= Request-log-analyzer
This is a simple command line tool to analyze request log files in various formats to produce a performance report. Its purpose is to find what actions are best candidates for optimization.
- Analyzes log files. Currently supports: Amazon S3, Apache, Delayed::Job, Merb, Mysql, PostgreSQL, Rack, Rails and more.
- Combines multiple files and decompresses compressed files, which comes in handy if you are using logrotate.
- Uses several metrics, including cumulative request time, mean request time, process blockers, database and rendering time, HTTP methods and statuses, Rails action cache statistics, etc.) (Sample output: http://github.com/wvanbergen/request-log-analyzer/wiki/sample-output)
- Low memory footprint and reasonably fast, so it is safe to run on a production server.
- MIT licensed
- Runs on all MRI 1.9+ compatible rubies {}[http://travis-ci.org/wvanbergen/request-log-analyzer]
See the project wiki at http://github.com/wvanbergen/request-log-analyzer/wiki for documentation and additional information.
== Installation & basic usage
Install request-log-analyzer as a Ruby gem (you might need to run this command as root by prepending +sudo+ to it):
$ gem install request-log-analyzer
To analyze a Rails log file and produce a performance report, run request-log-analyzer like this:
$ request-log-analyzer log/production.log
For more details, other file formats, and available command line options, see the project's wiki at http://github.com/wvanbergen/request-log-analyzer/wiki
== Benchmarking on different rubies
$ time ./bin/request-log-analyzer 40MBRailsFile.log
ruby-1.9.2-p180 15.19s user 0.95s system 99% cpu 16.143 total
jruby-1.5.3 32.64s user 4.84s system 99% cpu 37.629 total
rbx-2.0.0pre 39.62s user 2.24s system 104% cpu 40.098 total
macruby 75.00s user 20.10s system 110% cpu 1:26.13 total
== Additional information
Request-log-analyzer was designed and built by Willem van Bergen and Bart ten
Do you have a rails application that is not performing as it should? If you need
an expert to analyze your application, feel free to contact either Willem van
Bergen (willem@railsdoctors.com) or Bart ten Brinke (bart@railsdoctors.com).