A library to make debugging eval'ed code possible. It monkey patches Kernel.eval, module_eval, and class_eval to save eval'ed code to a file at ._remembered_evals/hash_of_that_file
Thus you can debug [ex: using ruby-debug] THROUGH eval'ed code, now, as well as see appropriate (better) eval'ed code lines in exception backtraces.
Since it saves files by hash, and doesn't rewrite them once saved, you could also edit eval'ed blocks and it will use the edited versions--i.e. it allows you to override certain strings passed to eval [it uses yours instead of the original]-- quite useful for debugging purposes if you use eval at all.
Note that if all you want to do is save the code away [not debug through] then you can
somewhere in your script.
Note also that it breaks eval'ed code that assumes the default binding, i.e.
a = 3
eval("a = 4") # breaks
eval("a = 4", binding) # works though
The price we pay for debugging convenience. You may want to therefore do all you gem requires before loading it.