Rails form helper the generates Bootstrap 2 markup
DependentFields makes it easy to hide or show dependent fields in forms based on select or checkbox values
This gem includes a generator for SimpleForm configuration with Materialize. It also includes custom inputs for materialize.
Despamilator is a plugin based spam detector designed for use on your web forms borne out of two annoyances: Spam being submitted in my web forms and CAPTCHAS being intrusive. Despamilator will apply some commonly used heuristics from the world of anti-spam to help you decide whether your users are human or machine.
Allows easy integraiton of Filestack's File Picker through dynamic button tags and form helpers
FillablePDF is an extremely simple and lightweight utility that bridges iText and Ruby in order to fill out fillable PDF forms or extract field values from previously filled out PDF forms.
formtastic-plus-bootstrap makes a formtastic form to look like a bootstrap form.
Extend any ActiveRecord object to have one or more named addresses. Includes a geographic region-aware custom form input backed by Carmen.
Provides a form helper to make it easy to make drag and drop file upload fields that work with Rails' Active Storage.
Ruby Bindings for the GNU LibIDN library, an implementation of the Stringprep, Punycode and IDNA specifications defined by the IETF Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) working group. Included are the most important parts of the Stringprep, Punycode and IDNA APIs like performing Stringprep processings, encoding to and decoding from Punycode strings and converting entire domain names to and from the ACE encoded form.
Compose, decouple and manage domain logic and data persistence separately. Works particularly great for composing form objects!
Helper library for stuff around HTML forms
Rails client for Mautic API. Provide wrapper for push to mautic form
Treequel is an LDAP toolkit for Ruby. It is intended to allow quick, easy access to LDAP directories in a manner consistent with LDAP's hierarchical, free-form nature. It's inspired by and modeled after [Sequel][sequel], a kick-ass database library. For more information on how to use it, check out the [manual](manual/index_md.html).
Provides a form field validation JavaScript library for your Rails application. Built for use with jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap 3. Source code: https://github.com/nghuuphuoc/bootstrapvalidator
Makes it easy to use SimpleForm::FormBuilder with Ransack without constantly having to supply labels and other pains.
Rack::MethodOverride only checks the X-Http-Method-Override header and the form encoded post body for _method. Rack::MethodOverrideWithParams checks both of those _and_ the query params. So, if you POST xml with a url like http://example.com/?_method=delete the application will see it as a delete request.
Loads page content into AJAX sections with AJAX links, handling the details for you, load content with javascript into designated page containers. Supports multiple and/or nested AJAX sections. Designed to be easy to use, customizable, supports browser history robustly, supports AJAX forms and has many more features. Degrades gracefully when javascript is disabled.
Rails FormBuilder for ViewComponent
Abracadabra: The gem that swaps out text with a fully-compliant Rails form in one click using JQuery and rails.js.
Pluralize is a Liquid filter to make it easy to form correct plurals.
jQuery-UI-formbuilder is a Ruby on Rails FormBuilder DSL powered by jQuery-UI
Aurita::GUI provides an intuitive and flexible API for object-oriented creation of primitive and complex HTML elements, such as tables and forms. It is a core module of the Aurita application framework, but it can be used as stand-alone library in any context (such as rails). As there seems to be a lack of ruby form generators, i decided to release this part of Aurita in a single gem with no dependencies on aurita itself.
presenter, conductor, api, and better form objects for you rails' pleasure
jQuery UI datepicker integration for Formtastic, Simple Form and Active Admin
The Informant tracks what users do wrong in your forms so you can make them better.
Rails plugin that maps model validations to class names on form elements to integrate with Validatious.
A tight DSL to build tables of ActiveRecord or Mongoid models with sorting, pagination, finding/filtering, selecting and batch actions. Tries to do for tables what formtastic and simple_form did for forms.
Rails 3.1 support for the backbone-forms library
Datepicker inputs for SimpleForm.
Garlic.js allows you to automatically persist your forms' text field values locally, until the form is submitted
Bootstrap Forms makes Twitter's Bootstrap on Rails easy to use by creating helpful form builders that minimize markup in your views.
A Rails engine providing ability to generate dynamic form. It's would make such as dynamic fields of model or questionnaire easily.
Bureaucrat is a form handling library for Ruby.
Very simple form objects for simple form and rails
Service Metadata Presenter for the MoJ Forms product
Integrate the jQuery Form Validator plugin into the Rails asset pipeline
Helper that renders globalize_translations fields on a per-locale basis, so you can use them separately in the same form and still saving them all at once in the same request.
Provides support for email forms and generic mailing functionality.
Bootstrap Form helpers
Compass and Sass port of Nathan Smith's Formalize HTML form normalizer.
This gem provides four view helpers for Rails app: vue_form_with, vue_form_for, vue_tag and vue_content_tag.
Simplest way to use simple_form with bootstrap3 and rails.
Based on inheritance
Enable to use the concept of form objects with ActiveModel
Sketchily adds another form input tag to your application designed to allow the user to create or edit svg images through svg-edit.
Easily implement search forms and column ordering based on your models scopes. For Rails 3, compatible with ActiveRecord and Mongoid.
All methods that alter the contents of an array that implements this Gem are first checked to ensure that the added items are of the types allowed. All methods behave exactly as their Array counterparts, including additional forms, block processing, etc. Defining a TypedArray Class: ```ruby class ThingsArray < Array extend TypedArray restrict_types Thing1, Thing2 end things = ThingsArray.new ``` Generating a single TypedArray ```ruby things = TypedArray(Thing1,Thing2).new These classes can be extended, and their accepted-types appended to after their initial definition.
Conductor is the bastard child of a/b testing and personalization. It throws everything you know about creating a web site our the window and lets you just "try stuff" without ever having to worry about not maximing your site's "purpose." Have a new landing page? Just throw it to the conductor. Want to try different price points - conductor. Different form designs? Conductor. Conductor will rotate all alternatives through the mix and eventually settle on the top performing of all, without you having to do anything other than just creating. Think intelligent A/B testing on steriods.