Package tui is a library for building user interfaces for the terminal. Widgets are the main building blocks of any user interface. They allow us to present information and interact with our application. It receives keyboard and mouse events from the terminal and draws a representation of itself. Widgets are structured using layouts. Layouts are powerful tools that let you position your widgets without having to specify their exact coordinates. Here, the VBox will ensure that the Button will be placed underneath the Label. There are currently three layouts to choose from; VBox, HBox and Grid. Sizing of widgets is controlled by its SizePolicy. For now, you can read more about how size policies work in the Qt docs:
Package geoindex provides in memory geoindex implementation. It works by splitting the earth surface into grid with fixed size cells and storing data in each cell. The data can be points, count of points, and expiring points/counts. Has Range and K-Nearest queries.
Go Grid Router (aka ggr) is a lightweight active load balancer used to create scalable and highly-available Selenium clusters. Documentation has moved to:
Package serial provides a cross-platform serial reader and writer.
Package grid provides the functionality to render a configurable text grid for use in terminal UI application
Package grid is a generated protocol buffer package. It is generated from these files: It has these top-level messages: