= RubyCLI
Author:: {Martin Velez}[http://www.martinvelez.com]
Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2011 Martin Velez
License:: Distributed under the same terms as Ruby
== Description
"RubyCLI" is a Ruby library which factors out the code needed to create Ruby
programs with a command line interface (CLI) and that follow the Unix Philosophy
design method outlined in http://www.faqs.org/docs/artu/ch01s06.html.
Currently, RubyCLI is short and simple. It uses Ruby's core
optparse[http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/optparse/rdoc/index.html] library.
== Design
What does a command line application library need to do?
- Provide a user interface (UI)
- Process options (use Ruby's Option Parser)
- Process arguments
- Pass options and arguments as parameters to other functions defined in libraries or other executables.
What does a command line application library need not do?
- Validate options or arguments.
- Libraries or other executables should do this.
This is the core algorithm of any Ruby CLI application
def run
if parse_options? && arguments_Valid?
output_options_and_arguments# def run
== Installation
gem install ruby_cli
Not Rubygems:
- use only files in lib folder
- Use the RubyCLI module as a mixin for your CLI application
== Alternative Tools
There are other tools out there which can be used to write command line
- clamp[http://github.com/mdub/clamp] - I don't like to learn new DSLs
- optparse[http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/optparse/rdoc/index.html] - This library uses this to parse options.
- Thor[http://github.com/wycats/thor] - It does not try to follow the Unix Philosophy.
- Clip[http://clip.rubyforge.org/] - OptionParser already exists.
== Usage
- New File
- Require the ruby_cli gem.
- Create a Ruby class.
- Call it "App", for example.
- Include the RubyCLI module.
- Define the command method.
- This is where your program does the actual work.
- At this point you have options and arguments available.
- Pass them as parameters to library functions or as options/arguments to other executables.
- Be smart! Have libraries and other executables do the heavy work.
- Be smart! Fewer lines of code (LOC) here is an indication that your code will be easy to maintain.
- Define command options and defaults (optional)
- This is where you define a hash for your options and set the default values.
- Remember, options by definition are optional.
- Define command arguments and defaults (optional)
== Usage Example 1
This example demonstrates how to use RubyCLI to create a command line application.
require 'ruby_cli'
class App
include RubyCLI
def command
puts "hello world"
app = App.new(ARGV)
== Usage Example 2
This example demonstrates how command specific options can be defined easily using
RubyCLI. It is taken from the ruby_ngrams[https://github.com/martinvelez/ruby_ngrams]
gem executable, which I also authored.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'ruby_cli'
require 'ruby_ngrams'
class App
include RubyCLI
def initialize_command_options() @options = {:regex => //, :n => 2} end
def define_command_option_parsing
@opt_parser.on('-n', '--n NUM', Integer, 'set length n for n-grams') do |n|
@options[:n] = n
@opt_parser.on('-r', '--regex "REGEX"', Regexp, 'set regex to split string into tokens') do |r|
@options[:regex] = r
def command
text = ARGF.read
text.ngrams(@options).each { |ngram| puts ngram.inspect }
app = App.new(ARGV, FILE)
= Dependencies
- Ruby 1.8.7 or greater
- None other
== Acknowledgements
{Todd Werth}[http://blog.toddwerth.com/entries/5]
- I used his Ruby command line application skeleton code. I borrowed some ideas from there.
== Development
=== Source Repository
ruby_cli is hosted on Github at:
=== Issues and Bug Reports
Get help, request features, and reports bugs here: