, may include `%` (any characters) and `_` (one character) - `!~` pattern not matching, may include `%` (any characters) and `_` (one character)
Starts n AVDs based on JSON file config. AVDs are created and configured according to user liking before instrumentation test process (started either via shell command or gradle) and killed/deleted after test process finishes. This fork of fixes now deprecated android specifications.
agenndy is a minimal text-based activity log (or personal agenda). It takes a text file which follows some very basic (but strict) rules and turns it into a CSV file (which includes times, activities and hours spent for each activity) suited for further processing. For the schema of the text-based agenda, check out the examples/ directory.
Rubinius provides built-in performance metrics and also writes diagnostics data to a log. This tool can process logged diagnostics and metric data written to a file to produce various graphs.
A simple local file cache plugin for the dragonfly image processing gem.
Cache results of loading massive input files into ruby data structures by marshaling processed result.
Control application behavior by setting files in filesystem.
Starts multiple AVDs based on JSON file config. AVDs are created and configured according to user liking before instrumentation test process (started either via shell command or gradle) and killed/deleted after test process finishes.
A simple and reliable file-based session manager with eXclusive R/W locking. Session data is updated atomically using mutex and file locks, making it suitable for multi-threaded and multi-process applications.
Law schools accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA) publish in a standardized PDF format reports of employment outcomes for recent graduates. Process these PDF files into memory for further use.
This gem is Paperclip processor which allow specify file processing based on his content type
Fetches torrent file links from RSS feeds based on user-specified rules. The links can be printed to stdout or sent to Transmission for download, or the torrent files can be downloaded to a watchdir for processing by other torrent clients.
Most existing gems that address command execution provide a limited interface or lack notable features. In contast, Exek seeks to provide comprehensive support for all of a program's exec needs with one thoughtfully-designed library. Intended features: - A "Command" class that encapsulates argv, env, and IO options, and process state. - Easy-to-use high level interfaces with sensible defaults for running commands to completion. - Comprehensive support for low-level concerns like piping, PTYs, and file descriptor magic. - Utilities for manipulating `sh` script strings, idiomatically building argument arrays, and generating reusable interaces for common system commands. - Tracing and introspection facilities for logging and latency analysis. - Safety: does not monkeypatch external modules, encourage mixins or use eval. Attempts to guide developers away from unsafe practices like shell scripts and shell injection.
Systems need to process files. Sometimes those files reside remotely. This simple gem allows you to easily fetch and process remote files.
Perilune is a Rails Engine that allows you to define Task classes for procesing files and handles their processing on the background for you.
I/O pipeline construction framework. Allows to construct data processing pipelines in a manner of UNIX shell pipes. Implemented features: string splitting/merging, IO or local file reading/writing, FTP/SFTP file reading/writing, digest computing, Gzip/Zlib (de)compression, Zstd (de)compression, symmetric cipher (de,en)cryption, random data generation.
Fronde helps you to convert Org mode files into websites, giving you full control over the publication process.
highlight-code will help you post-process an XHTML document containing code examples in pre or code tags so that the code is highlighted. The pre and code tags need to follow the class conventions from Alex Gorbatchev's SyntaxHighlighter ( Javascript library. The resulting file can be used for an eBook.
A ffmpeg wrapper for ruby to easy split and processing audio files.
This generator cross-everything entries to Medium. To work, this script requires a MEDIUM_USER_ID environment variable and a MEDIUM_INTEGRATION_TOKEN, MEDIUM_ENTITY. The generator will only pick up posts with the following front matter: `crosseverything_to_medium: true` You can control crosseverything globally by setting `enabled: true` under the `jekyll-crosserything_to_medium` variable in your Jekyll configuration file. Setting it to false will skip the processing loop entirely which can be useful for local preview builds.
Backup data is saved to yaml files. The reverse process load the yaml and restores the records. Works for new and updates not for deletions.
Process and compress Sass files using Sprockets 4 and Embedded Dart Sass.