h1. MineShaft: Seed data from your stakeholders
h2. Overview
MineShaft uses @mechanize@ to walk through a Remine project site and parse content
which can't be easily accessed via the REST API (yet). The gem also provides a
simple way to deserialize an HTML table into an Array of Hash objects which are
key-value pairs of the table heading(s) and the corresponding value for each row
in the table.
h2. Motivation
We were looking for some domain-specific information to work with in an
application and wanted to feed off of the knowledge of some of our stakeholders.
We didn't want to build out an admin interface which would be replaced with an
automated system down the road and having our users edit text files and send
them to us was not going to work. We created a @Seed_Data@ wiki page and threw
in a few tables with ID's and wrote MineShaft to parse those tables and convert
them into Hashes we could use to add/update content in the application database.
Using this method allow(s) us to spread data entry & review requests for to a
wide variety of people in an efficient manner.
h2. Usage
Assuming you have a Redmine installation set up at @http://your.rm-install.com@
and a project named @twitter4biz@ set up.
Given a wiki page titled "Seed_Data" with the following table definition
somewhere in that page (note: the table ID must be present):
bc. table(#companies).
|Ticker|Name |
|AAPL |Apple |
|MSFT |Microsoft|
|GOOG |Google |
|YHOO |Yahoo |
Then in IRB (or whatever):
bc. require 'mine_shaft'
include MineShaft
shaft = Shaft.new('rm-username', 'rm-password', 'http://your.rm-install.com')
companies = shaft.grab("companies", '/projects/twitter4biz/wiki/Seed_Data')
=> [{:name => 'Apple', :ticker => 'AAPL'}, {:name => 'Microsoft', :ticker => 'MSFT'},...]
So, in the db/seeds.rb file of your Rails app, you could put something like the
following (assuming you have also included the previous code example):
bc. companies.each do |attributes|
company = Company.find_by_ticker(attributes[:ticker])
if company.nil?
puts "Added '#{attributes[:ticker]}'"
ticker = attributes.delete(:ticker)
puts "Updated '#{ticker}'"
...and then run:
bc. rake db:seed
h2. Installation
bc. gem install mine_shaft
h2. Contributing
Fork it...
bundle install
...make awesomeness
Commit (ideally) to a feature-branch
Send a pull request
h2. Found a bug?
File an issue on the project's "issues page":https://github.com/tomkersten/mine_shaft/issues
h2. Dependencies
h2. License
Refer to LICENSE file (hint: MIT)
h2. Future Plans
The gem is meeting our needs at the moment, so we don't have any plans to add
significant functionality at the moment. However, it has come in quite handy
so far, so we may end up expanding it further if a new need arises.