= DateTimePicker
A library allows to select date and time, which uses jQuery UI.
== Requirements
You should have +jquery-rails+ gem installed and require +jquery+ and +jquery-ui+ assets (don't forget to require CSS for your jQuery UI).
== Installation
Add this to your Gemfile and run the +bundle+ command
gem 'date_time_picker'
Run generator to create initializer
rails generate date_time_picker
or create file manually and activate date_time_picker inside an initializer:
DateTimePicker.activate :simple_form
You can pass only :simple_form to the activate method.
== I18n
By default plugin includes most using locales and you can require them from your application.js or using the helper, but if you want to add your locales
or/and change one of them, then just put them into your assets dir.
== Usage
To add necessary assets add into your head
<%= date_time_picker_assets %>
Or you can add them manually by requiring +date_time_picker+ and +date_time_picker_locale+
To use the picker inside the form
<%= f.date_time_picker :datetime %>
To use it outside the form
<%= date_time_picker :datetime %>
To specify special options add them into the end
<%= t.date_time_picker :datetime, :id => 'input_id', :class => [:class_1, :class_2], :ampm => true %>
The full list of available options you can find on the {jQuery UI Datepicker docs}[http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Datepicker] and {jQuery UI Timepicker}[http://trentrichardson.com/examples/timepicker/].
By default plugin uses app locale, but if you want to specify it manually you can do this
<%= t.date_time_picker :datetime, :locale => :ru %>
Also available
<%= date_picker :date_only %>
<%= time_picker :time_only %>
== SimpleForm support
To use the picker inside the form
<%= f.input :created_at, as: :ui_date_time %>
Also available
<%= f.input :created_at, as: :ui_date %>
<%= f.input :created_at, as: :ui_time %>