Breakout is a light framework for routing messages among web browsers and workers using WebSockets.
EM-Breakout uses EM-WebSocket to implement a standalone server process that accepts connections from both browsers and workers.
Whenever a browser sends a message, it will be put on a queue to be read by the next available worker.
A simple API lets workers send messages to browsers, disconnect a browser, and be notified when a browser connects or disconnects.
The breakout gem provides a module to help create workers along with some example workers and JavaScripts.
Getting started
Clone the repository and change to the directory. Use bundler to install the dependencies, and run cucumber. If that is successful, you can change into the examples directory and run the server script (possibly with 'bundle exec').
Your em-breakout server is now ready to accept connections. Visit the breakout page and pick up from there!
Copyright (c) 2011 Steve Masterman. See LICENSE for details.