A simple Ruby gem that makes it easier to work with Facebook's Account Kit
View balance and recent transactions of a Natwest account from the command line.
View information about a GitHub account
Track metrics such as a Twitter account's number of followers, count of tweets, etc
Deploy Development, Ad-Hoc and In-house (Enterprise) iOS applications directly to the devices from your Dropbox account.
The SCAI interface is used when the merchant wishes to keep the acquirer on her/his own website for the whole duration of the transaction (client payment details transits through *both* the merchant site and the saferpay database ) whereas VT implies a redirect to the saferpay site. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * supports both common credit cards and direct debit cards ("Lastschrift") * support for VT style payments is incomplete == SYNOPSIS: Init (info from saferpay test account; they're the same for all test accounts): @pan = "9451123100000004" # Saferpay test PAN @accountid = "99867-94913159" # Saferpay test ACCOUNTID @exp = "1107" # This will change for other test accounts I guess... Might just be three months ahead of Time.now @sfp = Saferpay.new( @accountid, @pan, @exp ) Reserve: <tt>@sfp.reserve(30000, "USD")</tt> Amounts are divided by 100. We're talking cents here, not dollars... Capture last transaction: <tt>@sfp.capture</tt> Capture with a transacaton ID "4hj34hj4hh34h4j3hj4h334": <tt>@sfp.capture("4hj34hj4hh34h4j3hj4h334")</tt> == REQUIREMENTS:
Feidee Utils provides a set of ActiveReocrd-like classes to read Feidee private backups (.kbf files). It also provides a better abstraction to the general format of transaction-account style data.
A ruby library to access the Konto API (https://www.kontoapi.de/), a webservice that performs validity checks and other services regarding german bank accounts.
A command line utility that manages accounts and passwords as individual encypted files
The borutus plugin provides a complete double entry accounting system for use in any Ruby on Rails application. The plugin follows general Double Entry Bookkeeping practices. All calculations are done using BigDecimal in order to prevent floating point rounding errors. The plugin requires a decimal type on your database as well. %
Get the most of Robinhood: accounts, positions, portfolio, buy and sell securities, etc.
Generates an auth token from a google account Trains using the auth token and data uploaded to Google Storage for Developers Checks the training status Predicts outputs when given new input
Allow staff users to pretend to be your customers; to impersonate their account.
Uses the Endicia API to create USPS postage labels. Requires account id, partner id, and passphrase. Exports to a variety of image types.
Lightweight administration on top of lobby-gem
With greedy, you can access and manipulate the reading list for a Google Reader account via the API. Inspired by John Nunemaker's GoogleReader gem.
Validates IBAN and BIC account numbers. Still a work in progress
Command-line tool that automatises photo/video uploads to Flickr. Entering 'flickru <directory>' in your command line, any photos under 'directory' (and subdirs) are uploaded to your Flickr account (interactively entered the first time you start flickru). Photos are identified by case-insensitive extensions: GIF, JPEG, JPG, PNG, and TIFF. Videos are identified by case-insensitive extensions: AVI, MPEG, and MPG. flickru automatically sets the following Flickr metadata: (1) date taken: file last-modification time, unless JPEG/TIFF Exif metadatum 'date_time_original' is found (Flickr understands it natively). (2) privacy policy: private, visible by friends & family, hidden for public searches (3) safety level: safe (4) permissions: friends & family can add comments to the photo and its notes; nobody can add notes and tags to the photo (5) description: for videos longer than 90s (Flickr's longest allowed duration) but shorter than 500MB (Flickr's maximum permisible size), it will contain an annotation about its large duration. (6) title: extracted from the parent directory name (7) geolocation & accuracy: extracted from the parent directory name, unless JPEG/TIFF Exif GPS metadata is found (Flickr understands them natively). Before uploading photos, please, make sure that you have correctly named each photos parent directory according to the name format 'TITLE[@LOCATION[#PRECISION]]', where: (1) TITLE is the desired title for the photos stored in the directory. If no LOCATION is given, flickru tries to extract the location from Wikipedia page TITLE. (2) LOCATION is the location of the photos, specified as: (a) the Wikipedia page name (whitespaces allowed) of the location or (b) its coordinates LATITUDE,LONGITUDE (3) PRECISION is the Flickr geolocation precision. Flickru sets it to one of the following case insentitive literals: 'street', 'city', 'region', 'country', 'world'. Photos are classified into photosets. If the photoset does not exist, flickru creates it. This photoset is named after its grandparent directory. The photoset is arranged by 'date taken' (older first). To see some examples on the directory structure recognised by flickru, please explore the subdirectories under 'var/ts'. GitHub : http://github.com/jesuspv/flickru RubyGems: http://rubygems.org/gems/flickru
local-openid allows users with shell accounts on servers to authenticate with OpenID consumers by editing a YAML file in their home directory instead of authenticating through HTTP/HTTPS.
The DevCreek gem enables programmers to collect and transmit metrics from their Ruby Test::Unit and RSpec test suites to a DevCreek server. Please visit the DevCreek site (http://devcreek.com/index.html) for more info. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: Supported frameworks include Test::Unit and RSpec (> 1.10). == SYNOPSIS: The DevCreek Ruby Gem is library that, when loaded, will automatically listen to and collect metrics from your Test::Unit/RSpec unit tests. All you have to do is load the DevCreek library in your code and give it your DevCreek account info so that it can transmit the metrics to the server. Here is the simplest example of how to load DevCreek: -------- #Load the devcreek gem require 'rubygems' require 'devcreek' #set your account info DevCreek::Core.instance().load_from_yaml("#{ENV['HOME']}/.yoursettingsfile.devcreek.yml") -------- There are two ways to provide DevCreek with your account settings. The first (as shown above) is to point DevCreek to a settings file. The 'enabled' attribute tells devcreek whether or not it should actually transmit the metrics that it collects. The yaml file would like this: -------- user: your_devcreek_username password: your_devcreek_password project: your_devcreek_project enabled: true -------- The other way to provide DevCreek with your settings is via a hash. So, instead of loading a yaml file, you could do this: -------- #Load the devcreek gem require 'rubygems' require 'devcreek' #set your account info DevCreek::Core.instance().load( :user => 'your_devcreek_username', :password => 'your_devcreek_password', :project => 'your_devcreek_project', :enabled => true ) -------- The first method is preferrable because it allows you to keep your account settings outside of your project (and therefore your source control tool). If you only have 1 test file, you can place the code to load devcreek in the test file and your done. However, most projects will have many test files. In this case, you need to make sure that the Ruby interpreter loads devcreek before running the test classes. This can be done via the Ruby '-r' option. For example, assuming your code to load devcreek is in a file called foo.rb, you would run your tests from the command line like this: ruby -r foo.rb test/test_* If you run your tests from a Rakefile, then you need to tell rake to include the -r option when it runs the tests (rake runs it's tests in a separate Ruby process). You can do this pretty easily in your Rakefile, like so; -------- require 'rake/testtask' Rake::TestTask.new('all_tests') do |t| t.ruby_opts = ['-r foo.rb'] t.test_files = ['test/test_*.rb'] end --------
zenprofiler helps answer WHAT is being called the most. spy_on helps answer WHERE those calls are being made. ZenProfiler provides a faster version of the standard library ruby profiler. It is otherwise pretty much the same as before. spy_on provides a clean way to redefine a bottleneck method so you can account for and aggregate all the calls to it. % ruby -Ilib bin/zenprofile misc/factorial.rb 50000 Total time = 3.056884 Total time = 2.390000 total self self total % time seconds seconds calls ms/call ms/call name 50.70 1.64 1.64 50000 0.03 0.05 Integer#downto 19.63 2.27 0.63 200000 0.00 0.00 Fixnum#* 14.19 2.73 0.46 50000 0.01 0.05 Factorial#factorial 9.93 3.05 0.32 1 320.36 3047.10 Range#each 5.54 3.23 0.18 2 89.40 178.79 ZenProfiler#start_hook Once you know that Integer#downto takes 50% of the entire run, you can use spy_on to find it. (See misc/factorial.rb for the actual code): % SPY=1 ruby -Ilib misc/factorial.rb 50000 Spying on Integer#downto Integer.downto 50000: total 50000: ./misc/factorial.rb:6:in `factorial' via ./misc/factorial.rb:6:in `factorial'
csshx wrapper that interacts with your AWS account for group ssh sessions. You can even pass in multiple security groups to access all hosts within those groups.
This interface helps you to create applications for Admitad affiliate network. You can build up applications to analyze your own statistics and accounting records or to put them up for sale in the Admitad App Store.
A parser for norma43 files, a standard from the spanish banking industry for account movements)
I made this gem because the current Google Maps API for time zones is not completely precise when it comes to US time zones. There are certain esoteric time zone boundaries in the US for which the Google Maps time zone API does not account perfectly.
Account Scopper: Automatically scope your ActiveRecord's model by account. Ideal for multi-account applications.
A simple tool to check if an account(email address and username) has been compromised in a data breach
MySpaceID lets your users log on using their MySpace account info, after which their MySpaceID data becomes available; that is, your web servers will be able to communicate with our web servers and request user data. This SDK project contains examples of the base API code necessary to make signed requests against the MySpaceID REST API. To use the MySpaceID API, you first need to register on the MySpace Developer Site, create an app, and obtain a consumer key and secret. Information about these procedures, and about MySpaceID in general, is available at the MySpaceID Developer Wiki: http://wiki.developer.myspace.com/index.php?title=Category:MySpaceID The MySpaceID Ruby SDK enables you to work with MySpace data using the OpenStack (OpenID, OAuth etc) and the MySpace REST APIs via easy-to-use high level interfaces. The best way to implement your own application is to take an existing sample and customize it. Working Examples in this SDK: * OAuth - make signed requests * OpenID + OAuth Hybrid - delegated login, and making signed requests Documentation * Ruby SDK Documentation Summary: samples/rails/README * Ruby SDK - API Documentation: http://myspaceid-ruby-sdk.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/doc/index.html
A simple system to consolidate and analyze process accounting records
IBAN: International Bank Account Number
Clearance-based Rails engine for Software as a Service (Saas) that provides account and project management.
textmagic is a Ruby interface to the TextMagic's Bulk SMS Gateway. It can be used to easily integrate SMS features into your application. It supports sending messages, receiving replies and more. You need to have a valid TextMagic account to use this gem. You can get one at http://www.textmagic.com.
A Command-Line tool for exploring your flickr account
SubdomainFu is a Rails plugin to provide all of the basic functionality necessary to handle multiple subdomain applications (such as Basecamp-esque subdomain accounts and more).
The DTK Node Agent runs on your nodes that you wish to manage using your DTK Server. It comes pre-installed on all nodes created/managed by hosted DTK Server accounts.
Userswitch is a Rails plugin for switching between commonly used roles and users. It's particularly useful for development and staging environments when you often need to switch between various accounts. It saves you from the hassle of logging in or out.
Account service
This library is a wrapper for the Konto API (https://www.kontoapi.de/). It provides a validation method for models that checks if a given account number and bank code represent a valid combination.
Mail Accounts from Yaml config for mutt
Configures an Amazon AWS account for use with the CloudHealth service, including creating a least privilege read only AWS user and enabling the retrieval of cost and usage information.
DownloadTV is a tool that allows the user to find magnet links for tv show episodes. It accepts shows as arguments, from a file or it can integrate with your MyEpisodes account.
Register, Push to and get information about devices on your account.
This gem parses the Coded statement of account (CODA) bank standard
Are you in the technology industry? The you have probably lost a job during your career. This script helps you scrape the most common job sites for your search criteria, and save the lists on you local computer. You can then use other tools to display updates, send out resumes or search your LinkedIn account to see who you may know at that company. Please feel free to contribute make. All suggestions are welcome. Hopefully this will help you find the career you are looking for.
Ruby Oauth and OpenID library that abstracts away all the complexities of connecting to multiple accounts.
Household account book, written in Rails
A rake task to download locale files from mygengo account
Let Integrity post notifications to your Notifiy.io account after each build
A very simple wrapper for the PostCodeAnywhere Bank Account Validation API.
== DESCRIPTION: The RightScale AWS gems have been designed to provide a robust, fast, and secure interface to Amazon EC2, EBS, S3, SQS, SDB, and CloudFront. These gems have been used in production by RightScale since late 2006 and are being maintained to track enhancements made by Amazon. The RightScale AWS gems comprise: - RightAws::Ec2 -- interface to Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) and the associated EBS (Elastic Block Store) - RightAws::S3 and RightAws::S3Interface -- interface to Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) - RightAws::Sqs and RightAws::SqsInterface -- interface to first-generation Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service) (API version 2007-05-01) - RightAws::SqsGen2 and RightAws::SqsGen2Interface -- interface to second-generation Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service) (API version 2008-01-01) - RightAws::SdbInterface and RightAws::ActiveSdb -- interface to Amazon SDB (SimpleDB) - RightAws::AcfInterface -- interface to Amazon CloudFront, a content distribution service == FEATURES: - Full programmmatic access to EC2, EBS, S3, SQS, SDB, and CloudFront. - Complete error handling: all operations check for errors and report complete error information by raising an AwsError. - Persistent HTTP connections with robust network-level retry layer using RightHttpConnection). This includes socket timeouts and retries. - Robust HTTP-level retry layer. Certain (user-adjustable) HTTP errors returned by Amazon's services are classified as temporary errors. These errors are automaticallly retried using exponentially increasing intervals. The number of retries is user-configurable. - Fast REXML-based parsing of responses (as fast as a pure Ruby solution allows). - Uses libxml (if available) for faster response parsing. - Support for large S3 list operations. Buckets and key subfolders containing many (> 1000) keys are listed in entirety. Operations based on list (like bucket clear) work on arbitrary numbers of keys. - Support for streaming GETs from S3, and streaming PUTs to S3 if the data source is a file. - Support for single-threaded usage, multithreaded usage, as well as usage with multiple AWS accounts. - Support for both first- and second-generation SQS (API versions 2007-05-01 and 2008-01-01). These versions of SQS are not compatible. - Support for signature versions 0 and 1 on SQS, SDB, and EC2. - Interoperability with any cloud running Eucalyptus (http://eucalyptus.cs.ucsb.edu) - Test suite (requires AWS account to do "live" testing).