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Langis is a Rack inspired publish-subscribe system for Ruby.

It has flexible message routing and message handling using a custom Domain Specific Language and a Rack-inspired message handler framework. This can give Rails applications better (and decoupled) visibility and management of the background processes it creates (or executes) in response to its actions (in controllers or models).

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Questions? Message one of the Authors listed below.

A Brief and Incomplete Overview of Why and How Langis

Our main problems:

  • We have long running jobs that get queued up in different controllers, models and model observers. Jobs may even queue up other jobs. Application business process becomes increasingly difficult to maintain as every new change may touch (or add to) different parts of the code.
  • Higher latency response times because the model observer callbacks are run in the same thread as the Rails request. Clients won't get responses until we finish queuing up all the jobs, or handle the job queuing failures. Example: A queuing failure could be due to a hung queue server that receives the job, but hangs and doesn't return a response there by blocking our Rails thread.
  • Sometimes we want to execute light-weight tasks like pregenerating (and caching) some content for a user's next page view, but needs to be done with more immediacy than what can be guaranteed by our job libraries.

How can Langis (Signal spelled backwards) solve this?

  • Langis first postulates that job creation is a response to Events (a type of Message) in the system.
  • Secondly, we centralize the configuration of channels and their subscribers. This is done using a Domain Specific Language and central configuration in a Rails initializer.
  • Finally, we have Rack-inspired middleware and applications that is executed in EventMachine deferred thread pools to respond to such Events.

For example, an ActiveRecord observer model will just publish a "ModelEvent" message (e.g. - to represent Article Created) into Langis instead of directly (tigher coupling) creating respective DelayedJob jobs. Langis will be configured to route the "ModelEvent" to listening Rack-based applications that will then create the jobs (looser coupling).

A Quick Note on Nomenclature

Langis is inspired by Rack, but does not explicitly implement the Rack Specification.

Rackish is used to describe things that are based in Rack, but not actually Rack Specification conformant.

For example, we use the term Rackish Application to talk about an actual Rack Application that doesn't actually require a fully conformant Rack Environment as input. To be more clear, Langis does not provide environment variables such as SCRIPT_NAME, rack.version, etc.

However, it is possible to run real Rack Applications from Langis if the Rack Environment is set up properly by prepending custom middleware to the Rackish Application stack.

Installation and Usage

Install the gem from gemcutter:

sudo gem install 'langis'

As a plugin:

script/plugin install git://

Then add it to the project Gemfile.

gem 'langis'

Or add it into the config/environment.rb file (only for Rails):

config.gem 'langis'


Be aware of the dependencies of our dependencies that have been omitted from this list.

Optional Dependencies


To use in rails, we provide a generator to create a simple initializer.

script/generate langis_config

It generates the following file:


By default, it initializes a LangisEngine that pretty much does nothing.

LangisEngine = (lambda {
  # Define the routes
  config = Langis::Dsl.langis_plumbing do
    intake :default do
      flow_to :default

    for_sink :default do
      run lambda { |env| puts }

    check_valve do

  # Create an example success callback channel.
  success_channel =
  success_channel.subscribe(proc do |msg|
    # TODO: Implement your own success handler.
    # "Success: #{msg.inspect}"

  # Create an example error callback channel.
  error_channel =
  error_channel.subscribe(proc do |msg|
    # TODO: Implement your own error handler.
    # Rails.logger.warn "Error: #{msg.inspect}"

  # Create and return the actual EventMachine based Langis Engine.
    :success_channel => success_channel,
    :error_channel => error_channel)

Usage: An Event Model and DelayedJob

Now one can pump arbitrary messages through the engine to the default intake.

LangisEngine.pump 'Hello World'

Or one can target the intake specifically.

LangisEngine.pump 'Hello World', :default

It would be more useful to pump messages that are meaningful and routable. In the following example, we use ActiveModel modules to help implement such a message.

# A generic class used to describe ActiveRecord observable events.
class ModelEvent
  extend ActiveModel::Naming
  include ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON

  attr_accessor :model_name
  attr_accessor :model_id
  attr_accessor :event_type
  attr_accessor :uuid
  attr_accessor :timestamp

  def initialize(attributes={})
    self.model_name = attributes[:model_name]
    self.model_id = attributes[:model_id]
    self.event_type = attributes[:event_type]
    self.uuid =
    self.timestamp =

  # required by the serializer
  def attributes
      'model_name' => model_name,
      'model_id' => model_id,
      'event_type' => event_type,
      'uuid' => uuid,
      'timestamp' => timestamp

  # Langis introspects the message_type to help route messages.
  def message_type

Assuming that we have an ActiveModel record for our Rails app:

class Article < ActiveRecord::Base

The ModelEvent object is created in Article's create observer.

def after_create(article)
    :model_id =>,
    :model_name => article.class.model_name,
    :event_type => 'created')

The LangisEngine's routes may be configure using the following DSL:

intake :default do
  flow_to :xmpp_article, :webhook_article, :when => 'Article_created'

for_sink :xmpp_article do
  run Langis::Sinks.delayed_job XmppArticle, :transform => :model_id

for_sink :webhook_article do
  run Langis::Sinks.delayed_job WebhookArticle, :transform => :model_id

The above DSL describes the default intake that accepts messages, which is configured to send messages of message_type "Article_created" to the :xmpp_article and :webhook_article sinks. Also note that a transform is declared for these sinks. The declared transforms execute the :model_id method on each received ModelEvent, which then takes that method's return value an uses it as the DelayedJob's job #new parameters. For Resque sinks, those said return values would be the parameters for the Resque job's perform method. These transforms are used to accommodate the different serialization techniques for different background processing libraries-- DelayedJob's Yaml deserialization isn't so good with ActiveModel based objects.

class XmppArticle <
  def perform
    # Load model, create text message, and send Xmpp message

class WebhookArticle <
  def perform
    # Load model, create xml message, and post to Webhook

Note that DelayedJob 2.0+ requires additional initialization to declare the type of DelayedJob Backend to use. Example:

Delayed::Worker.backend = :active_record

Usage: Resque and Json

The marshalling for Resque jobs is Json based. So, it is possible to pass in the ModelEvent without using the :transform option. It will be serialized to_json automatically, but deserialized into a Hash object in the Resque job perform. To actually get it back into an actual ModelEvent object, one will have to implement that Hash-to-ModelEvent code.

# A different job implementation
class ArticleResqueWebhook
  def self.perform(model_event)
    # This model_event will be a Hash map, the deserialized object
    # from the ModelEvent#to_json

# Using the same observer
def after_create(article)
    :model_id =>,
    :model_name => article.class.model_name,
    :event_type => 'created')

# In the Langis Dsl
intake :default do
  flow_to :article_resque_webhook, :when => 'Article_created'
for_sink :article_resque_webhook do
  run Langis::Sinks.resque ArticleResqueWebhook

Usage: Route by Intakes

Langis is flexible in the ability to handle different types of messages and routing. For example, we could just pass on the actual ActiveRecord objects to different intakes:

# In the Article observer
def after_create(article)
  LangisEngine.pump article, :article_created

# In the Dsl, assuming all messages to this intake are Article objects.
# NOTE: If that can't be guaranteed, then implement a middleware
# filter for the alternate_xmpp_article sink.
intake :article_created do
  flow_to :alternate_xmpp_article

# Gets the article's id as the input to the job
for_sink :alternate_xmpp_article do
  run Langis::Sinks.delayed_job XmppArticle, :transform => :id

Usage: Dump to Redis

But now, I want to log each message published into a Redis log. The following takes every message in and RPUSHes its #to_json representation into a Redis key. Implementation note: Redis calls #to_s to serialize objects before saving to the database. So even if the message does not respond to to_json, its to_s (for the following example) will be used.


intake :default do
  # This captures all messages
  flow_to :log_to_redis

for_sink :log_to_redis do
  run Langis::Sinks.redis(REDIS_DB, 'myapp:event_logs',
    :transform => :to_json)

Note that one can reuse the same Redis connection between the Redis sink and the Resque sink.

# Do this in the initialization before Langis Dsl configuration.
Resque.redis = REDIS_DB

# And in the Langis Dsl:
for_sink :log_to_redis do
  run Langis::Sinks.redis REDIS_DB, 'myapp:event_logs'

Usage: Running Rackish Apps in Background Jobs

Langis also provides a simple driver class to run Rackish applications as DelayedJob or Resque background jobs. What this means is that a developer can create a Langis Sink (Rackish Application) and have it run either from the thread pool in the main process (Rails) or in background worker processes. This assumes that the env (including the pumped message) can be marshalled by Yaml or Json (as used by DelayedJob and Resque).

For example, we may want to post data to a webhook.

# A super simple Rack app that posts data to a uri.
class JsonWebhookOutlet
  def call(env)
    # Make HTTP POST to uri with json data here.
    uri = env['uri']
    data = env['data']

    # Then return the success response.
    [200, {}, 'OK']

Based on when new articles are created.

# In the Article observer
def after_create(article)
  LangisEngine.pump article, :article_created

We use Langis to handle the observed events.

# In the Langis Dsl, the following intake is defined
intake :article_created do
  flow_to :webhook_article

The following is a sink that will post to the webhook in the background thread of the same process.

# This Langis Dsl sink definition executes the JsonWebhookOutlet
# Rackish application using the thread pool in the main Rails process.
# The uri and json data are obtained using Langis middleware transforms;
# it assumes that the actual Article instance has the following to_methods.
for_sink :webhook_article do
  use EnvFieldTransform, :to_method => :to_json, :key => 'data'
  use EnvFieldTransform, :to_method => :get_owner_webhook, :key => 'uri'

But we really would like to use the background jobs such as the following. This is the alternative Langis sink definition that queues up the work as a background job. It has the same to_method transforms as above. But this sink definition also uses the Parameterizer to create the proper arguments so the RackishJob job will run the json webhook Rackish Application. The Parameterizer is defined to do the following:

  1. Create an Array of 2 items. a. The first item is a fixed string: 'post_to_webhook'. b. The second item is a new hash containing the uri and data elements from the prior EnvFieldTransforms.
  2. Save the new Array to the the input enviromentment under the key named ''.

The delayed job sink finally queues up the Rackish job with the arguments listed in ''.

for_sink :webhook_article do
  use EnvFieldTransform, :to_method => :to_json, :key => 'data'
  use EnvFieldTransform, :to_method => :get_webhook, :key => 'uri'
  use Langis::Middleware::Parameterizer,
    lambda { |env|
        'uri' => env['uri'],
        'data' => env['data']
    :env_key => ''
  run Langis::Sinks.delayed_job(
    :env_key => '')

And in the background process, we need to wire up the 'post_to_webhook' name to the actual code.

# This initializer code is run by the background worker process on startup.
# It is not needed in the main Rails process.
  'post_to_webhook', do

Running EventMachine in Webservers

The main Langis Engine is built using EventMachine. And one must take care about how to start up EventMachine depending on the web server used.


Mongrel is simple and single threaded, so you need to run the following somewhere in the initializer code. do

There shouldn't be any problem if a Message is published to a Langis Intake before EventMachine fully comes up. That message will stay in the EventMachine Channel queue, waiting to be processed once EventMachine does start.


Thin also uses EventMachine. So you don't need to do anything in particular.

Passenger and Unicorn

TODO: Needs investigating


This library uses Bundler instead of the base system's rubygems to pull in the requirements for tests.

bundle install

rake spec

rake features

rake rcov

However, rake rcov requires rcov to be installed in the base system.

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.


Copyright 2009 Benjamin Yu

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Package last updated on 30 Sep 2010

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