Toastr: Simple javascript toast notifications, plugged into the rails asset pipeline.
Toast is a Rack application that hooks into Ruby on Rails. It exposes ActiveRecord models as a web service (REST API). The main difference from doing that with Ruby on Rails itself is it's DSL that covers all aspects of an API in one single configuration.
Add toastr js library and use replace ugly bootstrap flash messages
Simple wrapper around IZITOAST js notification plugin
Gemify toastr assets for rails.
Toastr: Simple javascript toast notifications, plugged into the rails asset pipeline.
A tool for automated testing and debugging of automation scripts (e.g., Chef).
Rails engine for jirikavi/AngularJS-Toaster: "AngularJS Toaster is a customized version of "toastr" non-blocking notification javascript library"
Gembox allows you to create a sandbox for installing and using gems by way of an interactive shell.
Rails migration extender for default values and adding indexes
jQuery Toastmessage Plugin's JavaScript, Stylesheet and images packaged for Rails asset pipeline
Simple toast notifications.
A Ruby gem that uses C bindings to read CSV files superfast. I'm totally serial!
Toast module deployment made easy
Some Rails testing goodies.
clipboard.js and toastr.js to rails Gem
notis is a Mac OSX utility that allows you to display a standard OSX toast message notification at the completion of a long-running command with the option to emit an audio signal.
Toast is a Ruby library for doing pre-defined automated tasks
Toaster warms your Rails cache by spidering a list of URLs and/or Sitemaps
Recipe for French toast from scratch: first, invent universe
A gem for accessing Toast's API
Utilizes toasts for flash messages with customizable css classes in Volt.
A framework for making Jabber bots
Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
🎉 Rails Toastify allows you to add notifications to your app with ease. Pay Attention: this gem still is in development. Please CONTRIBUTE