This file includes an RDoc hack so that links can be made to open up into a
new frame rather then the current frame.
The "trick" is to append ``"target="_top'' to the URL.
= Ruby/KATCP
== Introduction
Ruby/KATCP is a Ruby extension for communicating via the Karoo Array
Telescope Control Protocol (KATCP). More information about KATCP can be
found at the {CASPER
Wiki}[http://casper.berkeley.edu/wiki/KATCP"target="_top], including the {KATCP
in PDF format.
== Features
Provides a base KATCP client supporting the functionality described in the
KATCP specification.
Provides an extended KATCP client to support the tcpborphserver2
KATCP server implementation on {ROACH
}[http://casper.berkeley.edu/wiki/ROACH"target="_top] boards.
Automatically provides support for all current and any future KATCP request
types through the use of Ruby's +method_missing+ feature.
Handles all escaping and unescaping of text transferred over KATCP.
Provides convenient and flexible ways of converting packed binary data to
various numerical formats, including Array and {NArray
}[http://narray.rubyforge.org/"target="_top] objects.
Plays nicely with +irb+, the interactive Ruby shell.
== Installation
{Ruby/KATCP}[http://rb-katcp.rubyforge.org/"target="_top] can be installed
via RubyGems[http://www.rubygems.org/"target="_top]:
gem install katcp
Ruby/KATCP was developed using Ruby 1.8.6 and 1.8.7. It has not been
tested against Ruby 1.9 (yet).
== Documentation
Documentation is available on the {Ruby/KATCP
Homepage}[http://rb-katcp.rubyforge.org/"target="_top] and is also installed
locally as part of the gem-based installation. To view the documentation
locally, run
gem server
then point your browser to http://localhost:8808/ and
navigate to (and follow) the katcp [rdoc] link. You can get more
information about RubyGem's documenation server by running:
gem help server
== Example
This example script, listdev.rb, can be used to list the devices on a
given ROACH host...
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
listdev.rb - list devices on a ROACH
$ listdev.rb roach030111
require 'rubygems'
require 'katcp'
Abort if no hostname is given
raise "\nusage: #{$0} HOSTNAME" unless ARGV[0]
Create RoachClient object
roach = KATCP::RoachClient.new(ARGV[0])
Get list of devices via "?listdev" KATCP request.
Save returned KATCP::Response object in "resp".
resp = roach.listdev
one, which will be a "!listdev ok" reply line.
devices = resp.lines[0..-2].map {|l| l[1]}
Output device list
puts devices
== Current Limitations
- Only the client side is implemented.
- Only TCP communication is supported (i.e. no RS/232 support).
- KATCP::RoachClient#uploadbof is not yet implemented.