h1. Ruby I18n
Ruby Internationalization and localization solution.
- translation and localization
- interpolation of values to translations (Ruby 1.9 compatible syntax)
- pluralization (CLDR compatible)
- flexible defaults
- bulk lookup
- lambdas as translation data
- custom key/scope separator
- custom exception handlers
- extensible architecture with a swappable backend
Experimental, pluggable features:
- lambda pluralizers stored as translation data
- RFC4647 compliant locale fallbacks (with optional RFC4646 locale validation)
- backend cache
For more information and lots of resources see: "http://rails-i18n.org/wiki":http://rails-i18n.org/wiki
h2. Fast backend
This fork includes a @Fast@ backend that optimizes for the most common lookups and makes them about 20x (for @t(:'foo.bar.baz')@) or 6x (for @t(:'foo.bar.baz', :a=>'A', :b=>'B')@) times faster than the original @Simple@ backend. The @Fast@ backend is slightly less memory efficient and is slower to @reload!@, but should be a great choice for production environment.
h3. Branches
"2-3-stable":http://github.com/thedarkone/i18n/tree/2-3-stable branch is for the old @I18n@ gem shipped with Rails 2.3
"master":http://github.com/thedarkone/i18n/tree/master is for the current @I18n@ gem version
h3. Usage
Clone the repo as a plugin into your Rails app.
# in initializer or enviroment.rb
I18n.backend = I18n::Backend::Fast.new
h2. Authors
h2. License
MIT License. See the included MIT-LICENCE file.