QuartzTorrent -- A Ruby Bittorrent Library
Like the title says, a bittorrent library implemented in pure ruby. Currently
the library works, but is still alpha.
- BEP 9: Extension for Peers to Send Metadata Files
- BEP 10: Extension Protocol
- BEP 15: UDP Tracker support
- BEP 23: Tracker Returns Compact Peer Lists
- Upload and download rate limiting
- Upload ratio enforcement
- Upload duration limit
- Torrent Queueing
This library has been tested with ruby1.9.1. The required gems are listed in the gemspec.
Running the curses client requires rbcurse-core (0.0.14).
Getting Started
How to use the library is best illustrated with an example. The sample program below touches on all the
major ideas.
require 'quartz_torrent'
include QuartzTorrent
# Direct logging to stdout at info level
LogManager.setup do
setLogfile "stdout"
setDefaultLevel :info
# When CTRL-C is pressed, shut down
running = true
Signal.trap('SIGINT') do
puts "Got SIGINT. Shutting down."
running = false
# Create MagnetURI from first argument
magnet = MagnetURI.new(ARGV[0])
# Create a PeerClient that downloads to the current directory.
# This is the main API, and implements the Bittorrent peer protocol.
peerclient = PeerClient.new(".")
peerclient.port = 5555
peerclient.addTorrentByMagnetURI magnet
# Start the peerclient in another thread.
while running do
peerclient.torrentData.each do |infohash, torrent|
name = torrent.recommendedName
pct = 0
if torrent.info
pct = (torrent.completedBytes.to_f / torrent.info.dataLength.to_f * 100.0).round(2)
puts "#{name}: #{pct}%"
sleep 2
Logging is configured using QuartzTorrent::LogManager. Logs can be sent to stdout, stderr, or file. Individual loggers can be set to different levels.
The QuartzTorrent::PeerClient class is the main interface for downloading and uploading torrents. The PeerClient constructor takes the path to the
directory into which torrents should be downloaded. Torrents may be added to the PeerClient as Magnet links, or .torrent file contents before or after
the PeerClient is stared. When started, the PeerClient runs asynchronously in a separate thread. Information regarding the running torrents is retrieved
with the PeerClient::torrentData method.
More elaborate examples can be found in bin/quartztorrent_download
and bin/quartztorrent_download_curses
Running Tests
Run the tests as:
rake test
You can run a specific test using, i.e.:
rake test TEST=tests/test_reactor.rb
And a specific test case in a test using:
ruby1.9.1 -Ilib tests/test_reactor.rb -n test_client
- Bug: Start a peerclient with the full torrent. Connect with another peerclient and start downloading, then pause.
Finally unpause. The "server" peerclient will refuse the connections to re-establish because it believes the
peer is already connected.
- Improve Documentation
- Implement uTP