No configuration camera photos sorting.
Package tello provides an unofficial, easy-to-use, standalone API for the Ryze Tello® drone. Tello is a registered trademark of Ryze Tech. The author(s) of this package is/are in no way affiliated with Ryze, DJI, or Intel. The package has been developed by gathering together information from a variety of sources on the Internet (especially the generous contributors at, and by examining data packets sent to/from the Tello. The package will probably be extended as more knowledge of the drone's protocol is obtained. Use this package at your own risk. The author(s) is/are in no way responsible for any damage caused either to or by the drone when using this software. The following features have been implemented... An example application using this package is available at This documentation should be consulted alongside The drone provides two types of connection: a 'control' connection which handles all commands to and from the drone including flight, status and (still) pictures, and a 'video' connection which provides an H.264 video stream from the forward-facing camera. You must establish a control connection to use the drone, but the video connection is optional and cannot be started unless a control connection is running. Funcs vs. Channels Certain functionality is made available in two forms: single-shot function calls and streaming (channel) data flows. Eg. GetFlightData() vs. StreamFlightData(), and UpdateSticks() vs. StartStickListener(). Use whichever paradigm you prefer, but be aware that the channel-based calls should return immediately (the channels are buffered) whereas the function-based options could conceivably cause your application to pause very briefly if the Tello is very busy. (In practice, the author has not found this to be an issue.)
Package cameradar provides methods to be able to discover and attack RTSP streams easily. RTSP streams are used by most IP Cameras, often for surveillance. A simple example usage of the library can be found in The example usage is complete enough for most users to ignore the library, but for users with specific needs such as creating their own bruteforcing dictionary to access cameras, or running their own network scan, this library allows to use simple and performant methods to attack streams.
Package camera implement different camera devices
Package cmrdr provides methods to be able to discover and attack RTSP streams easily. RTSP streams are used by most IP Cameras, often for surveillance. A simple example usage of the library can be found in The example usage is complete enough for most users to ignore the library, but for users with specific needs such as creating their own bruteforcing dictionary to access cameras, or running their own network scan, this library allows to use simple and performant methods to attack streams.
Package cmrdr provides methods to be able to discover and attack RTSP streams easily. RTSP streams are used by most IP Cameras, often for surveillance. A simple example usage of the library can be found in The example usage is complete enough for most users to ignore the library, but for users with specific needs such as creating their own bruteforcing dictionary to access cameras, or running their own network scan, this library allows to use simple and performant methods to attack streams.
Package cr2 implements rudimentary support for reading Canon Camera Raw 2 (CR2) files. CR2 is a bastardized TIFF file with a JPEG file inside it (yeah, thanks Canon). This package is a stripped back version of Known limitations: Because TIFF files and CR2 files share the same first few bytes, the image package's file type detection will fail to recognize a cr2 if the tiff reader is also imported.
Command webcam serves a WebRTC stream from a camera.