LeftClick Web Services
LWS is a library for Ruby provides access to the LeftClick web
services/applications using a model-based structure that abstracts from API
calls using the available REST interfaces.
In your Gemfile, add:
gem "lws"
or install the ruby-lws
First, you have to initialize the library. For example, with Rails, you
would create a new config/initializers/lws.rb
file with these lines:
LWS.setup do |config|
config.api_token = "…"
After that, due to the fact that LWS is based on
Spyke, you can access the objects in the
LeftClick Web Services similary to many ActiveRecord-like ORM's:
Get all map markers of the first map
map = Maps::Map.all.first
markers = map.markers
Create an account for company with ID 6
company = Company.find(6)
account = Auth::Account.create(name: "Foo Bar",
company: company)
Destroy all locations named "Test"
loc = Presence::Location.where(name: "Test")
The following example uses a much more elaborate setup:
LWS.setup do |config|
config.api_token_middleware = TokenAuthenticator
config.caching_object = MyRedisCache.new
config.environment = :development
config.endpoints = { maps: "https://maps.leftclick.cloud" }
config.http_caching = true
config.http_debug = true
config.json_debug = true
config.logger = Rails.logger
config.proxy = "http://proxyserver:8080"
In this setup, a caching object is used that follows the
API. It uses all development API endpoints,
except for maps, which is overriden to use the production endpoint. Also
HTTP request and JSON data debug logging is enabled and LWS will use
the Rails logger to log the messages. Also HTTP responses will be cached
in accordance to their ETag/last modification time and the proxy server with
URL http://proxyserver:8080
will be used.
Finally, a custom API token authenticator class is used that should implement
the Faraday::Middleware
interface and set the X-Token
header with the
runtime determined API token as value, for example:
class TokenAuthenticator < Faraday::Middleware
def call(env)
env[:request_headers]["X-Token"] = …
environment variable is supported to override the LWS
environment. Allowed values are "production" (default) and "development".
is supported to set the LWS API token default.
This only works if a custom API token middleware is not used.
LWS Console
This library comes with the program lwsconsole
, which is a command-line
tool that can be used to interactively use the library. (This is similar
to the Rails console.) See lwsconsole --help
for the supported
command-line arguments.
LWS Console will perform the setup for you and give you a prompt in the
module namespace or the module of an app if this is selected via the
arguments. It uses the production environment per default using the token
provided by a command-line argument. These defaults can be overriden using
the configuration. For example, to rename a map:
$ lwsconsole -t "my_token" -a maps
[1] lwsconsole(LWS::Maps)> Map.all.map(&:name)
=> ["Gebouw 1",
"Gebouw 3"]
[2] lwsconsole(LWS::Maps)> map = Map.find(2)
=> #<LWS::Maps::Map(maps/(:id)) id: 2 name: "Gebouw 3" ... markers: []>
[3] lwsconsole(LWS::Maps)> map.name = "Gebouw 2"
"Gebouw 2"
[4] lwsconsole(LWS::Maps)> map.save
Besides the API calls, LWS console supports a few commands to change its
http_debug true|false
: Toggles HTTP debugging for API callshttp_debug_headers true|false
: Toggles logging of HTTP headers in the HTTP debug outputjson_debug true|false
: Toggles JSON debug output for API callsreload!
: Reloads all apps
[5] lwsconsole(LWS::Maps)> http_debug true
LWS Console keeps a history of all calls and commands, use the command
history --all
to seem them. Use the command help
to see all other
available commands (provided by Pry).
Configuration files
LWS Console will look for the configuration files first in
and then ~/.config/LeftClick/lws.yml
; they are
in the YAML format.
The configuration file can set defaults per environment. It is possible to
set the API key, endpoints and debug modes.
api_token: "my_token"
maps: "https://maps.leftclick.cloud
http_debug: true
http_debug_headers: true
json_debug: true
To override the default environment or to set default options, use the default section.
For example:
environment: "development"
json_debug: true