Robottelo Reporter:
Minitest Plugin to generate xml report compatible with robottelo and betelgeuse output for polarion reporting.
1- Add robottelo_reporter to your project gem file
.. code-block:: ruby
gem 'robottelo_reporter'
2- install the dependencies
.. code-block:: bash
$ bundler install
The main goal of robottelo reporter is to bind test attributes to the xml report output.
Note: only tests with pid attribute set will be reported
1- extend your TestCase with Robottelo::Reporter::TestAttributes
2- before each test that we want to report call the function "test_attributes" with arg "pid"
.. code-block:: ruby
require 'test_helper'
require 'robottelo/reporter/attributes'
class ExampleTesCase < Minitest::Test
extend Robottelo::Reporter::TestAttributes
test_attributes pid: '123456'
def test_example_1
assert true
test_attributes pid: '123457'
def test_example_2
assert true
3 - Update your Rakefile with minitest task
.. code-block:: ruby
require 'robottelo/reporter/rake/minitest'
task minitest: 'robottelo:setup:minitest'
4- Generate the reports
.. code-block:: bash
$ bundle exec rake minitest test TESTOPTS=-v --trace
Console output:
.. code-block:: bash
** Invoke minitest (first_time)
** Invoke robottelo:setup:minitest (first_time)
** Execute robottelo:setup:minitest
** Execute minitest
** Invoke test (first_time)
** Execute test
Robottelo Reporter initialization
Run options: -v --robottelo-reporter --seed 211
# Running:
ExampleTesCase#test_example_1 = 0.00 s = .
ExampleTesCase#test_example_2 = 0.00 s = .
Finished in 0.001410s, 1418.0012 runs/s, 1418.0012 assertions/s.
2 runs, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
Robottelo Reporter build finished: /home/user/projects/Project/test/reports/robottelo/robottelo-results.xml
This will generate one file at test/reports/robottelo/robottelo-results.xml with content
.. code-block:: xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuite errors="0" failures="0" name="minitest" skips="0" tests="2" time="0.000012">
<testcase classname="ExampleTesCase" name="test_example_1" time="0.000009">
<property name="polarion-testcase-id" value="123456"/>
<testcase classname="ExampleTesCase" name="test_example_2" time="0.000003">
<property name="polarion-testcase-id" value="123457"/>
To generate a report with all Polarion properties fields, we have to export environment variables with the required properties
.. code-block:: bash
$ export POLARION_PROPERTIES="response=name%3DProject 6&test-run-id=Project 6.3.1 centos7 Tier 1&project-id=PRJT6&user-id=prjt6_user&lookup-method=custom&variant=server&include-skipped=true&set-testrun-finished=true&dry-run=false"
$ export POLARION_CUSTOM_PROPERTIES="isautomated=true&arch=x8664&variant=server&plannedin=Project_6_3_1_centos7"
Note: the properties are as url encoded variable, notice response=name%3DProject 6 that will be parsed as response="name=Project 6"
With this variables set The report will looks like
.. code-block:: xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<property name="polarion-test-run-id" value="Project 6.3.1 centos7 Tier 1"/>
<property name="polarion-project-id" value="PRJT6"/>
<property name="polarion-user-id" value="prjt6_user"/>
<property name="polarion-lookup-method" value="custom"/>
<property name="polarion-variant" value="server"/>
<property name="polarion-include-skipped" value="true"/>
<property name="polarion-set-testrun-finished" value="true"/>
<property name="polarion-dry-run" value="false"/>
<property name="polarion-response-name" value="Project 6"/>
<property name="polarion-custom-isautomated" value="true"/>
<property name="polarion-custom-arch" value="x8664"/>
<property name="polarion-custom-variant" value="server"/>
<property name="polarion-custom-plannedin" value="Project_6_3_1_centos7"/>
<testsuite errors="0" failures="0" name="minitest" skips="0" tests="2" time="0.000008">
<testcase classname="ExampleTesCase" name="test_example_1" time="0.000006">
<property name="polarion-testcase-id" value="123456"/>
<testcase classname="ExampleTesCase" name="test_example_2" time="0.000002">
<property name="polarion-testcase-id" value="123457"/>
File Location:
By default the report is generated at location test/reports/robottelo/rebottelo-results.xml
In order to change the report name export variable "ROBOTTELO_REPORT_NAME"
.. code-block:: bash
$ export ROBOTTELO_REPORT_NAME="other_report_name.xml"
If "CI_REPORTS" environment variable is set, the report location will be $CI_REPORTS/robottelo/report_name, where report name is the default or custom one.
To set an other location and file name set the report file path
.. code-block:: bash
$ export ROBOTTELO_REPORT_PATH="custom_dir/other_dir/other_report_name.xml"
Note: The Directory will be created automatically if it does no exist
Generate report for one test file:
To generate the report for one test file use the ruby command by adding the --robottelo-reporter option
.. code-block:: bash
$ bundle exec ruby -I"lib:test" test/example_test.rb -v --robottelo-reporter
command output:
.. code-block:: bash
Robottelo Reporter initialization
Run options: -v --robottelo-reporter --seed 39993
# Running:
ExampleTesCase#test_example_1 = 0.00 s = .
ExampleTesCase#test_example_2 = 0.00 s = .
Finished in 0.004316s, 463.3767 runs/s, 463.3767 assertions/s.
2 runs, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
Robottelo Reporter build finished: project_dir/test/reports/robottelo/robottelo-results.xml
and of course the generated report content is the same as above.