Recliner is a Ruby ORM for interfacing with CouchDB ( databases.
It is designed to be familiar to users of ActiveRecord, but diverges where necessary to fit with the CouchDB document/view paradigm.
class Article < Recliner::Document
property :title, String, :default => 'Untitled'
property :body, String
property :published_at, DateTime
property :approved, Boolean, :default => false
attr_protected :published_at, :approved
belongs_to :author, :class_name => 'User'
default_order :published_at
view :by_title, :order => :title
view :approved, :conditions => { :approved => true }
validates_presence_of :title, :body
before_save :set_published_at
article1 = Article.create(:title => "Recliner wins multiple awards!",
:body => "Actually, it hasn't happened yet",
:approved => true)
article2 = Article.create(:title => "Recliner 1.0 released",
:body => "Yes, it's true!",
:approved => false)