= Taverna Player
Authors:: Robert Haines
Contact:: mailto:support@mygrid.org.uk
URL:: http://www.taverna.org.uk
Licence:: BSD (See LICENCE or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php)
Copyright:: (c) 2013-2015 The University of Manchester, UK
== Synopsis
Taverna Player is a Ruby on Rails plugin to run Taverna workflows on a Taverna
Taverna Player handles all aspects of running a workflow including:
- Gathering inputs and upload to Taverna Server
- Monitoring the run
- Presenting workflow interactions to the user
- Gathering and download of workflow outputs
It, purposefully, does not manage users and its default workflow model is
intentionally oversimplified.
== Prerequisites
Taverna Player requires access to a
{Taverna Server}[http://www.taverna.org.uk/download/server/2-5/] version 2.5
or later.
== A note about rubyzip
This library uses the new {rubyzip}[https://rubygems.org/gems/rubyzip] API. If
your code, or any of its dependencies, need the old API then please read the
Important note in the
{rubyzip ReadMe}[https://github.com/rubyzip/rubyzip/blob/master/README.md] for
details of how to get everything working together.
== Getting started
These instructions assume that you are familiar with Rails and its concepts.
Also, knowledge of {Rails Engines}[http://guides.rubyonrails.org/engines.html]
and how they integrate with other Rails applications will be useful.
Taverna Player works with Rails 3.2. Add it to your Gemfile with:
gem "taverna-player"
And run the bundle install command to install it.
Next you need to run the install generator:
rails generate taverna_player:install
This installs two initializer files (into your application's
config/initializers directory) which describe all of Taverna Player's
configuration options; there are some things that MUST be configured before it
will work - see below for more information. The install generator also creates
a locale file at config/locales/taverna_player.en.yml and prints out
a list of other steps for setting up Taverna Player; these are repeated and
detailed below.
== Running Taverna Player
Once you have Taverna Player installed and configured in your Rails application
it will largely take care of itself. The nature of Rails Engines is that they
become part of the containing application relatively seamlessly.
The only extra step required for full operation of Taverna Player is to start
the delayed_job script so that workflows are actually run. Even if you already
use delayed_job in your application it is worth checking this section because
Taverna Player uses its own named queue to run jobs.
=== In development
If you simply want to have a single worker running while testing then you can
use the rake task supplied by delayed_job:
rake jobs:work
=== In production
In production you will want to run lots of workers for maximum throughput. A
good starting number of concurrent workers will probably be the number of
workflows that your Taverna Server can run at the same time. Any lower than
this and you are not running Taverna Server at its configured capacity; any
higher and you just end up with workers waiting for Taverna Server to have
space for them anyway. You might pick up some efficiencies starting new
workflow runs while the results of those just finished are being collected but
it is probably not worth having more than one or two extra workers for this.
So if your Taverna Server can run 20 concurrent workflows at once then you
would start your workers like this:
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec ./script/delayed_job -n 20 --queue=player start
By default Taverna Player puts its jobs into the "player" queue which is why
this is specified above. If you change this configuration (see below) you will
need to specify a different queue in the command above.
See the documentation for {delayed_job}[https://rubygems.org/gems/delayed_job]
for more options and information.
== Hooking Taverna Player into your Rails application
Mount the Taverna Player engine in your config/routes.rb. For example:
mount TavernaPlayer::Engine, :at => "/"
Taverna Player provides four resources with paths:
- /runs/*
- /workflows/*
- /service_credentials/*
- /job_queue
Runs are what you will interact with most as this is the model that represents
a workflow execution.
Service credentials and the job queue are administrator resources. If you have
users you may like to restrict access to these resources (see the section on
overriding controllers, below). These two resources can be moved to a
different namespace if you like. In the Taverna Player initializer you can
set (for example):
config.admin_scope = "admin"
And the resource paths would become:
- /runs/*
- /workflows/*
- /admin/service_credentials/*
- /admin/job_queue
The supplied workflow model also nests the run resources within it:
- /workflows
- /workflows/{workflow-id}/runs/*
If you override the default workflow model (see below for details) you can
also nest the Taverna Player runs resources within your workflows resources if
you wish, like this (within your application's config/routes.rb):
resources :workflows do
resources :runs, :controller => "TavernaPlayer::Runs", :except => :edit
The runs resources in Taverna Player do not provide an edit view by default
so, unless you add it yourself by overriding the controller you should add the
:except clause to the routes.
Perform Taverna Player's migrations:
rake taverna_player:install:migrations
rake db:migrate
Make sure you have defined root_url to something in your
config/routes.rb. For example:
root :to => "home#index"
Add Taverna Player's assets to your application's manifests.
In app/assets/javascripts/application.js:
//= require taverna_player/application
In app/assets/stylesheets/application.css
*= require taverna_player/application
And everything should be found by the asset pipeline automatically.
Make sure you have flash messages in your main layout
(usually app/views/layouts/application.html.erb). For example:
<%= notice %>
<%= alert %>
Taverna Player uses delayed_job to run workflows on a Taverna Server. If your
application is not already using delayed_job then you can install the
delayed_job script in your script directory with:
rails generate taverna_player:job
Taverna Player comes with some very simple, unstyled views and layouts. If you
wish to override these with your own customized views you can copy them into
your application with:
rails generate taverna_player:views
The views are copied to the app/views/taverna_player directory so that
they take precedence over the default ones. You can delete any that you do not
need to customize but there are no penalties for leaving them there. There is
more information on overriding views below.
If you need to override the Taverna Player controllers, to implement user
authorization for example, you can copy some customizable stubs with:
rails generate taverna_player:controllers
The stubs are copied to the app/controllers/taverna_player directory
so that they take precedence over the default ones. You can delete any that you
do not need to customize but there are no penalties for leaving them there.
There is more information on overriding controllers below.
If you need to override any Taverna Player models, to add columns to a table
for example, you can copy customizable stubs with:
rails generate taverna_player:models
The stubs are copied to the app/models/taverna_player directory so
that they take precedence over the defaults. There is more information on
overriding models below.
If you want to use pre- and post-run callbacks you can setup some basic stubs
rails generate taverna_player:callbacks
They will be saved to lib/taverna_player_callbacks.rb. Don't forget to
then require and register them in the Taverna Player initializer. There is more
information on callbacks below.
You can add to, or change, the workflow port render methods to better suit
your particular application. To copy the defaults that Taverna Player ships
with into your application for customization run:
rails generate taverna_player:renderers
They will be saved to lib/taverna_player_renderers.rb. Don't forget to
then require and register them in the Taverna Player initializer. There is more
information on renderers below.
== Taverna Player initializers
Two initializers are installed by the install generator:
Both of these files require minimal configuration for simple set ups
and are fully commented with everything that needs to be set - more details
=== Essential (required) configuration
Firstly, Taverna Player needs to know what the model is that represents
workflows within your application and it needs to know how to get a workflow
file out of that model so it can run it. If your workflow model is called
"Workflow" and the method to get the workflow filename from that model is
called "file_name" then the following will configure this correctly:
config.workflow_model_proxy("Workflow") do |proxy|
proxy.file_method_name = :file_name
Taverna Player has a very simple internal workflow model
(TavernaPlayer::Workflow) that you can extend (see below) or replace with the
above code.
Secondly, Taverna Player needs to know where your Taverna Server is and how to
authenticate to it:
config.server_address = "http://localhost:8080/taverna"
config.server_username = "taverna"
config.server_password = "taverna"
Make sure you do not commit this information into your repository!
This should usually be enough to get Taverna Player up and running within your
application but there are lots of other configuration options detailed below.
=== Optional configuration
==== Taverna Server
There are two settings to control how often Taverna Player communicates with
Taverna Server:
config.server_poll_interval = 5
config.server_retry_interval = 10
The first specifies, in seconds, how often each run is polled. Polling
is used to check a run's status (has it finished yet?) and check for
interactions. If you have long running workflows then it is probably worth
setting this value higher; If you have lots of interactions then keeping it low
is good to improve the responsiveness for users. Keep in mind that as polling
is for each run then setting this value very low will produce a lot of polling
requests when you have lots of running workflows.
The second specifies, in seconds, how long to wait before retrying an operation
that Taverna Server has rejected due to its current load. This can happen in
two places:
- Creating the run. Each Taverna Server has a limit (usually quite high) to
how many workflow runs it can support at a time - this is the entire set of
runs resident on the server in any state (initialized, running or finished).
If it is at this limit then it will refuse requests to create any more.
- Starting the run. Each Taverna Server also has a limit to how many workflow
runs it can have actually running at once - runs that are yet to start, or
that have finished do not count towards this total. If it is at this limit
then it will refuse requests to start any more.
Neither of these situations are fatal errors however, so Taverna Player will
back off for the specified time and then try again. It is worth tailoring this
number to the sort of workflows you will be running. For long-running,
batch-style workflows then it can be set quite high but if you have workflows
that make use of interactions (so you have users watching the workflows
running) then it should probably be set lower.
There are a number of options for configuring the connection to the Taverna
Server. The first specifies how many times an initial connection to Taverna
Server will be retried if there are any low level network errors.
config.server_connection_error_retries = 5
These can be events such as timeouts, broken connections, refused connections
or anything else out of our control. If such an error is detected Taverna
Player will back off for the amount of time specified by
config.server_retry_interval before retrying. If the maximum number of
retries is reached and there is still an error then the run will fail; the
network error message will be recorded as the reason for the run's failure.
The rest of the connection options are actually provided by the underlying
{t2-server client library}[https://rubygems.org/gems/t2-server] and surfaced
here for extra control. They are
{documented in more detail}[http://mygrid.github.io/t2-server-gem/] elsewhere
but broadly fall into two categories: Security and timeouts.
The following are all concerned with connecting to a secure Taverna Server and
will be set to your Ruby/OS defaults if you leave them alone. If you use a
self-signed certificate for your server, or you require client certificate
authentication you will need to edit them appropriately.
config.server_connection[:verify_peer] = true
config.server_connection[:ca_file] = "/etc/certs/my-cert.crt"
config.server_connection[:ca_path] = "/etc/certs/"
config.server_connection[:client_certificate] = "client-cert.crt"
config.server_connection[:client_password] = "P@5$w0Rd!"
config.server_connection[:ssl_version] = :TLSv1
The following are timeout options and should be set with care. The underlying
operating system defaults (usually 300 seconds each) will be used if they are
not set explicitly.
config.server_connection[:open_timeout] = 300
config.server_connection[:read_timeout] = 300
==== Users
If your application has users then there is some basic support for that
out-of-the-box in Taverna Player. You can tell Taverna Player what your user
model is called with (example "User" here):
config.user_model_proxy = "User"
And you can tell it how to discover who your current user is by specifying a
callback. If you are using {Devise}[https://rubygems.org/gems/devise]
(recommended) for your authentication then you would supply the provided
"current_user" method like this:
config.current_user_callback = :current_user
With this set up then when a run is created Taverna Player will set the owner
of that run to be the current logged in user if there is one.
Note that this does not automatically mean that Taverna Player is checking that
users are authenticated! If you require this or if you have more complex
requirements then you will need to override the Run model and the Runs
controller. See below for more details.
==== Files
Taverna Player needs to store various files for each run's inputs and outputs.
The {paperclip}[https://rubygems.org/gems/paperclip] gem is used to provide
these facilities and the only configuration required is to specify where you
want it to store its files:
config.file_store = ":rails_root/public/system"
Use ":rails_root" for the root of your application, or specify a full path for
anywhere else.
==== Jobs
Taverna Player uses the "player" queue for its delayed jobs. You can change
this with:
config.job_queue_name = "my_queue"
Remember to start workers listening to the correct queue if you change it.
==== Run callbacks and renderers
These are described in their own sections, below.
== Overriding the default views
If you use the generator, described above, to copy the views into your
application they will be used in preference to the default ones. This means
that any changes you make will be immediately reflected in the output of your
application. See the
{Rails documentation}[http://guides.rubyonrails.org/engines.html#overriding-views]
for more information on overriding views.
The supplied views provide a good example of how to maintain a current view of
the state of a run and handle any workflow interactions that may occur during
a run. It is worth understanding how they work before pulling them apart for
your own needs.
== Overriding the default models and controllers
You can override the following core components:
- Run (model)
- RunPort (model)
- RunPort::Input (model)
- RunPort::Output (model)
- Workflow (model)
- RunsController
- WorkflowController
- ServiceCredentialsController
- JobQueueController
Use the generators, detailed above, to create stubs for you to expand. These
components have been designed for overriding with the decorator pattern using
This allows for things to be overridden but still have the same name (as is
required for such things within Rails). Please also see the information about
overriding models and controllers in the
{Rails documentation}[http://guides.rubyonrails.org/engines.html#overriding-models-and-controllers].
The vitally important thing is to preserve the +include+ statement within your
overriding code. For example, the RunsController stub looks like this:
module TavernaPlayer
class RunsController < TavernaPlayer::ApplicationController
# Do not remove the next line.
include TavernaPlayer::Concerns::Controllers::RunsController
# Extend the RunsController here.
You can add code both before and after the +include+ statement but anything
before it might be overridden by the original code itself if there are name
If you wanted to add a before filter to authenticate your users you would add
that line before the +include+ statement, for example.
Important note! If you override the RunPort model then you must
override the RunPort::Input and RunPort::Output models too (even if you just
leave the generated stubs unedited). This is because they are subclasses of
RunPort and the inheritances must be re-established with the overridden model.
== Run callbacks
Taverna Player provides four points around a workflow run for you to specify
callbacks to be run:
- Pre-run: This is called directly before Taverna Server is contacted.
- Post-run: This is called after all operations on Taverna Server have been
completed when the run finishes normally.
- Run-cancelled: This is called after all operations on Taverna Server have
been completed when the run has been cancelled by the user.
- Run-failed: This is called after all operations on Taverna Server have been
completed when the run has failed.
Each of these callbacks is provided with the current run object as its
parameter and can be set in the initializer by providing the name of the method
(string or symbol) to run or a Proc object:
config.pre_run_callback = :player_pre_run_callback
config.post_run_callback = "player_post_run_callback"
config.run_cancelled_callback = Proc.new { |run| puts "Cancelled: #{run.name}" }
config.run_failed_callback = :player_run_failed_callback
Important! If your callback fails then the run itself will "fail". This may
or may not matter for the run-failed callback but if your pre-run callback
fails then the run will never get to Taverna Server! How can it? Your pre-run
callback may have been setting up vital resources for your run; Taverna Player
can not second-guess this so "fails" the run.
For this reason it is not recommended to put a lot of complex functionality
into the callbacks. An ideal use would be to gather statistics from the run
(average time, how many times a user runs it, etc) once it has finished.
An example callback that just prints out the run's name and workflow id would
def player_run_callback(run)
w = TavernaPlayer::Workflow.find(run.workflow_id)
puts "Callback called for run '#{run.name}' of workflow '#{w.id}'"
A set of example callbacks can be installed with the generator detailed above.
Don't forget to make sure any callback code is required somewhere and
the callbacks themselves registered in the initializer.
== Rendering workflow ports
Workflows can accept inputs and produce results in many different formats and
Taverna Player tries to accomodate this as best it can. It provides basic
facilities for rendering as many types as it can and these are extensible
wherever possible.
Calling the port renderer is as simple as just passing it the port to be
rendered in your view.
<% run.outputs.each do |output| %>
<%= TavernaPlayer.port_renderer.render(output) %>
<% end %>
=== Type renderers
Taverna Player has a system of specific type renderers to handle different
types of value. A number of defaults are supplied but these can be replaced
and added to if required.
To install a set of example renderers you can use the generator detailed above.
To register a renderer for use add it into the renderers block in the
config.port_renderers do |renderers|
So to just register a single default renderer method (called
"my_default_renderer") you would do this:
config.port_renderers do |renderers|
And it would be used to render every type of value. A more sensible example
would be to have a renderer for PNG-type images and a renderer for text
values as well:
config.port_renderers do |renderers|
renderers.add("text/plain", :text_renderer, true)
renderers.add("image/png", :show_image)
This does three things:
- Registers a renderer for PNG images. This could be as simple as wrapping it
in an <img ../> tag.
- Registers a renderer for values of type "text/plain" and sets this as
the default renderer for all other types beginning with "text". That is
what the final parameter set to +true+ does.
- Registers a default renderer for all other types. This should probably give
an explanation as to why the value cannot be shown in the browser with a
link to download the value to the user's computer.
Note the use of MIME types for specifying all types.
Obviously values such as images and text are so common that Taverna Player
provides these renderers for you and has them set up and registered by default.
You would only need to override them if you wanted extra information to be
displayed as well, such as sizes next to images, etc.
Note that it is not a good idea to register a single image renderer for all
"image" types as many cannot be shown in most browsers, e.g. TIFF images.
The default set of registered renderers is shown in the default initializer
but, as an example, here is how it handles the images that most browsers can
renderers.add("image/jpeg", :show_image)
renderers.add("image/png", :show_image)
renderers.add("image/gif", :show_image)
renderers.add("image/bmp", :show_image)
Note that the same renderer callback is used for each one.
=== Rendering lists
Taverna workflow inputs and output can be lists and rendering them requires a
renderer too. The renderer you wish to use for displaying lists is set with
the +list+ method:
The default list renderer recurses into the list and calls the correct
renderer for each leaf item when it gets to them.
=== Writing your own renderers
To be a renderer callback a method must accept two parameters (in this order):
- The port to be rendered.
- A list of indices into the port. For a singleton port this will be an empty
list. For a port of depth 2 this would be a list with two items, e.g.
[0, 0]
All renderer callbacks are called by Taverna Player in a context that includes
the {ActionView::Helpers}[http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Helpers.html]
so your callbacks have access to them too, including helpers from third-party
gems that register their helpers correctly.
=== Example type renderers
These are some of the supplied renderers that are registered by default in
Taverna Player.
==== Plain text
Taverna Player provides a plain text renderer that formats text with a
monospaced font, converts URI-like things to clickable links and respects
carriage returns and newlines. It looks something like this:
def format_text(port, index = [])
# Use CodeRay to format text so that newlines are respected.
content = CodeRay.scan(port.value(index), :text).div(:css => :class)
# Use auto_link to turn URI-like text into links.
auto_link(content, :html => { :target => '_blank' }, :sanitize => false)
The {coderay}[https://rubygems.org/gems/coderay] gem is used to format the
text, preserving newlines and the
{rails_autolink}[https://rubygems.org/gems/rails_autolink] gem is used to
convert URI-like text into clickable links.
This renderer is registered as the default for all "text" media types.
==== XML
This renderer catches "text/XML" outputs:
def format_xml(port, index = [])
# Make sure XML is indented consistently.
out = String.new
REXML::Document.new(port.value(index)).write(out, 1)
CodeRay.scan(out, :xml).div(:css => :class, :line_numbers => :table)
It uses {REXML}[http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-1.9.3/libdoc/rexml/rdoc/index.html]
to format the XML and {coderay}[https://rubygems.org/gems/coderay] to
syntax-highlight it.
Note that for XML to be detected as XML it must, as per the standard, include
the XML declaration, e.g.:
==== Images
As described above, images are just dropped into an <img ../> tag:
def show_image(port, index = [])
# Can't use image_tag() here because the image doesn't really exist (it's
# in a zip file, really) and this confuses the Rails asset pipeline.
tag("img", :src => port.path(index))
Note the comment about the Rails asset pipeline in there if you are writing
your own image renderer and are using the asset pipeline.
==== Lists
Unless you can be absolutely sure that the workflows that will be run within
your installation of Taverna Player will only have lists of a certain depth
the lists renderer will need to be able to cope with anything that is thrown
at it. The supplied renderer uses recursion to cope with what could, at least
in theory, be infinitely deep lists:
def list_port(port, index = [], types = nil)
types = port.metadata[:type] if types.nil?
content = "<ol>"
i = 0
types.each do |type|
if type.is_a?(Array)
content += "<li><br />" +
list_port(port, index + [i], type) + "</li>"
content += "<li>(#{type})<p>" +
TavernaPlayer.port_renderer.render(port, index + [i]) +
i += 1
content += "</ol>"
This method has an extra parameter that is used to drive the recursion. The
+types+ parameter contains the list structure of the whole port so can be used
to loop over, or recurse into, each level as required.
Lists are simply rendered as a numbered list along with their type
information. Other registered renderers are called as necessary to render
individual values.
==== Other types catch-all
The default renderer for other, or unknown types, is:
def cannot_inline(port, index = [])
"Sorry but we cannot show this type of content in the browser. Please " +
link_to("download it", port.path(index)) + " to view it on your " +
"local machine."
== Service Credentials
Please see the notes in the limitations section below!
At the moment the Service Credentials facilities are basic and provided purely
to allow access to services which are ostensibly public but still require a
login of some kind.
In practice very few services that will be used via public tools such as
Taverna Player are in use so this should not affect most users at this time.
It is the intention to fill this gap in functionality as soon as possible,
If you do have services in your workflows that require such a login then you
can add them through the Service Credentials model. The types of credential
that Taverna Server can accept are detailed in the
{Client Library Documentation}[http://mygrid.github.io/t2-server-gem/] but
Taverna Player supports a subset:
=== REST
REST services are commonly secured via HTTP Basic or HTTP Digest authentication
and Taverna treats these two schemes in the same way. Simply register the
username and password with the host name of the server on which the service is
The above example shows a https server running on port 8443. If the service is
on port 80 for http or port 443 for https then you don't need to specify the
If there are services on the same host that require different credentials then
you will need to specify the realm for which each set of credentials applies.
This is done by adding the name of the realm to the end of the host name with
a # separating them:
=== SOAP
SOAP services are commonly secured via WS-Security. Simply register the WSDL
address of the service with your username and password:
=== R server
You can authenticate to R Servers in almost exactly the same way as for REST
services - only the protocol scheme is different. So instead of http or https
it is rserve:
== The Taverna Player API
There is more information about how you can more closely integrate Taverna
Player into your host application in the
{API Documentation}[http://mygrid.github.io/taverna-player].
== Embedding a workflow into another Web site
Workflow runs handled by Taverna Player can be embedded in other Web sites in
much the same way that media like YouTube videos can be. Documentation on how
to achieve this
{is available separately[https://github.com/myGrid/taverna-player/wiki/Embedding].
== Using Taverna Player as a Web Service
As well as providing HTML views to the host application, Taverna Player also
provides a RESTful Web Service interface. Documentation for this interface
{is available separately}[https://github.com/myGrid/taverna-player/wiki/JSON-API-Documentation].
== Limitations and to-do list
The most serious limitation is with the Service Credentials. Because Taverna
Server needs to be given the credentials in plaintext (which is why you should
always use HTTPS) we have to store them as such. For the time being it is
recommended to only use them for services that are ostensibly public, but with
a login requirement. An example of this might be a R server on the local
machine, which is only available locally, but nevertheless requires a login.
Service Credentials are also intended, at the moment, to be a global resource.
They are not per-user. Every workflow run will be given these credentials.
Service Credentials only provide username/password type credentials at the
=== To do
In no particular order:
- User specific (and therefore private) credentials wallet for secure services.
- Comprehensive Taverna Server administration panel. This would allow admin
users to view and manage runs directly on the Taverna Server along with
other such admin tasks.
- oEmbed support (see http://oembed.com/ for more details).
== Support
Please email {support@mygrid.org.uk}[mailto:support@mygrid.org.uk] for any
questions relating to Taverna Player.
Bug reports or feature requests may be submitted to the
{public issue tracker}[https://github.com/myGrid/taverna-player/issues] at