Let oauth support file upload
This gem depends on the paperclip gem and Rails 3.1. A separate file can be uploaded for each language.
Take your existing podcast feed and upload it to Youtube. The script will automatically generate video .mkv files from your audio files with the episode image as a still image. As far as possible metadata from the podcast feed will be added to the Youtube video. All uploaded videos are private by default, so you can review them before publishing.
== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * No known issues at this time. == SYNOPSIS: * Using BayUploader is very simple. The easiest way is just to type: bayuploader your_file.jpg This will upload the with no tags. The removal code will be set to a default value. * To tag a file you are uploading just add the -t or --tags option and a comma separated list of tags: bayuploader your_file.jpg -t yourtag,yourothertag * Finally to specify a removal code use the -c or --code option: bayuploader your_file.jpg -t yourfirsttag,yoursecondtag -c your_removal_code
jQuery File Upload by Sebastian Tschan integrated for Rails 3.1+ Asset Pipeline
Command line interface for the file sending site dbinbox.com. Allows command line uploading of files, directories, and messages from ARGV to specified dbinbox users.
Includes an AngularJS Directive for uploading files as an asset in the Rails Asset Pipeline
An FTP Service is like a web service except stupid. You send your request by uploading an xml file and get your response by downloading another xml file.
Enables the creation of scenarios that involve creating a rails project, starting and stoppping of servers, generating projects, editing files, issuing http requests, running of commands, etc. Output is captured as a single HTML file that can be viewed locally or uploaded. Additionally, there is support for verification, in the form of defining assertions based on selections (typically CSS) against the generated HTML.
http://www.engineyard.com/blog/2010/extending-rails-3-with-railties/ http://www.igvita.com/2010/08/04/rails-3-internals-railtie-creating-plugins/ h1. Morning Glory Morning Glory is comprised of a rake task and helper methods that manages the deployment of static assets into an Amazon CloudFront CDN's S3 Bucket, improving the performance of static assets on your Rails web applications. _NOTE: You will require an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account in order to use this gem. Specially: S3 for storing the files you wish to distribute, and CloudFront for CDN distribution of those files._ This version of Morning Glory works with Rails 3.x and Ruby 1.9.x h2. What does it do? Morning Glory provides an easy way to deploy Ruby on Rails application assets to the Amazon CloudFront CDN. It solves a number of common issues with S3/CloudFront. For instance, CloudFront won't automatically expire old assets stored on edge nodes when you redeploy new assets (the Cloudfront expiry time is 24 hours minimum). To fix this Morning Glory will automatically namespace asset releases for you, then update all references to those renamed assets within your stylesheets ensuring there are no broken asset links. It also provides a helper method to rewrite all standard Rails asset helper generated URLs to your CloudFront CDN distributions, as well as handling switching between HTTP and HTTPS. Morning Glory was also built with SASS (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets) in mind. If you use Sass for your stylesheets they will automatically be built before deployment to the CDN. See http://sass-lang.com/ for more information on Sass.s h2. What it doesn't do Morning Glory cannot configure your CloudFront distributions for you automatically. You will manually have to login to your AWS Management Console account, "https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudfront/home":https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudfront/home, and set up a distribution pointing to an S3 Bucket. h2. Installation <pre> gem 'morning_glory' </pre> h2. Usage Morning Glory provides it's functionality via rake tasks. You'll need to specify the target rails environment configuration you want to deploy for by using the @RAILS_ENV={env}@ parameter (for example, @RAILS_ENV=production@). <pre> rake morning_glory:cloudfront:deploy RAILS_ENV={YOUR_TARGET_ENVIRONMENT} </pre> h2. Configuration h3. The Morning Glory configuration file, @config/morning_glory.yml@ You can specify a configuration section for every rails environment (production, staging, testing, development). This section can have the following properties defined: <pre> --- production: enabled: true # Is MorningGlory enabled for this environment? bucket: cdn.production.foo.com # The bucket to deploy your assets into s3_logging_enabled: true # Log the deployment to S3 revision: "20100317134627" # The revision prefix. This timestamp automatically generateed on deployment delete_prev_rev: true # Delete the previous asset release (save on S3 storage space) </pre> h3. The Amazon S3 authentication keys configuration file, @config/s3.yml@ This file provides the access credentials for your Amazon AWS S3 account. You can configure keys for all your environments (production, staging, testing, development). <pre> --- production: access_key_id: YOUR_ACCESS_KEY secret_access_key: YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY </pre> Note: If you are deploying your system to Heroku, you can configure your Amazon AWS S3 information with the environment variables S3_KEY and S3_SECRET instead of using a configuration file. h3. Set up an asset_host For each environment that you'd like to utilise the CloudFront CDN for you'll need to define the asset_host within the @config/environments/{ENVIRONMENT}.rb@ configuration file. As of June 2010 AWS supports HTTPS requests on the CloudFront CDN, so you no longer have to worry about switching servers. (Yay!) h4. Example config/environments/production.rb @asset_host@ snippet: Here we're targeting a CNAME domain with HTTP support. <pre> ActionController::Base.asset_host = Proc.new { |source, request| if request.ssl? "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}" else "#{request.protocol}assets.example.com" end } </pre> h3. Why do we have to use a revision-number/namespace/timestamp? Once an asset has been deployed to the Amazon Cloudfront edge servers it cannot be modified - the version exists until it expires (minimum of 24 hours). To get around this we need to prefix the asset path with a revision of some sort - in MorningGlory's case we use a timestamp. That way you can deploy many times during a 24 hour period and always have your latest revision available on your web site. h2. Dependencies h3. AWS S3 Required for uploading the assets to the Amazon Web Services S3 buckets. See "http://amazon.rubyforge.org/":http://amazon.rubyforge.org/ for more documentation on installation. h2. About the name Perhaps not what you'd expect; a "Morning Glory":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morning_Glory_cloud is a rare cloud formation observed by glider pilots in Australia (see my side project, "YourFlightLog.com for flight-logging software for paraglider and hang-glider pilots":http://www.yourflightlog.com, from which the Morning Glory plugin was originally extracted). Copyright (c) 2010 "@AdamBurmister":http://twitter.com/adamburmister/, released under the MIT license
Simple mountable server that handles file uploads
Lockr is a password manager that features a local web interface (no cloud, all on your local machine) as well as command line function to manage your passwords. Passwords are stored AES-encrypted in a file on your own system and can (if you want) be uploaded to your own 'cloud' via ssh.
Surely watches your screenshots directory and upload new files to your imgur account.
use 'progress_upload_field' in your view, next your file_field
This gem allows you: 1) perform multiple POST requests to create multiple files. 2) relate those files with a model using identifiers instead the files themselves
Rack middleware for handling large file uploads. Integrates nicely with the Nginx upload module: http://www.grid.net.ru/nginx/upload.en.html
"A Rails gallery engine. Includes creating multiple galleries and photos. Multi uploading and cropping. Can extend gallery and photo model or controller. Configurable through yml configuration file."
Rails 3 gem that allows you to upload files directly to S3 from your application using flex for file management, css for presentation, and javascript for behavior. Published by larsklevan since original is not published.
Upload files to your ruby web application using the FilePicker.io client-side JS libraries, picking files from not only the local file system, but also online services such as Facebook, Dropbox, Gmail, Flickr, and many more.
Upload files to Rackspace Cloud or Amazon S3 by URL or file with automatic image resizing.
This is a backport of i18n-one_sky-ruby to support gettext. i18n is not included in Rails before Rails 2.2. This gem handles the downloading and uploading translation files (.po) to Onesky server by calling Onesky API.
Rails engine for allowing approvable resource updates that support file uploads
The Emory gem listens to file modifications and runs an action against it (for example, upload to a remote location)
This gem provides a simple way to upload files from Rails application to fotki.yandex.ru service.
A gem that uploads dSYM files to fabric. OS-independent and can be used on linux
Simple wrapper around standard Net::HTTP library with multipart/form-data file upload ability
File uploads for the Godmin admin engine for Rails 4+
jQuery file upload by Blueimp for Rails
UPYUN API SDK for Paperclip Storage Plugin. Use Upyun SDK to upload file.
A simple cli client to upload file in a github repository.
Bulk upload data in a file (e.g. CSV), process in the background, then send a success or failure report
This gem provides several capistrano tasks for config files uploading and symlinking during deploy
jquery.form requires that :js and :json file upload forms have their responses wrapped in textarea tags. This gem builds on the jaxy_file_uploads by adamlogic to add that support to Rails 3.
Ruby on Rails gem to upload activestorage files in background
Ruby library to upload files to s3 and alert users in hipchat with a link
Uploads files to SMEStorage with theri API.
After an action, like scan for instance, you're able to generate a report file. This fastlane plugin gives you a way to upload and share your report using Slack.
Upload files to omploader.
A simple way to direct upload big files to Amazon S3 storage from Ruby applications and process it with cloud encoding service.
A RubyGem to print log files and/or upload them to a Gist
rails_kindeditor will helps your rails app integrate with kindeditor, including images and files uploading.
rails_kindeditor will helps your rails app integrate with kindeditor, including images and files uploading.
[Rails] Adds 'responds_to_parent' to your controller torespond to the parent document of your page.Make Ajaxy file uploads by posting the form to a hiddeniframe, and respond with RJS to the parent window.
Upload a batch of files to S3.
Photostat is a collection of command-line utilities for managing photos / syncronizing with Flickr - first version doesnt do much, it just helps me organize my files and upload them to Flickr
Create a LSV+ file which can be uploaded to your bank.
Amazon uses a policy document protocol to allow i.e. regular forms to upload files to your S3 buckets. The policy document can be a bit of a hassle to manage and encode into the nescessary signature - this gem aims to make it easier. Currently only supports ruby 1.9.
Accessing your ImageVenue account via a Ruby-Library. With support for listing, creating, deleting directories and listing, uploading and deleting files. Generates BB-Code or HTML-Code four you, too.
Extend ActionDispatch::HTTP::UploadedFile to detect file type from magic byte
Copy strategy for Capistrano3. It creates and local zip file, uploads and unpacks it in the server.