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Malicious npm Package Targets Solana Developers and Hijacks Funds
A malicious npm package targets Solana developers, rerouting funds in 2% of transactions to a hardcoded address.
For creating compact, non-backtracking regular expressions from a list of strings.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'list_matcher'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install list_matcher
require 'list_matcher'
m =
puts m.pattern %w( cat dog ) # (?:cat|dog)
puts m.pattern %w( cat rat ) # (?:[cr]at)
puts m.pattern %w( cat camel ) # (?:ca(?:mel|t))
puts m.pattern %w( cat flat sprat ) # (?:(?:c|fl|spr)at)
puts m.pattern %w( catttttttttt ) # (?:cat{10})
puts m.pattern %w( cat-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t ) # (?:ca(?:t-){9}t)
puts m.pattern %w( catttttttttt batttttttttt ) # (?:[bc]at{10})
puts m.pattern %w( cad bad dad ) # (?:[b-d]ad)
puts m.pattern %w( cat catalog ) # (?:cat(?:alog)?)
puts m.pattern (1..31).to_a # (?:[4-9]|1\d?|2\d?|3[01]?)
One provides a list of expressions to match and perhaps some options and receives in turn either a
compiled Regexp
or a string from which such a regex can be compiled. The rx
method provides a compiled
regex and pattern
, a string. The latter is chiefly useful when composing a larger regex out of smaller
The options one may provide to List::Matcher
are all validated. Any errors cause it to raise a
facilitates generating efficient regexen programmatically. This is useful, for example, when looking for
occurrences of particular words or phrases in free-form text. List::Matcher
will automatically generate regular expressions
that minimize backtracking, so they tend to be as fast as one could hope a regular expression to be. (The general strategy is
to represent the items in the list as a trie.)
has many options and the initialization of a matcher for pattern generation is somewhat complex, so various methods
are provided to minimize initializations and the number of times you specify options. For one-off patterns, you may as well call
class methods, either pattern
which generates a string, or rx
, which returns a Regexp
List::Matcher.pattern %w( cat dog ) # "(?:cat|dog)"
List::Matcher.rx %w( cat dog ) # /(?:cat|dog)/
If you plan to generate multiple regexen, or have complicated options which you always use, you should generate a configured instance first:
m = normalize_whitespace: true, bound: true, case_insensitive: true, multiline: true, atomic: false, symbols: { num: '\d++' }
m.pattern method_that_gets_a_long_list
m.rx method_that_gets_a_long_list
If you have a basic set of options and you need to modify these in particular cases, you can:
m.pattern list, case_insensitive: false
You can also generate a prototype list matcher with a particular variation and bud off children with their own properties:
m = normalize_whitespace: true, bound: true, case_insensitive: true, multiline: true, atomic: false, symbols: { num: '\d++' }
m2 = m.bud case_insensitive: false
Basically, you can mix in options in whatever way suits you. Constructing configured instances gives you a tiny bit of efficiency, but mostly it saves you from specifying these options in multiple places.
The one can provide to new
, bud
, pattern
, or rx
are all the same. These are
default: true
If true, the returned expression is always wrapped in some grouping expression -- (?:...)
, (?>...)
, (?i:...)
, etc.; whatever
is appropriate given the other options and defaults -- so it can receive a quantification suffix.
List::Matcher.pattern %w(cat dog), atomic: false # "cat|dog"
List::Matcher.pattern %w(cat dog), atomic: true # "(?:cat|dog)"
default: true
If true, the default non-capturing grouping expression is (?:...)
rather than (?>...)
, and the optional quantifier is
rather than ?+
List::Matcher.pattern %w( cat dog ) # "(?:cat|dog)"
List::Matcher.pattern %w( cat dog ), backtracking: false # "(?>cat|dog)"
default: false
Whether boundary expressions should be attached to the margins of every expression in the list (but see note below). If this value is simply true, this means
each item's marginal characters, the first and the last, are tested to see whether they are word characters and if so the word
boundary symbol, \b
, is appended to them where appropriate. There are several variants on this, however:
bound: :word
This is the same as bound: true
List::Matcher.pattern %w(cat), bound: :word # "(?:\\bcat\\b)"
List::Matcher.pattern %w(cat), bound: true # "(?:\\bcat\\b)"
bound: :line
Each item should take up an entire line, so the boundary symbols are ^
and $
List::Matcher.pattern %w(cat), bound: :line # "(?:^cat$)"
bound: :string
Each item should match the entire string compared against, so the boundary symbols are \A
and \z
List::Matcher.pattern %w(cat), bound: :string # "(?:\\Acat\\z)"
NOTE for each of these variants, :word
, :line
, and :string
there are left
and right
subvarieties that
only append their boundary marker to that side of the word:
List::Matcher.pattern %w(cat), bound: :word_left # "(?:\\bcat)"
List::Matcher.pattern %w(cat), bound: :string_left # "(?:\\Acat)"
List::Matcher.pattern %w(cat), bound: :line_right # "(?:cat$)"
Note also that List::Matcher
will only append the boundary marker when it is appropriate according to
the test, so items for which the test fails will not receive a boundary marker of any sort:
List::Matcher.pattern %w( cat #@% ), bound: :word # "(?:\\#@%|\\bcat\\b)"
bound: { test: /\d/, left: '(?<!\d)', right: '(?!\d)'}
If you have an ad hoc boundary definition -- here it is a digit/non-digit boundary -- you may specify it so. The test parameter
identifies marginal characters that require the boundary tests and the :left
and :right
symbols identify the boundary conditions.
List::Matcher.pattern (1...1000).to_a, bound: { test: /\d/, left: '(?<!\d)', right: '(?!\d)'}
# "(?:(?<!\\d)[1-9](?:\\d\\d?)?(?!\\d))"
As with the predefined boundaries -- :word_left
, :line_right
, :string_left
, etc. -- you can bound items only at one
margin, in this case by providing only the left:
or right:
key-value pair.
default: false
Strip whitespace off the margins of items in the list.
List::Matcher.pattern [' cat '] # "(?:(?:\\ ){5}cat(?:\\ ){5})"
List::Matcher.pattern [' cat '], strip: true # "(?:cat)"
default: false
Generate a case-insensitive regular expression.
List::Matcher.pattern %w( Cat cat CAT ) # "(?:C(?:AT|at)|cat)"
List::Matcher.pattern %w( Cat cat CAT ), case_insensitive: true # "(?i:cat)"
default: false
Generate a multi-line regex.
List::Matcher.pattern %w(cat), multiline: true # "(?m:cat)"
The special feature of a multi-line regular expression is that .
can grab newline characters. Because List::Matcher
never produces .
on its own, this option is only useful in conjunction with the symbols
option, which lets one
inject snippets of regex into the one generated.
default: false
This strips whitespace from items in the list and treats all internal whitespace as equivalent.
List::Matcher.pattern [ ' cat walker ', ' dog walker', 'camel walker' ]
# "(?:\\ (?:\\ dog\\ walker|cat\\ \\ walker\\ )|camel\\ \\ walker)"
List::Matcher.pattern [ ' cat walker ', ' dog walker', 'camel walker' ], normalize_whitespace: true
# "(?:(?:ca(?:mel|t)|dog)\\s++walker)"
You can tell List::Matcher
that certain character sequences should be regarded as "symbols". It will then leave
these unmolested, replacing them in the generated regex with whatever you map the symbol sequences to. The keys in
the symbol hash are expected to be strings, symbols, or Regexps
. Symbol keys are converted to their
sequence by stringification. Regexp
keys convert any sequence they match.
List::Matcher.pattern [ 'Catch 22', '1984', 'Fahrenheit 451' ], symbols: { /\d+/ => '\d++' }
# "(?:(?:(?:Catch|Fahrenheit)\\ )?\\d++)"
List::Matcher.pattern [ 'Catch foo', 'foo', 'Fahrenheit foo' ], symbols: { 'foo' => '\d++' }
# "(?:(?:(?:Catch|Fahrenheit)\\ )?\\d++)"
List::Matcher.pattern [ 'Catch foo', 'foo', 'Fahrenheit foo' ], symbols: { foo: '\d++' }
# "(?:(?:(?:Catch|Fahrenheit)\\ )?\\d++)"
Because it is possible for symbol sequences to overlap, sequences with string or symbol keys are evaluated before Regexps
, and longer keys are
evaluated before shorter ones.
doesn't parse regex strings to determine whether they need to be grouped before any iteration suffix
can be added or to determine whether it is sensible to add boundary sequences before or after them. By default it assumes
that they need grouping if they repeat and that boundary markers don't make sense. You can override this behavior, however.
You specify the characteristics of the pattern as a hash with the following keys:
The value is the pattern to substitute for the symbol.
The pattern needs no grouping if the value is true.
A character to test for the left boundary condition.
A character to test for the right boundary condition.
For example:
List::Matcher.pattern %w(dddd ddddddd),
bound: :word,
symbols: { d: { pattern: '\d', atomic: true, left: '0', right: '0' } }, # <-- this
atomic: false
# \b\d{4}(?:\d{3})?\b
If you assign your pattern a name, it will be constructed with a named group such that you can extract the substring matched.
List::Matcher.pattern %w(cat), name: :cat # "(?<cat>cat)"
This is mostly useful if you are using List::Matcher
to compose complex regexen incrementally. E.g., from the examples directory,
require 'list_matcher'
m = atomic: false, bound: true
year = m.pattern( (1901..2000).to_a, name: :year )
mday = m.pattern( (1..31).to_a, name: :mday )
weekdays = %w( Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday )
weekdays +={ |w| w[0...3] }
wday = m.pattern weekdays, case_insensitive: true, name: :wday
months = %w( January February March April May June July August September October November December )
months +={ |w| w[0...3] }
mo = m.pattern months, case_insensitive: true, name: :mo
date_20th_century = m.rx(
'wday, mo mday',
'wday, mo mday year',
'mo mday, year',
'mo year',
'mday mo year',
'mday mo',
'mo mday',
'mo mday year'
normalize_whitespace: true,
atomic: true,
bound: true,
symbols: {
year: { pattern: year, atomic: true, left: '1', right: '1' },
mday: { pattern: mday, atomic: true, left: '1', right: '1' },
wday: { pattern: wday, atomic: true, left: 'a', right: 'a' },
mo: { pattern: mo, atomic: true, left: 'a', right: 'a' }
'August 27',
'May 6, 1969',
'1 Jan 2000',
'this is not actually a date'
].each do |candidate|
if m = date_20th_century.match(candidate)
puts "candidate: #{candidate}; year: #{m[:year]}; month: #{m[:mo]}; weekday: #{m[:wday]}; day of the month: #{m[:mday]}"
puts "#{candidate} does not look like a plausible date in the 20th century"
default: false
If true, all patterns associated with symbols will be tested upon initialization to make sure they will create legitimate regular expressions. If you are prone to doing this, for example: symbols: { aw_nuts: '+++' }
then you may want to vet your symbols. Vetting is not done by default because one assumes you've worked out your substitutions on your own time and we need not waste runtime checking them.
default: false
Under normal circumstances List::Matcher
will escape simple space characters and #
lest the pattern
generated be included in an extended regular expression where these are meta-characters. If you find this
makes the expressions unreadable or otherwise annoying, you can tell List::Matcher
to explicitly generate
a non-extended regular expression. This may safely be included in any sort of regular expression, but it will
be wrapped with the modifier expression (?-x:...)
List::Matcher.pattern [ 'cat and dog', '# is sometimes called the pound symbol' ]
# "(?:\\#\\ is\\ sometimes\\ called\\ the\\ pound\\ symbol|cat\\ and\\ dog)"
List::Matcher.pattern [ 'cat and dog', '# is sometimes called the pound symbol' ], not_extended: true
# "(?-x:cat and dog|# is sometimes called the pound symbol)"
Note that List::Matcher
will continue to quote other white space characters.
default: Encoding::UTF_8
converts characters into integers during the construction of character classes and then
must convert the integers back into characters. In order to do this with characters whose code point is
above 255 we must give chr
a character encoding. This is all that this is. Most likely you will never
need to change this default, but if it causes you trouble this parameters is provided so you can fix
it without having to fork the code.
Efficiency isn't the principle purpose of List::Matcher, but in almost all cases List::Matcher
regular expressions are more efficient than a regular expression generated by simply joining alternates
with |
. The following results were extracted from the output of the benchmark script included with this
distribution. Sets are provided as a baseline for comparison, though there are many things one can do
with a regular expression that one cannot do with a set.
number of words: 100
set good: 53360.1 i/s
List::Matcher good: 22211.7 i/s - 2.40x slower
simple rx good: 13086.6 i/s - 4.08x slower
list good: 4748.0 i/s - 11.24x slower
set bad: 57387.1 i/s
List::Matcher bad: 14398.7 i/s - 3.99x slower
simple rx bad: 7347.1 i/s - 7.81x slower
list bad: 2583.1 i/s - 22.22x slower
number of words: 1000
set good: 5380.5 i/s
List::Matcher good: 1665.3 i/s - 3.23x slower
simple rx good: 166.7 i/s - 32.27x slower
list good: 52.8 i/s - 101.98x slower
set bad: 5294.8 i/s
List::Matcher bad: 1061.1 i/s - 4.99x slower
simple rx bad: 81.0 i/s - 65.34x slower
list bad: 26.1 i/s - 202.51x slower
number of words: 10000
set good: 361.3 i/s
List::Matcher good: 146.4 i/s - 2.47x slower
simple rx good: 1.7 i/s - 210.46x slower
list good: 0.4 i/s - 1027.74x slower
set bad: 370.3 i/s
List::Matcher bad: 82.2 i/s - 4.51x slower
simple rx bad: 0.8 i/s - 447.85x slower
list bad: 0.2 i/s - 1882.35x slower
number of words: 10; List::Matcher rx: (?-mix:\A\d\z)
set good: 520144.5 i/s
List::Matcher good: 382968.0 i/s - 1.36x slower
list good: 323052.6 i/s - 1.61x slower
simple rx good: 316058.3 i/s - 1.65x slower
set bad: 624424.8 i/s
List::Matcher bad: 270882.3 i/s - 2.31x slower
simple rx bad: 266277.3 i/s - 2.35x slower
list bad: 175058.3 i/s - 3.57x slower
number of words: 100; List::Matcher rx: (?-mix:\A\d\d\z)
set creation: 20.3 i/s
simple rx creation: 15.9 i/s - 1.28x slower
List::Matcher creation: 15.9 i/s - 1.28x slower
set good: 52058.4 i/s
List::Matcher good: 41841.7 i/s - 1.24x slower
simple rx good: 15095.6 i/s - 3.45x slower
list good: 4350.1 i/s - 11.97x slower
set bad: 59315.4 i/s
simple rx bad: 28063.6 i/s - 2.11x slower
List::Matcher bad: 27823.9 i/s - 2.13x slower
list bad: 2083.9 i/s - 28.46x slower
number of words: 1000; List::Matcher rx: (?-mix:\A\d{3}\z)
set creation: 2.1 i/s
List::Matcher creation: 1.5 i/s - 1.40x slower
simple rx creation: 1.5 i/s - 1.41x slower
set good: 4664.2 i/s
List::Matcher good: 3514.1 i/s - 1.33x slower
simple rx good: 225.6 i/s - 20.67x slower
list good: 44.2 i/s - 105.57x slower
set bad: 5830.5 i/s
simple rx bad: 2802.5 i/s - 2.08x slower
List::Matcher bad: 2717.0 i/s - 2.15x slower
list bad: 20.0 i/s - 291.10x slower
number of words: 10000; List::Matcher rx: (?-mix:\A\d{4}\z)
set creation: 0.2 i/s
simple rx creation: 0.1 i/s - 1.21x slower
List::Matcher creation: 0.1 i/s - 1.31x slower
set good: 369.4 i/s
List::Matcher good: 326.2 i/s - 1.13x slower
simple rx good: 2.3 i/s - 159.07x slower
list good: 0.4 i/s - 966.48x slower
set bad: 426.6 i/s
simple rx bad: 285.6 i/s - 1.49x slower
List::Matcher bad: 277.1 i/s - 1.54x slower
list bad: 0.2 i/s - 2236.24x slower
git checkout -b my-new-feature
)git commit -am 'Add some feature'
)git push origin my-new-feature
Unknown package
We found that list_matcher demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
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Security News
A malicious npm package targets Solana developers, rerouting funds in 2% of transactions to a hardcoded address.
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