= JGrouper::Shell - JGrouper interactive shell
== Usage
% jgrouper
=== Group Types
Any JGrouper::GroupType methods, such as:
JGrouper::Shell:0> group_type.all
=== Stems
Any JGrouper::Stem methods, such as:
JGrouper::Shell:0> stem.root
=== Groups
Any JGrouper::Group methods, such as:
JGrouper::Group:0> group.find 'name'
=== Subjects
Any JGrouper::Subject methods, such as:
JGrouper::Shell:0> subject.root
== Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'jgrouper-shell'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install jgrouper-shell
== Contributing
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (+git checkout -b my-new-feature+)
- Commit your changes (+git commit -am 'Added some feature'+)
- Push to the branch (+git push origin my-new-feature+)
- Create new Pull Request
== Author
blair christensen. mailto:blair.christensen@gmail.com
== Home Page
== See Also
JGrouper https://github.com/blairc/jgrouper, http://grouper.internet2.edu