h1. ForgeosCMS
ForgeosCMS is a CMS plugin for ruby on rails applications and a part of the "Forgeos Suite":http://forgeos.com
This branch work with rails 3.1.0.rc5 and is distributed as a gem on "Rubygems.org":https://rubygems.org/gems/forgeos_cms
VERSION : 1.9.4
h2. Install
Generate a new Rails Application
$ rails new my_site -d mysql
$ cd my_site
$ rake rails:template LOCATION=https://raw.github.com/webpulser/forgeos_cms/rails3/forgeos_cms_install.rb
$ rails s
Then go to localhost:3000/admin and Enjoy !
h1. Default settings
h2. Admin
h2. Pages
Powered by "Webpulser":http://www.webpulser.com