Deryls Testing Framework
DTF is designed to be a modular framework for testing everything from shell scripts, to Ruby, to Rails apps.
DTF is an umbrella which is designed to incorporate multiple sub-gems, each of which provides additional
functionality to DTF. DTF is the master skeleton within which all other dtf-* gems integrate.
Internal architecture
DTF is designed in such a way that, with the master skeleton in place, one has only to load additional plugins
from any available DTF extension gem to add additional functionality. This can be anything ranging from
additional languages such as Ruby, Python, C, C++, etc, to testing methods and methodologies.
Current Status
DTF is 100% Alpha quality right now. For those that don't know what that means, generally this means DTF is
comprised of code with a vastly high potential for buggy code that may or may not even run. Consider DTF
to be experimental until further notice. This README will be updated to reflect when DTF reaches a
'stable' quality.
DTF will gladly, and willingly, review any Pull Requests sent to us, and incorporate them as they fit with
the mission goal of DTF. Please bear in mind that DTF is a rolling Project. This means that the definition
of what DTF is, and how that is implemented is not firmly etched in stone yet, so both of those can, and
most likely will, change as time passes. If you can deal with that, please, by all means, feel free to
**NOTE: DTF was originally released with a soon-to-be 100% different codebase, and gemified. This version
will be gemified as well, _but_ in order to ensure that we can continue to use the 'dtf' name on we have to bump the version number by .1 and go from there. So, that changes our new
numbering scheme a bit. The next release of 'dtf' that will be 100% the _new_ codebase will be 0.2.2. The
last 'dtf' that is the original code base is: dtf-0.2.1 on Thanks for bearing with DTF while
the codebase change is swapped over.
DTF has a branching and tagging topology as follows, and applies to DTF and _all_ sub-module gems:
* master - This branch on the DTF control gem, and _all_ dtf-<blah> sub-module gems is for **development**
* stable - This branch on the DTF gem, and _all_ dtf-<blah> sub-modules, is 'stable' or 'production'
quality. Anything on this branch is to be considered safe and usable for everyday stuff.
* hotfix/>blah> branches are **stable** quality only. These are for running fixes to a particular stable
branch and will usually result in generating a new version tag. For example, if the hotfix was applied
against v2.3.4, then a tag of v2.3.5 would be generated once that hotfix was proven to be tested and
* feature/<blah> branches are **development** quality only. This is for work on individual new features
that _will_ be rolled into DTF or sub-module gems.
* playground/<blah> branches are **alpha** quality only. These are for developers to work out either
feasibilty of way-in-the-future ideas or to try something out that may, or may not, be incorporated into
the DTF or its sub-modules. _These are 100% to9 be considered throw-aways. They could disappear at any
moment, and any user of the DTF framework that relies on these branches is on their own. NO SUPPORT will
be provided of any kind for these branches_ so everyone is clear on that.
* All 'stable' production releases will be tagged. Only those releases will be tagged starting with a v,
and a series like #.#.# where the first '#' starts with 1 going to whatever, in progressive order. This
represents an industry standard versioning format. NOTE: v0.#.# is NOT considered a 'stable' release!
This is normal in the industry for Projects just starting out. When a version is reached that we believe
to be of sufficient quality to be denoted, and tagged, as our first Stable release, it will be marked as
v1.#.# and NOT v0.#.#. The remaining '#' in the example denote our Minor, and Change '#' levels. For
example, #.#.# is Major.Minor.Change_Number_within_Minor. This means the following. Given a 'v2.3.4' tag,
this would denote:
* The 2nd official 'stable' release.
* The 3rd Minor change to the 2.x series
* The 4th applied change within the 3rd Minor series.
Until such time as the first official stable release is made, all v0.#.# tags up to but not including v0.5.0
are of Alpha quality. Tags v0.5.# up to but not including v1.0.0 are to be considered Beta quality. This gives
us plenty of room for Alpha and Beta work before an official 'stable' release within the numbering system.
** This applies to the DTF control gem, and all dtf- sub-module gems! Please bear this in mind! **
We are making this a uniform policy across all levels of DTF to ensure that what you think something is,
really is when it comes to version numbers and what they mean. This will be a strictly enforced policy.
DTF uses Thor for setup and configuration, and has 3 possible sub-tasks under task name 'dtf_setup':
∴ thor list
thor dtf_setup:config [NAME]
thor dtf_setup:install
As you can see, you can copy just the db config files, and/or the migrations, and main schema.
∴ thor help dtf_setup
thor dtf_setup:config [NAME]
thor dtf_setup:help [TASK]
thor dtf_setup:install
To see how to install everything you would run the following command:
∴ thor dtf_setup:help install
thor dtf_setup:install
Installs database migrations, the main schema, and configuration files
To see how to install just the configuration files for accessing the database(s), you would run:
∴ thor dtf_setup:help config
thor dtf_setup:config [NAME]
Copy db configuration file(s)
Once the configuration files and/or database migrations are in place, the remaining setup is handled by 'rake'.
To see all possible commands, you would run 'rake -T', and pick the one(s) you need.
∴ rake -T
rake build
rake db:create
rake db:drop
rake db:fixtures:load
rake db:migrate
rake db:migrate:status
rake db:new_migration
rake db:rollback
rake db:schema:dump
rake db:schema:load
rake db:seed
rake db:setup
rake db:structure:dump
rake db:version
rake install
rake release
Once you have finished configuring your database(s) and applying all migrations, you are now ready to work with
DTF directly. The following is a summary of all current possible commands, and their expected options/parameters:
dtf -v|--version -h|--help [[sub_cmds <options>] -h|--help]
Valid [sub_cmds] are: create_(user|vs), delete_(user|vs)
See 'dtf [sub_cmd] -h' for each sub_cmd's details and options
dtf create_user -h
--user-name, -u <s>: Username for new TF user - REQUIRED
--full-name, -n <s>: Real name for new TF user - REQUIRED
--email-address, -e <s>: Email address for new TF user - REQUIRED
--help, -h: Show this message
dtf delete_user -h
--user-name, -u <s>: Username of TF user to delete - REQUIRED
--delete-all, --no-delete-all, -d: Delete _all_ VSs this user owns (default: true)
--help, -h: Show this message
dtf create_vs -h
--user-name, -u <s>: TF user to associate this VS with - REQUIRED
--name, -n <s>: Name for new VS - REQUIRED
--description, -d <s>: Description of VS's intended use - OPTIONAL (default: )
--help, -h: Show this message
dtf delete_vs -h
--user-name, -u <s>: Username of VS owner - REQUIRED
--id, -i <i>: ID of VS to be deleted - REQUIRED
--help, -h: Show this message
An unlisted command is 'setup_dtf'. This command is for use by sub-gems in the DTF framework.
It copies the thor task from DTF's master gem 'dtf' to the proper directory in the sub-gem, or
a project that makes use of the dtf master gem. It is referenced, but not shown here, for that reason.