= text-table
A feature-rich, easy-to-use plain text table formatter.
== Introduction
Allows you to easily create and format plain text tables,
useful when working with the terminal
or when you want to quickly print formatted tables to a dot-matrix printer.
Text::Table is compatible with Ruby 1.8.6, 1.8.7 and 1.9.1 and includes a comprehensive test suite.
== Install
gem install text-table
== Examples
require 'text-table'
table = Text::Table.new
table.head = ['A', 'B']
table.rows = [['a1', 'b1']]
table.rows << ['a2', 'b2']
# +----+----+
# | A | B |
# +----+----+
# | a1 | b1 |
# | a2 | b2 |
# +----+----+
You can also pass an options hash when instantiating a Text::Table:
table = Text::Table.new(:head => ['A', 'B'], :rows => [['a1', 'b1'], ['a2', 'b2']])
== Calling the to_table Method
Just call the to_table method (or to_text_table if the former is already defined) on Arrays (and other Enumerables).
array = [
['Student', 'Mid-Terms', 'Finals'],
['Sam', 94, 93],
['Jane', 92, 99],
['Average', 93, 96]
puts array.to_table
# +---------+-----------+--------+
# | Student | Mid-Terms | Finals |
# | Sam | 94 | 93 |
# | Jane | 92 | 99 |
# | Average | 93 | 96 |
# +---------+-----------+--------+
You could specify that the first row is the table heading.
puts array.to_table(:first_row_is_head => true)
# +---------+-----------+--------+
# | Student | Mid-Terms | Finals |
# +---------+-----------+--------+
# | Sam | 94 | 93 |
# | Jane | 92 | 99 |
# | Average | 93 | 96 |
# +---------+-----------+--------+
You could also specify that the last row is the table footer.
puts array.to_table(:first_row_is_head => true, :last_row_is_foot => true)
# +---------+-----------+--------+
# | Student | Mid-Terms | Finals |
# +---------+-----------+--------+
# | Sam | 94 | 93 |
# | Jane | 92 | 99 |
# +---------+-----------+--------+
# | Average | 93 | 96 |
# +---------+-----------+--------+
== Aligning Cells and Spanning Columns
Alignment and column span can be specified by passing a cell as a Hash object.
The acceptable aligments are :left, :center and :right.
Cells and footers are aligned to the left by default, while headers are centered by default.
table = Text::Table.new
table.head = ['Heading A', 'Heading B']
table.rows << ['a1', 'b1']
table.rows << ['a2', {:value => 'b2', :align => :right}]
table.rows << ['a3', 'b3']
table.rows << [{:value => 'a4', :colspan => 2, :align => :center}]
puts table
# +-----------+-----------+
# | Heading A | Heading B |
# +-----------+-----------+
# | a1 | b1 |
# | a2 | b2 |
# | a3 | b3 |
# | a4 |
# +-----------+-----------+
There's also an easy way to align columns:
table = Text::Table.new :rows => [%w(a bb), %w(aa bbb), %w(aaa b)]
puts table
# +-----+-----+
# | a | bb |
# | aa | bbb |
# | aaa | b |
# +-----+-----+
table.align_column 2, :right
# +-----+-----+
# | a | bb |
# | aa | bbb |
# | aaa | b |
# +-----+-----+
Note that headers, spanned cells and cells with explicit alignments are not affected by align_column.
== Adding a Separator
You can add a separator by inserting :separator symbols between the rows.
Text::Table.new :rows => [
['a', 'b'],
['c', 'd'],
['e', 'f'],
['g', 'h']
# +---+---+
# | a | b |
# | c | d |
# +---+---+
# | e | f |
# +---+---+
# | g | h |
# +---+---+
== Other Options
Cell padding and table boundaries can be modified.
Text::Table.new :rows => [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']],
:horizontal_padding => 3,
:vertical_boundary => '=',
:horizontal_boundary => ':',
:boundary_intersection => 'O'
# O=======O=======O
# : a : b :
# : c : d :
# O=======O=======O
== Special Thanks
This project was inspired by visionmedia's terminal-table, and to a lesser-extent, by prawn, ruport and hirb.
I've decided to start a new project, primarily as an exercise, and to be able to model-out the classes differently.
Thanks to the authors and contributors of these projects.
== Contributors
== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2009 Aaron Tinio. See LICENSE for details.