CSV template handler for Rails. Enables :format => 'csv' in controllers, with templates of the form report.csv.csvbuilder.
Helps to make POST 'redirect', but actually builds [form] with method: :post under the hood
Making iOS Forms insanely great with RubyMotion
Use searchable selects based on Select2 in Active Admin forms and filters.
Ruby Bindings for the GNU LibIDN library, an implementation of the Stringprep, Punycode and IDNA specifications defined by the IETF Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) working group. Included are the most important parts of the Stringprep, Punycode and IDNA APIs like performing Stringprep processings, encoding to and decoding from Punycode strings and converting entire domain names to and from the ACE encoded form.
A simple way to add honeypot captchas to Rails forms
Presenting names of people in full, familiar, abbreviated, and initialized forms (but without titulation etc)
bootstrap_form is a Rails form builder that automatically wraps form elements in Bootstrap 4 markup
Realtime remote form input validations delivered via websockets
Package to simplify including the Adyen payments services into a Ruby on Rails application. The package provides functionality to create payment forms, handling and storing notifications sent by Adyen and consuming the SOAP services provided by Adyen. Moreover, it contains helper methods, mocks and matchers to simpify writing tests/specs for your code.
Use simple_form (>= v2.0) custom inputs to get image previews or a link to uploaded file. Save time and code when you need useful file uploads.
A Rails 3+ Engine providing a basic contact form. I used Formtastic to keep things simple, and to hook into your apps custom Formtastic stylesheets.
Rails plugin that lets you get a possessive form of a string for use on sites
With ActiveAdmin-Select2 you are able to chose Select2 as a drop-down entry option in Forms and Filters
WATIR is "Web Application Testing in Ruby". Watir (pronounced water) is a free, open-source functional testing tool for automating browser-based tests of web applications. It works with applications written in any language. Watir drives the Internet Explorer browser the same way an end user would. It clicks links, fills in forms, presses buttons. Watir also checks results, such as whether expected text appears on the page, or whether a control is enabled. Watir can test web applications written in any language. Watir is a Ruby library that works with Internet Explorer on Windows.
Provides an internal extension API to ActiveRecord, in the form of middleware-style callback stacks
Provides a form helper to insert a country select box using the ISO 3166 country list
POSIX message queues allow local processes to exchange data in the form of messages. This API is distinct from that provided by System V message queues, but provides similar functionality.
Wiselinks makes following links and submitting some forms in your web application smarter and faster
A custom Rails FormBuilder that assumes the use of Twitter Bootstrap
Inline Forms aims to ease the setup of forms that provide inline editing. The field list can be specified in the model.
Forme is a forms library with the following goals: 1) Have no external dependencies 2) Have a simple API 3) Support forms both with and without related objects 4) Allow compiling down to different types of output 5) Integrate easily into web frameworks
Dynamic nested forms using vanilla javascript
Easily add Judge client side validation to your SimpleForm forms.
This library performs diffs of CSV data, or any table-like source. Unlike a standard diff that compares line by line, and is sensitive to the ordering of records, CSV-Diff identifies common lines by key field(s), and then compares the contents of the fields in each line. Data may be supplied in the form of CSV files, or as an array of arrays. The diff process provides a fine level of control over what to diff, and can optionally ignore certain types of changes (e.g. changes in position). CSV-Diff is particularly well suited to data in parent-child format. Parent- child data does not lend itself well to standard text diffs, as small changes in the organisation of the tree at an upper level can lead to big movements in the position of descendant records. By instead matching records by key, CSV-Diff avoids this issue, while still being able to detect changes in sibling order. This gem implements the core diff algorithm, and handles the loading and diffing of CSV files (or Arrays of Arrays). It also supports converting data in XML format into tabular form, so that it can then be processed like any other CSV or table-like source. It returns a CSVDiff object containing the details of differences in object form. This is useful for projects that need diff capability, but want to handle the reporting or actioning of differences themselves. For a pre-built diff reporting capability, see the csv-diff-report gem, which provides a command-line tool for generating diff reports in HTML, Excel, or text formats.
Permit to create unlimited of contact forms for Camaleon CMS
ErpForms provides dynamic form capability to existing and dynamic models. Form Builder coming soon.
The following custom Simple Form inputs are available : boolean, collection_check_boxes, collection_radio_buttons, color, date_time, file, image, numeric, redactor, selectize and slider
Gem that just creates date/time picker in Active Admin forms
A Rails version of jQuery Mask Plugin that make masks on form fields and HTML elements easy
Easily use any Plain Old Ruby Object as the model for Rails form helpers.
Poper makes sure that your git commit messages are well-formed
Textbringer is a member of a demon race that takes on the form of an Emacs-like text editor.
Turbograft is a hard fork of Turbolinks, allowing you to perform partial page refreshes and offering ajax form utilities.
Symbolic math for ruby. This gem can help if you want to get a simplified form of a big equation or to speed up similar calculations or you need an abstraction layer for math. Symbolic does not have any external dependencies. It uses only pure ruby (less than 400 lines of code).
Plugin for nested has_many forms in Administrate
A generator to add a simple_form config setup for tailwindCSS based forms
Interactors are a pattern for structuring your business logic into units. They have a flexible context that they pass between them, which makes them easy-to-write, but hard-to-understand after you've written them. Much of this confusion comes from not knowing what the interactor is supposed to take as input and what it's expected to produce. Enter contracts. Contracts allow you define, up front, a contract both for the input of an interactor, known as expectations, and the output of it, known as promises. Additionally, you can define a handler for what happens when an interactor violates its contracts, known as a breach. Declaring these contracts can help define your interface and make it easier to understand how to use an interactor. They form both documentation and validation for your business logic.
Say goodbye to clunky, confusing alerts and form validation notifications on your website! PHCDevworks offers easy-to-use Rails 7 helper engine and partial views that can help you implement clear, concise, and user-friendly alerts.
A version of Ruby's Struct class that creates classes whose instances are immutable. It works just as Struct, but there are no setters, and you can't use []=. As a bonus feature the constructor of classes inheriting from ImmutableStruct can take named parameters in the form of a hash.
A simple script in gem form for releasing chef managed community cookbooks.
Rails signed form security
git-scribe is a workflow tool for starting, writing, reviewing and publishing multiple forms of a book. it allows you to use asciidoc plain text markup to write, review and translate a work and provides a simple toolkit for generating common digital outputs for publishing - epub, mobi, pdf and html. \ it is also integrated into github functionality, letting you automate the publishing and collaboration process.
A Rails form builder plugin/gem with semantically rich and accessible markup
Send data from a page to a form handler, extendable with addons
Easing the form object pattern in Rails applications.
The format of a DNS Zonefile is defined in RFC 1035 section 5 and RFC 1034 section 3.6.1. To anyone who's using BIND they'll look very familiar. This is an attempt to use Ruby parse them into an object graph which can be investigated programatically, manipulated, validated or printed into some canonical form.
Inquiry handling functionality extracted from Refinery CMS to allow you to have a contact form and manage inquiries in the Refinery backend.
Automatically makes your Rails app loading content in the background via ajax. Works by turning all internal links into ajax links that trigger an update of the page's content area. Also form submissions are automatically turned into ajax requests. Uses the html5 history interface for changing the url and making the browser's back and forward buttons working with ajax. Falls back to a hash based approach for browsers without the history interface (like Internet Explorer <10). Transparently handles redirects and supports flash messages and page titles. Requires Ruby 1.9 and the asset pipeline.
Allows to define form inputs and filters by relation for ActiveAdmin resource pages using Ransacker to dynamicaly load items while user is typing symbols in filter