Useful to make forms and validations. It uses MaxMind database.
ActiveModel validation for email. Including MX lookup and disposable email deny list
A Ruby wrapper for the World Wide Web Consortium’s online validation services.
BlueCloth is a Ruby implementation of Markdown, a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML).
Define additional sets of validations beyond the standard "errors" that is tied to the ActiveRecord life-cycle. These additional sets can be defined with all the standard ActiveRecord::Validation macros, and the resulting collection is a standard ActiveRecord::Errors object.
CSV Validator
Ruby tool for truncating HTML strings keeping a valid HTML markup
Validates european vat numbers. Standalone or as a ActiveModel validator.
Helpers for validating JSON API payloads
Adds file validators to ActiveModel
Minimalist validation matcher
ActiveRecord Tableless Models provides a simple mixin for creating models that are not bound to the database. This approach is useful for taking advantage of the features of ActiveRecord such as validation, relationships, etc.
ActiveRecord::JSONValidator makes it easy to validate JSON attributes with a JSON schema.
ActiveValidators is a collection of ActiveModel/ActiveRecord validations
Adds RSpec matchers for validating JSON schemas
A library that can create, read, write, modify BIND compatible Zonefiles (RFC1035). Warning: It probably works for most cases, but it might not be able to read all files even if they are valid for bind.
Includes a couple of core functions such as callbacks, timestamping, typecasting and lots of generic validation routines.
Validatable is a library for adding validations.
Introspects your database string field maximum lengths and automatically defines length validations.
Validate Rails forms on the client side, simply
Rack::Cache is suitable as a quick drop-in component to enable HTTP caching for Rack-based applications that produce freshness (expires, cache-control) and/or validation (last-modified, etag) information.
A tool to parse and validate OpenAPI V3 files. Aims to provide complete compatibility with the OpenAPI specification and to provide a natural, idiomatic way to interact with a openapi.yaml file.
Adds zipcode validation methods to ActiveModel considering different country zipcode formats.
When an ActiveRecord/ActiveModel model won't save because it's invalid, this gem writes the validation error messages to the log.
Configurable framework agnostic plain Ruby email validator. Verify email via Regex, DNS, SMTP and even more.
Validates IBAN account numbers
Client Side Validations for Rails 4
Base62 monkeypatches Integer to add an Integer#base62_encode instance method to encode an integer in the character set of 0-9 + A-Z + a-z. It also monkeypatches String to add String#base62_decode to take the string and turn it back into a valid integer.
Handles application errors and model validations
Library for validating email addresses in Rails 3 models.
Scrivener removes the validation responsibility from models and acts as a filter for whitelisted attributes.
Given packages, versions, and a dependency graph, find a valid assignment of package versions
It can be useful when you you are developing some app where you will work with meetings, events etc.
Ruby library to validate hashes (Hash) against user-defined requirements
With more than one application server, validates_uniqueness_of becomes a lie. Two app servers -> two requests -> two near-simultaneous uniqueness checks -> two processes that commit to the database independently, violating this faux constraint. You'll need a database-level constraint for cases like these. consistency_fail will find your missing unique indexes, so you can add them and stop ignoring the C in ACID.
ActiveStorage blob validator.
Add a validation filter to your controller.
Parse, validate, and extract sub-fields from UK postcodes
HTML Validation lets you validate html locally. Lets you build html validation into your test suite, but break the rules if you must.
ActiveRecord extension. Allows to save record without calling callbacks and validations.
Extension to ActiveRecord::Base for validating hostnames
ActiveRecord provides validations on app level but it won't guarantee the consistent. In some cases, like `validates_uniqueness_of` it executes additional SQL query to the database and that is not very efficient. The main goal of the gem is to provide compatibility between database constraints and ActiveRecord validations with better performance and consistency.
Validate JSONAPI response documents, resource creation/update payloads, and relationship update payloads.
validates provides a set of commonly required validators (such as Email, Url, etc.) for Rails applications
Phone number validation
Classy Hash is a schema validator for Ruby Hashes. You provide a simple schema Hash, and Classy Hash will make sure your data matches, providing helpful error messages if it doesn't.
Common code, such as validators and mixins, that are shared between ActiveModels in metasploit-framework and ActiveRecords in metasploit_data_models.
The Sensu settings library, loader and validator
Rspec matcher for ensuring XML validates against a given XSD
Provides validation and additional data about SPDX licenses and identifiers