This is the simple REST client for Google Forms API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client libraries that provide access to Google services via their HTTP REST API endpoints. These libraries are generated and updated automatically based on the discovery documents published by the service, and they handle most concerns such as authentication, pagination, retry, timeouts, and logging. You can use this client to access the Google Forms API, but note that some services may provide a separate modern client that is easier to use.
Independent, componentized, highly customizable, expandable javascript, css, font and image assets to simplify initial design of web elements such as buttons, forms, notifications, etc. Alchemy includes a set of Ruby on Rails specific functionality: Forms (with SimpleForm support), Predefined layout elements (header, navigation, footer) and layout structure.
A respond_to style helper for doing different actions based on which request parameters are passed. Specifically, it is helpful if you want to use multiple form buttons on a page, such as "Save", "Save and Continue Editing", and "Cancel". with_action executes different blocks based on what the presence of request parameters.
Unobtrusively detects form submissions made by spambots, and silently drops those submissions.
A Rails form builder that generates Twitter Bootstrap markup and helps keep your code clean
The home for various forms for external providers eg home care prescriptions
[Rails] Adds 'responds_to_parent' to your controller torespond to the parent document of your page.Make Ajaxy file uploads by posting the form to a hiddeniframe, and respond with RJS to the parent window.
Creates well-formed website metadata with strongly typed Ruby.
This library is heavily used by Character project and provides a very easy and convinient way to build and customize forms with javascript. This supposed to be working with Rails on the first place.
Words, with both pure ruby & tokyo-cabinate backends, implements a fast interface to Wordnet over the same easy-to-use API. The FFI backend makes use of Tokyo Cabinet and the FFI interface, rufus-tokyo, to provide cross ruby distribution compatability and blistering speed. The pure ruby interface operates on a special ruby optimised index along with the basic dictionary files provided by WordNet. I have attempted to provide ease of use in the form of a simple yet powerful api and installation is a sintch!
Rails integration for Bootstrap Colorpicker, with simpel_form input.
Generators to add in different forms of user authentication to a rails application.
Vcloud-walker is a command line tool to describe different vCloud entities. This tool is a thin layer around fog api, which exposes summarized vCloud entities in the form of JSON
Provides a complete toolset to help DevOps maintain, deploy, monitor and test multiple platforms using various technologies
Simple contact form manager for Spree
ActiveForm provides a DSL for defining complete XHTML forms with validation.
Client side validation with parsley and simple_form.
Separate your forms and models once and for all!
Turbolinks 5 extension to render form errors after a submit
abyme is the modern way to handle dynamic nested forms in Rails 6+.
Provides client side validations for forms with the library.
Simple, lightweight, Rails-like, form helpers for Sinatra.
Generic Rails 3 form builder
Useful for modelling search or form objects, white-listed query parameters and safe parameter defaults.
Sinatra extension which handles stuff around HTML forms
Form real time validations for free on Rails applications
Allows authenticated or anonymous users to fill out a standard web form to creat GitHub issues.
Adds form screen support to ProMotion.
jquery.payment library for building credit card forms for the Rails Asset Pipeline
LutaML: data models in textual form
Helper support for merb (similar to the Rails form helpers)
This gem provides the assets for the formalize form styling, for easy usage with the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline.
Upload images and files directly to AWS S3 with a custom form input then seamlessly organize and attach them to any ActiveRecord object.
Agency Jekyll Theme is a single-page theme. It features several content sections, a responsive portfolio grid with hover effects, full page portfolio item modals, a responsive timeline, and a contact form.
A tight DSL to build tables of ActiveRecord models with sorting, pagination, finding/filtering, selecting and batch actions. Tries to do for tables what formtastic and simple_form did for forms.
Optical mark recognition of multiple-choice tests and surveys. Low-level ruby library to generate response sheets in PDF form and to automatically score manually filled-out forms.
A Rails form builder plugin/gem with semantically rich and accessible markup
Sauce platforms.
4/12/2016 - NO LONGER MAINTAINED - See Shamirs Secret Sharing is an algorithm in cryptography. It is a form of secret sharing, where a secret is divided into parts, giving each participant its own unique part, where some of the parts or all of them are needed in order to reconstruct the secret. Holders of a share gain no knowledge of the larger secret.
Custom Ruby on Rails form builder that generates GOV.UK elements styled markup for form inputs, including error validation messages.
Official Ruby client library to consume Cognitiveservices Form Recognizer
= Ungulate According to Wikipedia, this can mean "hoofed animal". Camels have hooves. This is a gem for uploading and processing images using an Amazon Web Services stack. It comes with a few goodies: * ungulate_server.rb - simple queue runner that expects a YAML-encoded job description for RMagick * Ungulate::FileUpload - a model for e.g. Rails that does some cryptography stuff - example to follow * A view helper for Rails: "ungulate_upload_form_for" == Installation gem install ungulate == Documentation == Note on Patches/Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull) * Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. == Copyright Copyright (c) 2011 Camel Punch Limited. See LICENSE for details.
Launch a landing page on Heroku in less than 10 minutes with JohnHenry. This gem sets up bootstrap and provides Bootstrapped user management pages with Devise. JohnHenry also includes a payment form that works with Stripe and is ready to go immediately.
Provides acts_as_gov_uk_date to mark Rails model attributes as dates that will be entered as three separate text edit boxes, and a form_builder method gov_uk_date_field to display those fields.
Provides ability to use form object in your ActiveAdmin application
ActiveModel with support for booleans and datetimes in form helpers
ruby_to_c translates a static ruby subset to C. Hopefully it works. NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE THIS IS BETA SOFTWARE! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE ! NOTE RubyToC has the following modules: * Rewriter - massages the sexp into a more consistent form. * TypeChecker - type inferencer for the above sexps. * RubyToRubyC - converts a ruby (subset) sexp to ruby interals C. * RubyToAnsiC - converts a ruby (subset) sexp to ANSI C.
Journeta is a dirt simple peer discovery and message passing library for processes on the same LAN, requiring no advanced networking knowledge to use. Only core Ruby libraries are required, making the library fairly light. As all data is sent across the wire in YAML form, so any arbitrary Ruby object can be sent to peers, written in any language.
HypDiff compares HTML snippets. It generates a diff between two input snippets. The diff is a new HTML snippet that highlights textual changes. The tag structure and formatting of the input snippets is preserved. The generated diff snippet is valid, well-formed HTML and suitable for presentation inside a WYSIWYG environment.
Sugar around ActiveModel::Model