Manages the process of loading decorators into your Rails application.
A simple and Rubyish view helper for Rails
Decorators on top of your ORM layer.
Python's function decorators for Ruby
Rails::Decorators provides a clean, familiar API for decorating the behavior of a Rails engine.
Extend Rails Engine's business logic (models, controllers, helpers, etc.) easily from your application or other engine.
Useful when extending functionality with Rails engines.
Decorate ruby CSV library to sanitize output CSV against CSV injection attacks.
Use decent_exposure with decorators (e.g. Draper)
Allows method redefinitions while maintaining *super*
Decorates command line output with ANSI escape sequence.
Ruby method decorators inspired by Python.
A simple DSL to decorate existing methods with state transition guards.
Will check the decoration of your puppet code
Parliamentary Grom decorator
Ultra lightweight decorator for Rails models.
Acts as a proxy to a configurable underlying logging mechanism, permitting the code to be executed in absence of the logger. Provides hooks to permit the "decoration" of log messages. By default, the class and method name of the caller are added to the log message.
Inspired by to not use draper while decorating th
iOS Build Tool CLI - Increment version • Decorate icon • Build app • Run unit tests • Create ipa artefact
A Rails responder to decorate resources.
Support for symbol decorations such as where( => [1,2,3])
Annotation.rb is a very small but pretty good library which introduces Java's annotation or Python's functhon decorator into Ruby.
Implements true and fully transparent decorators in Ruby
Active Representer provides model objects for web applications by decorating objects.
Ties durable_decorator to rails and provides a few helpful utility rake tasks that rely on the Rails ENV being loaded into memory
Convert your API resources into JSON with minimum hassle.
Provides a mixin and decorator to add a `Hash#fetch` like interface to any object. You must define a `[]` subscript method for raw access to the fetchable data.
Decorate objects for presentation. Supports Rails out of the box.
Light pattern Decorator for Rails from Light Ruby
Gem for decorating methods to use with ActiveSupport::Notifications
Ruby decorator to throttle object method calls
Decorate your existing Ruby object with Tacky and all its methods will be cached.
Ruby implementation of Python method decorators / Java annotations
Decorate your controller classes with acts_as_service :model_name, and instantly support JSON/XML CRUD interface. Allow client to specify response contents using query string filter parameters.
Small add-on for Draper that decorates models before rendering.
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
Stationed is an extensive Rails application generator, providing you with a starter app full standard goodies such as testing, authentication, authorization, decorators, tasks and styles. But as an engine it also provides you with customized scaffold generators including proper tests. Finally, it provides some basic view helpers that every project tends to need. All in all, stationed is pretty sweet.
Filtration enables pre/post method callback, similar to Python decorators
Object-Oriented layer of presentation logic to your Sinatra apps.
Enable active_decorator to automatically decorate associated models
Crichton Representors is a library containing serializers and deserializers to and from hypermedia formats. This library does not have the functionality to get and post data over the Internet. Consider Farscape for that. This library also does not automatically decorates objects. Consider Crichton for that.
Decoration Mail Parser
A decorator integration for the GraphQL gem
Rails Decorators reimagines the role of helpers in the view layer of a Rails application, allowing an object-oriented approach rather than procedural.
Adornable provides the ability to cleanly decorate methods in Ruby. You can make and use your own decorators, and you can also use some of the built-in ones that the gem provides. _Decorating_ methods is as simple as slapping a `decorate :some_decorator` above your method definition. _Defining_ decorators can be as simple as defining a method that yields to a block, or as complex as manipulating the decorated method's receiver and arguments, and/or changing the functionality of the decorator based on custom options supplied to it when initially applying the decorator.
Adds some simple methods to your decorators to make it easier to use with the CanCan gem
Tuxedo simple presenter logic under 150 LOC
Decoration in Ruby should be easy
Wallpapering is a simple decorator pattern implementation