YandexFotki storage for CarrierWave gem
This gem provides a simple way to upload image files from Rails application to service.
Getting Started
In Rails, add it to your Gemfile:
gem 'carrierwave-yandexfotki'
Quick Start
Creating uploader
Start off by creating an uploader:
It should look something like this:
class ImageUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
storage CarrierWave::Storage::YandexFotki
yandex_login 'login'
yandex_password 'password'
# Uncomment this if you want use 'net/http' library instead 'curb'.
# Also you need install 'multipart-post' gem for use this option.
#yandex_net_http true
# This required for removing old image from
# on updating image attached to model
before :cache, :remove_old_file_before_cache
def remove_old_file_before_cache(new_file)
remove! unless blank?
Mount uploader
Add a string column to the model you want to mount the uploader on:
add_column :products, :image, :string
Open your model file and mount the uploader:
class Product
mount_before_save_uploader :image, ImageUploader
NOTE! You should use mount_before_save_uploader
instead default mount_uploader
method for YandexFotki storage.
Now you can assign files to the attribute, they will automatically be uploaded when the record is saved.
product =
product.image = params[:file]!
product.image.url # => ''
You can get different versions (sizes) of the same image from (without need to resize images on your server):
product.image.url # original size image url
product.image.url(:xl) # image fitted to 800x800 px square
product.image.url(100) # image fitted to 100x100 px square
All available sizes:
Size | Side of the bounding square, px
:orig or nil | Original size
:xl or 800 | 800
:l or 500 | 500
:m or 300 | 300
:s or 150 | 150
:xs or 100 | 100
:xxs or 75 | 75
:xxxs or 50 | 50
You can find this info on this page:
- Only ActiveRecord ORM supported now.
- Only JPEG, GIF, PNG and BMP images available
- Limited set of image sizes available