Package update provides functionality to implement secure, self-updating Go programs (or other single-file targets). For complete updating solutions please see Equinox ( and go-tuf ( This example shows how to update a program remotely from a URL. Go binaries can often be large. It can be advantageous to only ship a binary patch to a client instead of the complete program text of a new version. This example shows how to update a program with a bsdiff binary patch. Other patch formats may be applied by implementing the Patcher interface. Updating executable code on a computer can be a dangerous operation unless you take the appropriate steps to guarantee the authenticity of the new code. While checksum verification is important, it should always be combined with signature verification (next section) to guarantee that the code came from a trusted party. go-update validates SHA256 checksums by default, but this is pluggable via the Hash property on the Options struct. This example shows how to guarantee that the newly-updated binary is verified to have an appropriate checksum (that was otherwise retrived via a secure channel) specified as a hex string. Cryptographic verification of new code from an update is an extremely important way to guarantee the security and integrity of your updates. Verification is performed by validating the signature of a hash of the new file. This means nothing changes if you apply your update with a patch. This example shows how to add signature verification to your updates. To make all of this work an application distributor must first create a public/private key pair and embed the public key into their application. When they issue a new release, the issuer must sign the new executable file with the private key and distribute the signature along with the update. In order to update a Go application with go-update, you must distributed it as a single executable. This is often easy, but some applications require static assets (like HTML and CSS asset files or TLS certificates). In order to update applications like these, you'll want to make sure to embed those asset files into the distributed binary with a tool like go-bindata (my favorite): Mechanisms and protocols for determining whether an update should be applied and, if so, which one are out of scope for this package. Please consult go-tuf ( or Equinox ( for more complete solutions. go-update only works for self-updating applications that are distributed as a single binary, i.e. applications that do not have additional assets or dependency files. Updating application that are distributed as mutliple on-disk files is out of scope, although this may change in future versions of this library.
Package dateparse parses date-strings without knowing the format in advance, using a fast lex based approach to eliminate shotgun attempts. It leans towards US style dates when there is a conflict.
go-update allows a program to update itself by replacing its executable file with a new version. It provides the flexibility to implement different updating user experiences like auto-updating, or manual user-initiated updates. It also boasts advanced features like binary patching and code signing verification. Updating your program to a new version is as easy as: You may also choose to update from other data sources such as a file or an io.Reader: Binary diff updates are supported and easy to use: You should also verify the checksum of new updates as well as verify the digital signature of an update. Note that even when you choose to apply a patch, the checksum is verified against the complete update after that patch has been applied. Updating arbitrary files is also supported. You may update files which are not the currently running program: Truly secure updates use code signing to verify that the update was issued by a trusted party. To do this, you'll need to generate a public/private key pair. You can do this with openssl, or the client ( can easily generate one for you: Once you have your key pair, you can instruct your program to validate its updates with the public key: Once you've configured your program this way, it will disallow all updates unless they are properly signed. You must now pass in the signature to verify with: To perform an update, the process must be able to read its executable file and to write to the directory that contains its executable file. It can be useful to check whether the process has the necessary permissions to perform an update before trying to apply one. Use the CanUpdate call to provide a useful message to the user if the update can't proceed without elevated permissions: Although exceedingly unlikely, the update operation itself is not atomic and can fail in such a way that a user's computer is left in an inconsistent state. If that happens, go-update attempts to recover to leave the system in a good state. If the recovery step fails (even more unlikely), a second error, referred to as "errRecover" will be non-nil so that you may inform your users of the bad news. You should handle this case as shown here: Sub-package check contains the client functionality for a simple protocol for negotiating whether a new update is available, where it is, and the metadata needed for verifying it. Sub-package download contains functionality for downloading from an HTTP endpoint while outputting a progress meter and supports resuming partial downloads.
Package date provides time.Time derivatives that conform to the ( defined date formats: Date and DateTime. Both types may, in most cases, be used in lieu of time.Time types. And both convert to time.Time through a ToTime method.
Package validate is a generic go data validate, filtering library. Source code and other details for the project are available at GitHub:
Package validate provides methods to validate a swagger specification, as well as tools to validate data against their schema. This package follows Swagger 2.0. specification (aka OpenAPI 2.0). Reference can be found here: Validates a spec document (from JSON or YAML) against the JSON schema for swagger, then checks a number of extra rules that can't be expressed in JSON schema. Entry points: Reported as errors: Reported as warnings: The schema validation toolkit validates data against JSON-schema-draft 04 schema. It is tested against the full json-schema-testing-suite (, except for the optional part (bignum, ECMA regexp, ...). It supports the complete JSON-schema vocabulary, including keywords not supported by Swagger (e.g. additionalItems, ...) Entry points: With the current version of this package, the following aspects of swagger are not yet supported:
Package update provides functionality to implement secure, self-updating Go programs (or other single-file targets). For complete updating solutions please see Equinox ( and go-tuf ( This example shows how to update a program remotely from a URL. Go binaries can often be large. It can be advantageous to only ship a binary patch to a client instead of the complete program text of a new version. This example shows how to update a program with a bsdiff binary patch. Other patch formats may be applied by implementing the Patcher interface. Updating executable code on a computer can be a dangerous operation unless you take the appropriate steps to guarantee the authenticity of the new code. While checksum verification is important, it should always be combined with signature verification (next section) to guarantee that the code came from a trusted party. selfupdate validates SHA256 checksums by default, but this is pluggable via the Hash property on the Options struct. This example shows how to guarantee that the newly-updated binary is verified to have an appropriate checksum (that was otherwise retrieved via a secure channel) specified as a hex string. Cryptographic verification of new code from an update is an extremely important way to guarantee the security and integrity of your updates. Verification is performed by validating the signature of a hash of the new file. This means nothing changes if you apply your update with a patch. This example shows how to add signature verification to your updates. To make all of this work an application distributor must first create a public/private key pair and embed the public key into their application. When they issue a new release, the issuer must sign the new executable file with the private key and distribute the signature along with the selfupdate. In order to update a Go application with selfupdate, you must distribute it as a single executable. This is often easy, but some applications require static assets (like HTML and CSS asset files or TLS certificates). In order to update applications like these, you'll want to make sure to embed those asset files into the distributed binary with a tool like go-bindata (my favorite): Mechanisms and protocols for determining whether an update should be applied and, if so, which one are out of scope for this package. Please consult go-tuf ( or Equinox ( for more complete solutions. selfupdate only works for self-updating applications that are distributed as a single binary, i.e. applications that do not have additional assets or dependency files. Updating application that are distributed as multiple on-disk files is out of scope, although this may change in future versions of this library.
Package main is the entry point of the go-mod-outdated tool
Package validate provides context-free consensus validation.
Package date provides functionality for working with dates. It implements a light-weight Date type that is storage-efficient and convenient for calendrical calculations and date parsing and formatting (including years outside the [0,9999] interval). Subpackages provide: * `clock.Clock` which expresses a wall-clock style hours-minutes-seconds with millisecond precision. * `period.Period` which expresses a period corresponding to the ISO-8601 form (e.g. "PT30S"). * `timespan.DateRange` which expresses a period between two dates. * `timespan.TimeSpan` which expresses a duration of time between two instants. * `view.VDate` which wraps `Date` for use in templates etc. This package follows very closely the design of package time ( in the standard library, many of the Date methods are implemented using the corresponding methods of the time.Time type, and much of the documentation is copied directly from that package.
Package naturaldate provides natural date time parsing.
This contains a copy of utf.ValidString() which also considers NULL bytes invalid. Package zvalidate provides simple validation for Go. See the README.markdown for an introduction.
Package validator implements value validations for structs and individual fields based on tags. It can also handle Cross Field validation and even Cross Field Cross Struct validation for nested structs. Built In Validator A simple example usage: The error can be used like so Both StructValidationErrors and FieldValidationError implement the Error interface but it's intended use is for development + debugging, not a production error message. Why not a better error message? because this library intends for you to handle your own error messages Why should I handle my own errors? Many reasons, for us building an internationalized application I needed to know the field and what validation failed so that I could provide an error in the users specific language. The hierarchical error structure is hard to work with sometimes.. Agreed Flatten function to the rescue! Flatten will return a map of FieldValidationError's but the field name will be namespaced. Custom functions can be added Cross Field Validation can be implemented, for example Start & End Date range validation Multiple validators on a field will process in the order defined Bad Validator definitions are not handled by the library NOTE: Baked In Cross field validation only compares fields on the same struct, if cross field + cross struct validation is needed your own custom validator should be implemented. Here is a list of the current built in validators: Validator notes: This package panics when bad input is provided, this is by design, bad code like that should not make it to production.
fmtdate provides a date formatter and parser using the syntax of Microsoft Excel (TM). Additionally it offers default conversions for date time and datetime. Why? Microsoft Excel (TM) has a well known syntax for date formatting, that more memorable than the syntax chosen in the time package in the go library. Usage
Package datemath provides an expression language for relative dates based on Elasticsearch's date math. This package is useful for letting end-users describe dates in a simple format similar to Grafana and Kibana and for persisting them as relative dates. The expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be "now", or an ISO8601 date string ending with ||. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more date math expressions, for example: The supported time units are: This package aims to be a superset of Elasticsearch's expressions. That is, any datemath expression that is valid for Elasticsearch should evaluate in the same way here. In addition to the expressions supported by Elasticsearch, this package also supports business days, annual quarters, and fiscal years/quarters.
Package datemath provides an expression language for relative dates based on Elasticsearch's date math. This package is useful for letting end-users describe dates in a simple format similar to Grafana and Kibana and for persisting them as relative dates. The expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be "now", or an ISO8601 date string ending with ||. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more date math expressions, for example: The supported time units are: This package aims to be a superset of Elasticsearch's expressions. That is, any datemath expression that is valid for Elasticsearch should evaluate in the same way here. Currently the package does not support expressions outside of those also considered valid by Elasticsearch, but this may change in the future to include additional functionality.
Package raft sends and receives messages in the Protocol Buffer format defined in the raftpb package. Raft is a protocol with which a cluster of nodes can maintain a replicated state machine. The state machine is kept in sync through the use of a replicated log. For more details on Raft, see "In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm" ( by Diego Ongaro and John Ousterhout. A simple example application, _raftexample_, is also available to help illustrate how to use this package in practice: The primary object in raft is a Node. You either start a Node from scratch using raft.StartNode or start a Node from some initial state using raft.RestartNode. To start a node from scratch: To restart a node from previous state: Now that you are holding onto a Node you have a few responsibilities: First, you must read from the Node.Ready() channel and process the updates it contains. These steps may be performed in parallel, except as noted in step 2. 1. Write HardState, Entries, and Snapshot to persistent storage if they are not empty. Note that when writing an Entry with Index i, any previously-persisted entries with Index >= i must be discarded. 2. Send all Messages to the nodes named in the To field. It is important that no messages be sent until the latest HardState has been persisted to disk, and all Entries written by any previous Ready batch (Messages may be sent while entries from the same batch are being persisted). To reduce the I/O latency, an optimization can be applied to make leader write to disk in parallel with its followers (as explained at section 10.2.1 in Raft thesis). If any Message has type MsgSnap, call Node.ReportSnapshot() after it has been sent (these messages may be large). Note: Marshalling messages is not thread-safe; it is important that you make sure that no new entries are persisted while marshalling. The easiest way to achieve this is to serialize the messages directly inside your main raft loop. 3. Apply Snapshot (if any) and CommittedEntries to the state machine. If any committed Entry has Type EntryConfChange, call Node.ApplyConfChange() to apply it to the node. The configuration change may be cancelled at this point by setting the NodeID field to zero before calling ApplyConfChange (but ApplyConfChange must be called one way or the other, and the decision to cancel must be based solely on the state machine and not external information such as the observed health of the node). 4. Call Node.Advance() to signal readiness for the next batch of updates. This may be done at any time after step 1, although all updates must be processed in the order they were returned by Ready. Second, all persisted log entries must be made available via an implementation of the Storage interface. The provided MemoryStorage type can be used for this (if you repopulate its state upon a restart), or you can supply your own disk-backed implementation. Third, when you receive a message from another node, pass it to Node.Step: Finally, you need to call Node.Tick() at regular intervals (probably via a time.Ticker). Raft has two important timeouts: heartbeat and the election timeout. However, internally to the raft package time is represented by an abstract "tick". The total state machine handling loop will look something like this: To propose changes to the state machine from your node take your application data, serialize it into a byte slice and call: If the proposal is committed, data will appear in committed entries with type raftpb.EntryNormal. There is no guarantee that a proposed command will be committed; you may have to re-propose after a timeout. To add or remove a node in a cluster, build ConfChange struct 'cc' and call: After config change is committed, some committed entry with type raftpb.EntryConfChange will be returned. You must apply it to node through: Note: An ID represents a unique node in a cluster for all time. A given ID MUST be used only once even if the old node has been removed. This means that for example IP addresses make poor node IDs since they may be reused. Node IDs must be non-zero. This implementation is up to date with the final Raft thesis (, although our implementation of the membership change protocol differs somewhat from that described in chapter 4. The key invariant that membership changes happen one node at a time is preserved, but in our implementation the membership change takes effect when its entry is applied, not when it is added to the log (so the entry is committed under the old membership instead of the new). This is equivalent in terms of safety, since the old and new configurations are guaranteed to overlap. To ensure that we do not attempt to commit two membership changes at once by matching log positions (which would be unsafe since they should have different quorum requirements), we simply disallow any proposed membership change while any uncommitted change appears in the leader's log. This approach introduces a problem when you try to remove a member from a two-member cluster: If one of the members dies before the other one receives the commit of the confchange entry, then the member cannot be removed any more since the cluster cannot make progress. For this reason it is highly recommended to use three or more nodes in every cluster. Package raft sends and receives message in Protocol Buffer format (defined in raftpb package). Each state (follower, candidate, leader) implements its own 'step' method ('stepFollower', 'stepCandidate', 'stepLeader') when advancing with the given raftpb.Message. Each step is determined by its raftpb.MessageType. Note that every step is checked by one common method 'Step' that safety-checks the terms of node and incoming message to prevent stale log entries:
Package validator implements value validations for structs and individual fields based on tags. It can also handle Cross-Field and Cross-Struct validation for nested structs and has the ability to dive into arrays and maps of any type. see more examples Validator is designed to be thread-safe and used as a singleton instance. It caches information about your struct and validations, in essence only parsing your validation tags once per struct type. Using multiple instances neglects the benefit of caching. The not thread-safe functions are explicitly marked as such in the documentation. Doing things this way is actually the way the standard library does, see the file.Open method here: The authors return type "error" to avoid the issue discussed in the following, where err is always != nil: Validator only InvalidValidationError for bad validation input, nil or ValidationErrors as type error; so, in your code all you need to do is check if the error returned is not nil, and if it's not check if error is InvalidValidationError ( if necessary, most of the time it isn't ) type cast it to type ValidationErrors like so err.(validator.ValidationErrors). Custom Validation functions can be added. Example: Cross-Field Validation can be done via the following tags: If, however, some custom cross-field validation is required, it can be done using a custom validation. Why not just have cross-fields validation tags (i.e. only eqcsfield and not eqfield)? The reason is efficiency. If you want to check a field within the same struct "eqfield" only has to find the field on the same struct (1 level). But, if we used "eqcsfield" it could be multiple levels down. Example: Multiple validators on a field will process in the order defined. Example: Bad Validator definitions are not handled by the library. Example: Baked In Cross-Field validation only compares fields on the same struct. If Cross-Field + Cross-Struct validation is needed you should implement your own custom validator. Comma (",") is the default separator of validation tags. If you wish to have a comma included within the parameter (i.e. excludesall=,) you will need to use the UTF-8 hex representation 0x2C, which is replaced in the code as a comma, so the above will become excludesall=0x2C. Pipe ("|") is the 'or' validation tags deparator. If you wish to have a pipe included within the parameter i.e. excludesall=| you will need to use the UTF-8 hex representation 0x7C, which is replaced in the code as a pipe, so the above will become excludesall=0x7C Here is a list of the current built in validators: Tells the validation to skip this struct field; this is particularly handy in ignoring embedded structs from being validated. (Usage: -) This is the 'or' operator allowing multiple validators to be used and accepted. (Usage: rgb|rgba) <-- this would allow either rgb or rgba colors to be accepted. This can also be combined with 'and' for example ( Usage: omitempty,rgb|rgba) When a field that is a nested struct is encountered, and contains this flag any validation on the nested struct will be run, but none of the nested struct fields will be validated. This is useful if inside of your program you know the struct will be valid, but need to verify it has been assigned. NOTE: only "required" and "omitempty" can be used on a struct itself. Same as structonly tag except that any struct level validations will not run. Allows conditional validation, for example if a field is not set with a value (Determined by the "required" validator) then other validation such as min or max won't run, but if a value is set validation will run. Allows to skip the validation if the value is nil (same as omitempty, but only for the nil-values). This tells the validator to dive into a slice, array or map and validate that level of the slice, array or map with the validation tags that follow. Multidimensional nesting is also supported, each level you wish to dive will require another dive tag. dive has some sub-tags, 'keys' & 'endkeys', please see the Keys & EndKeys section just below. Example #1 Example #2 Keys & EndKeys These are to be used together directly after the dive tag and tells the validator that anything between 'keys' and 'endkeys' applies to the keys of a map and not the values; think of it like the 'dive' tag, but for map keys instead of values. Multidimensional nesting is also supported, each level you wish to validate will require another 'keys' and 'endkeys' tag. These tags are only valid for maps. Example #1 Example #2 This validates that the value is not the data types default zero value. For numbers ensures value is not zero. For strings ensures value is not "". For booleans ensures value is not false. For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value when using WithRequiredStructEnabled. The field under validation must be present and not empty only if all the other specified fields are equal to the value following the specified field. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value. Examples: The field under validation must be present and not empty unless all the other specified fields are equal to the value following the specified field. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value. Examples: The field under validation must be present and not empty only if any of the other specified fields are present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value. Examples: The field under validation must be present and not empty only if all of the other specified fields are present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value. Example: The field under validation must be present and not empty only when any of the other specified fields are not present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value. Examples: The field under validation must be present and not empty only when all of the other specified fields are not present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value. Example: The field under validation must not be present or not empty only if all the other specified fields are equal to the value following the specified field. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value. Examples: The field under validation must not be present or empty unless all the other specified fields are equal to the value following the specified field. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value. Examples: This validates that the value is the default value and is almost the opposite of required. For numbers, length will ensure that the value is equal to the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is exactly that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, len will ensure that the value is equal to the duration given in the parameter. For numbers, max will ensure that the value is less than or equal to the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is at most that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, max will ensure that the value is less than or equal to the duration given in the parameter. For numbers, min will ensure that the value is greater or equal to the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is at least that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, min will ensure that the value is greater than or equal to the duration given in the parameter. For strings & numbers, eq will ensure that the value is equal to the parameter given. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, eq will ensure that the value is equal to the duration given in the parameter. For strings & numbers, ne will ensure that the value is not equal to the parameter given. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, ne will ensure that the value is not equal to the duration given in the parameter. For strings, ints, and uints, oneof will ensure that the value is one of the values in the parameter. The parameter should be a list of values separated by whitespace. Values may be strings or numbers. To match strings with spaces in them, include the target string between single quotes. Kind of like an 'enum'. Works the same as oneof but is case insensitive and therefore only accepts strings. For numbers, this will ensure that the value is greater than the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is greater than that number of characters. For slices, arrays and maps it validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is greater than time.Now.UTC(). Example #3 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, gt will ensure that the value is greater than the duration given in the parameter. Same as 'min' above. Kept both to make terminology with 'len' easier. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is greater than or equal to time.Now.UTC(). Example #3 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, gte will ensure that the value is greater than or equal to the duration given in the parameter. For numbers, this will ensure that the value is less than the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is less than that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps it validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is less than time.Now.UTC(). Example #3 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, lt will ensure that the value is less than the duration given in the parameter. Same as 'max' above. Kept both to make terminology with 'len' easier. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is less than or equal to time.Now.UTC(). Example #3 (time.Duration) For time.Duration, lte will ensure that the value is less than or equal to the duration given in the parameter. This will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. Example #1: Example #2: Field Equals Another Field (relative) This does the same as eqfield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. This will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. Examples: Field Does Not Equal Another Field (relative) This does the same as nefield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers, time.Duration and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as gtfield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers, time.Duration and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as gtefield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers, time.Duration and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as ltfield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers, time.Duration and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as ltefield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. This does the same as contains except for struct fields. It should only be used with string types. See the behavior of reflect.Value.String() for behavior on other types. This does the same as excludes except for struct fields. It should only be used with string types. See the behavior of reflect.Value.String() for behavior on other types. For arrays & slices, unique will ensure that there are no duplicates. For maps, unique will ensure that there are no duplicate values. For slices of struct, unique will ensure that there are no duplicate values in a field of the struct specified via a parameter. This validates that a string value contains ASCII alpha characters only This validates that a string value contains ASCII alphanumeric characters only This validates that a string value contains unicode alpha characters only This validates that a string value contains unicode alphanumeric characters only This validates that a string value can successfully be parsed into a boolean with strconv.ParseBool This validates that a string value contains number values only. For integers or float it returns true. This validates that a string value contains a basic numeric value. basic excludes exponents etc... for integers or float it returns true. This validates that a string value contains a valid hexadecimal. This validates that a string value contains a valid hex color including hashtag (#) This validates that a string value contains only lowercase characters. An empty string is not a valid lowercase string. This validates that a string value contains only uppercase characters. An empty string is not a valid uppercase string. This validates that a string value contains a valid rgb color This validates that a string value contains a valid rgba color This validates that a string value contains a valid hsl color This validates that a string value contains a valid hsla color This validates that a string value contains a valid E.164 Phone number (ex. +1123456789) This validates that a string value contains a valid email This may not conform to all possibilities of any rfc standard, but neither does any email provider accept all possibilities. This validates that a string value is valid JSON This validates that a string value is a valid JWT This validates that a string value contains a valid file path and that the file exists on the machine. This is done using os.Stat, which is a platform independent function. This validates that a string value contains a valid file path and that the file exists on the machine and is an image. This is done using os.Stat and This validates that a string value contains a valid file path but does not validate the existence of that file. This is done using os.Stat, which is a platform independent function. This validates that a string value contains a valid url This will accept any url the golang request uri accepts but must contain a schema for example http:// or rtmp:// This validates that a string value contains a valid uri This will accept any uri the golang request uri accepts This validates that a string value contains a valid URN according to the RFC 2141 spec. This validates that a string value contains a valid bas324 value. Although an empty string is valid base32 this will report an empty string as an error, if you wish to accept an empty string as valid you can use this with the omitempty tag. This validates that a string value contains a valid base64 value. Although an empty string is valid base64 this will report an empty string as an error, if you wish to accept an empty string as valid you can use this with the omitempty tag. This validates that a string value contains a valid base64 URL safe value according the RFC4648 spec. Although an empty string is a valid base64 URL safe value, this will report an empty string as an error, if you wish to accept an empty string as valid you can use this with the omitempty tag. This validates that a string value contains a valid base64 URL safe value, but without = padding, according the RFC4648 spec, section 3.2. Although an empty string is a valid base64 URL safe value, this will report an empty string as an error, if you wish to accept an empty string as valid you can use this with the omitempty tag. This validates that a string value contains a valid bitcoin address. The format of the string is checked to ensure it matches one of the three formats P2PKH, P2SH and performs checksum validation. Bitcoin Bech32 Address (segwit) This validates that a string value contains a valid bitcoin Bech32 address as defined by bip-0173 ( Special thanks to Pieter Wuille for providing reference implementations. This validates that a string value contains a valid ethereum address. The format of the string is checked to ensure it matches the standard Ethereum address format. This validates that a string value contains the substring value. This validates that a string value contains any Unicode code points in the substring value. This validates that a string value contains the supplied rune value. This validates that a string value does not contain the substring value. This validates that a string value does not contain any Unicode code points in the substring value. This validates that a string value does not contain the supplied rune value. This validates that a string value starts with the supplied string value This validates that a string value ends with the supplied string value This validates that a string value does not start with the supplied string value This validates that a string value does not end with the supplied string value This validates that a string value contains a valid isbn10 or isbn13 value. This validates that a string value contains a valid isbn10 value. This validates that a string value contains a valid isbn13 value. This validates that a string value contains a valid UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains a valid version 3 UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid3_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains a valid version 4 UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid4_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains a valid version 5 UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid5_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains a valid ULID value. This validates that a string value contains only ASCII characters. NOTE: if the string is blank, this validates as true. This validates that a string value contains only printable ASCII characters. NOTE: if the string is blank, this validates as true. This validates that a string value contains one or more multibyte characters. NOTE: if the string is blank, this validates as true. This validates that a string value contains a valid DataURI. NOTE: this will also validate that the data portion is valid base64 This validates that a string value contains a valid latitude. This validates that a string value contains a valid longitude. This validates that a string value contains a valid U.S. Social Security Number. This validates that a string value contains a valid IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v4 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v6 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid CIDR Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v4 CIDR Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v6 CIDR Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable TCP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v4 TCP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v6 TCP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable UDP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v4 UDP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v6 UDP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v4 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v6 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid Unix Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid MAC Address. Note: See Go's ParseMAC for accepted formats and types: This validates that a string value is a valid Hostname according to RFC 952 This validates that a string value is a valid Hostname according to RFC 1123 Full Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) This validates that a string value contains a valid FQDN. This validates that a string value appears to be an HTML element tag including those described at This validates that a string value is a proper character reference in decimal or hexadecimal format This validates that a string value is percent-encoded (URL encoded) according to This validates that a string value contains a valid directory and that it exists on the machine. This is done using os.Stat, which is a platform independent function. This validates that a string value contains a valid directory but does not validate the existence of that directory. This is done using os.Stat, which is a platform independent function. It is safest to suffix the string with os.PathSeparator if the directory may not exist at the time of validation. This validates that a string value contains a valid DNS hostname and port that can be used to validate fields typically passed to sockets and connections. This validates that a string value is a valid datetime based on the supplied datetime format. Supplied format must match the official Go time format layout as documented in This validates that a string value is a valid country code based on iso3166-1 alpha-2 standard. see: This validates that a string value is a valid country code based on iso3166-1 alpha-3 standard. see: This validates that a string value is a valid country code based on iso3166-1 alpha-numeric standard. see: This validates that a string value is a valid BCP 47 language tag, as parsed by language.Parse. More information on BIC (SWIFT code) This validates that a string value is a valid Business Identifier Code (SWIFT code), defined in ISO 9362. More information on This validates that a string value is a valid dns RFC 1035 label, defined in RFC 1035. More information on This validates that a string value is a valid time zone based on the time zone database present on the system. Although empty value and Local value are allowed by time.LoadLocation golang function, they are not allowed by this validator. More information on This validates that a string value is a valid semver version, defined in Semantic Versioning 2.0.0. More information on This validates that a string value is a valid cve id, defined in cve mitre. More information on This validates that a string value contains a valid credit card number using Luhn algorithm. This validates that a string or (u)int value contains a valid checksum using the Luhn algorithm. This validates that a string is a valid 24 character hexadecimal string or valid connection string. Example: This validates that a string value contains a valid cron expression. This validates that a string is valid for use with SpiceDb for the indicated purpose. If no purpose is given, a purpose of 'id' is assumed. Alias Validators and Tags NOTE: When returning an error, the tag returned in "FieldError" will be the alias tag unless the dive tag is part of the alias. Everything after the dive tag is not reported as the alias tag. Also, the "ActualTag" in the before case will be the actual tag within the alias that failed. Here is a list of the current built in alias tags: Validator notes: A collection of validation rules that are frequently needed but are more complex than the ones found in the baked in validators. A non standard validator must be registered manually like you would with your own custom validation functions. Example of registration and use: Here is a list of the current non standard validators: This package panics when bad input is provided, this is by design, bad code like that should not make it to production.
Gopls (pronounced “go please”) is an LSP server for Go. The Language Server Protocol allows any text editor to be extended with IDE-like features; see for details. See for the most up-to-date documentation.
Package validator implements value validations for structs and individual fields based on tags. It can also handle Cross-Field and Cross-Struct validation for nested structs and has the ability to dive into arrays and maps of any type. see more examples Doing things this way is actually the way the standard library does, see the file.Open method here: The authors return type "error" to avoid the issue discussed in the following, where err is always != nil: Validator only InvalidValidationError for bad validation input, nil or ValidationErrors as type error; so, in your code all you need to do is check if the error returned is not nil, and if it's not check if error is InvalidValidationError ( if necessary, most of the time it isn't ) type cast it to type ValidationErrors like so err.(validator.ValidationErrors). Custom Validation functions can be added. Example: Cross-Field Validation can be done via the following tags: If, however, some custom cross-field validation is required, it can be done using a custom validation. Why not just have cross-fields validation tags (i.e. only eqcsfield and not eqfield)? The reason is efficiency. If you want to check a field within the same struct "eqfield" only has to find the field on the same struct (1 level). But, if we used "eqcsfield" it could be multiple levels down. Example: Multiple validators on a field will process in the order defined. Example: Bad Validator definitions are not handled by the library. Example: Baked In Cross-Field validation only compares fields on the same struct. If Cross-Field + Cross-Struct validation is needed you should implement your own custom validator. Comma (",") is the default separator of validation tags. If you wish to have a comma included within the parameter (i.e. excludesall=,) you will need to use the UTF-8 hex representation 0x2C, which is replaced in the code as a comma, so the above will become excludesall=0x2C. Pipe ("|") is the 'or' validation tags deparator. If you wish to have a pipe included within the parameter i.e. excludesall=| you will need to use the UTF-8 hex representation 0x7C, which is replaced in the code as a pipe, so the above will become excludesall=0x7C Here is a list of the current built in validators: Tells the validation to skip this struct field; this is particularly handy in ignoring embedded structs from being validated. (Usage: -) This is the 'or' operator allowing multiple validators to be used and accepted. (Usage: rbg|rgba) <-- this would allow either rgb or rgba colors to be accepted. This can also be combined with 'and' for example ( Usage: omitempty,rgb|rgba) When a field that is a nested struct is encountered, and contains this flag any validation on the nested struct will be run, but none of the nested struct fields will be validated. This is useful if inside of your program you know the struct will be valid, but need to verify it has been assigned. NOTE: only "required" and "omitempty" can be used on a struct itself. Same as structonly tag except that any struct level validations will not run. Allows conditional validation, for example if a field is not set with a value (Determined by the "required" validator) then other validation such as min or max won't run, but if a value is set validation will run. This tells the validator to dive into a slice, array or map and validate that level of the slice, array or map with the validation tags that follow. Multidimensional nesting is also supported, each level you wish to dive will require another dive tag. dive has some sub-tags, 'keys' & 'endkeys', please see the Keys & EndKeys section just below. Example #1 Example #2 Keys & EndKeys These are to be used together directly after the dive tag and tells the validator that anything between 'keys' and 'endkeys' applies to the keys of a map and not the values; think of it like the 'dive' tag, but for map keys instead of values. Multidimensional nesting is also supported, each level you wish to validate will require another 'keys' and 'endkeys' tag. These tags are only valid for maps. Example #1 Example #2 This validates that the value is not the data types default zero value. For numbers ensures value is not zero. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. The field under validation must be present and not empty only if any of the other specified fields are present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. Examples: The field under validation must be present and not empty only if all of the other specified fields are present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. Example: The field under validation must be present and not empty only when any of the other specified fields are not present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. Examples: The field under validation must be present and not empty only when all of the other specified fields are not present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. Example: This validates that the value is the default value and is almost the opposite of required. For numbers, length will ensure that the value is equal to the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is exactly that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. For numbers, max will ensure that the value is less than or equal to the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is at most that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. For numbers, min will ensure that the value is greater or equal to the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is at least that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. For strings & numbers, eq will ensure that the value is equal to the parameter given. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. For strings & numbers, ne will ensure that the value is not equal to the parameter given. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. For strings, ints, and uints, oneof will ensure that the value is one of the values in the parameter. The parameter should be a list of values separated by whitespace. Values may be strings or numbers. For numbers, this will ensure that the value is greater than the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is greater than that number of characters. For slices, arrays and maps it validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is greater than time.Now.UTC(). Same as 'min' above. Kept both to make terminology with 'len' easier. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is greater than or equal to time.Now.UTC(). For numbers, this will ensure that the value is less than the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is less than that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps it validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is less than time.Now.UTC(). Same as 'max' above. Kept both to make terminology with 'len' easier. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is less than or equal to time.Now.UTC(). This will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. Example #1: Example #2: Field Equals Another Field (relative) This does the same as eqfield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. This will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. Examples: Field Does Not Equal Another Field (relative) This does the same as nefield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as gtfield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as gtefield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as ltfield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as ltefield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. This does the same as contains except for struct fields. It should only be used with string types. See the behavior of reflect.Value.String() for behavior on other types. This does the same as excludes except for struct fields. It should only be used with string types. See the behavior of reflect.Value.String() for behavior on other types. For arrays & slices, unique will ensure that there are no duplicates. For maps, unique will ensure that there are no duplicate values. For slices of struct, unique will ensure that there are no duplicate values in a field of the struct specified via a parameter. This validates that a string value contains ASCII alpha characters only This validates that a string value contains ASCII alphanumeric characters only This validates that a string value contains unicode alpha characters only This validates that a string value contains unicode alphanumeric characters only This validates that a string value contains a basic numeric value. basic excludes exponents etc... for integers or float it returns true. This validates that a string value contains a valid hexadecimal. This validates that a string value contains a valid hex color including hashtag (#) This validates that a string value contains a valid rgb color This validates that a string value contains a valid rgba color This validates that a string value contains a valid hsl color This validates that a string value contains a valid hsla color This validates that a string value contains a valid email This may not conform to all possibilities of any rfc standard, but neither does any email provider accept all possibilities. This validates that a string value contains a valid file path and that the file exists on the machine. This is done using os.Stat, which is a platform independent function. This validates that a string value contains a valid url This will accept any url the golang request uri accepts but must contain a schema for example http:// or rtmp:// This validates that a string value contains a valid uri This will accept any uri the golang request uri accepts This validataes that a string value contains a valid URN according to the RFC 2141 spec. This validates that a string value contains a valid base64 value. Although an empty string is valid base64 this will report an empty string as an error, if you wish to accept an empty string as valid you can use this with the omitempty tag. This validates that a string value contains a valid base64 URL safe value according the the RFC4648 spec. Although an empty string is a valid base64 URL safe value, this will report an empty string as an error, if you wish to accept an empty string as valid you can use this with the omitempty tag. This validates that a string value contains a valid bitcoin address. The format of the string is checked to ensure it matches one of the three formats P2PKH, P2SH and performs checksum validation. Bitcoin Bech32 Address (segwit) This validates that a string value contains a valid bitcoin Bech32 address as defined by bip-0173 ( Special thanks to Pieter Wuille for providng reference implementations. This validates that a string value contains a valid ethereum address. The format of the string is checked to ensure it matches the standard Ethereum address format Full validation is blocked by This validates that a string value contains the substring value. This validates that a string value contains any Unicode code points in the substring value. This validates that a string value contains the supplied rune value. This validates that a string value does not contain the substring value. This validates that a string value does not contain any Unicode code points in the substring value. This validates that a string value does not contain the supplied rune value. This validates that a string value starts with the supplied string value This validates that a string value ends with the supplied string value This validates that a string value contains a valid isbn10 or isbn13 value. This validates that a string value contains a valid isbn10 value. This validates that a string value contains a valid isbn13 value. This validates that a string value contains a valid UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains a valid version 3 UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid3_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains a valid version 4 UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid4_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains a valid version 5 UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid5_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains only ASCII characters. NOTE: if the string is blank, this validates as true. This validates that a string value contains only printable ASCII characters. NOTE: if the string is blank, this validates as true. This validates that a string value contains one or more multibyte characters. NOTE: if the string is blank, this validates as true. This validates that a string value contains a valid DataURI. NOTE: this will also validate that the data portion is valid base64 This validates that a string value contains a valid latitude. This validates that a string value contains a valid longitude. This validates that a string value contains a valid U.S. Social Security Number. This validates that a string value contains a valid IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v4 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v6 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid CIDR Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v4 CIDR Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v6 CIDR Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable TCP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v4 TCP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v6 TCP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable UDP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v4 UDP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v6 UDP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v4 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v6 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid Unix Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid MAC Address. Note: See Go's ParseMAC for accepted formats and types: This validates that a string value is a valid Hostname according to RFC 952 This validates that a string value is a valid Hostname according to RFC 1123 Full Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) This validates that a string value contains a valid FQDN. This validates that a string value appears to be an HTML element tag including those described at This validates that a string value is a proper character reference in decimal or hexadecimal format This validates that a string value is percent-encoded (URL encoded) according to This validates that a string value contains a valid directory and that it exists on the machine. This is done using os.Stat, which is a platform independent function. NOTE: When returning an error, the tag returned in "FieldError" will be the alias tag unless the dive tag is part of the alias. Everything after the dive tag is not reported as the alias tag. Also, the "ActualTag" in the before case will be the actual tag within the alias that failed. Here is a list of the current built in alias tags: Validator notes: A collection of validation rules that are frequently needed but are more complex than the ones found in the baked in validators. A non standard validator must be registered manually like you would with your own custom validation functions. Example of registration and use: Here is a list of the current non standard validators: This package panics when bad input is provided, this is by design, bad code like that should not make it to production.
Package pgx is a PostgreSQL database driver. pgx provides lower level access to PostgreSQL than the standard database/sql. It remains as similar to the database/sql interface as possible while providing better speed and access to PostgreSQL specific features. Import to use pgx as a database/sql compatible driver. The primary way of establishing a connection is with `pgx.Connect`. The database connection string can be in URL or DSN format. Both PostgreSQL settings and pgx settings can be specified here. In addition, a config struct can be created by `ParseConfig` and modified before establishing the connection with `ConnectConfig`. `*pgx.Conn` represents a single connection to the database and is not concurrency safe. Use sub-package pgxpool for a concurrency safe connection pool. pgx implements Query and Scan in the familiar database/sql style. pgx also implements QueryRow in the same style as database/sql. Use Exec to execute a query that does not return a result set. QueryFunc can be used to execute a callback function for every row. This is often easier to use than Query. pgx maps between all common base types directly between Go and PostgreSQL. In particular: pgx can map nulls in two ways. The first is package pgtype provides types that have a data field and a status field. They work in a similar fashion to database/sql. The second is to use a pointer to a pointer. pgx maps between int16, int32, int64, float32, float64, and string Go slices and the equivalent PostgreSQL array type. Go slices of native types do not support nulls, so if a PostgreSQL array that contains a null is read into a native Go slice an error will occur. The pgtype package includes many more array types for PostgreSQL types that do not directly map to native Go types. pgx includes built-in support to marshal and unmarshal between Go types and the PostgreSQL JSON and JSONB. pgx encodes from net.IPNet to and from inet and cidr PostgreSQL types. In addition, as a convenience pgx will encode from a net.IP; it will assume a /32 netmask for IPv4 and a /128 for IPv6. pgx includes support for the common data types like integers, floats, strings, dates, and times that have direct mappings between Go and SQL. In addition, pgx uses the library to support more types. See documention for that library for instructions on how to implement custom types. See example_custom_type_test.go for an example of a custom type for the PostgreSQL point type. pgx also includes support for custom types implementing the database/sql.Scanner and database/sql/driver.Valuer interfaces. If pgx does cannot natively encode a type and that type is a renamed type (e.g. type MyTime time.Time) pgx will attempt to encode the underlying type. While this is usually desired behavior it can produce surprising behavior if one the underlying type and the renamed type each implement database/sql interfaces and the other implements pgx interfaces. It is recommended that this situation be avoided by implementing pgx interfaces on the renamed type. Row values and composite types are represented as pgtype.Record ( It is possible to get values of your custom type by implementing DecodeBinary interface. Decoding into pgtype.Record first can simplify process by avoiding dealing with raw protocol directly. For example: []byte passed as arguments to Query, QueryRow, and Exec are passed unmodified to PostgreSQL. Transactions are started by calling Begin. The Tx returned from Begin also implements the Begin method. This can be used to implement pseudo nested transactions. These are internally implemented with savepoints. Use BeginTx to control the transaction mode. BeginFunc and BeginTxFunc are variants that begin a transaction, execute a function, and commit or rollback the transaction depending on the return value of the function. These can be simpler and less error prone to use. Prepared statements can be manually created with the Prepare method. However, this is rarely necessary because pgx includes an automatic statement cache by default. Queries run through the normal Query, QueryRow, and Exec functions are automatically prepared on first execution and the prepared statement is reused on subsequent executions. See ParseConfig for information on how to customize or disable the statement cache. Use CopyFrom to efficiently insert multiple rows at a time using the PostgreSQL copy protocol. CopyFrom accepts a CopyFromSource interface. If the data is already in a [][]interface{} use CopyFromRows to wrap it in a CopyFromSource interface. Or implement CopyFromSource to avoid buffering the entire data set in memory. When you already have a typed array using CopyFromSlice can be more convenient. CopyFrom can be faster than an insert with as few as 5 rows. pgx can listen to the PostgreSQL notification system with the `Conn.WaitForNotification` method. It blocks until a notification is received or the context is canceled. pgx defines a simple logger interface. Connections optionally accept a logger that satisfies this interface. Set LogLevel to control logging verbosity. Adapters for,,,, and the testing log are provided in the log directory. pgx is implemented on top of a lower level PostgreSQL driver. The Conn.PgConn() method can be used to access this lower layer. pgx is compatible with PgBouncer in two modes. One is when the connection has a statement cache in "describe" mode. The other is when the connection is using the simple protocol. This can be set with the PreferSimpleProtocol config option.
Package validator implements value validations for structs and individual fields based on tags. It can also handle Cross-Field and Cross-Struct validation for nested structs and has the ability to dive into arrays and maps of any type. Why not a better error message? Because this library intends for you to handle your own error messages. Why should I handle my own errors? Many reasons. We built an internationalized application and needed to know the field, and what validation failed so we could provide a localized error. Doing things this way is actually the way the standard library does, see the file.Open method here: The authors return type "error" to avoid the issue discussed in the following, where err is always != nil: Validator only returns nil or ValidationErrors as type error; so, in your code all you need to do is check if the error returned is not nil, and if it's not type cast it to type ValidationErrors like so err.(validator.ValidationErrors). Custom functions can be added. Example: Cross-Field Validation can be done via the following tags: If, however, some custom cross-field validation is required, it can be done using a custom validation. Why not just have cross-fields validation tags (i.e. only eqcsfield and not eqfield)? The reason is efficiency. If you want to check a field within the same struct "eqfield" only has to find the field on the same struct (1 level). But, if we used "eqcsfield" it could be multiple levels down. Example: Multiple validators on a field will process in the order defined. Example: Bad Validator definitions are not handled by the library. Example: Baked In Cross-Field validation only compares fields on the same struct. If Cross-Field + Cross-Struct validation is needed you should implement your own custom validator. Comma (",") is the default separator of validation tags. If you wish to have a comma included within the parameter (i.e. excludesall=,) you will need to use the UTF-8 hex representation 0x2C, which is replaced in the code as a comma, so the above will become excludesall=0x2C. Pipe ("|") is the default separator of validation tags. If you wish to have a pipe included within the parameter i.e. excludesall=| you will need to use the UTF-8 hex representation 0x7C, which is replaced in the code as a pipe, so the above will become excludesall=0x7C Here is a list of the current built in validators: Tells the validation to skip this struct field; this is particularly handy in ignoring embedded structs from being validated. (Usage: -) This is the 'or' operator allowing multiple validators to be used and accepted. (Usage: rbg|rgba) <-- this would allow either rgb or rgba colors to be accepted. This can also be combined with 'and' for example ( Usage: omitempty,rgb|rgba) When a field that is a nested struct is encountered, and contains this flag any validation on the nested struct will be run, but none of the nested struct fields will be validated. This is usefull if inside of you program you know the struct will be valid, but need to verify it has been assigned. NOTE: only "required" and "omitempty" can be used on a struct itself. Same as structonly tag except that any struct level validations will not run. Is a special tag without a validation function attached. It is used when a field is a Pointer, Interface or Invalid and you wish to validate that it exists. Example: want to ensure a bool exists if you define the bool as a pointer and use exists it will ensure there is a value; couldn't use required as it would fail when the bool was false. exists will fail is the value is a Pointer, Interface or Invalid and is nil. Allows conditional validation, for example if a field is not set with a value (Determined by the "required" validator) then other validation such as min or max won't run, but if a value is set validation will run. This tells the validator to dive into a slice, array or map and validate that level of the slice, array or map with the validation tags that follow. Multidimensional nesting is also supported, each level you wish to dive will require another dive tag. Example #1 Example #2 This validates that the value is not the data types default zero value. For numbers ensures value is not zero. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. For numbers, max will ensure that the value is equal to the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is exactly that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. For numbers, max will ensure that the value is less than or equal to the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is at most that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. For numbers, min will ensure that the value is greater or equal to the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is at least that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. For strings & numbers, eq will ensure that the value is equal to the parameter given. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. For strings & numbers, ne will ensure that the value is not equal to the parameter given. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. For numbers, this will ensure that the value is greater than the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is greater than that number of characters. For slices, arrays and maps it validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is greater than time.Now.UTC(). Same as 'min' above. Kept both to make terminology with 'len' easier. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is greater than or equal to time.Now.UTC(). For numbers, this will ensure that the value is less than the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is less than that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps it validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is less than time.Now.UTC(). Same as 'max' above. Kept both to make terminology with 'len' easier. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is less than or equal to time.Now.UTC(). This will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. Example #1: Example #2: Field Equals Another Field (relative) This does the same as eqfield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. This will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. Examples: Field Does Not Equal Another Field (relative) This does the same as nefield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as gtfield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as gtefield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as ltfield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as ltefield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. This validates that a string value contains alpha characters only This validates that a string value contains alphanumeric characters only This validates that a string value contains a basic numeric value. basic excludes exponents etc... This validates that a string value contains a valid hexadecimal. This validates that a string value contains a valid hex color including hashtag (#) This validates that a string value contains a valid rgb color This validates that a string value contains a valid rgba color This validates that a string value contains a valid hsl color This validates that a string value contains a valid hsla color This validates that a string value contains a valid email This may not conform to all possibilities of any rfc standard, but neither does any email provider accept all posibilities. This validates that a string value contains a valid url This will accept any url the golang request uri accepts but must contain a schema for example http:// or rtmp:// This validates that a string value contains a valid uri This will accept any uri the golang request uri accepts This validates that a string value contains a valid base64 value. Although an empty string is valid base64 this will report an empty string as an error, if you wish to accept an empty string as valid you can use this with the omitempty tag. This validates that a string value contains the substring value. This validates that a string value contains any Unicode code points in the substring value. This validates that a string value contains the supplied rune value. This validates that a string value does not contain the substring value. This validates that a string value does not contain any Unicode code points in the substring value. This validates that a string value does not contain the supplied rune value. This validates that a string value contains a valid isbn10 or isbn13 value. This validates that a string value contains a valid isbn10 value. This validates that a string value contains a valid isbn13 value. This validates that a string value contains a valid UUID. This validates that a string value contains a valid version 3 UUID. This validates that a string value contains a valid version 4 UUID. This validates that a string value contains a valid version 5 UUID. This validates that a string value contains only ASCII characters. NOTE: if the string is blank, this validates as true. This validates that a string value contains only printable ASCII characters. NOTE: if the string is blank, this validates as true. This validates that a string value contains one or more multibyte characters. NOTE: if the string is blank, this validates as true. This validates that a string value contains a valid DataURI. NOTE: this will also validate that the data portion is valid base64 This validates that a string value contains a valid latitude. This validates that a string value contains a valid longitude. This validates that a string value contains a valid U.S. Social Security Number. This validates that a string value contains a valid IP Adress. This validates that a string value contains a valid v4 IP Adress. This validates that a string value contains a valid v6 IP Adress. This validates that a string value contains a valid CIDR Adress. This validates that a string value contains a valid v4 CIDR Adress. This validates that a string value contains a valid v6 CIDR Adress. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable TCP Adress. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v4 TCP Adress. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v6 TCP Adress. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable UDP Adress. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v4 UDP Adress. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v6 UDP Adress. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable IP Adress. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v4 IP Adress. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v6 IP Adress. This validates that a string value contains a valid Unix Adress. This validates that a string value contains a valid MAC Adress. Note: See Go's ParseMAC for accepted formats and types: NOTE: When returning an error, the tag returned in "FieldError" will be the alias tag unless the dive tag is part of the alias. Everything after the dive tag is not reported as the alias tag. Also, the "ActualTag" in the before case will be the actual tag within the alias that failed. Here is a list of the current built in alias tags: Validator notes: This package panics when bad input is provided, this is by design, bad code like that should not make it to production.
Package validator implements value validations for structs and individual fields based on tags. It can also handle Cross-Field and Cross-Struct validation for nested structs and has the ability to dive into arrays and maps of any type. see more examples Doing things this way is actually the way the standard library does, see the file.Open method here: The authors return type "error" to avoid the issue discussed in the following, where err is always != nil: Validator only InvalidValidationError for bad validation input, nil or ValidationErrors as type error; so, in your code all you need to do is check if the error returned is not nil, and if it's not check if error is InvalidValidationError ( if necessary, most of the time it isn't ) type cast it to type ValidationErrors like so err.(validator.ValidationErrors). Custom Validation functions can be added. Example: Cross-Field Validation can be done via the following tags: If, however, some custom cross-field validation is required, it can be done using a custom validation. Why not just have cross-fields validation tags (i.e. only eqcsfield and not eqfield)? The reason is efficiency. If you want to check a field within the same struct "eqfield" only has to find the field on the same struct (1 level). But, if we used "eqcsfield" it could be multiple levels down. Example: Multiple validators on a field will process in the order defined. Example: Bad Validator definitions are not handled by the library. Example: Baked In Cross-Field validation only compares fields on the same struct. If Cross-Field + Cross-Struct validation is needed you should implement your own custom validator. Comma (",") is the default separator of validation tags. If you wish to have a comma included within the parameter (i.e. excludesall=,) you will need to use the UTF-8 hex representation 0x2C, which is replaced in the code as a comma, so the above will become excludesall=0x2C. Pipe ("|") is the 'or' validation tags deparator. If you wish to have a pipe included within the parameter i.e. excludesall=| you will need to use the UTF-8 hex representation 0x7C, which is replaced in the code as a pipe, so the above will become excludesall=0x7C Here is a list of the current built in validators: Tells the validation to skip this struct field; this is particularly handy in ignoring embedded structs from being validated. (Usage: -) This is the 'or' operator allowing multiple validators to be used and accepted. (Usage: rbg|rgba) <-- this would allow either rgb or rgba colors to be accepted. This can also be combined with 'and' for example ( Usage: omitempty,rgb|rgba) When a field that is a nested struct is encountered, and contains this flag any validation on the nested struct will be run, but none of the nested struct fields will be validated. This is useful if inside of your program you know the struct will be valid, but need to verify it has been assigned. NOTE: only "required" and "omitempty" can be used on a struct itself. Same as structonly tag except that any struct level validations will not run. Allows conditional validation, for example if a field is not set with a value (Determined by the "required" validator) then other validation such as min or max won't run, but if a value is set validation will run. This tells the validator to dive into a slice, array or map and validate that level of the slice, array or map with the validation tags that follow. Multidimensional nesting is also supported, each level you wish to dive will require another dive tag. dive has some sub-tags, 'keys' & 'endkeys', please see the Keys & EndKeys section just below. Example #1 Example #2 Keys & EndKeys These are to be used together directly after the dive tag and tells the validator that anything between 'keys' and 'endkeys' applies to the keys of a map and not the values; think of it like the 'dive' tag, but for map keys instead of values. Multidimensional nesting is also supported, each level you wish to validate will require another 'keys' and 'endkeys' tag. These tags are only valid for maps. Example #1 Example #2 This validates that the value is not the data types default zero value. For numbers ensures value is not zero. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. The field under validation must be present and not empty only if any of the other specified fields are present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. Examples: The field under validation must be present and not empty only if all of the other specified fields are present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. Example: The field under validation must be present and not empty only when any of the other specified fields are not present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. Examples: The field under validation must be present and not empty only when all of the other specified fields are not present. For strings ensures value is not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions ensures the value is not nil. Example: This validates that the value is the default value and is almost the opposite of required. For numbers, length will ensure that the value is equal to the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is exactly that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. For numbers, max will ensure that the value is less than or equal to the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is at most that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. For numbers, min will ensure that the value is greater or equal to the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is at least that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. For strings & numbers, eq will ensure that the value is equal to the parameter given. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. For strings & numbers, ne will ensure that the value is not equal to the parameter given. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items. For strings, ints, and uints, oneof will ensure that the value is one of the values in the parameter. The parameter should be a list of values separated by whitespace. Values may be strings or numbers. For numbers, this will ensure that the value is greater than the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is greater than that number of characters. For slices, arrays and maps it validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is greater than time.Now.UTC(). Same as 'min' above. Kept both to make terminology with 'len' easier. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is greater than or equal to time.Now.UTC(). For numbers, this will ensure that the value is less than the parameter given. For strings, it checks that the string length is less than that number of characters. For slices, arrays, and maps it validates the number of items. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is less than time.Now.UTC(). Same as 'max' above. Kept both to make terminology with 'len' easier. Example #1 Example #2 (time.Time) For time.Time ensures the time value is less than or equal to time.Now.UTC(). This will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. Example #1: Example #2: Field Equals Another Field (relative) This does the same as eqfield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. This will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. Examples: Field Does Not Equal Another Field (relative) This does the same as nefield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as gtfield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as gtefield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as ltfield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. Only valid for Numbers and time.Time types, this will validate the field value against another fields value either within a struct or passed in field. usage examples are for validation of a Start and End date: Example #1: Example #2: This does the same as ltefield except that it validates the field provided relative to the top level struct. This does the same as contains except for struct fields. It should only be used with string types. See the behavior of reflect.Value.String() for behavior on other types. This does the same as excludes except for struct fields. It should only be used with string types. See the behavior of reflect.Value.String() for behavior on other types. For arrays & slices, unique will ensure that there are no duplicates. For maps, unique will ensure that there are no duplicate values. For slices of struct, unique will ensure that there are no duplicate values in a field of the struct specified via a parameter. This validates that a string value contains ASCII alpha characters only This validates that a string value contains ASCII alphanumeric characters only This validates that a string value contains unicode alpha characters only This validates that a string value contains unicode alphanumeric characters only This validates that a string value contains a basic numeric value. basic excludes exponents etc... for integers or float it returns true. This validates that a string value contains a valid hexadecimal. This validates that a string value contains a valid hex color including hashtag (#) This validates that a string value contains a valid rgb color This validates that a string value contains a valid rgba color This validates that a string value contains a valid hsl color This validates that a string value contains a valid hsla color This validates that a string value contains a valid email This may not conform to all possibilities of any rfc standard, but neither does any email provider accept all possibilities. This validates that a string value contains a valid file path and that the file exists on the machine. This is done using os.Stat, which is a platform independent function. This validates that a string value contains a valid url This will accept any url the golang request uri accepts but must contain a schema for example http:// or rtmp:// This validates that a string value contains a valid uri This will accept any uri the golang request uri accepts This validataes that a string value contains a valid URN according to the RFC 2141 spec. This validates that a string value contains a valid base64 value. Although an empty string is valid base64 this will report an empty string as an error, if you wish to accept an empty string as valid you can use this with the omitempty tag. This validates that a string value contains a valid base64 URL safe value according the the RFC4648 spec. Although an empty string is a valid base64 URL safe value, this will report an empty string as an error, if you wish to accept an empty string as valid you can use this with the omitempty tag. This validates that a string value contains a valid bitcoin address. The format of the string is checked to ensure it matches one of the three formats P2PKH, P2SH and performs checksum validation. Bitcoin Bech32 Address (segwit) This validates that a string value contains a valid bitcoin Bech32 address as defined by bip-0173 ( Special thanks to Pieter Wuille for providng reference implementations. This validates that a string value contains a valid ethereum address. The format of the string is checked to ensure it matches the standard Ethereum address format Full validation is blocked by This validates that a string value contains the substring value. This validates that a string value contains any Unicode code points in the substring value. This validates that a string value contains the supplied rune value. This validates that a string value does not contain the substring value. This validates that a string value does not contain any Unicode code points in the substring value. This validates that a string value does not contain the supplied rune value. This validates that a string value starts with the supplied string value This validates that a string value ends with the supplied string value This validates that a string value contains a valid isbn10 or isbn13 value. This validates that a string value contains a valid isbn10 value. This validates that a string value contains a valid isbn13 value. This validates that a string value contains a valid UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains a valid version 3 UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid3_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains a valid version 4 UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid4_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains a valid version 5 UUID. Uppercase UUID values will not pass - use `uuid5_rfc4122` instead. This validates that a string value contains only ASCII characters. NOTE: if the string is blank, this validates as true. This validates that a string value contains only printable ASCII characters. NOTE: if the string is blank, this validates as true. This validates that a string value contains one or more multibyte characters. NOTE: if the string is blank, this validates as true. This validates that a string value contains a valid DataURI. NOTE: this will also validate that the data portion is valid base64 This validates that a string value contains a valid latitude. This validates that a string value contains a valid longitude. This validates that a string value contains a valid U.S. Social Security Number. This validates that a string value contains a valid IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v4 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v6 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid CIDR Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v4 CIDR Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid v6 CIDR Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable TCP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v4 TCP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v6 TCP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable UDP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v4 UDP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v6 UDP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v4 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid resolvable v6 IP Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid Unix Address. This validates that a string value contains a valid MAC Address. Note: See Go's ParseMAC for accepted formats and types: This validates that a string value is a valid Hostname according to RFC 952 This validates that a string value is a valid Hostname according to RFC 1123 Full Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) This validates that a string value contains a valid FQDN. This validates that a string value appears to be an HTML element tag including those described at This validates that a string value is a proper character reference in decimal or hexadecimal format This validates that a string value is percent-encoded (URL encoded) according to This validates that a string value contains a valid directory and that it exists on the machine. This is done using os.Stat, which is a platform independent function. NOTE: When returning an error, the tag returned in "FieldError" will be the alias tag unless the dive tag is part of the alias. Everything after the dive tag is not reported as the alias tag. Also, the "ActualTag" in the before case will be the actual tag within the alias that failed. Here is a list of the current built in alias tags: Validator notes: A collection of validation rules that are frequently needed but are more complex than the ones found in the baked in validators. A non standard validator must be registered manually like you would with your own custom validation functions. Example of registration and use: Here is a list of the current non standard validators: This package panics when bad input is provided, this is by design, bad code like that should not make it to production.
Package pgx is a PostgreSQL database driver. pgx provides lower level access to PostgreSQL than the standard database/sql. It remains as similar to the database/sql interface as possible while providing better speed and access to PostgreSQL specific features. Import to use pgx as a database/sql compatible driver. pgx implements Query and Scan in the familiar database/sql style. pgx also implements QueryRow in the same style as database/sql. Use Exec to execute a query that does not return a result set. Connection pool usage is explicit and configurable. In pgx, a connection can be created and managed directly, or a connection pool with a configurable maximum connections can be used. The connection pool offers an after connect hook that allows every connection to be automatically setup before being made available in the connection pool. It delegates methods such as QueryRow to an automatically checked out and released connection so you can avoid manually acquiring and releasing connections when you do not need that level of control. pgx maps between all common base types directly between Go and PostgreSQL. In particular: pgx can map nulls in two ways. The first is package pgtype provides types that have a data field and a status field. They work in a similar fashion to database/sql. The second is to use a pointer to a pointer. pgx maps between int16, int32, int64, float32, float64, and string Go slices and the equivalent PostgreSQL array type. Go slices of native types do not support nulls, so if a PostgreSQL array that contains a null is read into a native Go slice an error will occur. The pgtype package includes many more array types for PostgreSQL types that do not directly map to native Go types. pgx includes built-in support to marshal and unmarshal between Go types and the PostgreSQL JSON and JSONB. pgx encodes from net.IPNet to and from inet and cidr PostgreSQL types. In addition, as a convenience pgx will encode from a net.IP; it will assume a /32 netmask for IPv4 and a /128 for IPv6. pgx includes support for the common data types like integers, floats, strings, dates, and times that have direct mappings between Go and SQL. In addition, pgx uses the library to support more types. See documention for that library for instructions on how to implement custom types. See example_custom_type_test.go for an example of a custom type for the PostgreSQL point type. pgx also includes support for custom types implementing the database/sql.Scanner and database/sql/driver.Valuer interfaces. If pgx does cannot natively encode a type and that type is a renamed type (e.g. type MyTime time.Time) pgx will attempt to encode the underlying type. While this is usually desired behavior it can produce suprising behavior if one the underlying type and the renamed type each implement database/sql interfaces and the other implements pgx interfaces. It is recommended that this situation be avoided by implementing pgx interfaces on the renamed type. []byte passed as arguments to Query, QueryRow, and Exec are passed unmodified to PostgreSQL. Transactions are started by calling Begin or BeginEx. The BeginEx variant can create a transaction with a specified isolation level. Use CopyFrom to efficiently insert multiple rows at a time using the PostgreSQL copy protocol. CopyFrom accepts a CopyFromSource interface. If the data is already in a [][]interface{} use CopyFromRows to wrap it in a CopyFromSource interface. Or implement CopyFromSource to avoid buffering the entire data set in memory. CopyFrom can be faster than an insert with as few as 5 rows. pgx can listen to the PostgreSQL notification system with the WaitForNotification function. It takes a maximum time to wait for a notification. The pgx ConnConfig struct has a TLSConfig field. If this field is nil, then TLS will be disabled. If it is present, then it will be used to configure the TLS connection. This allows total configuration of the TLS connection. pgx has never explicitly supported Postgres < 9.6's `ssl_renegotiation` option. As of v3.3.0, it doesn't send `ssl_renegotiation: 0` either to support Redshift ( If you need TLS Renegotiation, consider supplying `ConnConfig.TLSConfig` with a non-zero `Renegotiation` value and if it's not the default on your server, set `ssl_renegotiation` via `ConnConfig.RuntimeParams`. pgx defines a simple logger interface. Connections optionally accept a logger that satisfies this interface. Set LogLevel to control logging verbosity. Adapters for,, and the testing log are provided in the log directory.