= File Uploader
Focus more on your domain not file upload. Let file_uploader do it.
== Installation
gem install file_uploader
== Usage in Rails
Open and edit config/environment.rb and add a line in
Rails::Initializer.run do |config|
config.gem "file_uploader"
In your controller
class UploadController < ApplicationController
def index
if request.post?
uploader = FileUploader.create # File is uploaded to public/upload directory
uploader.save(params[:uploader][:file]) { |path|
render :text => "#{path} is successfully saved."
Upload to a different directory
uploader = FileUploader.create "public/a/b/c/d/e/f" # Directory hierarchy will be created and file will be saved to that location
== More
Uploaded filename is sanitized and will have a random prefix automatically to prevent duplication.
FileUploader.save accept a block with path to the uploaded file.
== Sinatra?