= rails_analyzer_tools
Tools for analyzing the performance of web sites.
Rails Analyzer Tools contains Bench, a simple web page benchmarker,
Crawler, a tool for beating up on web sites, RailsStat, a tool for
monitoring Rails web sites, and IOTail, a tail(1) method for Ruby IOs.
Bug reports:
== Bench
Bench lets you benchmark the performance of a particular page. Simply give
the URL, the number of requests to run and the number of threads to run in
You really, really, really don't want to run bench against a live website.
$ bench -u http://coop.robotcoop.com/ -r 50 -c 2
Total time: 10.7073893547058
Average time: 0.214147787094116
== Crawler
Crawler lets you exercise a server by crawling it really fast. It picks URLs
at random from the returned page and always stays on the same host. When you
kill it with a ^C it prints out a summary.
You really, really, really don't want to run crawl against a live website.
$ crawl -u http://coop.robotcoop.com/ -c 2
GET / HTTP/1.0
Host: coop.robotcoop.com
User-Agent: RubyCrawl
Total time: 0.355171680450439
Requests: 3
Average time: 0.118390560150146
== RailsStat
RailsStat displays the approximate number of requests, queries, and lines
logged per second in 10 (or whatever) second intervals. Simply give it the
path to your production log for a live Rails site and you're done:
$ rails_stat /var/log/production.log
~ 2.1 req/sec, 23.0 queries/sec, 32.8 lines/sec
== IOTail
IOTail tails a file like the tail system utility. This lets you collect data
from a live log file.