== EvoSynth 0.1
Website:: http://evosynth.rubyforge.org/
Project:: http://rubyforge.org/projects/evosynth/
Sourcecode:: http://gitorious.org/evosynth and http://github.com/yadler/EvoSynth
Author:: Yves Adler (http://yadler.wordpress.com/, mailto:yves.adler@googlemail.com)
Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Yves Adler yves.adler@googlemail.com
License:: MIT (see LICENSE)
== Description
EvoSynth (Evolutionary Computation Synthesizer) is a framework for rapid development and prototyping of evolutionary algorithms.
== Features (for details see docs/FEATURES)
classes for individuals, populations, algorithm profiles, genomes
support for custom randomizer
most common evolutionary algorithms:
- hillclimber (single individual and population based)
- standard genetic algorithm, steady state GA
- memetic algorithm
- evolution strategies (adaptive, selfadaptive and derandomized)
- local search (hillclimber, threshold acceptance, simulated annealing, great deluge, record-to-record travel)
- coevolutionary algorithms (round robin and balanced)
selection strategies:
- identity
- random selection
- best selection
- n-stage tournament selection
- tournament selection
- fitness proportional selection
- roulette wheel selection
- identity
- one gene flipping, binary mutation, efficient binary mutation
- exchange mutation, inversion mutation, mixing mutation, shifting mutation
- uniform real mutation, gauss mutation, self-adaptive gaus mutation
- identity
- one-point-crossover, k-point-crossover, uniform crossover
- arithmetic crossover
- ordered recombination, partially mapped crossover, edge recombination
- global uniform crossover, global arithmetic crossover
meta operators: proportional, sequentional and conditional combined operators
== Installation
- gem install evosynth (as root)
- for detailed instructions (build from source, etc.) see INSTALL