This is an in-memory fake filesystem for em-ftpd.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'em-ftpd-memory'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install em-ftpd-memory
require 'eventmachine'
require 'em/ftpd/memory'
require 'em/ftpd'
options = {
"filesystem_name" => "boss",
"authentication_realm" => "georgia"
# set up the authentication
auth = Authenticator.getAuthenticatorByRealm(options["authentication_realm"])
# add a test user
auth << User.new(:name => "test", :algo => "otp", :credential => "test1\ntest2\ntest3\ntest4\ntest5")
# add an anonymous user, note: algo defaults to none if there are no credentials are specified
auth << User.new(:name => "anonymous")
# create the filesystem
fs = FileSystem.getFileSystem(options["filesystem_name"])
# add a pub folder
fs.create_dir("/pub", 'root')
# add a file to the pub folder as root
fs.create_file("/pub/helper.rb", "test/helper.rb", 'root')
# chmod 755 /pub
fs.set_permissions("/pub", 'rwxr.xr.x', "root")
# create /uploads as root
fs.create_dir("/uploads", 'root')
# chmod 777 /uploads
fs.set_permissions("/uploads", "rwxrwxrwx", "root")
# create /users as root
fs.create_dir("/users", 'root')
# chmod 755 /users
fs.set_permissions("/users", "rwxr.xr.x", "root")
# create a personal directory for hiro, miyako, and pilar, (and add their test user)
["hiro", "miyako", "pilar"].each do |username|
# create a home directory
fs.create_dir("/users/#{username}", 'root')
# set the permissions so that no one else can access it
fs.set_permissions("/users/#{username}", "rwx......", "root")
# set the owner to the user
fs.set_owner("/users/#{username}", username, 'root')
# add the user to the authentication realm
auth << User.new(:name => username, :algo => "plain", :credential => username, :groups => ["testing"])
# since hiro, miyako, and pilar are all in the "testing" group, I can
# create a shared folder for them, but the "test" user won't be able to access
fs.create_dir("/shared", 'root')
fs.set_permissions("/shared", 'rwxr.xr.x', 'root')
fs.create_dir("/shared/testing", 'root')
fs.set_group("/shared/testing", 'testing', 'root')
fs.set_permissions("/shared/testing", 'rwxrwx...', 'root')
EM.run {
EventMachine::start_server("", 2021, EM::FTPD::Server, EM::FTPD::Memory::Driver, options)
- Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/em-ftpd-memory/fork )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request