Package chrometracing writes per-process Chrome trace_event files that can be loaded into chrome://tracing.
Package grip provides a flexible logging package for basic Go programs. Drawing inspiration from Go and Python's standard library logging, as well as systemd's journal service, and other logging systems, Grip provides a number of very powerful logging abstractions in one high-level package. The central type of the grip package is the Journaler type, instances of which provide distinct log capturing system. For ease, following from the Go standard library, the grip package provides parallel public methods that use an internal "standard" Jouernaler instance in the grip package, which has some defaults configured and may be sufficient for many use cases. The send.Sender interface provides a way of changing the logging backend, and the send package provides a number of alternate implementations of logging systems, including: systemd's journal, logging to standard output, logging to a file, and generic syslog support. The message.Composer interface is the representation of all messages. They are implemented to provide a raw structured form as well as a string representation for more conentional logging output. Furthermore they are intended to be easy to produce, and defer more expensive processing until they're being logged, to prevent expensive operations producing messages that are below threshold. The MutiCatcher type makes it possible to collect from a group of operations and then aggregate them as a single error. Loging helpers exist for the following levels: These methods accept both strings (message content,) or types that implement the message.MessageComposer interface. Composer types make it possible to delay generating a message unless the logger is over the logging threshold. Use this to avoid expensive serialization operations for suppressed logging operations. All levels also have additional methods with `ln` and `f` appended to the end of the method name which allow Println() and Printf() style functionality. You must pass printf/println-style arguments to these methods. The Conditional logging methods take two arguments, a Boolean, and a message argument. Messages can be strings, objects that implement the MessageComposer interface, or errors. If condition boolean is true, the threshold level is met, and the message to log is not an empty string, then it logs the resolved message. Use conditional logging methods to potentially suppress log messages based on situations orthogonal to log level, with "log sometimes" or "log rarely" semantics. Combine with MessageComposers to to avoid expensive message building operations.
Package gophercloud provides a multi-vendor interface to OpenStack-compatible clouds. The library has a three-level hierarchy: providers, services, and resources. Provider structs represent the cloud providers that offer and manage a collection of services. You will generally want to create one Provider client per OpenStack cloud. Use your OpenStack credentials to create a Provider client. The IdentityEndpoint is typically refered to as "auth_url" or "OS_AUTH_URL" in information provided by the cloud operator. Additionally, the cloud may refer to TenantID or TenantName as project_id and project_name. Credentials are specified like so: You can also use AK/SK authentication to construct provider: You may also use the openstack.AuthOptionsFromEnv() helper function. This function reads in standard environment variables frequently found in an OpenStack `openrc` file. Again note that Gophercloud currently uses "tenant" instead of "project". Service structs are specific to a provider and handle all of the logic and operations for a particular OpenStack service. Examples of services include: Compute, Object Storage, Block Storage. In order to define one, you need to pass in the parent provider, like so: Resource structs are the domain models that services make use of in order to work with and represent the state of API resources: Intermediate Result structs are returned for API operations, which allow generic access to the HTTP headers, response body, and any errors associated with the network transaction. To turn a result into a usable resource struct, you must call the Extract method which is chained to the response, or an Extract function from an applicable extension: All requests that enumerate a collection return a Pager struct that is used to iterate through the results one page at a time. Use the EachPage method on that Pager to handle each successive Page in a closure, then use the appropriate extraction method from that request's package to interpret that Page as a slice of results: If you want to obtain the entire collection of pages without doing any intermediary processing on each page, you can use the AllPages method: This top-level package contains utility functions and data types that are used throughout the provider and service packages. Of particular note for end users are the AuthOptions and EndpointOpts structs.
Package elmobd provides communication with cars OBD-II system using ELM327 based USB-devices. Using this library and a ELM327-based USB-device you can communicate with your cars on-board diagnostics system to read sensor data. Reading trouble codes and resetting them is not yet implemented. All assumptions this library makes are based on the official Elm Electronics datasheet of the ELM327 IC: After that introduction - Welcome! I hope you'll find this library useful and its documentation easy to digest. If that's not the case, please create a GitHub-issue: You'll note that this package has the majority its types and functions exported. The reason for that is that there are many different commands you can send to a ELM327 device, and this library will never we able to define all commands, so most functionality is exported so that you can easily extend it. You'll also note that there are A LOT of types. The reason for this is each command that can be sent to the ELM327 device is defined as it's own type. The approach I wanted to take with this library was to get as much type safety as possible. With that said, as an end user of this library you'll only need to know about two kinds types: the Device type and types that implement the OBDCommand interface. The Device type represents an active connection with an ELM327 device. You plug in your device into your computer, get the path to the device and initialize a new device: This library is design to be as high level as possible, you shouldn't need to handle baud rates, setting protocols or anything like that. After the Device has been initialized you can just start sending commands. The function you will be using the most is the Device.RunOBDCommand, which accepts a command, sends the command to the device, waits for a response, parses the response and gives it back to you. Which means this command is blocking execution until it has been finished. The default timeout is currently set to 5 seconds. The RunOBDCommand accepts a single argument, a type that implements the OBDCommand interface. That interface has a couple of functions that needs to exist in order to be able to generate the low-level request for the device and parse the low-level response. Basically you send in an empty OBDCommand and get back a OBDCommand with the processed value retrieved from the device. Suppose that after checking the device connection (in our example above) we would like to retrieve the vehicles speed. There's a type called VehicleSpeed that implements the OBDCommand interface that we can use. We start by creating a new VehicleSpeed using its constructor NewVehicleSpeed that we then give to RunOBDCommand: At the moment there are around 15 sensor commands defined in this library. They are all defined in the file commands.go of the library ( If you look in the end of that file you'll find an internal static variable with all the sensor commands called sensorCommands. That's the basics of this library - you create a device connection and then run commands. Documentation of more advanced use-cases is in the works, so don't worry! If there's something that you wish would be documented, or something that is not clear in the current documentation, please create a GitHub-issue.
Package gocql implements a fast and robust Cassandra driver for the Go programming language. Pass a list of initial node IP addresses to NewCluster to create a new cluster configuration: Port can be specified as part of the address, the above is equivalent to: It is recommended to use the value set in the Cassandra config for broadcast_address or listen_address, an IP address not a domain name. This is because events from Cassandra will use the configured IP address, which is used to index connected hosts. If the domain name specified resolves to more than 1 IP address then the driver may connect multiple times to the same host, and will not mark the node being down or up from events. Then you can customize more options (see ClusterConfig): The driver tries to automatically detect the protocol version to use if not set, but you might want to set the protocol version explicitly, as it's not defined which version will be used in certain situations (for example during upgrade of the cluster when some of the nodes support different set of protocol versions than other nodes). The driver advertises the module name and version in the STARTUP message, so servers are able to detect the version. If you use replace directive in go.mod, the driver will send information about the replacement module instead. When ready, create a session from the configuration. Don't forget to Close the session once you are done with it: CQL protocol uses a SASL-based authentication mechanism and so consists of an exchange of server challenges and client response pairs. The details of the exchanged messages depend on the authenticator used. To use authentication, set ClusterConfig.Authenticator or ClusterConfig.AuthProvider. PasswordAuthenticator is provided to use for username/password authentication: It is possible to secure traffic between the client and server with TLS. To use TLS, set the ClusterConfig.SslOpts field. SslOptions embeds *tls.Config so you can set that directly. There are also helpers to load keys/certificates from files. Warning: Due to historical reasons, the SslOptions is insecure by default, so you need to set EnableHostVerification to true if no Config is set. Most users should set SslOptions.Config to a *tls.Config. SslOptions and Config.InsecureSkipVerify interact as follows: For example: To route queries to local DC first, use DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy. For example, if the datacenter you want to primarily connect is called dc1 (as configured in the database): The driver can route queries to nodes that hold data replicas based on partition key (preferring local DC). Note that TokenAwareHostPolicy can take options such as gocql.ShuffleReplicas and gocql.NonLocalReplicasFallback. We recommend running with a token aware host policy in production for maximum performance. The driver can only use token-aware routing for queries where all partition key columns are query parameters. For example, instead of use The DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy can be replaced with RackAwareRoundRobinPolicy, which takes two parameters, datacenter and rack. Instead of dividing hosts with two tiers (local datacenter and remote datacenters) it divides hosts into three (the local rack, the rest of the local datacenter, and everything else). RackAwareRoundRobinPolicy can be combined with TokenAwareHostPolicy in the same way as DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy. Create queries with Session.Query. Query values must not be reused between different executions and must not be modified after starting execution of the query. To execute a query without reading results, use Query.Exec: Single row can be read by calling Query.Scan: Multiple rows can be read using Iter.Scanner: See Example for complete example. The driver automatically prepares DML queries (SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/BATCH statements) and maintains a cache of prepared statements. CQL protocol does not support preparing other query types. When using CQL protocol >= 4, it is possible to use gocql.UnsetValue as the bound value of a column. This will cause the database to ignore writing the column. The main advantage is the ability to keep the same prepared statement even when you don't want to update some fields, where before you needed to make another prepared statement. Session is safe to use from multiple goroutines, so to execute multiple concurrent queries, just execute them from several worker goroutines. Gocql provides synchronously-looking API (as recommended for Go APIs) and the queries are executed asynchronously at the protocol level. Null values are are unmarshalled as zero value of the type. If you need to distinguish for example between text column being null and empty string, you can unmarshal into *string variable instead of string. See Example_nulls for full example. The driver reuses backing memory of slices when unmarshalling. This is an optimization so that a buffer does not need to be allocated for every processed row. However, you need to be careful when storing the slices to other memory structures. When you want to save the data for later use, pass a new slice every time. A common pattern is to declare the slice variable within the scanner loop: The driver supports paging of results with automatic prefetch, see ClusterConfig.PageSize, Session.SetPrefetch, Query.PageSize, and Query.Prefetch. It is also possible to control the paging manually with Query.PageState (this disables automatic prefetch). Manual paging is useful if you want to store the page state externally, for example in a URL to allow users browse pages in a result. You might want to sign/encrypt the paging state when exposing it externally since it contains data from primary keys. Paging state is specific to the CQL protocol version and the exact query used. It is meant as opaque state that should not be modified. If you send paging state from different query or protocol version, then the behaviour is not defined (you might get unexpected results or an error from the server). For example, do not send paging state returned by node using protocol version 3 to a node using protocol version 4. Also, when using protocol version 4, paging state between Cassandra 2.2 and 3.0 is incompatible ( The driver does not check whether the paging state is from the same protocol version/statement. You might want to validate yourself as this could be a problem if you store paging state externally. For example, if you store paging state in a URL, the URLs might become broken when you upgrade your cluster. Call Query.PageState(nil) to fetch just the first page of the query results. Pass the page state returned by Iter.PageState to Query.PageState of a subsequent query to get the next page. If the length of slice returned by Iter.PageState is zero, there are no more pages available (or an error occurred). Using too low values of PageSize will negatively affect performance, a value below 100 is probably too low. While Cassandra returns exactly PageSize items (except for last page) in a page currently, the protocol authors explicitly reserved the right to return smaller or larger amount of items in a page for performance reasons, so don't rely on the page having the exact count of items. See Example_paging for an example of manual paging. There are certain situations when you don't know the list of columns in advance, mainly when the query is supplied by the user. Iter.Columns, Iter.RowData, Iter.MapScan and Iter.SliceMap can be used to handle this case. See Example_dynamicColumns. The CQL protocol supports sending batches of DML statements (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE) and so does gocql. Use Session.NewBatch to create a new batch and then fill-in details of individual queries. Then execute the batch with Session.ExecuteBatch. Logged batches ensure atomicity, either all or none of the operations in the batch will succeed, but they have overhead to ensure this property. Unlogged batches don't have the overhead of logged batches, but don't guarantee atomicity. Updates of counters are handled specially by Cassandra so batches of counter updates have to use CounterBatch type. A counter batch can only contain statements to update counters. For unlogged batches it is recommended to send only single-partition batches (i.e. all statements in the batch should involve only a single partition). Multi-partition batch needs to be split by the coordinator node and re-sent to correct nodes. With single-partition batches you can send the batch directly to the node for the partition without incurring the additional network hop. It is also possible to pass entire BEGIN BATCH .. APPLY BATCH statement to Query.Exec. There are differences how those are executed. BEGIN BATCH statement passed to Query.Exec is prepared as a whole in a single statement. Session.ExecuteBatch prepares individual statements in the batch. If you have variable-length batches using the same statement, using Session.ExecuteBatch is more efficient. See Example_batch for an example. Query.ScanCAS or Query.MapScanCAS can be used to execute a single-statement lightweight transaction (an INSERT/UPDATE .. IF statement) and reading its result. See example for Query.MapScanCAS. Multiple-statement lightweight transactions can be executed as a logged batch that contains at least one conditional statement. All the conditions must return true for the batch to be applied. You can use Session.ExecuteBatchCAS and Session.MapExecuteBatchCAS when executing the batch to learn about the result of the LWT. See example for Session.MapExecuteBatchCAS. Queries can be marked as idempotent. Marking the query as idempotent tells the driver that the query can be executed multiple times without affecting its result. Non-idempotent queries are not eligible for retrying nor speculative execution. Idempotent queries are retried in case of errors based on the configured RetryPolicy. If the query is LWT and the configured RetryPolicy additionally implements LWTRetryPolicy interface, then the policy will be cast to LWTRetryPolicy and used this way. Queries can be retried even before they fail by setting a SpeculativeExecutionPolicy. The policy can cause the driver to retry on a different node if the query is taking longer than a specified delay even before the driver receives an error or timeout from the server. When a query is speculatively executed, the original execution is still executing. The two parallel executions of the query race to return a result, the first received result will be returned. UDTs can be mapped (un)marshaled from/to map[string]interface{} a Go struct (or a type implementing UDTUnmarshaler, UDTMarshaler, Unmarshaler or Marshaler interfaces). For structs, cql tag can be used to specify the CQL field name to be mapped to a struct field: See Example_userDefinedTypesMap, Example_userDefinedTypesStruct, ExampleUDTMarshaler, ExampleUDTUnmarshaler. It is possible to provide observer implementations that could be used to gather metrics: CQL protocol also supports tracing of queries. When enabled, the database will write information about internal events that happened during execution of the query. You can use Query.Trace to request tracing and receive the session ID that the database used to store the trace information in system_traces.sessions and tables. NewTraceWriter returns an implementation of Tracer that writes the events to a writer. Gathering trace information might be essential for debugging and optimizing queries, but writing traces has overhead, so this feature should not be used on production systems with very high load unless you know what you are doing. Example_batch demonstrates how to execute a batch of statements. Example_dynamicColumns demonstrates how to handle dynamic column list. Example_marshalerUnmarshaler demonstrates how to implement a Marshaler and Unmarshaler. Example_nulls demonstrates how to distinguish between null and zero value when needed. Null values are unmarshalled as zero value of the type. If you need to distinguish for example between text column being null and empty string, you can unmarshal into *string field. Example_paging demonstrates how to manually fetch pages and use page state. See also package documentation about paging. Example_set demonstrates how to use sets. Example_userDefinedTypesMap demonstrates how to work with user-defined types as maps. See also Example_userDefinedTypesStruct and examples for UDTMarshaler and UDTUnmarshaler if you want to map to structs. Example_userDefinedTypesStruct demonstrates how to work with user-defined types as structs. See also examples for UDTMarshaler and UDTUnmarshaler if you need more control/better performance.
Extensible Go library for creating fast, SSR-first frontend avoiding vanilla templating downsides. Creating asynchronous and dynamic layout parts is a complex problem for larger projects using `html/template`. This library tries to simplify overall setup and process. Let's go straight into a simple example. Then, we will dig into details, step by step, how it works. Kyoto provides a set of simple net/http handlers, handler builders and function wrappers to provide serving, pages rendering, component actions, etc. Anyway, this is not an ultimative solution for any case. If you ever need to wrap/extend existing functionality, library encourages this. See functions inside of nethttp.go file for details and advanced usage. Example: Kyoto provides a way to define components. It's a very common approach for modern libraries to manage frontend parts. In kyoto each component is a context receiver, which returns it's state. Each component becomes a part of the page or top-level component, which executes component asynchronously and gets a state future object. In that way your components are executing in a non-blocking way. Pages are just top-level components, where you can configure rendering and page related stuff. Example: As an option, you can wrap component with another function to accept additional paramenters from top-level page/component. Example: Kyoto provides a context, which holds common objects like http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, etc. See kyoto.Context for details. Example: Kyoto provides a set of parameters and functions to provide a comfortable template building process. You can configure template building parameters with kyoto.TemplateConf configuration. See template.go for available functions and kyoto.TemplateConfiguration for configuration details. Example: Kyoto provides a way to simplify building dynamic UIs. For this purpose it has a feature named actions. Logic is pretty simple. Client calls an action (sends a request to the server). Action is executing on server side and server is sending updated component markup to the client which will be morphed into DOM. That's it. To use actions, you need to go through a few steps. You'll need to include a client into page (JS functions for communication) and register an actions handler for a needed component. Let's start from including a client. Then, let's register an actions handler for a needed component. That's all! Now we ready to use actions to provide a dynamic UI. Example: In this example you can see provided modifications to the quick start example. First, we've added a state and name into our components' markup. In this way we are saving our components' state between actions and find a component root. Unfortunately, we have to manually provide a component name for now, we haven't found a way to provide it dynamically. Second, we've added a reload button with onclick function call. We're using a function Action provided by a client. Action triggering will be described in details later. Third, we've added an action handler inside of our component. This handler will be executed when a client calls an action with a corresponding name. It's highly recommended to keep components' state as small as possible. It will be transmitted on each action call. Kyoto have multiple ways to trigger actions. Now we will check them one by one. This is the simplest way to trigger an action. It's just a function call with a referer (usually 'this', f.e. button) as a first argument (used to determine root), action name as a second argument and arguments as a rest. Arguments must to be JSON serializable. It's possible to trigger an action of another component. If you want to call an action of parent component, use $ prefix in action name. If you want to call an action of component by id, use <id:action> as an action name. This is a specific action which is triggered when a form is submitted. Usually called in onsubmit="..." attribute of a form. You'll need to implement 'Submit' action to handle this trigger. This is a special HTML attribute which will trigger an action on page load. This may be useful for components' lazy loading. With this special HTML attributes you can trigger an action with interval. Useful for components that must to be updated over time (f.e. charts, stats, etc). You can use this trigger with ssa:poll and ssa:poll.interval HTML attributes. This one attribute allows you to trigger an action when an element is visible on the screen. May be useful for lazy loading. Kyoto provides a way to control action flow. For now, it's possible to control display style on component call and push multiple UI updates to the client during a single action. Because kyoto makes a roundtrip to the server every time an action is triggered on the page, there are cases where the page may not react immediately to a user event (like a click). That's why the library provides a way to easily control display attributes on action call. You can use this HTML attribute to control display during action call. At the end of an action the layout will be restored. A small note. Don't forget to set a default display for loading elements like spinners and loaders. You can push multiple component UI updates during a single action call. Just call kyoto.ActionFlush(ctx, state) to initiate an update. Kyoto provides a way to control action rendering. Now there is at least 2 rendering options after an action call: morph (default) and replace. Morph will try to morph received markup to the current one with morphdom library. In case of an error, or explicit "replace" mode, markup will be replaced with x.outerHTML = '...'.
Package hercules contains the functions which are needed to gather various statistics from a Git repository. The analysis is expressed in a form of the tree: there are nodes - "pipeline items" - which require some other nodes to be executed prior to selves and in turn provide the data for dependent nodes. There are several service items which do not produce any useful statistics but rather provide the requirements for other items. The top-level items include: - BurndownAnalysis - line burndown statistics for project, files and developers. - CouplesAnalysis - coupling statistics for files and developers. - ShotnessAnalysis - structural hotness and couples, by any Babelfish UAST XPath (functions by default). The typical API usage is to initialize the Pipeline class: Then add the required analysis: This call will add all the needed intermediate pipeline items. Then link and execute the analysis tree: Finally extract the result: The actual usage example is cmd/hercules/root.go - the command line tool's code. You can provide additional options via `facts` on initialization. For example, to provide your own logger, enable people-tracking, and set a custom tick size: Hercules depends heavily on and leverages the diff algorithm through Besides, BurndownAnalysis involves File and RBTree. These are low level data structures which enable incremental blaming. File carries an instance of RBTree and the current line burndown state. RBTree implements the red-black balanced binary tree and is based on Coupling stats are supposed to be further processed rather than observed directly. uses Swivel embeddings and visualises them in Tensorflow Projector. Shotness analysis as well as other UAST-featured items relies on [Babelfish]( and requires the server to be running.
Package fd provides a simple API to pass file descriptors between different OS processes. It can be useful if you want to inherit network connections from another process without closing them. Example scenario:
The gotype command does syntactic and semantic analysis of Go files and packages like the front-end of a Go compiler. Errors are reported if the analysis fails; otherwise gotype is quiet (unless -v is set). Without a list of paths, gotype reads from standard input, which must provide a single Go source file defining a complete package. If a single path is specified that is a directory, gotype checks the Go files in that directory; they must all belong to the same package. Otherwise, each path must be the filename of Go file belonging to the same package. Usage: The flags are: Debugging flags: Examples: To check the files a.go, b.go, and c.go: To check an entire package in the directory dir and print the processed files: To check an entire package including tests in the local directory: To verify the output of a pipe:
Package golangsdk provides a multi-vendor interface to OpenStack-compatible clouds. The library has a three-level hierarchy: providers, services, and resources. Provider structs represent the cloud providers that offer and manage a collection of services. You will generally want to create one Provider client per OpenStack cloud. Use your OpenStack credentials to create a Provider client. The IdentityEndpoint is typically refered to as "auth_url" or "OS_AUTH_URL" in information provided by the cloud operator. Additionally, the cloud may refer to TenantID or TenantName as project_id and project_name. Credentials are specified like so: You may also use the openstack.AuthOptionsFromEnv() helper function. This function reads in standard environment variables frequently found in an OpenStack `openrc` file. Again note that Gophercloud currently uses "tenant" instead of "project". Service structs are specific to a provider and handle all of the logic and operations for a particular OpenStack service. Examples of services include: Compute, Object Storage, Block Storage. In order to define one, you need to pass in the parent provider, like so: Resource structs are the domain models that services make use of in order to work with and represent the state of API resources: Intermediate Result structs are returned for API operations, which allow generic access to the HTTP headers, response body, and any errors associated with the network transaction. To turn a result into a usable resource struct, you must call the Extract method which is chained to the response, or an Extract function from an applicable extension: All requests that enumerate a collection return a Pager struct that is used to iterate through the results one page at a time. Use the EachPage method on that Pager to handle each successive Page in a closure, then use the appropriate extraction method from that request's package to interpret that Page as a slice of results: If you want to obtain the entire collection of pages without doing any intermediary processing on each page, you can use the AllPages method: This top-level package contains utility functions and data types that are used throughout the provider and service packages. Of particular note for end users are the AuthOptions and EndpointOpts structs. An example retry backoff function, which respects the 429 HTTP response code:
Package gitfs is a complete solution for static files in Go code. When Go code uses non-Go files, they are not packaged into the binary. The common approach to the problem, as implemented by (go-bindata) is to convert all the required static files into Go code, which eventually compiled into the binary. This library takes a different approach, in which the static files are not required to be "binary-packed", and even no required to be in the same repository as the Go code. This package enables loading static content from a remote git repository, or packing it to the binary if desired or loaded from local path for development process. The transition from remote repository to binary packed content, to local content is completely smooth. *The API is simple and minimalistic*. The `New` method returns a (sub)tree of a Git repository, represented by the standard `http.FileSystem` interface. This object enables anything that is possible to do with a regular filesystem, such as opening a file or listing a directory. Additionally, the ./fsutil package provides enhancements over the `http.FileSystem` object (They can work with any object that implements the interface) such as loading Go templates in the standard way, walking over the filesystem, and applying glob patterns on a filesystem. Supported features: * Loading of specific version/tag/branch. * For debug purposes, the files can be loaded from local path instead of the remote repository. * Files are loaded lazily by default or they can be preloaded if required. * Files can be packed to the Go binary using a command line tool. * This project is using the standard `http.FileSystem` interface. * In ./fsutil there are some general useful tools around the `http.FileSystem` interace. To create a filesystem using the `New` function, provide the Git project with the pattern: `<owner>/<repo>(/<path>)?(@<ref>)?`. If no `path` is specified, the root of the project will be used. `ref` can be any git branch using `heads/<branch name>` or any git tag using `tags/<tag>`. If the tag is of Semver format, the `tags/` prefix is not required. If no `ref` is specified, the default branch will be used. In the following example, the repository `` at tag v1.2.3 and internal path "static" is loaded: The variable `fs` implements the `http.FileSystem` interface. Reading a file from the repository can be done using the `Open` method. This function accepts a path, relative to the root of the defined filesystem. The `fs` variable can be used in anything that accept the standard interface. For example, it can be used for serving static content using the standard library: When used with private github repository, the Github API calls should be instrumented with the appropriate credentials. The credentials can be passed by providing an HTTP client. For example, to use a Github Token from environnement variable `GITHUB_TOKEN`: For quick development workflows, it is easier and faster to use local static content and not remote content that was pushed to a remote repository. This is enabled by the `OptLocal` option. To use this option only in local development and not in production system, it can be used as follow: In this example, we stored the value for `OptLocal` in an environment variable. As a result, when running the program with `LOCAL_DEBUG=.` local files will be used, while running without it will result in using the remote files. (the value of the environment variable should point to any directory within the github project). Using gitfs does not mean that files are required to be remotely fetched. When binary packing of the files is needed, a command line tool can pack them for you. To get the tool run: `go get`. Running the tool is by `gitfs <patterns>`. This generates a `gitfs.go` file in the current directory that contains all the used filesystems' data. This will cause all `gitfs.New` calls to automatically use the packed data, insted of fetching the data on runtime. By default, a test will also be generated with the code. This test fails when the local files are modified without updating the binary content. Use binary-packing with `go generate`: To generate all filesystems used by a project add `//go:generate gitfs ./...` in the root of the project. To generate only a specific filesystem add `//go:generate gitfs $GOFILE` in the file it is being used. An interesting anecdote is that gitfs command is using itself for generating its own templates. Files exclusion can be done by including only specific files using a glob pattern with `OptGlob` option, using the Glob options. This will affect both local loading of files, remote loading and binary packing (may reduce binary size). For example: The ./fsutil package is a collection of useful functions that can work with any `http.FileSystem` implementation. For example, here we will use a function that loads go templates from the filesystem. With gitfs you can open a remote git repository, and load any file, including non-go files. In this example, the file of a remote repository is loaded.
This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy(request level configuration), alternatively, global(all services) or client level RetryPolicy configration is also possible. You can find the examples here: If you are trying to make a PUT/POST API call with binary request body, please make sure the binary request body is resettable, which means the request body should inherit Seeker interface. The Retry behavior Precedence (Highest to lowest) is defined as below:- The OCI Go SDK defines a default retry policy that retries on the errors suitable for retries (see, for a recommended period of time (up to 7 attempts spread out over at most approximately 1.5 minutes). The default retry policy is defined by : Default Retry-able Errors Below is the list of default retry-able errors for which retry attempts should be made. The following errors should be retried (with backoff). HTTP Code Customer-facing Error Code Apart from the above errors, retries should also be attempted in the following Client Side errors : 1. HTTP Connection timeout 2. Request Connection Errors 3. Request Exceptions 4. Other timeouts (like Read Timeout) The above errors can be avoided through retrying and hence, are classified as the default retry-able errors. Additionally, retries should also be made for Circuit Breaker exceptions (Exceptions raised by Circuit Breaker in an open state) Default Termination Strategy The termination strategy defines when SDKs should stop attempting to retry. In other words, it's the deadline for retries. The OCI SDKs should stop retrying the operation after 7 retry attempts. This means the SDKs will have retried for ~98 seconds or ~1.5 minutes have elapsed due to total delays. SDKs will make a total of 8 attempts. (1 initial request + 7 retries) Default Delay Strategy Default Delay Strategy - The delay strategy defines the amount of time to wait between each of the retry attempts. The default delay strategy chosen for the SDK – Exponential backoff with jitter, using: 1. The base time to use in retry calculations will be 1 second 2. An exponent of 2. When calculating the next retry time, the SDK will raise this to the power of the number of attempts 3. A maximum wait time between calls of 30 seconds (Capped) 4. Added jitter value between 0-1000 milliseconds to spread out the requests Configure and use default retry policy You can set this retry policy for a single request: or for all requests made by a client: or for all requests made by all clients: or setting default retry via environment varaible, which is a global switch for all services: Some services enable retry for operations by default, this can be overridden using any alternatives mentioned above. To know which service operations have retries enabled by default, look at the operation's description in the SDK - it will say whether that it has retries enabled by default Some resources may have to be replicated across regions and are only eventually consistent. That means the request to create, update, or delete the resource succeeded, but the resource is not available everywhere immediately. Creating, updating, or deleting any resource in the Identity service is affected by eventual consistency, and doing so may cause other operations in other services to fail until the Identity resource has been replicated. For example, the request to CreateTag in the Identity service in the home region succeeds, but immediately using that created tag in another region in a request to LaunchInstance in the Compute service may fail. If you are creating, updating, or deleting resources in the Identity service, we recommend using an eventually consistent retry policy for any service you access. The default retry policy already deals with eventual consistency. Example: This retry policy will use a different strategy if an eventually consistent change was made in the recent past (called the "eventually consistent window", currently defined to be 4 minutes after the eventually consistent change). This special retry policy for eventual consistency will: 1. make up to 9 attempts (including the initial attempt); if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made 2. retry at most until (a) approximately the end of the eventually consistent window or (b) the end of the default retry period of about 1.5 minutes, whichever is farther in the future; if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made, and the OCI Go SDK will not wait any longer 3. retry on the error codes 400-RelatedResourceNotAuthorizedOrNotFound, 404-NotAuthorizedOrNotFound, and 409-NotAuthorizedOrResourceAlreadyExists, for which the default retry policy does not retry, in addition to the errors the default retry policy retries on (see If there were no eventually consistent actions within the recent past, then this special retry strategy is not used. If you want a retry policy that does not handle eventual consistency in a special way, for example because you retry on all error responses, you can use DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency or NewRetryPolicyWithOptions with the common.ReplaceWithValuesFromRetryPolicy(common.DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency()) option: The NewRetryPolicy function also creates a retry policy without eventual consistency. Circuit Breaker can prevent an application repeatedly trying to execute an operation that is likely to fail, allowing it to continue without waiting for the fault to be rectified or wasting CPU cycles, of course, it also enables an application to detect whether the fault has been resolved. If the problem appears to have been rectified, the application can attempt to invoke the operation. Go SDK intergrates sony/gobreaker solution, wraps in a circuit breaker object, which monitors for failures. Once the failures reach a certain threshold, the circuit breaker trips, and all further calls to the circuit breaker return with an error, this also saves the service from being overwhelmed with network calls in case of an outage. Circuit Breaker Configuration Definitions 1. Failure Rate Threshold - The state of the CircuitBreaker changes from CLOSED to OPEN when the failure rate is equal or greater than a configurable threshold. For example when more than 50% of the recorded calls have failed. 2. Reset Timeout - The timeout after which an open circuit breaker will attempt a request if a request is made 3. Failure Exceptions - The list of Exceptions that will be regarded as failures for the circuit. 4. Minimum number of calls/ Volume threshold - Configures the minimum number of calls which are required (per sliding window period) before the CircuitBreaker can calculate the error rate. 1. Failure Rate Threshold - 80% - This means when 80% of the requests calculated for a time window of 120 seconds have failed then the circuit will transition from closed to open. 2. Minimum number of calls/ Volume threshold - A value of 10, for the above defined time window of 120 seconds. 3. Reset Timeout - 30 seconds to wait before setting the breaker to halfOpen state, and trying the action again. 4. Failure Exceptions - The failures for the circuit will only be recorded for the retryable/transient exceptions. This means only the following exceptions will be regarded as failure for the circuit. HTTP Code Customer-facing Error Code Apart from the above, the following client side exceptions will also be treated as a failure for the circuit : 1. HTTP Connection timeout 2. Request Connection Errors 3. Request Exceptions 4. Other timeouts (like Read Timeout) Go SDK enable circuit breaker with default configuration for most of the service clients, if you don't want to enable the solution, can disable the functionality before your application running Go SDK also supports customize Circuit Breaker with specified configurations. You can find the examples here: To know which service clients have circuit breakers enabled, look at the service client's description in the SDK - it will say whether that it has circuit breakers enabled by default The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link:
Package lumberjack provides a rolling logger. Note that this is v2.0 of lumberjack, and should be imported using thusly: The package name remains simply lumberjack, and the code resides at under the v2.0 branch. Lumberjack is intended to be one part of a logging infrastructure. It is not an all-in-one solution, but instead is a pluggable component at the bottom of the logging stack that simply controls the files to which logs are written. Lumberjack plays well with any logging package that can write to an io.Writer, including the standard library's log package. Lumberjack assumes that only one process is writing to the output files. Using the same lumberjack configuration from multiple processes on the same machine will result in improper behavior. To use lumberjack with the standard library's log package, just pass it into the SetOutput function when your application starts.
Package CloudForest implements ensembles of decision trees for machine learning in pure Go (golang to search engines). It allows for a number of related algorithms for classification, regression, feature selection and structure analysis on heterogeneous numerical/categorical data with missing values. These include: Breiman and Cutler's Random Forest for Classification and Regression Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost) Classification Gradiant Boosting Tree Regression Entropy and Cost driven classification L1 regression Feature selection with artificial contrasts Proximity and model structure analysis Roughly balanced bagging for unbalanced classification The API hasn't stabilized yet and may change rapidly. Tests and benchmarks have been performed only on embargoed data sets and can not yet be released. Library Documentation is in code and can be viewed with godoc or live at: Documentation of command line utilities and file formats can be found in, which can be viewed fromated on github: Pull requests and bug reports are welcome. CloudForest was created by Ryan Bressler and is being developed in the Shumelivich Lab at the Institute for Systems Biology for use on genomic/biomedical data with partial support from The Cancer Genome Atlas and the Inova Translational Medicine Institute. CloudForest is intended to provide fast, comprehensible building blocks that can be used to implement ensembles of decision trees. CloudForest is written in Go to allow a data scientist to develop and scale new models and analysis quickly instead of having to modify complex legacy code. Data structures and file formats are chosen with use in multi threaded and cluster environments in mind. Go's support for function types is used to provide a interface to run code as data is percolated through a tree. This method is flexible enough that it can extend the tree being analyzed. Growing a decision tree using Breiman and Cutler's method can be done in an anonymous function/closure passed to a tree's root node's Recurse method: This allows a researcher to include whatever additional analysis they need (importance scores, proximity etc) in tree growth. The same Recurse method can also be used to analyze existing forests to tabulate scores or extract structure. Utilities like leafcount and errorrate use this method to tabulate data about the tree in collection objects. Decision tree's are grown with the goal of reducing "Impurity" which is usually defined as Gini Impurity for categorical targets or mean squared error for numerical targets. CloudForest grows trees against the Target interface which allows for alternative definitions of impurity. CloudForest includes several alternative targets: Additional targets can be stacked on top of these target to add boosting functionality: Repeatedly splitting the data and searching for the best split at each node of a decision tree are the most computationally intensive parts of decision tree learning and CloudForest includes optimized code to perform these tasks. Go's slices are used extensively in CloudForest to make it simple to interact with optimized code. Many previous implementations of Random Forest have avoided reallocation by reordering data in place and keeping track of start and end indexes. In go, slices pointing at the same underlying arrays make this sort of optimization transparent. For example a function like: can return left and right slices that point to the same underlying array as the original slice of cases but these slices should not have their values changed. Functions used while searching for the best split also accepts pointers to reusable slices and structs to maximize speed by keeping memory allocations to a minimum. BestSplitAllocs contains pointers to these items and its use can be seen in functions like: For categorical predictors, BestSplit will also attempt to intelligently choose between 4 different implementations depending on user input and the number of categories. These include exhaustive, random, and iterative searches for the best combination of categories implemented with bitwise operations against int and big.Int. See BestCatSplit, BestCatSplitIter, BestCatSplitBig and BestCatSplitIterBig. All numerical predictors are handled by BestNumSplit which relies on go's sorting package. Training a Random forest is an inherently parallel process and CloudForest is designed to allow parallel implementations that can tackle large problems while keeping memory usage low by writing and using data structures directly to/from disk. Trees can be grown in separate go routines. The growforest utility provides an example of this that uses go routines and channels to grow trees in parallel and write trees to disk as the are finished by the "worker" go routines. The few summary statistics like mean impurity decrease per feature (importance) can be calculated using thread safe data structures like RunningMean. Trees can also be grown on separate machines. The .sf stochastic forest format allows several small forests to be combined by concatenation and the ForestReader and ForestWriter structs allow these forests to be accessed tree by tree (or even node by node) from disk. For data sets that are too big to fit in memory on a single machine Tree.Grow and FeatureMatrix.BestSplitter can be reimplemented to load candidate features from disk, distributed database etc. By default cloud forest uses a fast heuristic for missing values. When proposing a split on a feature with missing data the missing cases are removed and the impurity value is corrected to use three way impurity which reduces the bias towards features with lots of missing data: Missing values in the target variable are left out of impurity calculations. This provided generally good results at a fraction of the computational costs of imputing data. Optionally, feature.ImputeMissing or featurematrixImputeMissing can be called before forest growth to impute missing values to the feature mean/mode which Brieman [2] suggests as a fast method for imputing values. This forest could also be analyzed for proximity (using leafcount or tree.GetLeaves) to do the more accurate proximity weighted imputation Brieman describes. Experimental support is provided for 3 way splitting which splits missing cases onto a third branch. [2] This has so far yielded mixed results in testing. At some point in the future support may be added for local imputing of missing values during tree growth as described in [3] [1] [2] [3] In CloudForest data is stored using the FeatureMatrix struct which contains Features. The Feature struct implements storage and methods for both categorical and numerical data and calculations of impurity etc and the search for the best split. The Target interface abstracts the methods of Feature that are needed for a feature to be predictable. This allows for the implementation of alternative types of regression and classification. Trees are built from Nodes and Splitters and stored within a Forest. Tree has a Grow implements Brieman and Cutler's method (see extract above) for growing a tree. A GrowForest method is also provided that implements the rest of the method including sampling cases but it may be faster to grow the forest to disk as in the growforest utility. Prediction and Voting is done using Tree.Vote and CatBallotBox and NumBallotBox which implement the VoteTallyer interface.
This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy. You can find the examples here: If you are trying to make a PUT/POST API call with binary request body, please make sure the binary request body is resettable, which means the request body should inherit Seeker interface. The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link:
This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy. You can find the examples here: The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link:
Package antlr implements the Go version of the ANTLR 4 runtime. ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files. It's widely used to build languages, tools, and frameworks. From a grammar, ANTLR generates a parser that can build parse trees and also generates a listener interface (or visitor) that makes it easy to respond to the recognition of phrases of interest. ANTLR supports the generation of code in a number of target languages, and the generated code is supported by a runtime library, written specifically to support the generated code in the target language. This library is the runtime for the Go target. To generate code for the go target, it is generally recommended to place the source grammar files in a package of their own, and use the `.sh` script method of generating code, using the go generate directive. In that same directory it is usual, though not required, to place the antlr tool that should be used to generate the code. That does mean that the antlr tool JAR file will be checked in to your source code control though, so you are free to use any other way of specifying the version of the ANTLR tool to use, such as aliasing in `.zshrc` or equivalent, or a profile in your IDE, or configuration in your CI system. Here is a general template for an ANTLR based recognizer in Go: Make sure that the package statement in your grammar file(s) reflects the go package they exist in. The generate.go file then looks like this: And the file will look similar to this: depending on whether you want visitors or listeners or any other ANTLR options. From the command line at the root of your package “myproject” you can then simply issue the command: Copyright (c) 2012-2022 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license, which can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root.
Package gophercloud provides a multi-vendor interface to OpenStack-compatible clouds. The library has a three-level hierarchy: providers, services, and resources. Provider structs represent the cloud providers that offer and manage a collection of services. You will generally want to create one Provider client per OpenStack cloud. Use your OpenStack credentials to create a Provider client. The IdentityEndpoint is typically refered to as "auth_url" or "OS_AUTH_URL" in information provided by the cloud operator. Additionally, the cloud may refer to TenantID or TenantName as project_id and project_name. Credentials are specified like so: You can authenticate with a token by doing: You may also use the openstack.AuthOptionsFromEnv() helper function. This function reads in standard environment variables frequently found in an OpenStack `openrc` file. Again note that Gophercloud currently uses "tenant" instead of "project". Service structs are specific to a provider and handle all of the logic and operations for a particular OpenStack service. Examples of services include: Compute, Object Storage, Block Storage. In order to define one, you need to pass in the parent provider, like so: Resource structs are the domain models that services make use of in order to work with and represent the state of API resources: Intermediate Result structs are returned for API operations, which allow generic access to the HTTP headers, response body, and any errors associated with the network transaction. To turn a result into a usable resource struct, you must call the Extract method which is chained to the response, or an Extract function from an applicable extension: All requests that enumerate a collection return a Pager struct that is used to iterate through the results one page at a time. Use the EachPage method on that Pager to handle each successive Page in a closure, then use the appropriate extraction method from that request's package to interpret that Page as a slice of results: If you want to obtain the entire collection of pages without doing any intermediary processing on each page, you can use the AllPages method: This top-level package contains utility functions and data types that are used throughout the provider and service packages. Of particular note for end users are the AuthOptions and EndpointOpts structs.
Package cgi implements the common gateway interface (CGI) for Caddy, a modern, full-featured, easy-to-use web server. This plugin lets you generate dynamic content on your website by means of command line scripts. To collect information about the inbound HTTP request, your script examines certain environment variables such as PATH_INFO and QUERY_STRING. Then, to return a dynamically generated web page to the client, your script simply writes content to standard output. In the case of POST requests, your script reads additional inbound content from standard input. The advantage of CGI is that you do not need to fuss with server startup and persistence, long term memory management, sockets, and crash recovery. Your script is called when a request matches one of the patterns that you specify in your Caddyfile. As soon as your script completes its response, it terminates. This simplicity makes CGI a perfect complement to the straightforward operation and configuration of Caddy. The benefits of Caddy, including HTTPS by default, basic access authentication, and lots of middleware options extend easily to your CGI scripts. CGI has some disadvantages. For one, Caddy needs to start a new process for each request. This can adversely impact performance and, if resources are shared between CGI applications, may require the use of some interprocess synchronization mechanism such as a file lock. Your server’s responsiveness could in some circumstances be affected, such as when your web server is hit with very high demand, when your script’s dependencies require a long startup, or when concurrently running scripts take a long time to respond. However, in many cases, such as using a pre-compiled CGI application like fossil or a Lua script, the impact will generally be insignificant. Another restriction of CGI is that scripts will be run with the same permissions as Caddy itself. This can sometimes be less than ideal, for example when your script needs to read or write files associated with a different owner. Serving dynamic content exposes your server to more potential threats than serving static pages. There are a number of considerations of which you should be aware when using CGI applications. CGI SCRIPTS SHOULD BE LOCATED OUTSIDE OF CADDY’S DOCUMENT ROOT. Otherwise, an inadvertent misconfiguration could result in Caddy delivering the script as an ordinary static resource. At best, this could merely confuse the site visitor. At worst, it could expose sensitive internal information that should not leave the server. MISTRUST THE CONTENTS OF PATH_INFO, QUERY_STRING AND STANDARD INPUT. Most of the environment variables available to your CGI program are inherently safe because they originate with Caddy and cannot be modified by external users. This is not the case with PATH_INFO, QUERY_STRING and, in the case of POST actions, the contents of standard input. Be sure to validate and sanitize all inbound content. If you use a CGI library or framework to process your scripts, make sure you understand its limitations. An error in a CGI application is generally handled within the application itself and reported in the headers it returns. Additionally, if the Caddy errors directive is enabled, any content the application writes to its standard error stream will be written to the error log. This can be useful to diagnose problems with the execution of the CGI application. Your CGI application can be executed directly or indirectly. In the direct case, the application can be a compiled native executable or it can be a shell script that contains as its first line a shebang that identifies the interpreter to which the file’s name should be passed. Caddy must have permission to execute the application. On Posix systems this will mean making sure the application’s ownership and permission bits are set appropriately; on Windows, this may involve properly setting up the filename extension association. In the indirect case, the name of the CGI script is passed to an interpreter such as lua, perl or python. The basic cgi directive lets you associate a single pattern with a particular script. The directive can be repeated any reasonable number of times. Here is the basic syntax: For example: When a request such as or arrives, the cgi middleware will detect the match and invoke the script named /usr/local/cgi-bin/report. The current working directory will be the same as Caddy itself. Here, it is assumed that the script is self-contained, for example a pre-compiled CGI application or a shell script. Here is an example of a standalone script, similar to one used in the cgi plugin’s test suite: The environment variables PATH_INFO and QUERY_STRING are populated and passed to the script automatically. There are a number of other standard CGI variables included that are described below. If you need to pass any special environment variables or allow any environment variables that are part of Caddy’s process to pass to your script, you will need to use the advanced directive syntax described below. The values used for the script name and its arguments are subject to placeholder replacement. In addition to the standard Caddy placeholders such as {method} and {host}, the following placeholder substitutions are made: - {.} is replaced with Caddy’s current working directory - {match} is replaced with the portion of the request that satisfies the match directive - {root} is replaced with Caddy’s specified root directory You can include glob wildcards in your matches. Basically, an asterisk represents a sequence of zero or more non-slash characters and a question mark represents a single non-slash character. These wildcards can be used multiple times in a match expression. See the documentation for path/Match in the Go standard library for more details about glob matching. Here is an example directive: In this case, the cgi middleware will match requests such as and but not The use of the asterisk expands to any character sequence within a directory. For example, if the request is made, the following command is executed: Note that the portion of the request that follows the match is not included. That information is conveyed to the script by means of environment variables. In this example, the Lua interpreter is invoked directly from Caddy, so the Lua script does not need the shebang that would be needed in a standalone script. This method facilitates the use of CGI on the Windows platform. In order to specify custom environment variables, pass along one or more environment variables known to Caddy, or specify more than one match pattern for a given rule, you will need to use the advanced directive syntax. That looks like this: For example, With the advanced syntax, the exec subdirective must appear exactly once. The match subdirective must appear at least once. The env, pass_env, empty_env, and except subdirectives can appear any reasonable number of times. pass_all_env, dir may appear once. The dir subdirective specifies the CGI executable’s working directory. If it is not specified, Caddy’s current working directory is used. The except subdirective uses the same pattern matching logic that is used with the match subdirective except that the request must match a rule fully; no request path prefix matching is performed. Any request that matches a match pattern is then checked with the patterns in except, if any. If any matches are made with the except pattern, the request is rejected and passed along to subsequent handlers. This is a convenient way to have static file resources served properly rather than being confused as CGI applications. The empty_env subdirective is used to pass one or more empty environment variables. Some CGI scripts may expect the server to pass certain empty variables rather than leaving them unset. This subdirective allows you to deal with those situations. The values associated with environment variable keys are all subject to placeholder substitution, just as with the script name and arguments. If your CGI application runs properly at the command line but fails to run from Caddy it is possible that certain environment variables may be missing. For example, the ruby gem loader evidently requires the HOME environment variable to be set; you can do this with the subdirective pass_env HOME. Another class of problematic applications require the COMPUTERNAME variable. The pass_all_env subdirective instructs Caddy to pass each environment variable it knows about to the CGI excutable. This addresses a common frustration that is caused when an executable requires an environment variable and fails without a descriptive error message when the variable cannot be found. These applications often run fine from the command prompt but fail when invoked with CGI. The risk with this subdirective is that a lot of server information is shared with the CGI executable. Use this subdirective only with CGI applications that you trust not to leak this information. If you protect your CGI application with the Caddy JWT middleware, your program will have access to the token’s payload claims by means of environment variables. For example, the following token claims will be available with the following environment variables All values are conveyed as strings, so some conversion may be necessary in your program. No placeholder substitutions are made on these values. If you run into unexpected results with the CGI plugin, you are able to examine the environment in which your CGI application runs. To enter inspection mode, add the subdirective inspect to your CGI configuration block. This is a development option that should not be used in production. When in inspection mode, the plugin will respond to matching requests with a page that displays variables of interest. In particular, it will show the replacement value of {match} and the environment variables to which your CGI application has access. For example, consider this example CGI block: When you request a matching URL, for example, the Caddy server will deliver a text page similar to the following. The CGI application (in this case, wapptclsh) will not be called. This information can be used to diagnose problems with how a CGI application is called. To return to operation mode, remove or comment out the inspect subdirective. In this example, the Caddyfile looks like this: Note that a request for /show gets mapped to a script named /usr/local/cgi-bin/report/gen. There is no need for any element of the script name to match any element of the match pattern. The contents of /usr/local/cgi-bin/report/gen are: The purpose of this script is to show how request information gets communicated to a CGI script. Note that POST data must be read from standard input. In this particular case, posted data gets stored in the variable POST_DATA. Your script may use a different method to read POST content. Secondly, the SCRIPT_EXEC variable is not a CGI standard. It is provided by this middleware and contains the entire command line, including all arguments, with which the CGI script was executed. When a browser requests the response looks like When a client makes a POST request, such as with the following command the response looks the same except for the following lines: The fossil distributed software management tool is a native executable that supports interaction as a CGI application. In this example, /usr/bin/fossil is the executable and /home/quixote/projects.fossil is the fossil repository. To configure Caddy to serve it, use a cgi directive something like this in your Caddyfile: In your /usr/local/cgi-bin directory, make a file named projects with the following single line: The fossil documentation calls this a command file. When fossil is invoked after a request to /projects, it examines the relevant environment variables and responds as a CGI application. If you protect /projects with basic HTTP authentication, you may wish to enable the ALLOW REMOTE_USER AUTHENTICATION option when setting up fossil. This lets fossil dispense with its own authentication, assuming it has an account for the user. The agedu utility can be used to identify unused files that are taking up space on your storage media. Like fossil, it can be used in different modes including CGI. First, use it from the command line to generate an index of a directory, for example In your Caddyfile, include a directive that references the generated index: You will want to protect the /agedu resource with some sort of access control, for example HTTP Basic Authentication. This small example demonstrates how to write a CGI program in Go. The use of a bytes.Buffer makes it easy to report the content length in the CGI header. When this program is compiled and installed as /usr/local/bin/servertime, the following directive in your Caddy file will make it available: The cgit application provides an attractive and useful web interface to git repositories. Here is how to run it with Caddy. After compiling cgit, you can place the executable somewhere out of Caddy’s document root. In this example, it is located in /usr/local/cgi-bin. A sample configuration file is included in the project’s cgitrc.5.txt file. You can use it as a starting point for your configuration. The default location for this file is /etc/cgitrc but in this example the location /home/quixote/caddy/cgitrc. Note that changing the location of this file from its default will necessitate the inclusion of the environment variable CGIT_CONFIG in the Caddyfile cgi directive. When you edit the repository stanzas in this file, be sure each repo.path item refers to the .git directory within a working checkout. Here is an example stanza: Also, you will likely want to change cgit’s cache directory from its default in /var/cache (generally accessible only to root) to a location writeable by Caddy. In this example, cgitrc contains the line You may need to create the cgit subdirectory. There are some static cgit resources (namely, cgit.css, favicon.ico, and cgit.png) that will be accessed from Caddy’s document tree. For this example, these files are placed in a directory named cgit-resource. The following lines are part of the cgitrc file: Additionally, you will likely need to tweak the various file viewer filters such source-filter and about-filter based on your system. The following Caddyfile directive will allow you to access the cgit application at /cgit: Feeling reckless? You can run PHP in CGI mode. In general, FastCGI is the preferred method to run PHP if your application has many pages or a fair amount of database activity. But for small PHP programs that are seldom used, CGI can work fine. You’ll need the php-cgi interpreter for your platform. This may involve downloading the executable or downloading and then compiling the source code. For this example, assume the interpreter is installed as /usr/local/bin/php-cgi. Additionally, because of the way PHP operates in CGI mode, you will need an intermediate script. This one works in Posix environments: This script can be reused for multiple cgi directives. In this example, it is installed as /usr/local/cgi-bin/phpwrap. The argument following -c is your initialization file for PHP. In this example, it is named /home/quixote/.config/php/php-cgi.ini. Two PHP files will be used for this example. The first, /usr/local/cgi-bin/sample/min.php, looks like this: The second, /usr/local/cgi-bin/sample/action.php, follows: The following directive in your Caddyfile will make the application available at sample/min.php: This examples demonstrates printing a CGI rule
This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy. You can find the examples here: The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link:
Package flume is a logging package, build on top of zap. It's structured and leveled logs, like zap/logrus/etc. It adds global, runtime re-configuration of all loggers, via an internal logger registry. There are two interaction points with flume: code that generates logs, and code that configures logging output. Code which generates logs needs to create named logger instances, and call log functions on it, like Info() and Debug(). But by default, all these logs will be silently discarded. Flume does not output log entries unless explicitly told to do so. This ensures libraries can freely use flume internally, without polluting the stdout of the programs importing the library. The Logger type is a small interface. Libraries should allow replacement of their Logger instances so importers can entirely replace flume if they wish. Alternately, importers can use flume to configure the library's log output, and/or redirect it into the overall program's log stream. This package does not offer package level log functions, so you need to create a logger instance first: A common pattern is to create a single, package-wide logger, named after the package: Then, write some logs: Logs have a message, then matched pairs of key/value properties. Child loggers can be created and pre-seeded with a set of properties: Expensive log events can be avoid by explicitly checking level: Loggers can be bound to context.Context, which is convenient for carrying per-transaction loggers (pre-seeded with transaction specific context) through layers of request processing code: The standard Logger interface only supports 3 levels of log, DBG, INF, and ERR. This is inspired by this article: However, you can create instances of DeprecatedLogger instead, which support more levels. There are several package level functions which reconfigure logging output. They control which levels are discarded, which fields are included in each log entry, and how those fields are rendered, and how the overall log entry is rendered (JSON, LTSV, colorized, etc). To configure logging settings from environment variables, call the configuration function from main(): This reads the log configuration from the environment variable "FLUME" (the default, which can be overridden). The value is JSON, e.g.: The properties of the config string: "level": ERR, INF, or DBG. The default level for all loggers. "levels": A string configuring log levels for specific loggers, overriding the default level. See note below for syntax. "development": true or false. In development mode, the defaults for the other settings change to be more suitable for developers at a terminal (colorized, multiline, human readable, etc). See note below for exact defaults. "addCaller": true or false. Adds call site information to log entries (file and line). "encoding": json, ltsv, term, or term-color. Configures how log entries are encoded in the output. "term" and "term-color" are multi-line, human-friendly formats, intended for terminal output. "encoderConfig": a JSON object which configures advanced encoding settings, like how timestamps are formatted. See docs for "messageKey": the label of the message property of the log entry. If empty, message is omitted. "levelKey": the label of the level property of the log entry. If empty, level is omitted. "timeKey": the label of the timestamp of the log entry. If empty, timestamp is omitted. "nameKey": the label of the logger name in the log entry. If empty, logger name is omitted. "callerKey": the label of the logger name in the log entry. If empty, logger name is omitted. "lineEnding": the end of each log output line. "levelEncoder": capital, capitalColor, color, lower, or abbr. Controls how the log entry level is rendered. "abbr" renders 3-letter abbreviations, like ERR and INF. "timeEncoder": iso8601, millis, nanos, unix, or justtime. Controls how timestamps are rendered. "millis", "nanos", and "unix" are since UNIX epoch. "unix" is in floating point seconds. "justtime" omits the date, and just prints the time in the format "15:04:05.000". "durationEncoder": string, nanos, or seconds. Controls how time.Duration values are rendered. "callerEncoder": full or short. Controls how the call site is rendered. "full" includes the entire package path, "short" only includes the last folder of the package. Defaults: These defaults are only applied if one of the configuration functions is called, like ConfigFromEnv(), ConfigString(), Configure(), or LevelsString(). Initially, all loggers are configured to discard everything, following flume's opinion that log packages should be silent unless spoken too. Ancillary to this: library packages should *not* call these functions, or configure logging levels or output in anyway. Only program entry points, like main() or test code, should configure logging. Libraries should just create loggers and log to them. Development mode: if "development"=true, the defaults for the rest of the settings change, equivalent to: The "levels" value is a list of key=value pairs, configuring the level of individual named loggers. If the key is "*", it sets the default level. If "level" and "levels" both configure the default level, "levels" wins. Examples: Most usages of flume will use its package functions. The package functions delegate to an internal instance of Factory, which a the logger registry. You can create and manage your own instance of Factory, which will be an isolated set of Loggers. tl;dr The implementation is a wrapper around zap. zap does levels, structured logs, and is very fast. zap doesn't do centralized, global configuration, so this package adds that by maintaining an internal registry of all loggers, and using the sync.atomic stuff to swap out levels and writers in a thread safe way.
Package tracelog : logcalls.go provides formatting functions. Package tracelog : logcalls.go provides formatting functions. Package tracelog implements a logging system to trace all aspect of your code. This is great for task oriented programs. Based on the Go log standard library. It provides 4 destinations with logging levels plus you can attach a file for persistent writes. A log clean process is provided to maintain disk space. There is also email support to send email alerts.
Package validator implements value validations for structs and individual fields based on tags. It can also handle Cross-Field and Cross-Struct validation for nested structs and has the ability to dive into arrays and maps of any type. see more examples Doing things this way is actually the way the standard library does, see the file.Open method here: The authors return type "error" to avoid the issue discussed in the following, where err is always != nil: Validator only InvalidValidationError for bad validation input, nil or ValidationErrors as type error; so, in your code all you need to do is check if the error returned is not nil, and if it's not check if error is InvalidValidationError ( if necessary, most of the time it isn't ) type cast it to type ValidationErrors like so err.(validator.ValidationErrors). Custom Validation functions can be added. Example: Cross-Field Validation can be done via the following tags: If, however, some custom cross-field validation is required, it can be done using a custom validation. Why not just have cross-fields validation tags (i.e. only eqcsfield and not eqfield)? The reason is efficiency. If you want to check a field within the same struct "eqfield" only has to find the field on the same struct (1 level). But, if we used "eqcsfield" it could be multiple levels down. Example: Multiple validators on a field will process in the order defined. Example: Bad Validator definitions are not handled by the library. Example: Baked In Cross-Field validation only compares fields on the same struct. If Cross-Field + Cross-Struct validation is needed you should implement your own custom validator. Comma (",") is the default separator of validation tags. If you wish to have a comma included within the parameter (i.e. excludesall=,) you will need to use the UTF-8 hex representation 0x2C, which is replaced in the code as a comma, so the above will become excludesall=0x2C. Pipe ("|") is the 'or' validation tags deparator. If you wish to have a pipe included within the parameter i.e. excludesall=| you will need to use the UTF-8 hex representation 0x7C, which is replaced in the code as a pipe, so the above will become excludesall=0x7C Here is a list of the current built in validators: Tells the validation to skip this struct field; this is particularly handy in ignoring embedded structs from being validated. (Usage: -) This is the 'or' operator allowing multiple validators to be used and accepted. (Usage: rbg|rgba) <-- this would allow either rgb or rgba colors to be accepted. This can also be combined with 'and' for example ( Usage: omitempty,rgb|rgba) When a field that is a nested struct is encountered, and contains this flag any validation on the nested struct will be run, but none of the nested struct fields will be validated. This is useful if inside of your program you know the struct will be valid, but need to verify it has been assigned. NOTE: only "required" and "omitempty" can be used on a struct itself. Same as structonly tag except that any struct level validations will not run. Allows conditional validation, for example if a field is not set with a value (Determined by the "required" validator) then other validation such as min or max won't run, but if a value is set validation will run. This tells the validator to dive into a slice, array or map and validate that level of the slice, array or map with the validation tags that follow. Multidimensional nesting is also supported, each level you wish to dive will require another dive tag. dive has some sub-tags, 'keys' & 'endkeys', please see the Keys & EndKeys section just below. Example #1 Example #2 Keys & EndKeys These are to be used together directly after the dive tag and tells the validator that anything between 'keys' and 'endkeys' applies to the keys of a map and not the values; think of it like the 'dive' tag, but for map keys instead of values. Multidimensional nesting is also supported, each level you wish to validate will require another 'keys' and 'endkeys' tag. These tags are only valid for maps. Example #1 Example #2 This validates that the value is not the data types default zero value. For numbers ensures value is not zero. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. The field under validation must be present and not empty only if any of the other specified fields are present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. Examples: The field under validation must be present and not empty only if all of the other specified fields are present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. Example: The field under validation must be present and not empty only when any of the other specified fields are not present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. Examples: The field under validation must be present and not empty only when all of the other specified fields are not present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. Example: This validates that the value is the default value and is almost the opposite of required. For numbers, length will ensure that the value is equal to the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is exactly that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. For numbers, max will ensure that the value is less than or equal to the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is at most that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. For numbers, min will ensure that the value is greater or equal to the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is at least that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. For strings & numbers, eq will ensure that the value is equal to the parameter given. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. For strings & numbers, ne will ensure that the value is not equal to the parameter given. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. For strings, ints, and uints, oneof will ensure that the value is one of the values in the parameter. The parameter should be a list of values separated by whitespace. Values may be strings or numbers. For numbers, this will ensure that the value is greater than the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is greater than that number of characters. For slices, arrays and maps it validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is greater than time.Now.UTC(). Same as 'min' above. Kept both to make terminology with 'len' easier. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is greater than or equal to time.Now.UTC(). For numbers, this will ensure that the value is less than the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is less than that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps it validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is less than time.Now.UTC(). Same as 'max' above. Kept both to make terminology with 'len' easier. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is less than or equal to time.Now.UTC(). This will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. Example #1: Example #2: Field Equals Another Field (relative) This does the same as eqfield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. This will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. Examples: Field Does Not Equal Another Field (relative) This does the same as nefield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as gtfield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as gtefield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as ltfield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as ltefield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. This does the same as contains except for struct fields. It should only be used with string types. See the behavior of reflect.Value.String() for behavior on other types. This does the same as excludes except for struct fields. It should only be used with string types. See the behavior of reflect.Value.String() for behavior on other types. For arrays & slices, unique will ensure that there are no duplicates. For maps, unique will ensure that there are no duplicate values. For slices of struct, unique will ensure that there are no duplicate values in a field of the struct specified via a parameter. This validates that a string value contains ASCII alpha characters only This validates that a string value contains ASCII alphanumeric characters only This validates that a string value contains unicode alpha characters only This validates that a string value contains unicode alphanumeric characters only This validates that a string value contains a basic numeric value. basic excludes exponents etc... for integers or float it returns true. This validates that a string value contains a valid hexadecimal. This validates that a string value contains a valid hex color including hashtag (#) This validates that a string value contains a valid rgb color This validates that a string value contains a valid rgba color This validates that a string value contains a valid hsl color This validates that a string value contains a valid hsla color This validates that a string value contains a valid email This may not conform to all possibilities of any rfc standard, but neither does any email provider accept all possibilities. This validates that a string value contains a valid file path and that the file exists on the machine. This is done using os.Stat, which is a platform independent function. This validates that a string value contains a valid url This will accept any url the golang request uri accepts but must contain a schema for example http:// or rtmp:// This validates that a string value contains a valid uri This will accept any uri the golang request uri accepts This validataes that a string value contains a valid URN according to the RFC 2141 spec. This validates that a string value contains a valid base64 value. Although an empty string is valid base64 this will report an empty string as an error, if you wish to accept an empty string as valid you can use this with the omitempty tag. This validates that a string value contains a valid base64 URL safe value according the the RFC4648 spec. Although an empty string is a valid base64 URL safe value, this will report an empty string as an error, if you wish to accept an empty string as valid you can use this with the omitempty tag. This validates that a string value contains a valid bitcoin address. The format of the string is checked to ensure it matches one of the three formats P2PKH, P2SH and performs checksum validation. Bitcoin Bech32 Address (segwit) This validates that a string value contains a valid bitcoin Bech32 address as defined by bip-0173 ( Special thanks to Pieter Wuille for providng reference implementations. This validates that a string value contains a valid ethereum address. The format of the string is checked to ensure it matches the standard Ethereum address format Full validation is blocked by This validates that a string value contains the substring value. This validates that a string value contains any Unicode code points in the substring value. This validates that a string value contains the supplied rune value. This validates that a string value does not contain the substring value. This validates that a string value does not contain any Unicode code points in the substring value. This validates that a string value does not contain the supplied rune value. This validates that a string value starts with the supplied string value This validates that a string value ends with the supplied string value This validates that a string value contains a valid isbn10 or isbn13 value. This validates that a string value contains a valid isbn10 value. This validates that a string value contains a valid isbn13 value. This validates that a string value contains a valid UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains a valid version 3 UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid3_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains a valid version 4 UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid4_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains a valid version 5 UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid5_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains only ASCII characters. NOTE: if the string is blank, this validates as true. This validates that a string value contains only printable ASCII characters. NOTE: if the string is blank, this validates as true. This validates that a string value contains one or more multibyte characters. NOTE: if the string is blank, this validates as true. This validates that a string value contains a valid DataURI. NOTE: this will also validate that the data portion is valid base64 This validates that a string value contains a valid latitude. This validates that a string value contains a valid longitude. This validates that a string value contains a valid U.S. Social Security Number. This validates that a string value contains a valid IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v4 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v6 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid CIDR Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v4 CIDR Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v6 CIDR Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable TCP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v4 TCP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v6 TCP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable UDP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v4 UDP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v6 UDP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v4 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v6 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid Unix Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid MAC Address. Note: See Go's ParseMAC for accepted formats and types: This validates that a string value is a valid Hostname according to RFC 952 This validates that a string value is a valid Hostname according to RFC 1123 Full Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) This validates that a string value contains a valid FQDN. This validates that a string value appears to be an HTML element tag including those described at This validates that a string value is a proper character reference in decimal or hexadecimal format This validates that a string value is percent-encoded (URL encoded) according to This validates that a string value contains a valid directory and that it exists on the machine. This is done using os.Stat, which is a platform independent function. NOTE: When returning an error, the tag returned in "FieldError" will be the alias tag unless the dive tag is part of the alias. Everything after the dive tag is not reported as the alias tag. Also, the "ActualTag" in the before case will be the actual tag within the alias that failed. Here is a list of the current built in alias tags: Validator notes: A collection of validation rules that are frequently needed but are more complex than the ones found in the baked in validators. A non standard validator must be registered manually like you would with your own custom validation functions. Example of registration and use: Here is a list of the current non standard validators: This package panics when bad input is provided, this is by design, bad code like that should not make it to production.
Package validator implements value validations for structs and individual fields based on tags. It can also handle Cross-Field and Cross-Struct validation for nested structs and has the ability to dive into arrays and maps of any type. see more examples Validator is designed to be thread-safe and used as a singleton instance. It caches information about your struct and validations, in essence only parsing your validation tags once per struct type. Using multiple instances neglects the benefit of caching. The not thread-safe functions are explicitly marked as such in the documentation. Doing things this way is actually the way the standard library does, see the file.Open method here: The authors return type "error" to avoid the issue discussed in the following, where err is always != nil: Validator only InvalidValidationError for bad validation input, nil or ValidationErrors as type error; so, in your code all you need to do is check if the error returned is not nil, and if it's not check if error is InvalidValidationError ( if necessary, most of the time it isn't ) type cast it to type ValidationErrors like so err.(validator.ValidationErrors). Custom Validation functions can be added. Example: Cross-Field Validation can be done via the following tags: If, however, some custom cross-field validation is required, it can be done using a custom validation. Why not just have cross-fields validation tags (i.e. only eqcsfield and not eqfield)? The reason is efficiency. If you want to check a field within the same struct "eqfield" only has to find the field on the same struct (1 level). But, if we used "eqcsfield" it could be multiple levels down. Example: Multiple validators on a field will process in the order defined. Example: Bad Validator definitions are not handled by the library. Example: Baked In Cross-Field validation only compares fields on the same struct. If Cross-Field + Cross-Struct validation is needed you should implement your own custom validator. Comma (",") is the default separator of validation tags. If you wish to have a comma included within the parameter (i.e. excludesall=,) you will need to use the UTF-8 hex representation 0x2C, which is replaced in the code as a comma, so the above will become excludesall=0x2C. Pipe ("|") is the 'or' validation tags deparator. If you wish to have a pipe included within the parameter i.e. excludesall=| you will need to use the UTF-8 hex representation 0x7C, which is replaced in the code as a pipe, so the above will become excludesall=0x7C Here is a list of the current built in validators: Tells the validation to skip this struct field; this is particularly handy in ignoring embedded structs from being validated. (Usage: -) This is the 'or' operator allowing multiple validators to be used and accepted. (Usage: rgb|rgba) <-- this would allow either rgb or rgba colors to be accepted. This can also be combined with 'and' for example ( Usage: omitempty,rgb|rgba) When a field that is a nested struct is encountered, and contains this flag any validation on the nested struct will be run, but none of the nested struct fields will be validated. This is useful if inside of your program you know the struct will be valid, but need to verify it has been assigned. NOTE: only "required" and "omitempty" can be used on a struct itself. Same as structonly tag except that any struct level validations will not run. Allows conditional validation, for example if a field is not set with a value (Determined by the "required" validator) then other validation such as min or max won't run, but if a value is set validation will run. Allows to skip the validation if the value is nil (same as omitempty, but only for the nil-values). This tells the validator to dive into a slice, array or map and validate that level of the slice, array or map with the validation tags that follow. Multidimensional nesting is also supported, each level you wish to dive will require another dive tag. dive has some sub-tags, 'keys' & 'endkeys', please see the Keys & EndKeys section just below. Example #1 Example #2 Keys & EndKeys These are to be used together directly after the dive tag and tells the validator that anything between 'keys' and 'endkeys' applies to the keys of a map and not the values; think of it like the 'dive' tag, but for map keys instead of values. Multidimensional nesting is also supported, each level you wish to validate will require another 'keys' and 'endkeys' tag. These tags are only valid for maps. Example #1 Example #2 This validates that the value is not the data types default zero value. For numbers ensures value is not zero. For strings ensures value is not "". For booleans ensures value is not false. For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value when using WithRequiredStructEnabled. The field under validation must be present and not empty only if all the other specified fields are equal to the value following the specified field. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value. Examples: The field under validation must be present and not empty unless all the other specified fields are equal to the value following the specified field. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value. Examples: The field under validation must be present and not empty only if any of the other specified fields are present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value. Examples: The field under validation must be present and not empty only if all of the other specified fields are present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value. Example: The field under validation must be present and not empty only when any of the other specified fields are not present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value. Examples: The field under validation must be present and not empty only when all of the other specified fields are not present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value. Example: The field under validation must not be present or not empty only if all the other specified fields are equal to the value following the specified field. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value. Examples: The field under validation must not be present or empty unless all the other specified fields are equal to the value following the specified field. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value. Examples: This validates that the value is the default value and is almost the opposite of required. For numbers, length will ensure that the value is equal to the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is exactly that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, len will ensure that the value is equal to the duration given in the parameter. For numbers, max will ensure that the value is less than or equal to the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is at most that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, max will ensure that the value is less than or equal to the duration given in the parameter. For numbers, min will ensure that the value is greater or equal to the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is at least that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, min will ensure that the value is greater than or equal to the duration given in the parameter. For strings & numbers, eq will ensure that the value is equal to the parameter given. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, eq will ensure that the value is equal to the duration given in the parameter. For strings & numbers, ne will ensure that the value is not equal to the parameter given. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, ne will ensure that the value is not equal to the duration given in the parameter. For strings, ints, and uints, oneof will ensure that the value is one of the values in the parameter. The parameter should be a list of values separated by whitespace. Values may be strings or numbers. To match strings with spaces in them, include the target string between single quotes. For numbers, this will ensure that the value is greater than the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is greater than that number of characters. For slices, arrays and maps it validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is greater than time.Now.UTC(). Example #3 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, gt will ensure that the value is greater than the duration given in the parameter. Same as 'min' above. Kept both to make terminology with 'len' easier. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is greater than or equal to time.Now.UTC(). Example #3 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, gte will ensure that the value is greater than or equal to the duration given in the parameter. For numbers, this will ensure that the value is less than the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is less than that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps it validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is less than time.Now.UTC(). Example #3 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, lt will ensure that the value is less than the duration given in the parameter. Same as 'max' above. Kept both to make terminology with 'len' easier. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is less than or equal to time.Now.UTC(). Example #3 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, lte will ensure that the value is less than or equal to the duration given in the parameter. This will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. Example #1: Example #2: Field Equals Another Field (relative) This does the same as eqfield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. This will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. Examples: Field Does Not Equal Another Field (relative) This does the same as nefield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers, time.Duration and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as gtfield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers, time.Duration and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as gtefield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers, time.Duration and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as ltfield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers, time.Duration and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as ltefield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. This does the same as contains except for struct fields. It should only be used with string types. See the behavior of reflect.Value.String() for behavior on other types. This does the same as excludes except for struct fields. It should only be used with string types. See the behavior of reflect.Value.String() for behavior on other types. For arrays & slices, unique will ensure that there are no duplicates. For maps, unique will ensure that there are no duplicate values. For slices of struct, unique will ensure that there are no duplicate values in a field of the struct specified via a parameter. This validates that a string value contains ASCII alpha characters only This validates that a string value contains ASCII alphanumeric characters only This validates that a string value contains unicode alpha characters only This validates that a string value contains unicode alphanumeric characters only This validates that a string value can successfully be parsed into a boolean with strconv.ParseBool This validates that a string value contains number values only. For integers or float it returns true. This validates that a string value contains a basic numeric value. basic excludes exponents etc... for integers or float it returns true. This validates that a string value contains a valid hexadecimal. This validates that a string value contains a valid hex color including hashtag (#) This validates that a string value contains only lowercase characters. An empty string is not a valid lowercase string. This validates that a string value contains only uppercase characters. An empty string is not a valid uppercase string. This validates that a string value contains a valid rgb color This validates that a string value contains a valid rgba color This validates that a string value contains a valid hsl color This validates that a string value contains a valid hsla color This validates that a string value contains a valid E.164 Phone number (ex. +1123456789) This validates that a string value contains a valid email This may not conform to all possibilities of any rfc standard, but neither does any email provider accept all possibilities. This validates that a string value is valid JSON This validates that a string value is a valid JWT This validates that a string value contains a valid file path and that the file exists on the machine. This is done using os.Stat, which is a platform independent function. This validates that a string value contains a valid file path and that the file exists on the machine and is an image. This is done using os.Stat and This validates that a string value contains a valid file path but does not validate the existence of that file. This is done using os.Stat, which is a platform independent function. This validates that a string value contains a valid url This will accept any url the golang request uri accepts but must contain a schema for example http:// or rtmp:// This validates that a string value contains a valid uri This will accept any uri the golang request uri accepts This validates that a string value contains a valid URN according to the RFC 2141 spec. This validates that a string value contains a valid bas324 value. Although an empty string is valid base32 this will report an empty string as an error, if you wish to accept an empty string as valid you can use this with the omitempty tag. This validates that a string value contains a valid base64 value. Although an empty string is valid base64 this will report an empty string as an error, if you wish to accept an empty string as valid you can use this with the omitempty tag. This validates that a string value contains a valid base64 URL safe value according the RFC4648 spec. Although an empty string is a valid base64 URL safe value, this will report an empty string as an error, if you wish to accept an empty string as valid you can use this with the omitempty tag. This validates that a string value contains a valid base64 URL safe value, but without = padding, according the RFC4648 spec, section 3.2. Although an empty string is a valid base64 URL safe value, this will report an empty string as an error, if you wish to accept an empty string as valid you can use this with the omitempty tag. This validates that a string value contains a valid bitcoin address. The format of the string is checked to ensure it matches one of the three formats P2PKH, P2SH and performs checksum validation. Bitcoin Bech32 Address (segwit) This validates that a string value contains a valid bitcoin Bech32 address as defined by bip-0173 ( Special thanks to Pieter Wuille for providing reference implementations. This validates that a string value contains a valid ethereum address. The format of the string is checked to ensure it matches the standard Ethereum address format. This validates that a string value contains the substring value. This validates that a string value contains any Unicode code points in the substring value. This validates that a string value contains the supplied rune value. This validates that a string value does not contain the substring value. This validates that a string value does not contain any Unicode code points in the substring value. This validates that a string value does not contain the supplied rune value. This validates that a string value starts with the supplied string value This validates that a string value ends with the supplied string value This validates that a string value does not start with the supplied string value This validates that a string value does not end with the supplied string value This validates that a string value contains a valid isbn10 or isbn13 value. This validates that a string value contains a valid isbn10 value. This validates that a string value contains a valid isbn13 value. This validates that a string value contains a valid UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains a valid version 3 UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid3_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains a valid version 4 UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid4_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains a valid version 5 UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid5_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains a valid ULID value. This validates that a string value contains only ASCII characters. NOTE: if the string is blank, this validates as true. This validates that a string value contains only printable ASCII characters. NOTE: if the string is blank, this validates as true. This validates that a string value contains one or more multibyte characters. NOTE: if the string is blank, this validates as true. This validates that a string value contains a valid DataURI. NOTE: this will also validate that the data portion is valid base64 This validates that a string value contains a valid latitude. This validates that a string value contains a valid longitude. This validates that a string value contains a valid U.S. Social Security Number. This validates that a string value contains a valid IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v4 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v6 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid CIDR Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v4 CIDR Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v6 CIDR Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable TCP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v4 TCP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v6 TCP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable UDP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v4 UDP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v6 UDP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v4 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v6 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid Unix Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid MAC Address. Note: See Go's ParseMAC for accepted formats and types: This validates that a string value is a valid Hostname according to RFC 952 This validates that a string value is a valid Hostname according to RFC 1123 Full Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) This validates that a string value contains a valid FQDN. This validates that a string value appears to be an HTML element tag including those described at This validates that a string value is a proper character reference in decimal or hexadecimal format This validates that a string value is percent-encoded (URL encoded) according to This validates that a string value contains a valid directory and that it exists on the machine. This is done using os.Stat, which is a platform independent function. This validates that a string value contains a valid directory but does not validate the existence of that directory. This is done using os.Stat, which is a platform independent function. It is safest to suffix the string with os.PathSeparator if the directory may not exist at the time of validation. This validates that a string value contains a valid DNS hostname and port that can be used to validate fields typically passed to sockets and connections. This validates that a string value is a valid datetime based on the supplied datetime format. Supplied format must match the official Go time format layout as documented in This validates that a string value is a valid country code based on iso3166-1 alpha-2 standard. see: This validates that a string value is a valid country code based on iso3166-1 alpha-3 standard. see: This validates that a string value is a valid country code based on iso3166-1 alpha-numeric standard. see: This validates that a string value is a valid BCP 47 language tag, as parsed by language.Parse. More information on BIC (SWIFT code) This validates that a string value is a valid Business Identifier Code (SWIFT code), defined in ISO 9362. More information on This validates that a string value is a valid dns RFC 1035 label, defined in RFC 1035. More information on This validates that a string value is a valid time zone based on the time zone database present on the system. Although empty value and Local value are allowed by time.LoadLocation golang function, they are not allowed by this validator. More information on This validates that a string value is a valid semver version, defined in Semantic Versioning 2.0.0. More information on This validates that a string value is a valid cve id, defined in cve mitre. More information on This validates that a string value contains a valid credit card number using Luhn algorithm. This validates that a string or (u)int value contains a valid checksum using the Luhn algorithm. This validates that a string is a valid 24 character hexadecimal string or valid connection string. Example: This validates that a string value contains a valid cron expression. This validates that a string is valid for use with SpiceDb for the indicated purpose. If no purpose is given, a purpose of 'id' is assumed. Alias Validators and Tags NOTE: When returning an error, the tag returned in "FieldError" will be the alias tag unless the dive tag is part of the alias. Everything after the dive tag is not reported as the alias tag. Also, the "ActualTag" in the before case will be the actual tag within the alias that failed. Here is a list of the current built in alias tags: Validator notes: A collection of validation rules that are frequently needed but are more complex than the ones found in the baked in validators. A non standard validator must be registered manually like you would with your own custom validation functions. Example of registration and use: Here is a list of the current non standard validators: This package panics when bad input is provided, this is by design, bad code like that should not make it to production.
Package validator implements value validations for structs and individual fields based on tags. It can also handle Cross-Field and Cross-Struct validation for nested structs and has the ability to dive into arrays and maps of any type. see more examples Doing things this way is actually the way the standard library does, see the file.Open method here: The authors return type "error" to avoid the issue discussed in the following, where err is always != nil: Validator only InvalidValidationError for bad validation input, nil or ValidationErrors as type error; so, in your code all you need to do is check if the error returned is not nil, and if it's not check if error is InvalidValidationError ( if necessary, most of the time it isn't ) type cast it to type ValidationErrors like so err.(validator.ValidationErrors). Custom Validation functions can be added. Example: Cross-Field Validation can be done via the following tags: If, however, some custom cross-field validation is required, it can be done using a custom validation. Why not just have cross-fields validation tags (i.e. only eqcsfield and not eqfield)? The reason is efficiency. If you want to check a field within the same struct "eqfield" only has to find the field on the same struct (1 level). But, if we used "eqcsfield" it could be multiple levels down. Example: Multiple validators on a field will process in the order defined. Example: Bad Validator definitions are not handled by the library. Example: Baked In Cross-Field validation only compares fields on the same struct. If Cross-Field + Cross-Struct validation is needed you should implement your own custom validator. Comma (",") is the default separator of validation tags. If you wish to have a comma included within the parameter (i.e. excludesall=,) you will need to use the UTF-8 hex representation 0x2C, which is replaced in the code as a comma, so the above will become excludesall=0x2C. Pipe ("|") is the 'or' validation tags deparator. If you wish to have a pipe included within the parameter i.e. excludesall=| you will need to use the UTF-8 hex representation 0x7C, which is replaced in the code as a pipe, so the above will become excludesall=0x7C Here is a list of the current built in validators: Tells the validation to skip this struct field; this is particularly handy in ignoring embedded structs from being validated. (Usage: -) This is the 'or' operator allowing multiple validators to be used and accepted. (Usage: rbg|rgba) <-- this would allow either rgb or rgba colors to be accepted. This can also be combined with 'and' for example ( Usage: omitempty,rgb|rgba) When a field that is a nested struct is encountered, and contains this flag any validation on the nested struct will be run, but none of the nested struct fields will be validated. This is useful if inside of your program you know the struct will be valid, but need to verify it has been assigned. NOTE: only "required" and "omitempty" can be used on a struct itself. Same as structonly tag except that any struct level validations will not run. Allows conditional validation, for example if a field is not set with a value (Determined by the "required" validator) then other validation such as min or max won't run, but if a value is set validation will run. This tells the validator to dive into a slice, array or map and validate that level of the slice, array or map with the validation tags that follow. Multidimensional nesting is also supported, each level you wish to dive will require another dive tag. dive has some sub-tags, 'keys' & 'endkeys', please see the Keys & EndKeys section just below. Example #1 Example #2 Keys & EndKeys These are to be used together directly after the dive tag and tells the validator that anything between 'keys' and 'endkeys' applies to the keys of a map and not the values; think of it like the 'dive' tag, but for map keys instead of values. Multidimensional nesting is also supported, each level you wish to validate will require another 'keys' and 'endkeys' tag. These tags are only valid for maps. Example #1 Example #2 This validates that the value is not the data types default zero value. For numbers ensures value is not zero. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. The field under validation must be present and not empty only if any of the other specified fields are present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. Examples: The field under validation must be present and not empty only if all of the other specified fields are present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. Example: The field under validation must be present and not empty only when any of the other specified fields are not present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. Examples: The field under validation must be present and not empty only when all of the other specified fields are not present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. Example: This validates that the value is the default value and is almost the opposite of required. For numbers, length will ensure that the value is equal to the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is exactly that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. For numbers, max will ensure that the value is less than or equal to the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is at most that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. For numbers, min will ensure that the value is greater or equal to the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is at least that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. For strings & numbers, eq will ensure that the value is equal to the parameter given. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. For strings & numbers, ne will ensure that the value is not equal to the parameter given. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. For strings, ints, and uints, oneof will ensure that the value is one of the values in the parameter. The parameter should be a list of values separated by whitespace. Values may be strings or numbers. For numbers, this will ensure that the value is greater than the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is greater than that number of characters. For slices, arrays and maps it validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is greater than time.Now.UTC(). Same as 'min' above. Kept both to make terminology with 'len' easier. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is greater than or equal to time.Now.UTC(). For numbers, this will ensure that the value is less than the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is less than that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps it validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is less than time.Now.UTC(). Same as 'max' above. Kept both to make terminology with 'len' easier. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is less than or equal to time.Now.UTC(). This will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. Example #1: Example #2: Field Equals Another Field (relative) This does the same as eqfield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. This will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. Examples: Field Does Not Equal Another Field (relative) This does the same as nefield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as gtfield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as gtefield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as ltfield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as ltefield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. This does the same as contains except for struct fields. It should only be used with string types. See the behavior of reflect.Value.String() for behavior on other types. This does the same as excludes except for struct fields. It should only be used with string types. See the behavior of reflect.Value.String() for behavior on other types. For arrays & slices, unique will ensure that there are no duplicates. For maps, unique will ensure that there are no duplicate values. For slices of struct, unique will ensure that there are no duplicate values in a field of the struct specified via a parameter. This validates that a string value contains ASCII alpha characters only This validates that a string value contains ASCII alphanumeric characters only This validates that a string value contains unicode alpha characters only This validates that a string value contains unicode alphanumeric characters only This validates that a string value contains a basic numeric value. basic excludes exponents etc... for integers or float it returns true. This validates that a string value contains a valid hexadecimal. This validates that a string value contains a valid hex color including hashtag (#) This validates that a string value contains a valid rgb color This validates that a string value contains a valid rgba color This validates that a string value contains a valid hsl color This validates that a string value contains a valid hsla color This validates that a string value contains a valid email This may not conform to all possibilities of any rfc standard, but neither does any email provider accept all possibilities. This validates that a string value contains a valid file path and that the file exists on the machine. This is done using os.Stat, which is a platform independent function. This validates that a string value contains a valid url This will accept any url the golang request uri accepts but must contain a schema for example http:// or rtmp:// This validates that a string value contains a valid uri This will accept any uri the golang request uri accepts This validataes that a string value contains a valid URN according to the RFC 2141 spec. This validates that a string value contains a valid base64 value. Although an empty string is valid base64 this will report an empty string as an error, if you wish to accept an empty string as valid you can use this with the omitempty tag. This validates that a string value contains a valid base64 URL safe value according the the RFC4648 spec. Although an empty string is a valid base64 URL safe value, this will report an empty string as an error, if you wish to accept an empty string as valid you can use this with the omitempty tag. This validates that a string value contains a valid bitcoin address. The format of the string is checked to ensure it matches one of the three formats P2PKH, P2SH and performs checksum validation. Bitcoin Bech32 Address (segwit) This validates that a string value contains a valid bitcoin Bech32 address as defined by bip-0173 ( Special thanks to Pieter Wuille for providng reference implementations. This validates that a string value contains a valid ethereum address. The format of the string is checked to ensure it matches the standard Ethereum address format Full validation is blocked by This validates that a string value contains the substring value. This validates that a string value contains any Unicode code points in the substring value. This validates that a string value contains the supplied rune value. This validates that a string value does not contain the substring value. This validates that a string value does not contain any Unicode code points in the substring value. This validates that a string value does not contain the supplied rune value. This validates that a string value starts with the supplied string value This validates that a string value ends with the supplied string value This validates that a string value contains a valid isbn10 or isbn13 value. This validates that a string value contains a valid isbn10 value. This validates that a string value contains a valid isbn13 value. This validates that a string value contains a valid UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains a valid version 3 UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid3_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains a valid version 4 UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid4_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains a valid version 5 UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid5_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains only ASCII characters. NOTE: if the string is blank, this validates as true. This validates that a string value contains only printable ASCII characters. NOTE: if the string is blank, this validates as true. This validates that a string value contains one or more multibyte characters. NOTE: if the string is blank, this validates as true. This validates that a string value contains a valid DataURI. NOTE: this will also validate that the data portion is valid base64 This validates that a string value contains a valid latitude. This validates that a string value contains a valid longitude. This validates that a string value contains a valid U.S. Social Security Number. This validates that a string value contains a valid IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v4 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v6 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid CIDR Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v4 CIDR Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v6 CIDR Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable TCP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v4 TCP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v6 TCP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable UDP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v4 UDP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v6 UDP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v4 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v6 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid Unix Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid MAC Address. Note: See Go's ParseMAC for accepted formats and types: This validates that a string value is a valid Hostname according to RFC 952 This validates that a string value is a valid Hostname according to RFC 1123 Full Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) This validates that a string value contains a valid FQDN. This validates that a string value appears to be an HTML element tag including those described at This validates that a string value is a proper character reference in decimal or hexadecimal format This validates that a string value is percent-encoded (URL encoded) according to This validates that a string value contains a valid directory and that it exists on the machine. This is done using os.Stat, which is a platform independent function. NOTE: When returning an error, the tag returned in "FieldError" will be the alias tag unless the dive tag is part of the alias. Everything after the dive tag is not reported as the alias tag. Also, the "ActualTag" in the before case will be the actual tag within the alias that failed. Here is a list of the current built in alias tags: Validator notes: A collection of validation rules that are frequently needed but are more complex than the ones found in the baked in validators. A non standard validator must be registered manually like you would with your own custom validation functions. Example of registration and use: Here is a list of the current non standard validators: This package panics when bad input is provided, this is by design, bad code like that should not make it to production.
Package imagemagick contains an example of using ImageMagick to process a file uploaded to Cloud Storage.
Package collection seeks to provide an expressive and readable way of working with basic data structures in Go. As a former .NET developer, I deeply missed writing programs in the style of Linq. Doing so enables concurrent/ parallel reactive programs to be written in a snap. Go's functional nature enables us to have a very similar, if more verbose, experience. Take for example the scenario of printing the number of Go source files in a directory. Using this package, this takes only a few lines: A directory is a collection of filesystem entries, so we're able to iterate through them using the "Enumerate" function. From there, we filter on only file names that end with ".go". Finally, we print the number of entries that were encountered. This is a trivial example, but imagine building more elaborate pipelines. Maybe take advantage of the `SelectParallel` function which allows multiple goroutines to process a single transform at once, with their results being funnelled into the next phase of the pipeline. Suddenly, injecting new steps can be transparent.
Package gopacket provides packet decoding for the Go language. gopacket contains many sub-packages with additional functionality you may find useful, including: Also, if you're looking to dive right into code, see the examples subdirectory for numerous simple binaries built using gopacket libraries. Minimum go version required is 1.5. gopacket takes in packet data as a []byte and decodes it into a packet with a non-zero number of "layers". Each layer corresponds to a protocol within the bytes. Once a packet has been decoded, the layers of the packet can be requested from the packet. Packets can be decoded from a number of starting points. Many of our base types implement Decoder, which allow us to decode packets for which we don't have full data. Most of the time, you won't just have a []byte of packet data lying around. Instead, you'll want to read packets in from somewhere (file, interface, etc) and process them. To do that, you'll want to build a PacketSource. First, you'll need to construct an object that implements the PacketDataSource interface. There are implementations of this interface bundled with gopacket in the gopacket/pcap and gopacket/pfring subpackages... see their documentation for more information on their usage. Once you have a PacketDataSource, you can pass it into NewPacketSource, along with a Decoder of your choice, to create a PacketSource. Once you have a PacketSource, you can read packets from it in multiple ways. See the docs for PacketSource for more details. The easiest method is the Packets function, which returns a channel, then asynchronously writes new packets into that channel, closing the channel if the packetSource hits an end-of-file. You can change the decoding options of the packetSource by setting fields in packetSource.DecodeOptions... see the following sections for more details. gopacket optionally decodes packet data lazily, meaning it only decodes a packet layer when it needs to handle a function call. Lazily-decoded packets are not concurrency-safe. Since layers have not all been decoded, each call to Layer() or Layers() has the potential to mutate the packet in order to decode the next layer. If a packet is used in multiple goroutines concurrently, don't use gopacket.Lazy. Then gopacket will decode the packet fully, and all future function calls won't mutate the object. By default, gopacket will copy the slice passed to NewPacket and store the copy within the packet, so future mutations to the bytes underlying the slice don't affect the packet and its layers. If you can guarantee that the underlying slice bytes won't be changed, you can use NoCopy to tell gopacket.NewPacket, and it'll use the passed-in slice itself. The fastest method of decoding is to use both Lazy and NoCopy, but note from the many caveats above that for some implementations either or both may be dangerous. During decoding, certain layers are stored in the packet as well-known layer types. For example, IPv4 and IPv6 are both considered NetworkLayer layers, while TCP and UDP are both TransportLayer layers. We support 4 layers, corresponding to the 4 layers of the TCP/IP layering scheme (roughly anagalous to layers 2, 3, 4, and 7 of the OSI model). To access these, you can use the packet.LinkLayer, packet.NetworkLayer, packet.TransportLayer, and packet.ApplicationLayer functions. Each of these functions returns a corresponding interface (gopacket.{Link,Network,Transport,Application}Layer). The first three provide methods for getting src/dst addresses for that particular layer, while the final layer provides a Payload function to get payload data. This is helpful, for example, to get payloads for all packets regardless of their underlying data type: A particularly useful layer is ErrorLayer, which is set whenever there's an error parsing part of the packet. Note that we don't return an error from NewPacket because we may have decoded a number of layers successfully before running into our erroneous layer. You may still be able to get your Ethernet and IPv4 layers correctly, even if your TCP layer is malformed. gopacket has two useful objects, Flow and Endpoint, for communicating in a protocol independent manner the fact that a packet is coming from A and going to B. The general layer types LinkLayer, NetworkLayer, and TransportLayer all provide methods for extracting their flow information, without worrying about the type of the underlying Layer. A Flow is a simple object made up of a set of two Endpoints, one source and one destination. It details the sender and receiver of the Layer of the Packet. An Endpoint is a hashable representation of a source or destination. For example, for LayerTypeIPv4, an Endpoint contains the IP address bytes for a v4 IP packet. A Flow can be broken into Endpoints, and Endpoints can be combined into Flows: Both Endpoint and Flow objects can be used as map keys, and the equality operator can compare them, so you can easily group together all packets based on endpoint criteria: For load-balancing purposes, both Flow and Endpoint have FastHash() functions, which provide quick, non-cryptographic hashes of their contents. Of particular importance is the fact that Flow FastHash() is symmetric: A->B will have the same hash as B->A. An example usage could be: This allows us to split up a packet stream while still making sure that each stream sees all packets for a flow (and its bidirectional opposite). If your network has some strange encapsulation, you can implement your own decoder. In this example, we handle Ethernet packets which are encapsulated in a 4-byte header. See the docs for Decoder and PacketBuilder for more details on how coding decoders works, or look at RegisterLayerType and RegisterEndpointType to see how to add layer/endpoint types to gopacket. TLDR: DecodingLayerParser takes about 10% of the time as NewPacket to decode packet data, but only for known packet stacks. Basic decoding using gopacket.NewPacket or PacketSource.Packets is somewhat slow due to its need to allocate a new packet and every respective layer. It's very versatile and can handle all known layer types, but sometimes you really only care about a specific set of layers regardless, so that versatility is wasted. DecodingLayerParser avoids memory allocation altogether by decoding packet layers directly into preallocated objects, which you can then reference to get the packet's information. A quick example: The important thing to note here is that the parser is modifying the passed in layers (eth, ip4, ip6, tcp) instead of allocating new ones, thus greatly speeding up the decoding process. It's even branching based on layer type... it'll handle an (eth, ip4, tcp) or (eth, ip6, tcp) stack. However, it won't handle any other type... since no other decoders were passed in, an (eth, ip4, udp) stack will stop decoding after ip4, and only pass back [LayerTypeEthernet, LayerTypeIPv4] through the 'decoded' slice (along with an error saying it can't decode a UDP packet). Unfortunately, not all layers can be used by DecodingLayerParser... only those implementing the DecodingLayer interface are usable. Also, it's possible to create DecodingLayers that are not themselves Layers... see layers.IPv6ExtensionSkipper for an example of this. As well as offering the ability to decode packet data, gopacket will allow you to create packets from scratch, as well. A number of gopacket layers implement the SerializableLayer interface; these layers can be serialized to a []byte in the following manner: SerializeTo PREPENDS the given layer onto the SerializeBuffer, and they treat the current buffer's Bytes() slice as the payload of the serializing layer. Therefore, you can serialize an entire packet by serializing a set of layers in reverse order (Payload, then TCP, then IP, then Ethernet, for example). The SerializeBuffer's SerializeLayers function is a helper that does exactly that. To generate a (empty and useless, because no fields are set) Ethernet(IPv4(TCP(Payload))) packet, for example, you can run: If you use gopacket, you'll almost definitely want to make sure gopacket/layers is imported, since when imported it sets all the LayerType variables and fills in a lot of interesting variables/maps (DecodersByLayerName, etc). Therefore, it's recommended that even if you don't use any layers functions directly, you still import with:
Package validator implements value validations for structs and individual fields based on tags. It can also handle Cross-Field and Cross-Struct validation for nested structs and has the ability to dive into arrays and maps of any type. see more examples Validator is designed to be thread-safe and used as a singleton instance. It caches information about your struct and validations, in essence only parsing your validation tags once per struct type. Using multiple instances neglects the benefit of caching. The not thread-safe functions are explicitly marked as such in the documentation. Doing things this way is actually the way the standard library does, see the file.Open method here: The authors return type "error" to avoid the issue discussed in the following, where err is always != nil: Validator only InvalidValidationError for bad validation input, nil or ValidationErrors as type error; so, in your code all you need to do is check if the error returned is not nil, and if it's not check if error is InvalidValidationError ( if necessary, most of the time it isn't ) type cast it to type ValidationErrors like so err.(validator.ValidationErrors). Custom Validation functions can be added. Example: Cross-Field Validation can be done via the following tags: If, however, some custom cross-field validation is required, it can be done using a custom validation. Why not just have cross-fields validation tags (i.e. only eqcsfield and not eqfield)? The reason is efficiency. If you want to check a field within the same struct "eqfield" only has to find the field on the same struct (1 level). But, if we used "eqcsfield" it could be multiple levels down. Example: Multiple validators on a field will process in the order defined. Example: Bad Validator definitions are not handled by the library. Example: Baked In Cross-Field validation only compares fields on the same struct. If Cross-Field + Cross-Struct validation is needed you should implement your own custom validator. Comma (",") is the default separator of validation tags. If you wish to have a comma included within the parameter (i.e. excludesall=,) you will need to use the UTF-8 hex representation 0x2C, which is replaced in the code as a comma, so the above will become excludesall=0x2C. Pipe ("|") is the 'or' validation tags deparator. If you wish to have a pipe included within the parameter i.e. excludesall=| you will need to use the UTF-8 hex representation 0x7C, which is replaced in the code as a pipe, so the above will become excludesall=0x7C Here is a list of the current built in validators: Tells the validation to skip this struct field; this is particularly handy in ignoring embedded structs from being validated. (Usage: -) This is the 'or' operator allowing multiple validators to be used and accepted. (Usage: rgb|rgba) <-- this would allow either rgb or rgba colors to be accepted. This can also be combined with 'and' for example ( Usage: omitempty,rgb|rgba) When a field that is a nested struct is encountered, and contains this flag any validation on the nested struct will be run, but none of the nested struct fields will be validated. This is useful if inside of your program you know the struct will be valid, but need to verify it has been assigned. NOTE: only "required" and "omitempty" can be used on a struct itself. Same as structonly tag except that any struct level validations will not run. Allows conditional validation, for example if a field is not set with a value (Determined by the "required" validator) then other validation such as min or max won't run, but if a value is set validation will run. Allows to skip the validation if the value is nil (same as omitempty, but only for the nil-values). This tells the validator to dive into a slice, array or map and validate that level of the slice, array or map with the validation tags that follow. Multidimensional nesting is also supported, each level you wish to dive will require another dive tag. dive has some sub-tags, 'keys' & 'endkeys', please see the Keys & EndKeys section just below. Example #1 Example #2 Keys & EndKeys These are to be used together directly after the dive tag and tells the validator that anything between 'keys' and 'endkeys' applies to the keys of a map and not the values; think of it like the 'dive' tag, but for map keys instead of values. Multidimensional nesting is also supported, each level you wish to validate will require another 'keys' and 'endkeys' tag. These tags are only valid for maps. Example #1 Example #2 This validates that the value is not the data types default zero value. For numbers ensures value is not zero. For strings ensures value is not "". For booleans ensures value is not false. For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value when using WithRequiredStructEnabled. The field under validation must be present and not empty only if all the other specified fields are equal to the value following the specified field. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value. Examples: The field under validation must be present and not empty unless all the other specified fields are equal to the value following the specified field. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value. Examples: The field under validation must be present and not empty only if any of the other specified fields are present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value. Examples: The field under validation must be present and not empty only if all of the other specified fields are present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value. Example: The field under validation must be present and not empty only when any of the other specified fields are not present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value. Examples: The field under validation must be present and not empty only when all of the other specified fields are not present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value. Example: The field under validation must not be present or not empty only if all the other specified fields are equal to the value following the specified field. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value. Examples: The field under validation must not be present or empty unless all the other specified fields are equal to the value following the specified field. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value. Examples: This validates that the value is the default value and is almost the opposite of required. For numbers, length will ensure that the value is equal to the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is exactly that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, len will ensure that the value is equal to the duration given in the parameter. For numbers, max will ensure that the value is less than or equal to the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is at most that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, max will ensure that the value is less than or equal to the duration given in the parameter. For numbers, min will ensure that the value is greater or equal to the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is at least that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, min will ensure that the value is greater than or equal to the duration given in the parameter. For strings & numbers, eq will ensure that the value is equal to the parameter given. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, eq will ensure that the value is equal to the duration given in the parameter. For strings & numbers, ne will ensure that the value is not equal to the parameter given. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, ne will ensure that the value is not equal to the duration given in the parameter. For strings, ints, and uints, oneof will ensure that the value is one of the values in the parameter. The parameter should be a list of values separated by whitespace. Values may be strings or numbers. To match strings with spaces in them, include the target string between single quotes. For numbers, this will ensure that the value is greater than the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is greater than that number of characters. For slices, arrays and maps it validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is greater than time.Now.UTC(). Example #3 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, gt will ensure that the value is greater than the duration given in the parameter. Same as 'min' above. Kept both to make terminology with 'len' easier. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is greater than or equal to time.Now.UTC(). Example #3 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, gte will ensure that the value is greater than or equal to the duration given in the parameter. For numbers, this will ensure that the value is less than the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is less than that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps it validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is less than time.Now.UTC(). Example #3 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, lt will ensure that the value is less than the duration given in the parameter. Same as 'max' above. Kept both to make terminology with 'len' easier. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is less than or equal to time.Now.UTC(). Example #3 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, lte will ensure that the value is less than or equal to the duration given in the parameter. This will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. Example #1: Example #2: Field Equals Another Field (relative) This does the same as eqfield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. This will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. Examples: Field Does Not Equal Another Field (relative) This does the same as nefield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers, time.Duration and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as gtfield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers, time.Duration and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as gtefield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers, time.Duration and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as ltfield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers, time.Duration and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as ltefield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. This does the same as contains except for struct fields. It should only be used with string types. See the behavior of reflect.Value.String() for behavior on other types. This does the same as excludes except for struct fields. It should only be used with string types. See the behavior of reflect.Value.String() for behavior on other types. For arrays & slices, unique will ensure that there are no duplicates. For maps, unique will ensure that there are no duplicate values. For slices of struct, unique will ensure that there are no duplicate values in a field of the struct specified via a parameter. This validates that a string value contains ASCII alpha characters only This validates that a string value contains ASCII alphanumeric characters only This validates that a string value contains unicode alpha characters only This validates that a string value contains unicode alphanumeric characters only This validates that a string value can successfully be parsed into a boolean with strconv.ParseBool This validates that a string value contains number values only. For integers or float it returns true. This validates that a string value contains a basic numeric value. basic excludes exponents etc... for integers or float it returns true. This validates that a string value contains a valid hexadecimal. This validates that a string value contains a valid hex color including hashtag (#) This validates that a string value contains only lowercase characters. An empty string is not a valid lowercase string. This validates that a string value contains only uppercase characters. An empty string is not a valid uppercase string. This validates that a string value contains a valid rgb color This validates that a string value contains a valid rgba color This validates that a string value contains a valid hsl color This validates that a string value contains a valid hsla color This validates that a string value contains a valid E.164 Phone number (ex. +1123456789) This validates that a string value contains a valid email This may not conform to all possibilities of any rfc standard, but neither does any email provider accept all possibilities. This validates that a string value is valid JSON This validates that a string value is a valid JWT This validates that a string value contains a valid file path and that the file exists on the machine. This is done using os.Stat, which is a platform independent function. This validates that a string value contains a valid file path and that the file exists on the machine and is an image. This is done using os.Stat and This validates that a string value contains a valid file path but does not validate the existence of that file. This is done using os.Stat, which is a platform independent function. This validates that a string value contains a valid url This will accept any url the golang request uri accepts but must contain a schema for example http:// or rtmp:// This validates that a string value contains a valid uri This will accept any uri the golang request uri accepts This validates that a string value contains a valid URN according to the RFC 2141 spec. This validates that a string value contains a valid bas324 value. Although an empty string is valid base32 this will report an empty string as an error, if you wish to accept an empty string as valid you can use this with the omitempty tag. This validates that a string value contains a valid base64 value. Although an empty string is valid base64 this will report an empty string as an error, if you wish to accept an empty string as valid you can use this with the omitempty tag. This validates that a string value contains a valid base64 URL safe value according the RFC4648 spec. Although an empty string is a valid base64 URL safe value, this will report an empty string as an error, if you wish to accept an empty string as valid you can use this with the omitempty tag. This validates that a string value contains a valid base64 URL safe value, but without = padding, according the RFC4648 spec, section 3.2. Although an empty string is a valid base64 URL safe value, this will report an empty string as an error, if you wish to accept an empty string as valid you can use this with the omitempty tag. This validates that a string value contains a valid bitcoin address. The format of the string is checked to ensure it matches one of the three formats P2PKH, P2SH and performs checksum validation. Bitcoin Bech32 Address (segwit) This validates that a string value contains a valid bitcoin Bech32 address as defined by bip-0173 ( Special thanks to Pieter Wuille for providing reference implementations. This validates that a string value contains a valid ethereum address. The format of the string is checked to ensure it matches the standard Ethereum address format. This validates that a string value contains the substring value. This validates that a string value contains any Unicode code points in the substring value. This validates that a string value contains the supplied rune value. This validates that a string value does not contain the substring value. This validates that a string value does not contain any Unicode code points in the substring value. This validates that a string value does not contain the supplied rune value. This validates that a string value starts with the supplied string value This validates that a string value ends with the supplied string value This validates that a string value does not start with the supplied string value This validates that a string value does not end with the supplied string value This validates that a string value contains a valid isbn10 or isbn13 value. This validates that a string value contains a valid isbn10 value. This validates that a string value contains a valid isbn13 value. This validates that a string value contains a valid UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains a valid version 3 UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid3_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains a valid version 4 UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid4_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains a valid version 5 UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid5_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains a valid ULID value. This validates that a string value contains only ASCII characters. NOTE: if the string is blank, this validates as true. This validates that a string value contains only printable ASCII characters. NOTE: if the string is blank, this validates as true. This validates that a string value contains one or more multibyte characters. NOTE: if the string is blank, this validates as true. This validates that a string value contains a valid DataURI. NOTE: this will also validate that the data portion is valid base64 This validates that a string value contains a valid latitude. This validates that a string value contains a valid longitude. This validates that a string value contains a valid U.S. Social Security Number. This validates that a string value contains a valid IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v4 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v6 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid CIDR Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v4 CIDR Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v6 CIDR Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable TCP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v4 TCP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v6 TCP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable UDP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v4 UDP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v6 UDP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v4 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v6 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid Unix Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid MAC Address. Note: See Go's ParseMAC for accepted formats and types: This validates that a string value is a valid Hostname according to RFC 952 This validates that a string value is a valid Hostname according to RFC 1123 Full Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) This validates that a string value contains a valid FQDN. This validates that a string value appears to be an HTML element tag including those described at This validates that a string value is a proper character reference in decimal or hexadecimal format This validates that a string value is percent-encoded (URL encoded) according to This validates that a string value contains a valid directory and that it exists on the machine. This is done using os.Stat, which is a platform independent function. This validates that a string value contains a valid directory but does not validate the existence of that directory. This is done using os.Stat, which is a platform independent function. It is safest to suffix the string with os.PathSeparator if the directory may not exist at the time of validation. This validates that a string value contains a valid DNS hostname and port that can be used to validate fields typically passed to sockets and connections. This validates that a string value is a valid datetime based on the supplied datetime format. Supplied format must match the official Go time format layout as documented in This validates that a string value is a valid country code based on iso3166-1 alpha-2 standard. see: This validates that a string value is a valid country code based on iso3166-1 alpha-3 standard. see: This validates that a string value is a valid country code based on iso3166-1 alpha-numeric standard. see: This validates that a string value is a valid BCP 47 language tag, as parsed by language.Parse. More information on BIC (SWIFT code) This validates that a string value is a valid Business Identifier Code (SWIFT code), defined in ISO 9362. More information on This validates that a string value is a valid dns RFC 1035 label, defined in RFC 1035. More information on This validates that a string value is a valid time zone based on the time zone database present on the system. Although empty value and Local value are allowed by time.LoadLocation golang function, they are not allowed by this validator. More information on This validates that a string value is a valid semver version, defined in Semantic Versioning 2.0.0. More information on This validates that a string value is a valid cve id, defined in cve mitre. More information on This validates that a string value contains a valid credit card number using Luhn algorithm. This validates that a string or (u)int value contains a valid checksum using the Luhn algorithm. This validates that a string is a valid 24 character hexadecimal string or valid connection string. Example: This validates that a string value contains a valid cron expression. This validates that a string is valid for use with SpiceDb for the indicated purpose. If no purpose is given, a purpose of 'id' is assumed. Alias Validators and Tags NOTE: When returning an error, the tag returned in "FieldError" will be the alias tag unless the dive tag is part of the alias. Everything after the dive tag is not reported as the alias tag. Also, the "ActualTag" in the before case will be the actual tag within the alias that failed. Here is a list of the current built in alias tags: Validator notes: A collection of validation rules that are frequently needed but are more complex than the ones found in the baked in validators. A non standard validator must be registered manually like you would with your own custom validation functions. Example of registration and use: Here is a list of the current non standard validators: This package panics when bad input is provided, this is by design, bad code like that should not make it to production.
Extensible Go library for creating fast, SSR-first frontend avoiding vanilla templating downsides. Creating asynchronous and dynamic layout parts is a complex problem for larger projects using `html/template`. Library tries to simplify this process. Let's go straight into a simple example. Then, we will dig into details, step by step, how it works. Kyoto provides a simple net/http handlers and function wrappers to handle pages rendering and serving. See functions inside of nethttp.go file for details and advanced usage. Example: Kyoto provides a way to define components. It's a very common approach for modern libraries to manage frontend parts. In kyoto each component is a context receiver, which returns it's state. Each component becomes a part of the page or top-level component, which executes component asynchronously and gets a state future object. In that way your components are executing in a non-blocking way. Pages are just top-level components, where you can configure rendering and page related stuff. Example: As an option, you can wrap component with another function to accept additional paramenters from top-level page/component. Example: Kyoto provides a context, which holds common objects like http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, etc. See kyoto.Context for details. Example: Kyoto provides a set of parameters and functions to provide a comfortable template building process. You can configure template building parameters with kyoto.TemplateConf configuration. See template.go for available functions and kyoto.TemplateConfiguration for configuration details. Example: Kyoto provides a way to simplify building dynamic UIs. For this purpose it has a feature named actions. Logic is pretty simple. Client calls an action (sends a request to the server). Action is executing on server side and server is sending updated component markup to the client which will be morphed into DOM. That's it. To use actions, you need to go through a few steps. You'll need to include a client into page (JS functions for communication) and register an actions handler for a needed component. Let's start from including a client. Then, let's register an actions handler for a needed component. That's all! Now we ready to use actions to provide a dynamic UI. Example: In this example you can see provided modifications to the quick start example. First, we've added a state and name into our components' markup. In this way we are saving our components' state between actions and find a component root. Unfortunately, we have to manually provide a component name for now, we haven't found a way to provide it dynamically. Second, we've added a reload button with onclick function call. We're using a function Action provided by a client. Action triggering will be described in details later. Third, we've added an action handler inside of our component. This handler will be executed when a client calls an action with a corresponding name. It's highly recommended to keep components' state as small as possible. It will be transmitted on each action call. Kyoto have multiple ways to trigger actions. Now we will check them one by one. This is the simplest way to trigger an action. It's just a function call with a referer (usually 'this', f.e. button) as a first argument (used to determine root), action name as a second argument and arguments as a rest. Arguments must to be JSON serializable. It's possible to trigger an action of another component. If you want to call an action of parent component, use $ prefix in action name. If you want to call an action of component by id, use <id:action> as an action name. This is a specific action which is triggered when a form is submitted. Usually called in onsubmit="..." attribute of a form. You'll need to implement 'Submit' action to handle this trigger. This is a special HTML attribute which will trigger an action on page load. This may be useful for components' lazy loading. With this special HTML attributes you can trigger an action with interval. Useful for components that must to be updated over time (f.e. charts, stats, etc). You can use this trigger with ssa:poll and ssa:poll.interval HTML attributes. This one attribute allows you to trigger an action when an element is visible on the screen. May be useful for lazy loading. Kyoto provides a way to control action flow. For now, it's possible to control display style on component call and push multiple UI updates to the client during a single action. Because kyoto makes a roundtrip to the server every time an action is triggered on the page, there are cases where the page may not react immediately to a user event (like a click). That's why the library provides a way to easily control display attributes on action call. You can use this HTML attribute to control display during action call. At the end of an action the layout will be restored. A small note. Don't forget to set a default display for loading elements like spinners and loaders. You can push multiple component UI updates during a single action call. Just call kyoto.ActionFlush(ctx, state) to initiate an update. Kyoto provides a way to control action rendering. Now there is at least 2 rendering options after an action call: morph (default) and replace. Morph will try to morph received markup to the current one with morphdom library. In case of an error, or explicit "replace" mode, markup will be replaced with x.outerHTML = '...'.
Package gopacket provides packet decoding for the Go language. gopacket contains many sub-packages with additional functionality you may find useful, including: Also, if you're looking to dive right into code, see the examples subdirectory for numerous simple binaries built using gopacket libraries. Minimum go version required is 1.5. gopacket takes in packet data as a []byte and decodes it into a packet with a non-zero number of "layers". Each layer corresponds to a protocol within the bytes. Once a packet has been decoded, the layers of the packet can be requested from the packet. Packets can be decoded from a number of starting points. Many of our base types implement Decoder, which allow us to decode packets for which we don't have full data. Most of the time, you won't just have a []byte of packet data lying around. Instead, you'll want to read packets in from somewhere (file, interface, etc) and process them. To do that, you'll want to build a PacketSource. First, you'll need to construct an object that implements the PacketDataSource interface. There are implementations of this interface bundled with gopacket in the gopacket/pcap and gopacket/pfring subpackages... see their documentation for more information on their usage. Once you have a PacketDataSource, you can pass it into NewPacketSource, along with a Decoder of your choice, to create a PacketSource. Once you have a PacketSource, you can read packets from it in multiple ways. See the docs for PacketSource for more details. The easiest method is the Packets function, which returns a channel, then asynchronously writes new packets into that channel, closing the channel if the packetSource hits an end-of-file. You can change the decoding options of the packetSource by setting fields in packetSource.DecodeOptions... see the following sections for more details. gopacket optionally decodes packet data lazily, meaning it only decodes a packet layer when it needs to handle a function call. Lazily-decoded packets are not concurrency-safe. Since layers have not all been decoded, each call to Layer() or Layers() has the potential to mutate the packet in order to decode the next layer. If a packet is used in multiple goroutines concurrently, don't use gopacket.Lazy. Then gopacket will decode the packet fully, and all future function calls won't mutate the object. By default, gopacket will copy the slice passed to NewPacket and store the copy within the packet, so future mutations to the bytes underlying the slice don't affect the packet and its layers. If you can guarantee that the underlying slice bytes won't be changed, you can use NoCopy to tell gopacket.NewPacket, and it'll use the passed-in slice itself. The fastest method of decoding is to use both Lazy and NoCopy, but note from the many caveats above that for some implementations either or both may be dangerous. During decoding, certain layers are stored in the packet as well-known layer types. For example, IPv4 and IPv6 are both considered NetworkLayer layers, while TCP and UDP are both TransportLayer layers. We support 4 layers, corresponding to the 4 layers of the TCP/IP layering scheme (roughly anagalous to layers 2, 3, 4, and 7 of the OSI model). To access these, you can use the packet.LinkLayer, packet.NetworkLayer, packet.TransportLayer, and packet.ApplicationLayer functions. Each of these functions returns a corresponding interface (gopacket.{Link,Network,Transport,Application}Layer). The first three provide methods for getting src/dst addresses for that particular layer, while the final layer provides a Payload function to get payload data. This is helpful, for example, to get payloads for all packets regardless of their underlying data type: A particularly useful layer is ErrorLayer, which is set whenever there's an error parsing part of the packet. Note that we don't return an error from NewPacket because we may have decoded a number of layers successfully before running into our erroneous layer. You may still be able to get your Ethernet and IPv4 layers correctly, even if your TCP layer is malformed. gopacket has two useful objects, Flow and Endpoint, for communicating in a protocol independent manner the fact that a packet is coming from A and going to B. The general layer types LinkLayer, NetworkLayer, and TransportLayer all provide methods for extracting their flow information, without worrying about the type of the underlying Layer. A Flow is a simple object made up of a set of two Endpoints, one source and one destination. It details the sender and receiver of the Layer of the Packet. An Endpoint is a hashable representation of a source or destination. For example, for LayerTypeIPv4, an Endpoint contains the IP address bytes for a v4 IP packet. A Flow can be broken into Endpoints, and Endpoints can be combined into Flows: Both Endpoint and Flow objects can be used as map keys, and the equality operator can compare them, so you can easily group together all packets based on endpoint criteria: For load-balancing purposes, both Flow and Endpoint have FastHash() functions, which provide quick, non-cryptographic hashes of their contents. Of particular importance is the fact that Flow FastHash() is symmetric: A->B will have the same hash as B->A. An example usage could be: This allows us to split up a packet stream while still making sure that each stream sees all packets for a flow (and its bidirectional opposite). If your network has some strange encapsulation, you can implement your own decoder. In this example, we handle Ethernet packets which are encapsulated in a 4-byte header. See the docs for Decoder and PacketBuilder for more details on how coding decoders works, or look at RegisterLayerType and RegisterEndpointType to see how to add layer/endpoint types to gopacket. TLDR: DecodingLayerParser takes about 10% of the time as NewPacket to decode packet data, but only for known packet stacks. Basic decoding using gopacket.NewPacket or PacketSource.Packets is somewhat slow due to its need to allocate a new packet and every respective layer. It's very versatile and can handle all known layer types, but sometimes you really only care about a specific set of layers regardless, so that versatility is wasted. DecodingLayerParser avoids memory allocation altogether by decoding packet layers directly into preallocated objects, which you can then reference to get the packet's information. A quick example: The important thing to note here is that the parser is modifying the passed in layers (eth, ip4, ip6, tcp) instead of allocating new ones, thus greatly speeding up the decoding process. It's even branching based on layer type... it'll handle an (eth, ip4, tcp) or (eth, ip6, tcp) stack. However, it won't handle any other type... since no other decoders were passed in, an (eth, ip4, udp) stack will stop decoding after ip4, and only pass back [LayerTypeEthernet, LayerTypeIPv4] through the 'decoded' slice (along with an error saying it can't decode a UDP packet). Unfortunately, not all layers can be used by DecodingLayerParser... only those implementing the DecodingLayer interface are usable. Also, it's possible to create DecodingLayers that are not themselves Layers... see layers.IPv6ExtensionSkipper for an example of this. As well as offering the ability to decode packet data, gopacket will allow you to create packets from scratch, as well. A number of gopacket layers implement the SerializableLayer interface; these layers can be serialized to a []byte in the following manner: SerializeTo PREPENDS the given layer onto the SerializeBuffer, and they treat the current buffer's Bytes() slice as the payload of the serializing layer. Therefore, you can serialize an entire packet by serializing a set of layers in reverse order (Payload, then TCP, then IP, then Ethernet, for example). The SerializeBuffer's SerializeLayers function is a helper that does exactly that. To generate a (empty and useless, because no fields are set) Ethernet(IPv4(TCP(Payload))) packet, for example, you can run: If you use gopacket, you'll almost definitely want to make sure gopacket/layers is imported, since when imported it sets all the LayerType variables and fills in a lot of interesting variables/maps (DecodersByLayerName, etc). Therefore, it's recommended that even if you don't use any layers functions directly, you still import with:
Package s2prot is a decoder/parser of Blizzard's StarCraft II replay file format (*.SC2Replay). s2prot processes the "raw" data that can be decoded from replay files using an MPQ parser such as The package is safe for concurrent use. The package s2prot/rep provides enumerations and types to model data structures of StarCraft II replays (*.SC2Replay) decoded by the s2prot package. These provide a higher level overview and much easier to use. The below example code can be found in To open and parse a replay: And that's all! We now have all the info from the replay! Printing some of it: Output: Tip: the Struct type defines a String() method which returns a nicely formatted JSON representation; this is what most type are "made of": Output: The below example code can be found in To use s2prot, we need an MPQ parser to get content from a replay. Replay header (which is the MPQ User Data) can be decoded by s2prot.DecodeHeader(). Printing replay version: Base build is part of the replay header: Which can be used to obtain the proper instance of Protocol: Which can now be used to decode all other info in the replay. To decode the Details and print the map name: Tip: We can of course print the whole decoded header which is a Struct: Which yields a JSON text similar to the one posted above (at High-level Usage). - s2protocol: Blizzard's reference implementation in python: - s2protocol implementation of the Scelight project: - Replay model of the Scelight project:
Package granitic provides methods for configuring and starting a Granitic application. To get started with Granitic, visit This package provides entry point functions for your application to hand control over to Granitic. Typically your application will have a single, minimal file in its main package similar to: You can build a skeleton Granitic application by running the grnc-project tool, which will generate a main file, empty configuration file and empty component definition file. The uses and syntax of these files are described in the config and ioc packages respectively. A Granitic application needs two things to start: 1. A list of components to host in its IoC container. 2. One or more JSON configuration files containing environment-specific settings for your application (passwords, hostnames etc.) Folders and files containing configuration are by default expected to be stored in This folder can contain any number of files or sub-directories. This location can be overridden by using the -c argument when starting your application from the command line. This argument is expected to be a comma separated list of file paths, directories or HTTP URLs to JSON files or any mixture of the above. When starting your application from the command, Granitic takes control of processing command line arguments. By default your application will support the following arguments. If your application needs to perform command line processing and you want to prevent Granitic from attempting to parse command line arguments, you should start Granitic using the alternative: where you are expected to programmatically define the initial settings.
Package i18n offers the following basic internationalization functionality: There's more we'd like to add in the future, including: In order to interact with this package, you must first get a TranslatorFactory instace. Through the TranslatorFactory, you can get a Translator instance. Almost everything in this package is accessed through methods on the Translator struct. About the rules and messages paths: This package ships with built-in rules, and you are welcome to use those directly. However, if there are locales or rules that are missing from what ships directly with this package, or if you desire to use different rules than those that ship with this package, then you can specify additional rules paths. At this time, this package does not ship with built-in messages, other than a few used for the unit tests. You will need to specify your own messages path(s). For both rules and messages paths, you can specify multiple. Paths later in the slice take precedence over packages earlier in the slice. For a basic example of getting a TranslatorFactory instance: For simple message translation, use the Translate function, and send an empty map as the second argument (we'll explain that argument in the next section). You can also pass placeholder values to the translate function. That's what the second argument is for. In this example, we will inject a username into the translation. You can also translate strings with plurals. However, any one message can contain at most one plural. If you want to translate "I need 5 apples and 3 oranges" you are out of luck. The Pluralize method takes 3 arguments. The first is the message key - just like the Translate method. The second argument is a float which is used to determine which plural form to use. The third is a string representation of the number. Why two arguments for the number instead of one? This allows you ultimate flexibility in number formatting to use in the translation while eliminating the need for string number parsing. You can use the "FomatNumber", "FormatCurrency" and "FormatPercent" methods to do locale-based number formatting for numbers, currencies and percentages. If you need to sort a list of strings alphabetically, then you should not use a simple string comparison to do so - this will often result in incorrect results. "ȧ" would normally evaluate as greater than "z", which is not correct in any latin writing system alphabet. Use can use the Sort method on the Translator struct to do an alphabetic sorting that is correct for that locale. Alternatively, you can access the SortUniversal and the SortLocale functions directly without a Translator instance. SortUniversal does not take a specific locale into account when doing the alphabetic sorting, which means it might be slightly less accurate than the SortLocal function. However, there are cases in which the collation rules for a specific locale are unknown, or the sorting needs to be done in a local-agnostic way. For these cases, the SortUniversal function performs a unicode normalization in order to best sort the strings. In order to be flexible, these functions take a generic interface slice and a function for retrieving the value on which to perform the sorting. For example: When getting a Translator instance, the TranslatorFactory will automatically attempt to determine an appropriate fallback Translator for the locale you specify. For locales with specific "flavors", like "en-au" or "zh-hans", the "vanilla" version of that locale will be used if it exists. In these cases that would be "en" and "zh". When creating a TranslatorFactory instance, you can optionally specify a final fallback locale. This will be used if it exists. When determining a fallback, the the factory first checks the less specific versions of the specified locale, if they exist and will ultimate fallback to the global fallback if specified. All of the examples above conveniently ignore errors. We recommend that you DO handle errors. The system is designed to give you a valid result if at all possible, even in errors occur in the process. However, the errors are still returned and may provide you helpful information you might otherwise miss - like missing files, file permissions problems, yaml format problems, missing translations, etc. We recommend that you do some sort of logging of these errors.
Package grpchan provides an abstraction for a gRPC transport, called a Channel. The channel is more general than the concrete *grpc.ClientConn and *grpc.Server types provided by gRPC. It allows gRPC over alternate substrates and includes sub-packages that provide two such alternatives: in-process and HTTP 1.1. The key types in this package are interfaces that are helpful abstractions and expose the same key operations as *grpc.ClientConn and *grpc.Server. They are grpchan.Channel and grpchan.ServiceRegistry, respectively. To really make use of these interfaces, you also need to use the grpchan plugin for protoc. It will generate methods for each RPC service that allow you to create client stubs and register server handlers with these interfaces. (The code generated by the standard Go plugin for protoc does not suffice since it requires the concrete types *grpc.ClientConn and *grpc.Server.) To use the protoc plugin, you need to first build it and make sure its location is in your PATH. When you invoke protoc, include a --grpchan_out parameter that indicates the same output directory as used for your --go_out parameter. Alongside the *.pb.go files generated, the grpchan plugin will also create *.pb.grpchan.go files. The normal Go plugin (when emitted gRPC code) creates client stub factory and server registration functions for each RPC service defined in the proto source files compiled. The grpchan plugins produces similar named methods that accept interfaces: A new transport can then be implemented by just implementing these two interfaces, grpchan.Channel for the client side and grpchan.ServiceRegistry for the server side. These alternate methods also work just fine with *grpc.ClientConn and *grpc.Server as they implement the necessary interfaces. The client-side implementation of a transport is done with just the two methods in the Channel interface: one for unary RPCs and the other for streaming RPCs. Note that when a unary interceptor is invoked for an RPC on a channel that is *not* a *grpc.ClientConn, the parameter of that type will be nil. Not all client call options will make sense for all transports. This repo chooses to ignore call options that do not apply (as opposed to failing the RPC or panic'ing). However, several call options are likely important to support: those for accessing header and trailer metadata. The peer, per-RPC credentials, and message size limits are other options that are reasonably straight-forward to apply to other transports. But the other options (dealing with on-the-wire encoding, compression, etc) are less likely to be meaningful. The server-side implementation of a transport must be able to invoke method and stream handlers for a given service implementation. This is done by implementing the ServiceRegistry interface. When a service is registered, a service description is provided that includes access to method and stream handlers. When the transport receives requests for RPC operations, it in turn invokes these handlers. For streaming operations, it must also supply a grpc.ServerStream implementation, for exchanging messages on the stream. Note that the server stream's context will need a custom implementation of the grpc.ServerTransportStream in it, too. Sadly, this interface is just different enough from grpc.ServerStream that they cannot be implemented by the same type. This is particularly necessary for unary calls since this is how a unary handler dictates what headers and trailers to send back to the client.
Package lumberjack provides a rolling logger. Note that this is v2.0 of lumberjack, and should be imported using thusly: The package name remains simply lumberjack, and the code resides at under the v2.0 branch. Lumberjack is intended to be one part of a logging infrastructure. It is not an all-in-one solution, but instead is a pluggable component at the bottom of the logging stack that simply controls the files to which logs are written. Lumberjack plays well with any logging package that can write to an io.Writer, including the standard library's log package. Lumberjack assumes that only one process is writing to the output files. Using the same lumberjack configuration from multiple processes on the same machine will result in improper behavior. To use lumberjack with the standard library's log package, just pass it into the SetOutput function when your application starts.
Package gocql implements a fast and robust Cassandra driver for the Go programming language. Pass a list of initial node IP addresses to NewCluster to create a new cluster configuration: Port can be specified as part of the address, the above is equivalent to: It is recommended to use the value set in the Cassandra config for broadcast_address or listen_address, an IP address not a domain name. This is because events from Cassandra will use the configured IP address, which is used to index connected hosts. If the domain name specified resolves to more than 1 IP address then the driver may connect multiple times to the same host, and will not mark the node being down or up from events. Then you can customize more options (see ClusterConfig): The driver tries to automatically detect the protocol version to use if not set, but you might want to set the protocol version explicitly, as it's not defined which version will be used in certain situations (for example during upgrade of the cluster when some of the nodes support different set of protocol versions than other nodes). The driver advertises the module name and version in the STARTUP message, so servers are able to detect the version. If you use replace directive in go.mod, the driver will send information about the replacement module instead. When ready, create a session from the configuration. Don't forget to Close the session once you are done with it: CQL protocol uses a SASL-based authentication mechanism and so consists of an exchange of server challenges and client response pairs. The details of the exchanged messages depend on the authenticator used. To use authentication, set ClusterConfig.Authenticator or ClusterConfig.AuthProvider. PasswordAuthenticator is provided to use for username/password authentication: It is possible to secure traffic between the client and server with TLS. To use TLS, set the ClusterConfig.SslOpts field. SslOptions embeds *tls.Config so you can set that directly. There are also helpers to load keys/certificates from files. Warning: Due to historical reasons, the SslOptions is insecure by default, so you need to set EnableHostVerification to true if no Config is set. Most users should set SslOptions.Config to a *tls.Config. SslOptions and Config.InsecureSkipVerify interact as follows: For example: To route queries to local DC first, use DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy. For example, if the datacenter you want to primarily connect is called dc1 (as configured in the database): The driver can route queries to nodes that hold data replicas based on partition key (preferring local DC). Note that TokenAwareHostPolicy can take options such as gocql.ShuffleReplicas and gocql.NonLocalReplicasFallback. We recommend running with a token aware host policy in production for maximum performance. The driver can only use token-aware routing for queries where all partition key columns are query parameters. For example, instead of use The DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy can be replaced with RackAwareRoundRobinPolicy, which takes two parameters, datacenter and rack. Instead of dividing hosts with two tiers (local datacenter and remote datacenters) it divides hosts into three (the local rack, the rest of the local datacenter, and everything else). RackAwareRoundRobinPolicy can be combined with TokenAwareHostPolicy in the same way as DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy. Create queries with Session.Query. Query values must not be reused between different executions and must not be modified after starting execution of the query. To execute a query without reading results, use Query.Exec: Single row can be read by calling Query.Scan: Multiple rows can be read using Iter.Scanner: See Example for complete example. The driver automatically prepares DML queries (SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/BATCH statements) and maintains a cache of prepared statements. CQL protocol does not support preparing other query types. When using CQL protocol >= 4, it is possible to use gocql.UnsetValue as the bound value of a column. This will cause the database to ignore writing the column. The main advantage is the ability to keep the same prepared statement even when you don't want to update some fields, where before you needed to make another prepared statement. Session is safe to use from multiple goroutines, so to execute multiple concurrent queries, just execute them from several worker goroutines. Gocql provides synchronously-looking API (as recommended for Go APIs) and the queries are executed asynchronously at the protocol level. Null values are are unmarshalled as zero value of the type. If you need to distinguish for example between text column being null and empty string, you can unmarshal into *string variable instead of string. See Example_nulls for full example. The driver reuses backing memory of slices when unmarshalling. This is an optimization so that a buffer does not need to be allocated for every processed row. However, you need to be careful when storing the slices to other memory structures. When you want to save the data for later use, pass a new slice every time. A common pattern is to declare the slice variable within the scanner loop: The driver supports paging of results with automatic prefetch, see ClusterConfig.PageSize, Session.SetPrefetch, Query.PageSize, and Query.Prefetch. It is also possible to control the paging manually with Query.PageState (this disables automatic prefetch). Manual paging is useful if you want to store the page state externally, for example in a URL to allow users browse pages in a result. You might want to sign/encrypt the paging state when exposing it externally since it contains data from primary keys. Paging state is specific to the CQL protocol version and the exact query used. It is meant as opaque state that should not be modified. If you send paging state from different query or protocol version, then the behaviour is not defined (you might get unexpected results or an error from the server). For example, do not send paging state returned by node using protocol version 3 to a node using protocol version 4. Also, when using protocol version 4, paging state between Cassandra 2.2 and 3.0 is incompatible ( The driver does not check whether the paging state is from the same protocol version/statement. You might want to validate yourself as this could be a problem if you store paging state externally. For example, if you store paging state in a URL, the URLs might become broken when you upgrade your cluster. Call Query.PageState(nil) to fetch just the first page of the query results. Pass the page state returned by Iter.PageState to Query.PageState of a subsequent query to get the next page. If the length of slice returned by Iter.PageState is zero, there are no more pages available (or an error occurred). Using too low values of PageSize will negatively affect performance, a value below 100 is probably too low. While Cassandra returns exactly PageSize items (except for last page) in a page currently, the protocol authors explicitly reserved the right to return smaller or larger amount of items in a page for performance reasons, so don't rely on the page having the exact count of items. See Example_paging for an example of manual paging. There are certain situations when you don't know the list of columns in advance, mainly when the query is supplied by the user. Iter.Columns, Iter.RowData, Iter.MapScan and Iter.SliceMap can be used to handle this case. See Example_dynamicColumns. The CQL protocol supports sending batches of DML statements (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE) and so does gocql. Use Session.NewBatch to create a new batch and then fill-in details of individual queries. Then execute the batch with Session.ExecuteBatch. Logged batches ensure atomicity, either all or none of the operations in the batch will succeed, but they have overhead to ensure this property. Unlogged batches don't have the overhead of logged batches, but don't guarantee atomicity. Updates of counters are handled specially by Cassandra so batches of counter updates have to use CounterBatch type. A counter batch can only contain statements to update counters. For unlogged batches it is recommended to send only single-partition batches (i.e. all statements in the batch should involve only a single partition). Multi-partition batch needs to be split by the coordinator node and re-sent to correct nodes. With single-partition batches you can send the batch directly to the node for the partition without incurring the additional network hop. It is also possible to pass entire BEGIN BATCH .. APPLY BATCH statement to Query.Exec. There are differences how those are executed. BEGIN BATCH statement passed to Query.Exec is prepared as a whole in a single statement. Session.ExecuteBatch prepares individual statements in the batch. If you have variable-length batches using the same statement, using Session.ExecuteBatch is more efficient. See Example_batch for an example. Query.ScanCAS or Query.MapScanCAS can be used to execute a single-statement lightweight transaction (an INSERT/UPDATE .. IF statement) and reading its result. See example for Query.MapScanCAS. Multiple-statement lightweight transactions can be executed as a logged batch that contains at least one conditional statement. All the conditions must return true for the batch to be applied. You can use Session.ExecuteBatchCAS and Session.MapExecuteBatchCAS when executing the batch to learn about the result of the LWT. See example for Session.MapExecuteBatchCAS. Queries can be marked as idempotent. Marking the query as idempotent tells the driver that the query can be executed multiple times without affecting its result. Non-idempotent queries are not eligible for retrying nor speculative execution. Idempotent queries are retried in case of errors based on the configured RetryPolicy. Queries can be retried even before they fail by setting a SpeculativeExecutionPolicy. The policy can cause the driver to retry on a different node if the query is taking longer than a specified delay even before the driver receives an error or timeout from the server. When a query is speculatively executed, the original execution is still executing. The two parallel executions of the query race to return a result, the first received result will be returned. UDTs can be mapped (un)marshaled from/to map[string]interface{} a Go struct (or a type implementing UDTUnmarshaler, UDTMarshaler, Unmarshaler or Marshaler interfaces). For structs, cql tag can be used to specify the CQL field name to be mapped to a struct field: See Example_userDefinedTypesMap, Example_userDefinedTypesStruct, ExampleUDTMarshaler, ExampleUDTUnmarshaler. It is possible to provide observer implementations that could be used to gather metrics: CQL protocol also supports tracing of queries. When enabled, the database will write information about internal events that happened during execution of the query. You can use Query.Trace to request tracing and receive the session ID that the database used to store the trace information in system_traces.sessions and tables. NewTraceWriter returns an implementation of Tracer that writes the events to a writer. Gathering trace information might be essential for debugging and optimizing queries, but writing traces has overhead, so this feature should not be used on production systems with very high load unless you know what you are doing. Example_batch demonstrates how to execute a batch of statements. Example_dynamicColumns demonstrates how to handle dynamic column list. Example_marshalerUnmarshaler demonstrates how to implement a Marshaler and Unmarshaler. Example_nulls demonstrates how to distinguish between null and zero value when needed. Null values are unmarshalled as zero value of the type. If you need to distinguish for example between text column being null and empty string, you can unmarshal into *string field. Example_paging demonstrates how to manually fetch pages and use page state. See also package documentation about paging. Example_set demonstrates how to use sets. Example_userDefinedTypesMap demonstrates how to work with user-defined types as maps. See also Example_userDefinedTypesStruct and examples for UDTMarshaler and UDTUnmarshaler if you want to map to structs. Example_userDefinedTypesStruct demonstrates how to work with user-defined types as structs. See also examples for UDTMarshaler and UDTUnmarshaler if you need more control/better performance.
Package lumberjack provides a rolling logger. Note that this is v2.0 of lumberjack, and should be imported using thusly: The package name remains simply lumberjack, and the code resides at under the v2.0 branch. Lumberjack is intended to be one part of a logging infrastructure. It is not an all-in-one solution, but instead is a pluggable component at the bottom of the logging stack that simply controls the files to which logs are written. Lumberjack plays well with any logging package that can write to an io.Writer, including the standard library's log package. Lumberjack assumes that only one process is writing to the output files. Using the same lumberjack configuration from multiple processes on the same machine will result in improper behavior. To use lumberjack with the standard library's log package, just pass it into the SetOutput function when your application starts.
Package lumberjack provides a rolling logger. Note that this is v2.0 of lumberjack, and should be imported using thusly: The package name remains simply lumberjack, and the code resides at under the v2.0 branch. Lumberjack is intended to be one part of a logging infrastructure. It is not an all-in-one solution, but instead is a pluggable component at the bottom of the logging stack that simply controls the files to which logs are written. Lumberjack plays well with any logging package that can write to an io.Writer, including the standard library's log package. Lumberjack assumes that only one process is writing to the output files. Using the same lumberjack configuration from multiple processes on the same machine will result in improper behavior. To use lumberjack with the standard library's log package, just pass it into the SetOutput function when your application starts.
Package lumberjack provides a rolling logger. Note that this is v3.0 of lumberjack. Lumberjack is intended to be one part of a logging infrastructure. It is not an all-in-one solution, but instead is a pluggable component at the bottom of the logging stack that simply controls the files to which logs are written. Lumberjack plays well with any logging package that can write to an io.Writer, including the standard library's log package. Lumberjack assumes that only one process is writing to the output files. Using the same lumberjack configuration from multiple processes on the same machine will result in improper behavior. Letting outside processes write to or manipulate the file that lumberjack writes to will also result in improper behavior. To use lumberjack with the standard library's log package, just pass it into the SetOutput function when your application starts.
Package lumberjack provides a rolling logger. Note that this is v2.0 of lumberjack, and should be imported using thusly: The package name remains simply lumberjack, and the code resides at under the v2.0 branch. Lumberjack is intended to be one part of a logging infrastructure. It is not an all-in-one solution, but instead is a pluggable component at the bottom of the logging stack that simply controls the files to which logs are written. Lumberjack plays well with any logging package that can write to an io.Writer, including the standard library's log package. Lumberjack assumes that only one process is writing to the output files. Using the same lumberjack configuration from multiple processes on the same machine will result in improper behavior. To use lumberjack with the standard library's log package, just pass it into the SetOutput function when your application starts.
Package lumberjack provides a rolling logger. Note that this is v2.0 of lumberjack, and should be imported using thusly: The package name remains simply lumberjack, and the code resides at under the v2.0 branch. Lumberjack is intended to be one part of a logging infrastructure. It is not an all-in-one solution, but instead is a pluggable component at the bottom of the logging stack that simply controls the files to which logs are written. Lumberjack plays well with any logging package that can write to an io.Writer, including the standard library's log package. Lumberjack assumes that only one process is writing to the output files. Using the same lumberjack configuration from multiple processes on the same machine will result in improper behavior. To use lumberjack with the standard library's log package, just pass it into the SetOutput function when your application starts.
Package lumberjack provides a rolling logger. Note that this is v2.0 of lumberjack, and should be imported using thusly: The package name remains simply lumberjack, and the code resides at under the v2.0 branch. Lumberjack is intended to be one part of a logging infrastructure. It is not an all-in-one solution, but instead is a pluggable component at the bottom of the logging stack that simply controls the files to which logs are written. Lumberjack plays well with any logging package that can write to an io.Writer, including the standard library's log package. Lumberjack assumes that only one process is writing to the output files. Using the same lumberjack configuration from multiple processes on the same machine will result in improper behavior. To use lumberjack with the standard library's log package, just pass it into the SetOutput function when your application starts.
Package lumberjack provides a rolling logger. Note that this is v2.0 of lumberjack, and should be imported using thusly: The package name remains simply lumberjack, and the code resides at under the v2.0 branch. Lumberjack is intended to be one part of a logging infrastructure. It is not an all-in-one solution, but instead is a pluggable component at the bottom of the logging stack that simply controls the files to which logs are written. Lumberjack plays well with any logging package that can write to an io.Writer, including the standard library's log package. Lumberjack assumes that only one process is writing to the output files. Using the same lumberjack configuration from multiple processes on the same machine will result in improper behavior. To use lumberjack with the standard library's log package, just pass it into the SetOutput function when your application starts.
Package kms provides the client and types for making API requests to AWS Key Management Service. AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) is an encryption and key management web service. This guide describes the AWS KMS operations that you can call programmatically. For general information about AWS KMS, see the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide ( AWS provides SDKs that consist of libraries and sample code for various programming languages and platforms (Java, Ruby, .Net, iOS, Android, etc.). The SDKs provide a convenient way to create programmatic access to AWS KMS and other AWS services. For example, the SDKs take care of tasks such as signing requests (see below), managing errors, and retrying requests automatically. For more information about the AWS SDKs, including how to download and install them, see Tools for Amazon Web Services ( We recommend that you use the AWS SDKs to make programmatic API calls to AWS KMS. Clients must support TLS (Transport Layer Security) 1.0. We recommend TLS 1.2. Clients must also support cipher suites with Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) such as Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman (DHE) or Elliptic Curve Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman (ECDHE). Most modern systems such as Java 7 and later support these modes. Requests must be signed by using an access key ID and a secret access key. We strongly recommend that you do not use your AWS account (root) access key ID and secret key for everyday work with AWS KMS. Instead, use the access key ID and secret access key for an IAM user, or you can use the AWS Security Token Service to generate temporary security credentials that you can use to sign requests. All AWS KMS operations require Signature Version 4 ( AWS KMS supports AWS CloudTrail, a service that logs AWS API calls and related events for your AWS account and delivers them to an Amazon S3 bucket that you specify. By using the information collected by CloudTrail, you can determine what requests were made to AWS KMS, who made the request, when it was made, and so on. To learn more about CloudTrail, including how to turn it on and find your log files, see the AWS CloudTrail User Guide ( For more information about credentials and request signing, see the following: AWS Security Credentials ( This topic provides general information about the types of credentials used for accessing AWS. Temporary Security Credentials ( This section of the IAM User Guide describes how to create and use temporary security credentials. Signature Version 4 Signing Process ( This set of topics walks you through the process of signing a request using an access key ID and a secret access key. Of the APIs discussed in this guide, the following will prove the most useful for most applications. You will likely perform actions other than these, such as creating keys and assigning policies, by using the console. Encrypt Decrypt GenerateDataKey GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext See for more information on this service. See kms package documentation for more information. To AWS Key Management Service with the SDK use the New function to create a new service client. With that client you can make API requests to the service. These clients are safe to use concurrently. See the SDK's documentation for more information on how to use the SDK. See aws.Config documentation for more information on configuring SDK clients. See the AWS Key Management Service client KMS for more information on creating client for this service.
Package supportscolor detects whether a terminal supports color, and enables ANSI color support in recent Windows 10 builds. This is a port of the Node.js package supports-color ( by Sindre Sorhus and Josh Junon. Returns a `supportscolor.Support` with a `Stdout()` and `Stderr()` function for testing either stream. Note that on recent Windows 10 machines, these functions will also set the `ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING` console mode if required, which will enable support for normal ANSI escape codes on stdout and stderr. The `Stdout()`/`Stderr()` objects specify a level of support for color through a `.Level` property and a corresponding flag: Additionally, `supportscolor` exposes the `.SupportsColor()` function that takes an arbitrary file descriptor (e.g. `os.Stdout.Fd()`) and options, and will (re-)evaluate color support for an arbitrary stream. For example, `supportscolor.Stdout()` is the equivalent of `supportscolor.SupportsColor(os.Stdout.Fd())`. Available options are: `supportscolor.IsTTYOption(isTTY bool)` - Force whether the given file should be considered a TTY or not. If this not specified, TTY status will be detected automatically via `term.IsTerminal()`. `supportscolor.SniffFlagsOption(sniffFlags bool)` - By default it is `true`, which instructs `SupportsColor()` to sniff `os.Args` for the multitude of `--color` flags (see Info section in If `false`, then `os.Args` is not considered when determining color support.
Package changes implements Go module version management for a multi-module git repository. The Repository struct is a representation of a git repository containing multiple Go modules. Repository handles the whole release process with respect to versioning, including tagging the git repository and updating CHANGELOG, version.go, and go.mod files. The sequence of steps required to create a release of the SDK can be run from the Repository's DoRelease function: After this code snippet runs, the versions of modules within the specified repository will be updated based on change metadata contained in the repository. In order to make module versioning decisions during a release, the Repository's DoRelease function consumes metadata about changes included in the release. The metadata is stored in the root of the repository in a .changes directory. The Metadata struct provides a way to load, create, and modify the metadata in the .changes directory. The .changes directory is structured as follows: There are three file formats used in the .changes directory corresponding to three structs: Change, Release, and VersionEnclosure. The Repository's DoRelease function pdates both a top level and per-module files. The in the root of the repository provides a consolidated view of all changelog entries for every module. This means that the root module does not have its own CHANGELOG. The Release struct handles the rendering of CHANGELOG files, generating an entry that is prepended to CHANGELOG files during a release. As part of the Repository's release process, any module within the repository that depends upon another module in the repository will have its dependency updated to the latest version. So, after a release all modules in the SDK depend on the latest version of any other SDK module.
Package gocron : A Golang Job Scheduling Package. An in-process scheduler for periodic jobs that uses the builder pattern for configuration. Schedule lets you run Golang functions periodically at pre-determined intervals using a simple, human-friendly syntax. Inspired by the Ruby module clockwork <> and Python package schedule <> See also maintained by Mark Salpeter Copyright 2014 Jason Lyu. . All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style . license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
This is the official Go SDK for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Refer to for installation instructions. Refer to for configuration instructions. The following example shows how to get started with the SDK. The example belows creates an identityClient struct with the default configuration. It then utilizes the identityClient to list availability domains and prints them out to stdout More examples can be found in the SDK Github repo: Optional fields are represented with the `mandatory:"false"` tag on input structs. The SDK will omit all optional fields that are nil when making requests. In the case of enum-type fields, the SDK will omit fields whose value is an empty string. The SDK uses pointers for primitive types in many input structs. To aid in the construction of such structs, the SDK provides functions that return a pointer for a given value. For example: The SDK exposes functionality that allows the user to customize any http request before is sent to the service. You can do so by setting the `Interceptor` field in any of the `Client` structs. For example: The Interceptor closure gets called before the signing process, thus any changes done to the request will be properly signed and submitted to the service. The SDK exposes a stand-alone signer that can be used to signing custom requests. Related code can be found here: The example below shows how to create a default signer. The signer also allows more granular control on the headers used for signing. For example: You can combine a custom signer with the exposed clients in the SDK. This allows you to add custom signed headers to the request. Following is an example: Bear in mind that some services have a white list of headers that it expects to be signed. Therefore, adding an arbitrary header can result in authentications errors. To see a runnable example, see For more information on the signing algorithm refer to: Some operations accept or return polymorphic JSON objects. The SDK models such objects as interfaces. Further the SDK provides structs that implement such interfaces. Thus, for all operations that expect interfaces as input, pass the struct in the SDK that satisfies such interface. For example: In the case of a polymorphic response you can type assert the interface to the expected type. For example: An example of polymorphic JSON request handling can be found here: When calling a list operation, the operation will retrieve a page of results. To retrieve more data, call the list operation again, passing in the value of the most recent response's OpcNextPage as the value of Page in the next list operation call. When there is no more data the OpcNextPage field will be nil. An example of pagination using this logic can be found here: The SDK has a built-in logging mechanism used internally. The internal logging logic is used to record the raw http requests, responses and potential errors when (un)marshalling request and responses. Built-in logging in the SDK is controlled via the environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" and its contents. The below are possible values for the "OCI_GO_SDK_DEBUG" variable 1. "info" or "i" enables all info logging messages 2. "debug" or "d" enables all debug and info logging messages 3. "verbose" or "v" or "1" enables all verbose, debug and info logging messages 4. "null" turns all logging messages off. If the value of the environment variable does not match any of the above then default logging level is "info". If the environment variable is not present then no logging messages are emitted. The default destination for logging is Stderr and if you want to output log to a file you can set via environment variable "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_OUTPUT_MODE". The below are possible values 1. "file" or "f" enables all logging output saved to file 2. "combine" or "c" enables all logging output to both stderr and file You can also customize the log file location and name via "OCI_GO_SDK_LOG_FILE" environment variable, the value should be the path to a specific file If this environment variable is not present, the default location will be the project root path Sometimes you may need to wait until an attribute of a resource, such as an instance or a VCN, reaches a certain state. An example of this would be launching an instance and then waiting for the instance to become available, or waiting until a subnet in a VCN has been terminated. You might also want to retry the same operation again if there's network issue etc... This can be accomplished by using the RequestMetadata.RetryPolicy(request level configuration), alternatively, global(all services) or client level RetryPolicy configration is also possible. You can find the examples here: If you are trying to make a PUT/POST API call with binary request body, please make sure the binary request body is resettable, which means the request body should inherit Seeker interface. The Retry behavior Precedence (Highest to lowest) is defined as below:- The OCI Go SDK defines a default retry policy that retries on the errors suitable for retries (see, for a recommended period of time (up to 7 attempts spread out over at most approximately 1.5 minutes). This default retry policy can be created using: You can set this retry policy for a single request: or for all requests made by a client: or for all requests made by all clients: or setting default retry via environment varaible, which is a global switch for all services: Some services enable retry for operations by default, this can be overridden using any alternatives mentioned above. Some resources may have to be replicated across regions and are only eventually consistent. That means the request to create, update, or delete the resource succeeded, but the resource is not available everywhere immediately. Creating, updating, or deleting any resource in the Identity service is affected by eventual consistency, and doing so may cause other operations in other services to fail until the Identity resource has been replicated. For example, the request to CreateTag in the Identity service in the home region succeeds, but immediately using that created tag in another region in a request to LaunchInstance in the Compute service may fail. If you are creating, updating, or deleting resources in the Identity service, we recommend using an eventually consistent retry policy for any service you access. The default retry policy already deals with eventual consistency. Example: This retry policy will use a different strategy if an eventually consistent change was made in the recent past (called the "eventually consistent window", currently defined to be 4 minutes after the eventually consistent change). This special retry policy for eventual consistency will: 1. make up to 9 attempts (including the initial attempt); if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made 2. retry at most until (a) approximately the end of the eventually consistent window or (b) the end of the default retry period of about 1.5 minutes, whichever is farther in the future; if an attempt is successful, no more attempts will be made, and the OCI Go SDK will not wait any longer 3. retry on the error codes 400-RelatedResourceNotAuthorizedOrNotFound, 404-NotAuthorizedOrNotFound, and 409-NotAuthorizedOrResourceAlreadyExists, for which the default retry policy does not retry, in addition to the errors the default retry policy retries on (see If there were no eventually consistent actions within the recent past, then this special retry strategy is not used. If you want a retry policy that does not handle eventual consistency in a special way, for example because you retry on all error responses, you can use DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency or NewRetryPolicyWithOptions with the common.ReplaceWithValuesFromRetryPolicy(common.DefaultRetryPolicyWithoutEventualConsistency()) option: The NewRetryPolicy function also creates a retry policy without eventual consistency. Circuit Breaker can prevent an application repeatedly trying to execute an operation that is likely to fail, allowing it to continue without waiting for the fault to be rectified or wasting CPU cycles, of course, it also enables an application to detect whether the fault has been resolved. If the problem appears to have been rectified, the application can attempt to invoke the operation. Go SDK intergrates sony/gobreaker solution, wraps in a circuit breaker object, which monitors for failures. Once the failures reach a certain threshold, the circuit breaker trips, and all further calls to the circuit breaker return with an error, this also saves the service from being overwhelmed with network calls in case of an outage. Go SDK enable circuit breaker with default configuration, if you don't want to enable the solution, can disable the functionality before your application running Go SDK also supports customize Circuit Breaker with specified configuratoins. You can find the examples here: The GO SDK uses the net/http package to make calls to OCI services. If your environment requires you to use a proxy server for outgoing HTTP requests then you can set this up in the following ways: 1. Configuring environment variable as described here 2. Modifying the underlying Transport struct for a service client In order to modify the underlying Transport struct in HttpClient, you can do something similar to (sample code for audit service client): The Object Storage service supports multipart uploads to make large object uploads easier by splitting the large object into parts. The Go SDK supports raw multipart upload operations for advanced use cases, as well as a higher level upload class that uses the multipart upload APIs. For links to the APIs used for multipart upload operations, see Managing Multipart Uploads ( Higher level multipart uploads are implemented using the UploadManager, which will: split a large object into parts for you, upload the parts in parallel, and then recombine and commit the parts as a single object in storage. This code sample shows how to use the UploadManager to automatically split an object into parts for upload to simplify interaction with the Object Storage service: Some response fields are enum-typed. In the future, individual services may return values not covered by existing enums for that field. To address this possibility, every enum-type response field is a modeled as a type that supports any string. Thus if a service returns a value that is not recognized by your version of the SDK, then the response field will be set to this value. When individual services return a polymorphic JSON response not available as a concrete struct, the SDK will return an implementation that only satisfies the interface modeling the polymorphic JSON response. If you are using a version of the SDK released prior to the announcement of a new region, you may need to use a workaround to reach it, depending on whether the region is in the realm. A region is a localized geographic area. For more information on regions and how to identify them, see Regions and Availability Domains( A realm is a set of regions that share entities. You can identify your realm by looking at the domain name at the end of the network address. For example, the realm for is Realm: For regions in the realm, even if common.Region does not contain the new region, the forward compatibility of the SDK can automatically handle it. You can pass new region names just as you would pass ones that are already defined. For more information on passing region names in the configuration, see Configuring ( For details on common.Region, see ( Other Realms: For regions in realms other than, you can use the following workarounds to reach new regions with earlier versions of the SDK. NOTE: Be sure to supply the appropriate endpoints for your region. You can overwrite the target host with client.Host: If you are authenticating via instance principals, you can set the authentication endpoint in an environment variable: Got a fix for a bug, or a new feature you'd like to contribute? The SDK is open source and accepting pull requests on GitHub Licensing information available at: To be notified when a new version of the Go SDK is released, subscribe to the following feed: Please refer to this link: