Elasticity provides programmatic access to Amazon's Elastic Map Reduce service. The aim is to conveniently wrap the API operations in a manner that makes working with EMR job flows from Ruby more productive and more enjoyable, without having to understand the nuts and bolts of the EMR REST API. At the very least, using Elasticity allows you to easily experiment with the EMR API :)
'''BACKLOG''': Have a look at the [https://www.pivotaltracker.com/projects/272429 backlog] to see where this is headed.
'''CREDITS''': AWS signing was used from [http://www.rightscale.com/ RightScale's] amazing [https://github.com/rightscale/right_aws right_aws gem] which works extraordinarily well! If you need access to any AWS service (EC2, S3, etc.), have a look. Used camelize from ActiveSupport as well, thank you \Rails :)
= Installation and Usage =
gem install elasticity
All you have to do is require 'elasticity'
and you're all set!
= Simplified API Reference =
Elasticity currently provides simplified access to launching Hive and Pig job flows, specifying several default values that you may optionally override:
@action_on_failure = "TERMINATE_JOB_FLOW"
@ec2_key_name = "default"
@hadoop_version = "0.20"
@instance_count = 2
@master_instance_type = "m1.small"
@name = "Elasticity Job"
@slave_instance_type = "m1.small"
These are all accessible from HiveJob and PigJob. See the PigJob description for an example.
=== Bootstrap Actions ===
You can also configure Hadoop options with add_hadoop_bootstrap_action().
pig = Elasticity::PigJob.new(ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"], ENV["AWS_SECRET_KEY"])
pig.add_hadoop_bootstrap_action("-m", "mapred.job.reuse.jvm.num.tasks=120")
== Hive ==
HiveJob allows you to quickly launch Hive jobs without having to understand the ins and outs of the EMR API. Specify only the Hive script location and (optionally) variables to make available to the Hive script.
hive = Elasticity::HiveJob.new(ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"], ENV["AWS_SECRET_KEY"])
hive.run("s3n://slif-hive/test.q", {
"LIB" => "s3n://slif-test/lib",
"OUTPUT" => "s3n://slif-test/output"
> "j-129V5AQFMKO1C"
== Pig ==
Like HiveJob, PigJob allows you to quickly launch Pig jobs :)
pig = Elasticity::PigJob.new(ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"], ENV["AWS_SECRET_KEY"])
pig.log_uri = "s3n://slif-elasticity/pig-apache/logs"
pig.ec2_key_name = "slif_dev"
pig.run("s3n://elasticmapreduce/samples/pig-apache/do-reports.pig", {
"INPUT" => "s3n://elasticmapreduce/samples/pig-apache/input",
"OUTPUT" => "s3n://slif-elasticity/pig-apache/output/2011-05-04"
> "j-16PZ24OED71C6"
=== PARALLEL ===
Given the importance of specifying a reasonable value for [http://pig.apache.org/docs/r0.8.1/cookbook.html#Use+the+Parallel+Features PARALLEL] (the number of parallel reducers), Elasticity calculates and passes through a reasonable default up with every invocation in the form of a script variable called E_PARALLELS. This default value is based off of the formula in the Pig Cookbook and the number of reducers AWS configures per instance.
For example, if you had 8 instances in total and your slaves were m1.xlarge, the value is 26 (as shown below).
-p INPUT=s3n://elasticmapreduce/samples/pig-apache/input
-p OUTPUT=s3n://slif-elasticity/pig-apache/output/2011-05-04
Use this as you would any other Pig variable.
A = LOAD 'myfile' AS (t, u, v);
= Amazon API Reference =
Elasticity wraps all of the EMR API calls. Please see the Amazon guide for details on these operations because the default values aren't obvious (e.g. the meaning of DescribeJobFlows
without parameters).
You may opt for "direct" access to the API where you specify the params and Elasticity takes care of the signing for you, responding with the XML from Amazon. Direct access is described below the API catalog.
In addition to the [http://aws.amazon.com/elasticmapreduce/ AWS EMR subsite], there are three primary resources of reference information for EMR:
Unfortunately, the documentation is sometimes incorrect and sometimes missing. E.g. the allowable values for AddInstanceGroups are present in the [http://awsdocs.s3.amazonaws.com/ElasticMapReduce/20090331/emr-api-20090331.pdf PDF] version of the API reference but not in the [http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/ElasticMapReduce/latest/API/ HTML] version. Elasticity implements the API as specified in the PDF reference as that is the most complete description I could find.
== AddInstanceGroups ==
AddInstanceGroups adds a group of instances to an existing job flow. The available instance configuration options are listed in the EMR API reference. They've been converted to be more Ruby-like in the wrappers, as shown in the example below.
emr = Elasticity::EMR.new(ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"], ENV["AWS_SECRET_KEY"])
instance_group_config = {
:instance_count => 1,
:instance_role => "TASK",
:instance_type => "m1.small",
:market => "ON_DEMAND",
:name => "Go Canucks Go!"
emr.add_instance_groups("j-26LIXPUNSC0M3", [instance_group_config])
> ["ig-E7C8MGA2ULQ1"]
Some combinations of the options will be rejected by Amazon and some once-valid options will sometimes be rejected if they not relevant to the current state of the job flow (e.g. duplicate addition of TASK groups to the same job flow).
emr.add_instance_groups("j-26LIXPUNSC0M3", [instance_group_config])
> Task instance group already exists in the job flow, cannot add more task groups
== AddJobFlowSteps ==
AddJobFlowSteps adds the specified steps to the specified job flow.
emr = Elasticity::EMR.new(ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"], ENV["AWS_SECRET_KEY"])
jobflow_id = emr.run_job_flow(...)
emr.add_jobflow_steps(jobflow_id, {
:steps => [
:action_on_failure => "TERMINATE_JOB_FLOW",
:hadoop_jar_step => {
:args => [
:jar => "s3://elasticmapreduce/libs/script-runner/script-runner.jar"
:name => "Setup Pig"
== DescribeJobFlows ==
DescribeJobFlows returns detailed information as to the state of all jobs. Currently this is wrapped in an Elasticity::JobFlow
that contains the name
, jobflow_id
and state
emr = Elasticity::EMR.new(ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"], ENV["AWS_SECRET_KEY"])
jobflows = emr.describe_jobflows
p jobflows.map(&:name)
> ["Hive Test", "Pig Test", "Interactive Hadoop", "Interactive Hive"]
== ModifyInstanceGroups ==
A job flow contains several "instance groups" of various types. These instances are where the work for your EMR task occurs. After a job flow has been created, you can find these instance groups in the AWS web UI by clicking on a job flow and then clicking on the "Instance Groups" tab.
emr = Elasticity::EMR.new(ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"], ENV["AWS_SECRET_KEY"])
emr.modify_instance_groups({"ig-2T1HNUO61BG3O" => 3})
If there's an error, you'll receive an ArgumentError containing the message from Amazon. For example if you attempt to modify an instance group that's part of a terminated job flow:
emr = Elasticity::EMR.new(ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"], ENV["AWS_SECRET_KEY"])
emr.modify_instance_groups({"ig-some_terminated_group" => 3})
> ArgumentError: An instance group may only be modified when the job flow is running or waiting
Or if you attempt to increase the instance count of the MASTER instance group:
emr = Elasticity::EMR.new(ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"], ENV["AWS_SECRET_KEY"])
emr.modify_instance_groups({"ig-some_terminated_group" => 3})
> ArgumentError: A master instance group may not be modified
== RunJobFlow ==
RunJobFlow creates and starts a new job flow. Specifying the arguments to RunJobFlow is a bit of a hot mess at the moment, requiring you to understand the EMR syntax as well as the data structure for specifying jobs. Here's a beefy example:
emr = Elasticity::EMR.new(ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"], ENV["AWS_SECRET_KEY"])
jobflow_id = emr.run_job_flow({
:name => "Elasticity Test Flow (EMR Pig Script)",
:instances => {
:ec2_key_name => "sharethrough-dev",
:hadoop_version => "0.20",
:instance_count => 2,
:master_instance_type => "m1.small",
:placement => {
:availability_zone => "us-east-1a"
:slave_instance_type => "m1.small",
:steps => [
:action_on_failure => "TERMINATE_JOB_FLOW",
:hadoop_jar_step => {
:args => [
:jar => "s3://elasticmapreduce/libs/script-runner/script-runner.jar"
:name => "Setup Pig"
:action_on_failure => "TERMINATE_JOB_FLOW",
:hadoop_jar_step => {
:args => [
:jar => "s3://elasticmapreduce/libs/script-runner/script-runner.jar"
:name => "Run Pig Script"
> "j-129V5AQFMKO1C"
Currently Elasticity doesn't do much to ease this pain although this is what I would like to focus on in coming releases. Feel free to ship ideas my way. In the meantime, have a look at the EMR API [http://awsdocs.s3.amazonaws.com/ElasticMapReduce/20090331/emr-api-20090331.pdf PDF] under the RunJobFlow action and riff off of the example here.
== SetTerminationProtection ==
Enable or disable "termination protection" on the specified job flows. Termination protection prevents a job flow from from being terminated by any user-initiated action.
emr = Elasticity::EMR.new(ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"], ENV["AWS_SECRET_KEY"])
emr.set_termination_protection(["j-1B4D1XP0C0A35", "j-1YG2MYL0HVYS5"])
To disable termination protection, specify false as the second parameter.
emr.set_termination_protection(["j-1B4D1XP0C0A35", "j-1YG2MYL0HVYS5"], false)
== TerminateJobFlows ==
Terminate the specified job flow. When the job flow '''exists''', you will receive no output. This is because Amazon does not return anything other than a 200 when you terminate a job flow :) You'll want to continuously poll with DescribeJobFlows to see when the job was actually terminated.
emr = Elasticity::EMR.new(ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"], ENV["AWS_SECRET_KEY"])
When the job flow '''doesn't exist''':
emr = Elasticity::EMR.new(ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"], ENV["AWS_SECRET_KEY"])
> ArgumentError: Job flow 'no-flow' does not exist.
= Direct Response Access =
If you're fine with Elasticity's invocation wrapping and would prefer to get at the resulting XML rather than the wrapped response, throw a block our way and we'll yield the result. This still saves you the trouble of having to create the params and sign the request yet gives you direct access to the response XML for your parsing pleasure.
emr = Elasticity::EMR.new(ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"], ENV["AWS_SECRET_KEY"])
emr.describe_jobflows{|xml| puts xml[0..77]}
= Direct Request/Response Access =
If you're chomping at the bit to initiate some EMR functionality that isn't wrapped (or isn't wrapped in a way you prefer :) feel free to access the AWS EMR API directly by using EMR.direct()
. You can find the allowed values in Amazon's EMR API [http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/ElasticMapReduce/latest/DeveloperGuide/index.html developer documentation].
emr = Elasticity::EMR.new(ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"], ENV["AWS_SECRET_KEY"])
params = {"Operation" => "DescribeJobFlows"}
result_xml = emr.direct(params)
= License =
Copyright 2011 Robert Slifka
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.