= TweetStream
TweetStream provides simple Ruby access to Twitter's Streaming API
== Installation
The TweetStream gem is available on GitHub and Gemcutter. To get the
latest gem from GitHub:
gem sources -a http://gems.github.com/
gem install intridea-tweetstream
To install from Gemcutter:
gem sources -a http://gemcutter.org/
gem install tweetstream
== Usage
Using TweetStream is quite simple:
require 'rubygems'
require 'tweetstream'
# This will pull a sample of all tweets based on
# your Twitter account's Streaming API role.
TweetStream::Client.new('username','password').sample do |status|
# The status object is a special Hash with
# method access to its keys.
puts "#{status.text}"
You can also use it to track keywords or follow a given set of
user ids:
Use 'track' to track a list of single-word keywords
TweetStream::Client.new('username','password').track('term1', 'term2') do |status|
puts "#{status.text}"
Use 'follow' to follow a group of user ids (integers, not screen names)
TweetStream::Client.new('username','password').follow(14252, 53235) do |status|
puts "#{status.text}"
The methods available to TweetStream::Client will be kept in parity
with the methods available on the Streaming API wiki page.
== Handling Deletes and Rate Limitations
Sometimes the Streaming API will send messages other than statuses.
Specifically, it does so when a status is deleted or rate limitations
have caused some tweets not to appear in the stream. To handle these,
you can use the on_delete and on_limit methods. Example:
@client = TweetStream::Client.new('user','pass')
@client.on_delete do |status_id, user_id|
@client.on_limit do |skip_count|
# do something
The on_delete and on_limit methods can also be chained, like so:
TweetStream::Client.new('user','pass').on_delete{ |status_id, user_id|
}.on_limit { |skip_count|
# do something
}.track('intridea') do |status|
# do something with the status like normal
You can also provide :delete and/or :limit
options when you make your method call:
:delete => Proc.new{ |status_id, user_id| # do something },
:limit => Proc.new{ |skip_count| # do something }
) do |status
# do something with the status like normal
Twitter recommends honoring deletions as quickly as possible, and
you would likely be wise to integrate this functionality into your
== Daemonizing
It is also possible to create a daemonized script quite easily
using the TweetStream library:
The third argument is an optional process name
TweetStream::Client.new('username','password', 'tracker').track('term1', 'term2') do |status|
# do something in the background
If you put the above into a script and run the script with ruby scriptname.rb, you will see a list of daemonization commands such
as start, stop, and run.
== Note on Patches/Pull Requests
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
== Contributors
- Michael Bleigh (initial gem)
== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2009 Intridea, Inc. (http://www.intridea.com/). See LICENSE for details.