Implementation of an R-Way Trie data structure. A Trie has a root Node which is the base of the tree. Each subsequent Node has a letter and children, which are nodes that have letter values associated with them.
Package countries - ISO 3166 (ISO3166-1, ISO3166, Digit, Alpha-2 and Alpha-3) countries codes and names (on eng and rus), ISO 4217 currency designators, ITU-T E.164 IDD calling phone codes, countries capitals, UN M.49 regions codes, ccTLD countries domains, IOC/NOC and FIFA letters codes, VERY FAST, NO maps[], NO slices[], NO external links/files/data, NO interface{}, NO specific dependencies, Databases compatible, Emoji countries flags and currencies support, full support ISO-3166-1, ISO-4217, ITU-T E.164, Unicode CLDR and ccTLD standarts. Full support ISO-3166-1, ISO-4217, ITU-T E.164, Unicode CLDR and ccTLD standarts. Package countries - ISO 3166 (ISO3166-1, ISO3166, Digit, Alpha-2 and Alpha-3) countries codes and names (on eng and rus), ISO 4217 currency designators, ITU-T E.164 IDD calling phone codes, countries capitals, UN M.49 regions codes, ccTLD countries domains, IOC/NOC and FIFA letters codes, VERY FAST, NO maps[], NO slices[], NO external links/files/data, NO interface{}, NO specific dependencies, Databases compatible, Emoji countries flags and currencies support, full support ISO-3166-1, ISO-4217, ITU-T E.164, Unicode CLDR and ccTLD standarts. Full support ISO-3166-1, ISO-4217, ITU-T E.164, Unicode CLDR and ccTLD standarts. Contributing Package countries - ISO 3166 (ISO3166-1, ISO3166, Digit, Alpha-2 and Alpha-3) countries codes and names (on eng and rus), ISO 4217 currency designators, ITU-T E.164 IDD calling phone codes, countries capitals, UN M.49 regions codes, ccTLD countries domains, IOC/NOC and FIFA letters codes, VERY FAST, NO maps[], NO slices[], NO external links/files/data, NO interface{}, NO specific dependencies, Databases compatible, Emoji countries flags and currencies support, full support ISO-3166-1, ISO-4217, ITU-T E.164, Unicode CLDR and ccTLD standarts. Full support ISO-3166-1, ISO-4217, ITU-T E.164, Unicode CLDR and ccTLD standarts. Package countries supports subdivisions as per ISO 3166-2. Data has been sourced from <>. See license for further information. Package countries supports subdivisions as per ISO 3166-2. Data has been sourced from <>. See license for further information.
Package trie implements several types of performant Tries (e.g. rune-wise, path-wise). The implementations are optimized for Get performance and to allocate 0 bytes of heap memory (i.e. garbage) per Get. The Tries do not synchronize access (not thread-safe). A typical use case is to perform Puts and Deletes upfront to populate the Trie, then perform Gets very quickly.
Package go-succinct-data-structure-trie implements trie with succinct data structure in Go.
Package httprouter is a trie based high performance HTTP request router. A trivial example is: The router matches incoming requests by the request method and the path. If a handle is registered for this path and method, the router delegates the request to that function. For the methods GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE shortcut functions exist to register handles, for all other methods router.Handle can be used. The registered path, against which the router matches incoming requests, can contain two types of parameters: Named parameters are dynamic path segments. They match anything until the next '/' or the path end: Catch-all parameters match anything until the path end, including the directory index (the '/' before the catch-all). Since they match anything until the end, catch-all parameters must always be the final path element. The value of parameters is saved as a slice of the Param struct, consisting each of a key and a value. The slice is passed to the Handle func as a third parameter. There are two ways to retrieve the value of a parameter: