= gen-tj -- generate taskjuggler plans from FATE
This generates Taskjuggler (www.taskjugger.org) plans from (carefully
designed) FATE entries combined with Bugzilla assignments.
== Usage
Check the samples/ directory for more information.
== Install
Install it with
gem install gen-tj
== Commands
=== gen-buglist -- generate taskjuggler plans from Bugzilla
gen-buglist runs a named query and converts the resulting bug list
into tasks
gen-buglist name-of-query > buglist.tji
=== gen-resources -- generate TJ resources (incl. vacations)
gen-resources takes a "resource.yml" file and checks (via
present.suse.de) the vacations.
gen-resources > resources.tji
=== gen-tj -- generate TJ task list from FATE assignments
gen-tj generates a TaskJuggler task list (.tji file) from
FATE assignments prioritized by a FATE relation tree
gen-tj relationtree-name tji-file
== Makefile
Combining the three tasks (resources, buglist, tasklist) can easily be
done with a Makefile as provided in the samples directory.
== Changelog
- v0.0.1 Initial release
- v0.0.2 Add priority to bug tasks