== Description
Experimental ripl shell for incremental development of an automation
testing infrastructure for a web site. Manual testing of the site
may then be performed with bionic superpowers.
== Installation
gem install ripl_watir
== Usage
Hopefully this serves as some kind of demonstration:
cd /tmp
mkdir lib
ripl watir
... opens a browser session (firefox by default) and enters a
ripl console shell.
Now create a file 'lib/pages/github.rb' containing the following:
module Pages::Github
def goto
browser.goto 'github.com'
... and now be amazed:
>> visit_page :github
... this creates an instance of the RiplWatir::Page class, loads 'pages/github' (from whereever it happens to be on the load
path), mixes Pages::Github into the page class and calls the
goto method (which tells the browser to goto github.com). Amazing?
Now edit the 'lib/pages/github.rb' file to add this method:
module Pages::Github
def login
browser.link(text: 'Sign in').click
... and back in the ripl session:
>> on_page(:github).login
This reloads the github page and calls the login method on the page (which clicks the login button).
Now create a file 'lib/pages/github/login.rb' containing the following:
module Pages::Github::Login
def login email, password
browser.text_field(id: 'login_field').set email
browser.text_field(id: 'password').set password
browser.button(value: 'Sign in').click
... and be further amazed:
>> on_page(:github, :login).login 'me@my.mail.com', 'password'
... creates another instance of the RiplWatir::Page class, reloads
'pages/github/login.rb' (from whereever it happens to be on the load
path) and mixes Pages::Github::Login into it.
The main purpose of all this is to be able to modify/define page mixins,
and reload them all without having to restart the console or create a
new browser session.
If for example, you added a new page mixin or a new method to an already instantiated one, you should find the new method is immediately available.
If you just want to tell the browser to do something, it is directly
available as 'browser' without needing a page object.
>> browser.goto 'google.com'
== Page Objects
The page objects are always a RiplWatir::Page instance
(which is a delegate of Watir::Browser) with a specified mixin.
This mixins add methods specifically for interacting with that particular page.
You can just define methods against the browser instance varaible or delegate to the page itself.
These page mixins will be loaded from anywhere on the load path.
== Cucumber
To use page mixins defined in this way with cucumber, define your
page objects in a 'lib' (make sure this directory is on the load path)
and mix the commands into the cucumber 'world' in env.rb:
require 'ripl_watir'
World RiplWatir::Commands
As long as your page mixins are in a 'pages' directory on the path
and are constants defined (at any depth) under the RiplWatir module, they
should be successfully located.