= WeatherMan
A Ruby Gem that wraps the Weather Channel, inc. XML data feed
written by Jared Pace, Codeword: Studios (http://codewordstudios.com),
based on the rweather[http://github.com/ckozus/rweather] gem by Carlos Kozuszko - http://www.ckozus.com.ar/blog/.
== Dependencies
- XmlSimple
gem install xml-simple
== Installation
% sudo gem sources -a http://gems.github.com # (if you haven't already)
% sudo gem install jdpace-weatherman
== Usage
Find or load a location:
require 'weather_man'
WeatherMan.partner_id = '0123456789'
WeatherMan.license_key = '0123456789abcdef'
# Search for a location
# Returns an array of WeatherMan objects
locations = WeatherMan.search('New York')
# or if you know the location id or just want to use a US Zip code
ny = WeatherMan.new('USNY0996')
Fetch the weather:
# Fetch the current conditions and 5 day forecast in 'standard' units
weather = ny.fetch
# Fetch only current conditions in metric units
weather = ny.fetch(:days => 0, :unit => 'm')
# Fetch a 3 day forecast only
weather = ny.fetch(:days => 3, :current_conditions => false)
Look at the Current Conditions:
# current temperature
temp = weather.current_conditions.temperature
feels_like = weather.current_conditions.feels_like
wind_speed = weather.current_conditions.wind.speed
wind_direction = weather.current_conditions.wind.direction
Look at the forecast:
# how many days?
# Some different forecasts
weather.forecast.for(3.days.from_now) # Note: using rails core extensions
weather.forecast.for('Sep 1')
# data for a forecast
friday = weather.forecast.friday
high_temp = friday.high
low_temp = friday.low
# forecasts are split into 2 parts day/night
friday.day.description # Partly Cloudy, Sunny...
friday.day.chance_percipitation # 0..100
night_wind_speed = friday.night.wind.speed
The Weather Channel requires that you 4 promotional links for them if you use their service. Here's how to access those links:
# The array of pr links
# Getting the first links text and url
TODO: Document all attributes