Requires Ruby 2.5+ and Jekyll 3.8+
A Jekyll plugins that adds Patreon support in your blog to easily embed a widget with goals
- Supports several designs: default, fancy, minimal, streamlined, reversed, swapped
- Supports several colors: red, green, orange, red nostripes, green nostripes, orange nostripes, blue nostripes
- Supports i18n (compatible with jekyll-language-plugin)
- Supports Markdown on your Patreon goals
To see the possible styles && designs navigate to the assets folder where the screenshots are located
Add this line to your site's Gemfile:
gem 'jekyll-patreon'
Add this configuration to your _config.yml file:
enabled: true
design: 'default'
title: 'Example title'
metercolor: 'green'
toptext: 'Example top text'
bottomtext: 'Example bottom text'
showgoaltext: true
showbutton: true
username: 'Your username here'
default_lang: "en"
Simply just put the following tag where you need this:
{% patreon %}
To support languages just use jekyll-language-plugin configuration. Or if you don't use it, do the following steps.
First, in your main index.html (or wherever you need the i18n support) declare the following lines:
layout: <layout>
language: en
Or if you want to support several languages in the same page:
layout: <layout>
- en
- es
Then, in "_data/lang/" create one file for each lang.
Example: en.yml
and es.yml
Then, put the translations of you goals like this:
patreon_goal_0: "..."
patreon_goal_1: "..."
patreon_goal_2: "..."
There you will need to create as much translations as the number of goals that your Patreon page have. (Note: starting index is 0 (zero))
Having issues? Just report in the issue section. Thanks for the feedback!
Fork this repository, make your changes and then issue a pull request. If you find bugs or have new ideas that you do not want to implement yourself, file a bug report.
Become a patron, by simply clicking on this button (very appreciated!):
... Or if you prefer an one-time donation:
Copyright (c) 2019 z3nth10n (United Teamwork Association).
License: MIT