A library to upload file to netprint
simple-image-uploader creates Image scaffold with file upload and removal. It is based on carrierwave and mini-imagegick gems. Image model, controller and form are have simple code that allows any application to use image upload immediately. Add simple-image-uploader gem to your Gemfile. Run bundle install. Then run 'rails g simple_image_uploader'. Run rails s and check http://localhost:3000/images.
Enable paperclip file upload on Non-Rails rack application such as Sinatra
A online file manager for rails project£¬support file/folder actions such as browse, create, rename, remove, copy, move, zip download, upload, unzip, view
Capistrano recipe to upload, download and symlink shared files.
A simple gem to add accessors on rails models for file upload of pictures/assets (which will be persisted on remote media's disk on object save). Refer documentation for more help. Latest happening: Now with Base64 encoded image support.
This gem is simple Paperclip processor which uses swftools to convert uploaded pdf files to swf
Plugin to upload files via SFTP
file upload to mongodb
Easy to use integration of drag&drop files upload via dropzone.js for ActiveAdmin
Tupper is a helper for processing uploaded file via web form.
Twice Baked Media allows you to upload files to your site and manage them in the spud administrative panel. It also uses paperclip and supports s3 storage
Provides a s3cmd executable that allows you to create and list buckets as well as list the keys of a bucket and get and upload files to S3.
Upload files in your Ruby applications, map them to a range of ORMs, store them on different backends.
Converts docker-compose.yml files into images that can be uploaded to any docker image repository.
fastdfs upload file client for ruby
Rails Engine. Adds uploadable assets to a model and admin area for files
d2s3 (direct to s3) is a simple Ruby on Rails helper that generates an upload form that will take a given file and upload it directly to your S3 bucket, bypassing your server
Insert FileUploadCache description.
An Active Admin plugin to use jQuery-File-Upload component
Add file upload functionality to TinyMCE rich text editor using aws direct upload.
A Rails engine which takes care of creating Attachments using the jQuery File Upload plugin.
A BrowserCMS module that allows users to browse, upload and link to files while editing content. Integrates the KCFinder library with CKEditor.
Studio Api makes it easier to use SuSE Studio (http://susestudio.com) via API. Instead of adapting each ActiveResource to its behavior and manually adding multipart file upload it wrapp in in Active Resource like interface. It is possible to define credentials for whole api, or use it per partes, so it allow using it for different studio users together.
Bounces or redirects requests to missing static files. Could be useful when you want to run the server with production database locally and have user uploaded content fetched transparently from production site.
Fork of attachment_fu. It differs in following ways: 1. Can work with merb uploads 2. can create thumbnails on fly 3. goes with Mongrel handler, that autocreate thumbnails on demand 4. works only with file system (and does it better, than attachment_fu) 5. create only one row in table for one image. No separate rows for each thumbnail.
This action processes and uploads your symbol files to Dynatrace
Upload files securely
Generate IPA files with correct Swift and symbol files for uploading to iTunesConnect. Resign IPA files with correct certificate and provisioning profiles for distribution. Upload IPA files to iTunesConnect.
Library to upload files to GitHub Downloads section of a specific repository
User-friendly file-uploading experience over the web
The main purpose of this plugin is to upload an IPA or an APK file to an AirWatch or Workspace ONE enterprise instance/console.
Allows removal of previously uploaded files
This plugin allows you to automatically upload ipa/apk files to Perfecto for manual/automation testing
File upload client and server specifically aimed at transferring already-encrypted backups
Page Attachments adds support for file uploads realized as attachments to individual pages. Attachments can have an order via acts_as_list, a title, a description and various metadata fields as provided by AttachmentFu.
Synqa syncs files from a local directory to a remote directory using an SSH connection. It is designed for uploading a static website. It determines if existing files need to be updated by calculating cryptographic hashes on the remote server.
Command-line tool that automatises photo/video uploads to Flickr. Entering 'flickru <directory>' in your command line, any photos under 'directory' (and subdirs) are uploaded to your Flickr account (interactively entered the first time you start flickru). Photos are identified by case-insensitive extensions: GIF, JPEG, JPG, PNG, and TIFF. Videos are identified by case-insensitive extensions: AVI, MPEG, and MPG. flickru automatically sets the following Flickr metadata: (1) date taken: file last-modification time, unless JPEG/TIFF Exif metadatum 'date_time_original' is found (Flickr understands it natively). (2) privacy policy: private, visible by friends & family, hidden for public searches (3) safety level: safe (4) permissions: friends & family can add comments to the photo and its notes; nobody can add notes and tags to the photo (5) description: for videos longer than 90s (Flickr's longest allowed duration) but shorter than 500MB (Flickr's maximum permisible size), it will contain an annotation about its large duration. (6) title: extracted from the parent directory name (7) geolocation & accuracy: extracted from the parent directory name, unless JPEG/TIFF Exif GPS metadata is found (Flickr understands them natively). Before uploading photos, please, make sure that you have correctly named each photos parent directory according to the name format 'TITLE[@LOCATION[#PRECISION]]', where: (1) TITLE is the desired title for the photos stored in the directory. If no LOCATION is given, flickru tries to extract the location from Wikipedia page TITLE. (2) LOCATION is the location of the photos, specified as: (a) the Wikipedia page name (whitespaces allowed) of the location or (b) its coordinates LATITUDE,LONGITUDE (3) PRECISION is the Flickr geolocation precision. Flickru sets it to one of the following case insentitive literals: 'street', 'city', 'region', 'country', 'world'. Photos are classified into photosets. If the photoset does not exist, flickru creates it. This photoset is named after its grandparent directory. The photoset is arranged by 'date taken' (older first). To see some examples on the directory structure recognised by flickru, please explore the subdirectories under 'var/ts'. GitHub : http://github.com/jesuspv/flickru RubyGems: http://rubygems.org/gems/flickru
S3Share allows simple uploads to Amazon S3 from your command line. Set your access ENV variables (see website) and upload the file: $ s3.rb kezia.png kezia.png uploaded to: http://s3.amazonaws.com/heroin-uploads/kezia.png
Uploads manifest.json file contents to the cloud
Upload IPA/APK/dSYM/Proguard files to Zealot which it provides a self-host Over The Air Server for deployment of Android and iOS apps.
file upload and rmagick image resizing
provides a `has_video_encodings` class method to your models that allows you to configure and set up any Zencoder settings you will need to create multiple output video container formats (mp4, ogg, wmv, etc) from a single uploaded source file. Uses the Zencoder API (zencoder.com) and (as of now) expects you to have an S3 bucket where we can ask zencoder to place the generated files.
This library helps you to upload files to the Amazon S3 Server with AJAX techniques in almost of browser environments such as IE, FF and Chrome.
Upload files in your Ruby applications, map them to a range of ORMs, store them on different backends.
Gracefully handles invalid form submissions, so users don't have to resubmit the file. Supports transforming the file before saving, e.g. scaling an image. Compatible with any storage mechanism, including the local filesystem and the cloud.
Ruby codebase for creating payment batch files for DCAS, uploading them, and receiving response files from DCAS.
Get the file uploading progress.
UploadColumn is a gem/plugin for the Ruby on Rails framework that enables easy uploading of files, especially images.
Download and upload files to AWS S3