soliscript - run blockchain contracts in rubidity (with 100%-solidity compatible data types & abis) on an ethereum simulacrum in your own home for fun & profit (for free)
What's Solidity?! ## What's Rubidity?!
See Solidity - Contract Application Binary Interface (ABI) Specification »
See Rubidity - Ruby for Layer 1 (L1) Contracts / Protocols with "Off-Chain" Indexer »
Let's try the contract samples from
the free (online) booklet titled "Programming Crypto Blockchain Contracts Step-by-Step Book / Guide"
in Soliscript (Rubidity with Ethereum Simulacrum)!
Simple Ponzi - Investment of a Lifetime!
Let's start with a simple ponzi scheme contract:
class SimplePonzi < Contract
storage current_investor: Address,
current_investment: UInt
sig []
def constructor
@current_investor = msg.sender
sig []
def receive
minimum_investment = @current_investment * 11/10
assert msg.value >= minimum_investment,
'new investments must be 10% greater than current'
previous_investor = @current_investor
@current_investor = msg.sender
@current_investment = msg.value
previous_investor.send( msg.value )
(Source: ponzi_simple.rb
Let's look at the first simple ponzi contract script. The idea is:
The money sent in by the latest investor
gets paid out to the previous investor and because every
new investment must be at least 10% larger than the last
investment - EVERY INVESTOR WINS! (*)
(*): Except the last "sucker" is HODLing the bag waiting for a greater fool.
Let's setup some test accounts with funny money:
genesis = '0x'+'11'*20
alice = '0x'+'aa'*20
bob = '0x'+'bb'*20
charlie = '0x'+'cc'*20
Account[ genesis ].balance = 0
Account[ alice ].balance = 1_000_000
Account[ bob ].balance = 1_000_000
Account[ charlie ].balance = 1_000_000
pp Account.all
(Source: run_ponzi_simple.rb
[#<account 0x1111...111111 @balance=0, @nonce=0,
#<account 0xaaaa...aaaaaa @balance=1000000, @nonce=0,
#<account 0xbbbb...bbbbbb @balance=1000000, @nonce=0,
#<account 0xcccc...cccccc @balance=1000000, @nonce=0]
And let's invest:
ponzi = Simulacrum.send_transaction( from: genesis, data: SimplePonzi ).contract
Simulacrum.send_transaction( from: alice, to: ponzi, value: 100_000 )
Simulacrum.send_transaction( from: bob, to: ponzi, value: 111_000 )
Simulacrum.send_transaction( from: charlie, to: ponzi, value: 200_000 )
pp Account.all
Resulting in:
[#<account 0x1111...111111 @balance=100000, @nonce=1,
#<account 0xaaaa...aaaaaa @balance=1011000, @nonce=1,
#<account 0xbbbb...bbbbbb @balance=1089000, @nonce=1,
#<account 0xcccc...cccccc @balance=800000, @nonce=1]
The "Genesis" 0x1111
account made a 100000 X profit of 100000 out-of-thin air.
The "Alice" 0xaaaa
account made an investment of 100000 and got 111000. 11000 profit! Yes, it works!
The "Bob" 0xbbbb
account made an investment of 111000 and got 200000. 89000 profit! Yes, it works!
The "Charlie" 0xcccc
account is still waiting for a greater fool and is HODLing the bag.
To the moon!
And so on. To be continued ...
Bonus - More Blockchain (Crypto) Tools, Libraries & Scripts In Ruby
See /rubidity at the small, smart, secure, safe, solid & sound ruby (s6ruby) org.
See /blockchain
at the ruby code commons (rubycocos) org.