= Ecm::Pictures
= Purpose
Create and administrate picture galleries in active admin and display them on
in your ruby on rails applictation. Orangebox is used for lightbox support.
= Features
- Drop in module for active admin.
- Render a gallery with one method call in your views.
- Lightbox support.
- Picture and Gallery sorting.
= Installation
Add it to your gemfile:
gem 'ecm_pictures'
Install your bundle:
bundle install
Generate initializer:
rails generate ecm:pictures:install
Generatre the migrations:
rake ecm_pictures_engine:install:migrations
rake db:migrate
== Optional: Generate locale files
You may want to copy the locales to your app:
rails generate ecm:pictures:locales
= Usage
You can administrate your pictures and picture galleries in active admin.
Once you have a gallery, you can display it like this:
<%= render_picture_gallery 'Holidays 2012' %>
= Todo
- Tests, tests, tests.
- Better docs.
- Render picture helpers.
- Add a published flag to galleries and pictures.
= License
This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.